
Meanwhile at the hospital, an aggravated Oscar had to contend with not only Rudy’s refusal to subject Steve to a hypnosis session, but Jaime’s as well. Both hoped to force him to concede to their side, but their efforts were in vain. Oscar was doggedly intent on giving Steve the right to make the decision.

“It’s up to you, Pal.”

Steve kept silent as he pondered Oscar’s suggestion, then looked up at Rudy. “Why are you so against this, Rudy? I mean if it helps me remember and all?”

“It’s unlikely your brain is prepared to receive all this information at once. There could be a potential risk of seizure if you were to recall dramatic experiences such as the explosion that nearly killed you.”

“But right now not remembering what happened is what’s driving me nuts. I can’t wait for my memory to return on its own, if ever. I need to do this.”

“Steve, you heard what Rudy said. It’s dangerous,” Jaime insisted, her hands tightly wrapped around Steve’s left hand.

Steve responded with a squeeze of his own hand on hers. “Jaime, understand that I’m willing to do anything to help Oscar catch the bastards that robbed me of six years of my life. Six year,” he stressed with tears welling up his eyes. “I want them to pay for what they did to me.”

“At the cost of your own life?”

“Of course not, but what’s the worse that can happen?” Jaime’s muteness to his question prompted Steve turn his gaze to Rudy who stood by Oscar with a deep frown. “What could it be? I could wind up with total amnesia?”

“Or permanent brain damage,” Rudy informed bluntly.

“Then no. He’s not going to do it,” Jaime jumped in without first consulting with the party concerned. She glanced at Steve with a scorching look warning him to support her decision. She held her glare on him until she sensed the message had sunk in, but instead of agreeing with her, Steve sided with Oscar.

“I need to do this, Jaime. I have to take the risk for Cassie’s sake. If indeed it’s the same man, Lord knows what he can do to her if he realizes that she and I used to be partners. I can’t explain it but I feel a strong connection to her.”

Jaime, Oscar and Rudy all exchanged knowing looks.

“It’s no wonder, she’s your best friend, Steve. You consider her like a sister,” Jaime maintained, much to Oscar’s puzzlement who turned to Rudy for enlightenment.

Rudy shook his head and frowned. “Not now.”

“Rudy, set up the session,” Steve said resolutely.

“You sure?”

“Yes I’m sure. I want to get this over with so we can hopefully catch the guy before he strikes again.”

With a loud sigh fraught with indignation, Jaime averted her eyes from Steve who reached out to take her hand.

“Jaime, please. Understand that I have to do this. I just hope I can count on your support because I will need it,” Steve begged with imploring eyes, a drooping look that melted her heart.

She responded with a heartening smile and squeezed his hand. “Of course I’m here for you, you dummy. I still believe you’re making a huge mistake, but I respect your choice.”

“Thank you,” Steve quavered appreciatively, reciprocating the smile.

Outside the room, a few feet away, a nurse picked up a pay phone and dialed a number. “Yeah, it’s me. They’re in there with him. They’re discussing something about a hypnotic session to help Austin remember what happened. What should I do now?” The man listened intently to his next set of instructions. “Right. Okay. I will.” He then hung up and resumed his work.

A look of mixed surprise and disgruntlement played on Jaime’s face upon noticing Cassie looming under the doorway of Steve’s hospital room. Although thankful to see the woman alive, she was nevertheless displeased by her presence and her strained grin didn’t go unnoticed by Cassie.

“Can I come in?” Cassie asked sheepishly, casually brushing aside Jamie’s disapproving stare.

Steve’s eyes lit up and the beam on his face was all the answer she needed to step forward. “Cassie! You’re okay?!”

“If course I’m okay.”

Steve welcomed her with outstretched arms and clenched her into a warm hug. “Oscar said that you ran into a snag and that his name was Harry Gregson.”

“Well he was a bit of a bother,” she informed nonchalantly, “but I managed to sweep him aside.”

“Is he in custody?”

A nervous twitch crossed Cassie’s face as she quickly pondered her answer. “Unfortunately no. I just fled his fortress with the files and never looked back. Oscar will handle the next part.”

“I gave my consent to an hypnotic session,” he said, glancing at Jaime who openly displayed her resentment at his decision. “Some people are against the idea,” he gave an apologetic smile, “but I need to know what happened to me six years ago.”

“I understand,” Cassie sympathized. “I’d feel the same if I were in your shoes.”

The statement irked Jaime who expected to find an ally in Cassie on this issue. Nevertheless she voiced her opinion, “Rudy said it could be risky. It could make it worse for his memory to evoke those events so soon into his recovery.”

Cassie’s eyes shifted from one face to the other, both contradictory in their assessment of the exercise. Not having been briefed on the subject she could not pronounce herself on whether the session would be helpful. She decided on impartiality, siding with neither Steve nor Jaime.

“Jaime, could you please leave me alone with Cassie?” Steve asked bluntly, his icy tone taking Jaime slightly aback. “Please?” Steve softened up upon noticing Jaime stiffing up at his request. “I need to talk to her privately”

“Sure Steve,” Jaime replied meekly, throwing Cassie the evil eye before she leaned forward to kiss Steve on the lips. “I’ll be in the waiting room.”

“Okay. Thanks.” With a placid smile playing on his lips he waited until she was out the door before giving way to his frustration, “Cassie I need an candid answer here. What the heck is going on?” I feel that people are talking behind my back. And somehow you’re the only one I trust to provide me with an honest-to God answer. I beg of you Cassie, don’t beat about the bush and give it to me straight.”

“Well you’re nothing if not direct. In fact that’s one of your best attributes.”

“Don’t humor me, please. I’m not in the mood.”

“All right. All right. It’s highly likely that Harry Gregson is the man who put a price on your head six years ago. He also might have orchestrated the plot that nearly killed you. I stumbled upon that information when I infiltrated his organization. I made one dreadful move though that nearly cost me, but I made it out.”

A shuddering sigh was all that Steve could muster at the startling news. “What now?”

“We’ll…,” Cassie’s answer was momentarily delayed when a male nurse entered the room to take report of Steve’s vital signs. She and the nurse exchanged smiles as she vacated her spot for him to better read the monitors.

“I’m meeting with Oscar later on. We’ll discuss the best way to approach the situation,” she explained distractedly, her squinting eyes studying the nurse’s odd conduct. Being a medically trained nurse herself she found peculiar his reading of the heart monitor, but dismissed her misgivings for the time being so to avoid arousing suspicions on the man’s part.

“I hope so. I’m so confused, Cassie,” he lamented, shaking his head in despair. “I can’t see my way clear. Everybody is a stranger to me; you, Jaime, Oscar, Rudy. I’ve been cudgeling my brain trying to ignite the tinniest spark of memory from you guys but I come up dry. I can only trust my instincts and I even doubt those.”

A wave of compassion washed over Cassie. With tear-glistened eyes she reached out to take Steve’s hand in hers. “Don’t try so hard, Steve. It’ll come back to you.”

As he gave her hand a gentle squeeze in return he noticed the glittering diamond engagement ring on her finger. “That’s a beautiful ring.”

Cassie’s heart leapt to her throat. She started to retrieve her hand from the clasp but held back seeing how the cat was already out of the bag. “Euh yes, it is,” she stuttered nervously with her mind working overtime to find the best way out of this predicament.

“Who’s your fiancé? Someone I know? Or rather someone I used to know?”

“I doubt. He’s a…well I…I met him after your accident,” she finally dished out with a heart pounding down her throat. “He and I were often affected on the same missions. We got to know each other and..,well…it clicked.”

“That’s great,” Steve exulted very poorly, straining to appear happy when deep down he had hoped for a different answer. “I hope I can meet him some time.”

“Oh…yeah..sure you will. I mean…,” she continued to stammered; her thoughts in a complete jumble. “He’s overseas on a mission right now.”

“What’s his name?”

“Eric…Eric Zimmerman,” she blurted out, caught unawares by Steve’s question.

“Can’t wait to see him. I hope he treats you well?”

“He does.” She nodded goodbye to the nurse who made his way to the door. She waited until he walked out of the room, using the time collect her thoughts, before citing a meeting with Oscar as a pretext to table the subject and leave the hospital.

“I’ll see you later,” she smiled, fighting the urge to kiss him. She left him with a mere squeeze of the hand and never looked back as she headed toward the door.

Outside an icy clutch of grief and despair seized her, numbing her senses. She leaned against the wall with tear-glistened eyes looking heavenwards. “What have I done?”

Making his way to his office, Rudy noticed Cassie outside Steve’s room looking prostrate. Frowning with concern he slowly stepped up to her. “Something wrong?”

Cassie closed her eyes and shook her head in despair. “I’m so ashamed of what I did.”


“I just lied to Steve. I’ve never done that before. I…I was…well he took me by surprise and I thought he wasn’t ready to hear the truth.”

“What are you talking about? What truth?”

Cassie held up her left hand. “My engagement ring. He saw it. I just couldn’t bring myself to remove it and now I regret I didn’t.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That I was engaged to a man I met after his accident.” Rudy flashed her a disapproving look that irked her. “Don’t do this, Rudy,” she countered with a similar glare. “What did you want me to do? Tell him I was his fiancée? He doesn’t remember me. The truth could have been worse. I felt trapped. I told him the first thing that crossed my mind.”

“You did what your thought was right, I can’t fault you for that. And perhaps it was for the best, seeing how he’s still a bit confused,” Rudy conceded. “However he’s bound to put two and two together eventually, whether by himself and from someone else.”

“So? What should I do? I don’t want to lose him, Rudy. But if I have to let him go…,” she faltered at the thought.

Rudy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You won’t. He already thinks very highly of you. His instincts are telling him you’re his precious Brown-Eyed Girl. It’s only a matter of time before he remembers everything you and he shared.”

“I sure hope you’re right. Gosh this is hard,” she sighed heavily. “But the important thing is that he’s alive. And I thank God every day for that miracle.”

“He’s going to get better. You must believe that.”

“If you are I guess I should too,” she said with a strained smile, not convinced that Rudy’s prognosis was to come about.

“Will you be okay?”

Cassie sniffed the last of her tears and regained her composure before nodding. “Of course I will.”

“I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”

“Thanks Rudy.”

No sooner had Rudy left that Jaime walked up to Cassie, throwing her a scowl as she brushed past her to make her way to Steve’s room. Cassie pounced on her, grabbing her arm and swung her round to face her scorching glare.

“All right, out with it, Jaime!” Cassie snarled with eyes ablaze. “Why do you hate me? Have I done anything to offend you, ‘cause if I did I don’t remember.”

“I don’t hate you,” Jaime sneered.

“Well you’re certainly hiding it well,” Cassie retorted sarcastically, then released her grip on Jaime’s arm. “Just tell me what I did wrong and I’ll try to make amends. This is no time to be at odds with each other. Steve needs all our help to get better.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Jaime rebuked.

“Then why do you resent me so much?”

“You stole him from me,” was her acrid answer.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Steve and I had something together until you came into the picture and ruined it,” she accused vehemently, much to Cassie’s disbelief.

“Wait a minute here! You were the one who left him. He was miserable. He loved you so much it hurt him.”

“I had amnesia. I didn’t know who he was,” Jaime defended.

“What about after you regained your memory. What then?” Cassie smashed back the ball into Jaime’s court.

“You and he were already going together.”

“Correction. Steve and I were merely good friends. I never STOLE him as you so eloquently put it. I don’t steal anybody’s boyfriend. When you returned after breaking up with Michael Marchetti you never gave the slightest sign that you were interested in rekindling a romance with Steve. ”

“How could I? You were always with him,” Jaime reproved, much to Cassie’s exasperation.

“You want him now? Is that what you’re trying to do?” Jaime’s silence was all the proof Cassie needed. “ Go ahead. If he wishes to be with you, so be it. I won’t stand in the way. But make sure you don’t take advantage of his present condition. You wait until his memory returns before you ask him to make a choice.”

“I will.”

“I’ll see that you do,” Cassie warned, her icy stare shooting daggers at the woman standing defiantly before her.

Jaime turned her nose up to Cassie as she headed toward the exit. She wait for her to turn the corner out of sight before entering Steve’s room, unaware that the patient had overheard the acrid conversation outside.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked angrily.

Jamie’s face blenched at the question, “You heard?”

“Everything. You shouldn’t have been standing so close to the door. So? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“About what?” she choked as she edged up to the bed, her step faltering for fear of upsetting Steve.

“You, me, Cassie. You let me believe that you and I were an item when in fact I was engaged to another woman.”

“Did she tell you?” Jaime sassed.

“No. She’s as guilty as you are about lying to me.”

“Steve, in your condition it was best not to…”

“Ha hell with my condition!” Steve irrupted insolently. “Why do you suppose I consented to this hypnotic session? It’s to remember. I was counting on my friends to help me jog my memory. Instead they lie to me. How do you expect that makes me feel?”

“Steve, I’m sorry,” Jaime repented with a head hanging low in penitence.

“Would you leave me alone, please?” Steve urged on a bitter tone that warned Jaime not to insist.

However Jaime ignored the glare and attempted one last plea, “Steve, you must understand that what we did we did in your best interest.”

“Sure,” he mocked, looking away in frustration.

“Can I come back and see you later?” she requested sheepishly, steeling herself for the answer.

“Not today. I need time to think.” Steve was unyielding in his response.

Jaime stole away quietly, casting one last glance back at Steve who still held his ground.

She left the premises much to the male nurse’s delight. A sneer hung on his lips as he made his way to the linen closet where away from prying eyes, he pulled out a small vial and a syringe from his smock pocket. He filled the syringe with Potassium Chloride and put the cap back on the needle before stuffing it back into his pocket.

One deep bolstering breath later, he snuck out of the closet and walked up to Steve’s room. As he neared the door, he swirled on his heels, doubling back to retrace his steps at the sight of Cassie heading towards him.

Cassie’s brow knitted at the odd behavior, her gut instincts urging her to keep a close watch on the nurse whose odd conduct she intended to report to Rudy.

She peeked inside Steve’s room, hoping to find him resting but instead she spotted him sitting by the window.

“Steve? What are you doing out of bed?”

“I was fed up of lying down,” came the waspish reply.

“Everything okay?”


“You could have fooled me,” she quipped, slightly caught unaware by the atypical insolence.

He turned to face her, his eyes shooting daggers at the unsuspected victim who could only stand stunned by the withering look.

“Why did you lie to me?”

Cassie’s mind switched to emergency mode to remain above the situation. She masked her concern by displaying her best naive expression. “What are you talking about?”

Steve shook his head disapprovingly. Still Cassie affected an air of gullibility. “That engagement ring on your finger,” he pointed out, motioning to her finger. “I gave it to you, didn’t I?”

Elation washed over Cassie with a beaming smile hanging on her ears. “You remember?”

“No. I heard you and Jaime outside.”

“Oh, well, that.”

“Yes that!”

“I said the first thing that popped into my mind at the time.”

“How about the truth?”

“I couldn’t. It wasn’t safe.”

“Safe from what?” Steve lashed out while crawling back into his bed. “You thought I couldn’t handle the truth, right?”

“That’s right and for cause. You still don’t remember me. What was I supposed to say? Yes Steve my darling, you and I were engaged to be married when you had your accident. Now you may not remember who I am but the heck with it! I don’t care. You’re my fiancé whether you like it or not? Is that what you wanted from me?”

“Well perhaps not in such a ruthless manner, no.”

She felt a pang in her heart at the sight of the tear-glistened eyes gazing up at her. Biting her quivering lower lip and swallowing the emotional lump caught down her throat, Cassie stepped closer to the bed to put a sympathetic hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t try so hard or you might make it worse for yourself and we wouldn’t want that.”

Steve closed his eyes to squeeze out a few tears and nodded. “It’s just so frustrating. When I think about losing six years of my life…can you imagine how that makes me feel? Hollow. And to top it all off I can’t summon up memories of the past. I feel alone and lost.”

Cassie clasped his hand and briefly held it to her lips before sandwiching it between her own.

“You’re not alone in this fight. We’re behind you and we’re rooting for you to come out the victor,” she allayed with one soothing hand cupping his cheek and another on is forehead, smoothing his hair back.

“It’s just so hard,” he whimpered in spite of himself, leaning his cheek into her palm to seek comfort in her gentle touch.

“I know,” she whispered as she leaned forward closer to his face. “We’ll get through this together.” She felt this urge to lay a kiss on his lips but held back for fear of upsetting Steve.

She was surprised when he slipped a hand behind her neck to draw her closer to meet his lips in a tender kiss.

Outside the room, a few feet from the door, the male nurse conversed on the phone with his Gregson. “I haven’t been able to do to yet?”

“What’s the hold up? Gregson fumed on the other end.

“There’s always someone showing up. If it’s not Goldman or Wells it’s one of his girlfriends.”

“Tonight. I’ll give you until tonight to finish the job. He should be alone then,” Gregson ordered before slamming the phone down. “Damned that kid!” He looked up at his henchman. “If he doesn’t kill Austin tonight, you handle it. And get rid of the kid as well. We don’t want any witnesses.”


That night Steve experienced a fitful slumber. Profuse sweat pored out of him as he continually tossed and turned with his legs getting entangled in the sheets. He suddenly sprung up in bed, eyes bulging out of their sockets in sheer horror. With a heart pumping and a pulse racing, he slid out of bed to walk over to the bathroom where he splashed cold water on his face.

The nightmarish images tauntingly played out before his eyes as he stared into the mirror. He closed his eyes in an attempt to shut them out but they persisted in their torment.

He went back to his bed and dialed Cassie’s number, but held back pressing the last digit as it suddenly dawned on him that it was one o’clock in the morning. Instead he lay back in his bed and vainly tried to found sleep.

He was about to fall into Morpheus arms when Rudy padded into the room to check on his patient. In his daze Steve caught his shadowy figure and started out of sleep.

“I didn’t mean to startled you, Steve,” Rudy apologized quietly. The patient’s distorted facial features jumped at him as he neared the bed. “Something’s wrong?” he asked with concern.

“Rudy, I remember.”


“I just had the most horrific nightmare about that day. I saw everything that happened before I blacked out. It was crystal clear. Harry Gregson was the mastermind behind the plot. He was there, sneering at me. He wanted me dead,” an emotional Steve described, unconsciously gripping the sheets as to prevent from sinking farther into the past.

“Are you sure?” Steve nodded. “You know, Cassie spoke to you about her assignment. It could be the result of…”

“He’s the one, Rudy,” Steve interjected bluntly. “I have a nagging feeling that he knows who Cassie is too. I can’t believe he would just let her leave. He must have something on her.”

“What are you talking about? You saw her. She’s okay.”

Steve frantically shook his head, haunted by the growing fear that the enemy had somehow compromised his favorite girl. “He got to her. I know he did.”

“Are you suggesting brainwash?”

“I don’t know,” Steve breathed out in a whisper as the rush of adrenalin sapped all of his energy.

Rudy bent over the now slothful patient and placed a soothing hand on his shoulder. “You tried to sleep now. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”

Steve struggled against his leaden eyelids growing heavier by the minute. “Could be too late.”

“I’ll contact Oscar first thing in the morning. In the meantime, get some sleep.” Steve conceded defeat to the sandman and was soon in the Land of Nod. Rudy pulled the blanket over his friend’s shoulders and gazed at the slumbering patient with a deep concerned frown before quietly leaving the room.

Barely five minutes later, the male nurse stole into the room and treaded softly to Steve’s bedside. Glancing back to ensure no one was watching he reached inside his smock pocket and pulled out a syringe. He uncapped the needle and was about to plunge it into Steve’s arm when the patient moaned awake.

“What are you doing here?” Steve asked groggily.

“Doctor Wells asked me to give you a shot so you’ll sleep better.”

“Don’t need it,” Steve weakly waved the medication off. “I can get to sleep without that stuff.”

“Normally yes,” the nurse argued, visible upset by Steve’s rebuff. “But under the circumstances Dr. Wells recommends it.”

“All right,” Steve whispered out dozily, barely conscious of the fact that the injection was given in his right arm.

“Finally. It’s done,” the nurse muttered triumphantly underneath his breath as he recapped the needle and snuck out of the room unnoticed.

It wasn’t long before Steve’s mind sounded the alarm and promptly spurred him out of his daze. “Right arm. It was the right arm. Why would…” Steve quickly pressed the button and soon a nurse hurried into the room.

“Is there anything you need Colonel Austin?”

“Yes, get me Doctor Wells now. It’s important. I need to speak to him.”

“Right away, sir.”

The nurse left to do Steve’s bidding while he slid out of bed and went to the window, where he expected to catch a glimpse of the culprit fleeing the scene of his crime. He zoomed in on a man bearing strangely similar features running to a car in the parking lot. He adjusted his infrared to read the license plate that he seared into mind for future reference.

“Steve, something wrong?” Rudy asked as he entered the room.

“Yeah. Your nurse tried to kill me.”


“The guy that hangs around at night. He just injected me with a sedative that you prescribed.”

“I didn’t prescribe any sedative.”

“Well I figured that much when he plunged the needle into my right arm. At first I didn’t realize it for I was too sleepy but it quickly dawned on me that something wasn’t right.”

“Where is he now?”

“He’s gone, but I managed to get his license plate. Oscar can run a check on it.”

“I’ll call Oscar right away.” Rudy made his way to the nurses’ station to contact Oscar. Instead of the grumpy moan he was expecting to hear, he was a bit stunned when Russ answered.

“Oscar Goldman’s residence.”

“Russ? Is that you?”


“What are you doing in Oscar’s apartment at this time of night?” A deathly silence was his reply. Frowning in concern, Rudy restated the question and following a deep shuddering breath Russ delivered the grim news.

“W…what?” Rudy stammered out. “My God!” Bewildered by the news Rudy sluggishly dropped the phone down and returned to Steve’s room to find him standing by the window.

“Rudy, I think I have the guy’s license plate. Did you reach Oscar?” The blenched expression staring back at him made his flesh creep. “What’s the matter?”

With a face livid as a sheet and eyes bulging out of their sockets, Rudy drew in a deep breath and dished it out tersely. “Oscar’s dead and Cassie was arrested for his murder.”

“What?” Steve shrieked, taking one large stride forward. “What are you saying?”

“Just what you think I’m saying. I just got word that Cassie killed Oscar.”

“That’s insane Rudy and you know it,” Steve snapped, his mind unable the grasp at the reality of the news that speared him like a sword. “Cassie is incapable of killing in cold blood, much less Oscar.”

“The coroner is bringing the body over for identification.”

“Good. I want to see it,” Steve said resolutely without a speck of doubt this was a masquerade.


Back at enemy headquarters, news of the murder and arrest was reason to celebrate, though Gregson was cautious. “I won’t break out the champagne until I know for sure Goldman’s dead. Could be a ploy to make me believe Miller did it.”

“They’re bringing Goldman’s body to the Medical Center. There, our man will be able to confirm his death,” his aid, Gallagher, assured.

“Good. You stick close by the hospital and find out. Then arrange an accident for Austin and the kid. I don’t trust him. If they catch him he might spill the beans.”

“Consider it done.”

The male nurse carefully observed Rudy’s and Steve’s reactions as the body bag was unzipped. He saw them both nod to the attending physician, confirming that the corpse was indeed Oscar Goldman’s. He craned his neck to take a peek at the cadaver to confirm its identity.

As the body was zipped close, both distraught men cling to each other for moral and physical support as they slouched out of the trauma room. The nurse resumed checking the patients’ medication dosages as the two men walked by him on their way to Rudy’s office.

No sooner had they disappeared behind the corner that he hurried to a pay phone and dialed Gregson’s office. “Mister Gregson. Goldman is really dead, sir. I saw the body in the bag.”

“Are you sure it was him and mostly to the point, was he really dead?”

“I was only able to take a peek at the face and it was white as a sheet. Believe me he’s dead.”

“Good. That’s one down. What about Austin?”

“I will be over before tomorrow,” the young nurse assured with a misplaced confidence.

“Make sure of that and then you’ll be handsomely rewarded.”

“Thank you, sir,” the kid reveled in his prize already, unbeknownst to him that his victory, if any, would be short-lived.

“Before you kill Austin, make sure Goldman’s really dead by checking on his body at the morgue. Can you do that?”

“Yes sir. No problem. I have access.”

“Good. Report to me when you have confirmation.”

“Will do, sir.”

Back at Rudy’s office….

“I need to see Cassie,” Steve insisted despite Rudy’s advice to wait for news from Russ. “She needs me to be there.”

“I don’t think she’d want you to strain yourself driving to the police station when you know there’s absolutely nothing you or any of us can do at this time.”

“Is being there for moral support enough? Steve sassed.

“No need to be cheeky with me, young man,” Rudy countered with a similar insolence. “I know how you feel but I still say it’s best to wait for Russ to fill us in on the details before we do something that might make matters worse. Now sit down!” Rudy ordered, pushing Steve down on a chair.

“Doc I’m not an invalid. It’s been three months. I’m more than fine. Why are you still keeping me at the hospital?”

“You know as well as I do why I won’t discharged you. Physically you’re fine.”

“My memory? Is that what’s bothering you?

“Yes, especially with a man gunning for you. I wouldn’t want to have to dig a bullet out of your back or worse, wheel you into the morgue.”

Steve huffed out a frustrated sigh and leaned back against the chair, arms crossed against his chest in protest.

“How’s tomorrow sound?”

Steve’s lip curled up in a conniving smile. “I’ll take you up on it.”


“What about the nurse who tried to kill me last night. Any lead?”

“Not yet. Did you get a good look at him?”

“It was blurry. I only know he was a man.”

“We’ll be on the look out.”


In the hush of night, our male nurse carried out Gregson’s orders by creeping into the morgue to validate the identity of the body they wheeled in early in the day. He carefully pulled open the drawer and unzipped the bag. He shrunk back at the sight before him.

The hospital manager switched on the lights at this very moment, catching our culprit red-handed.

“Matthews, may I ask what you’re doing here?”

“I…I thought I heard a noise down here so I went to investigate,” he stuttered nervously.

“And you thought the noise came from that dead body? Or should I say that skeleton?” Steve quipped.

“I don’t understand. He was…”

“Dead? Why would you care about Oscar Goldman in the first place? Do you know him?” Rudy asked.

The nurse shook his head and lowered his eyes in defeat. “I just…”

“What?” Steve insisted. “Who are you working for?”

The young man shot Steve a withering look. “NOBODY!” he barked.

“Nice try, kid. I also think…wait a minute,” Steve squinted at the familiar face staring at him. “That was you! You tried to inject me with poison last night.”

The man made a mad dash for the second exit but Steve’s bionics was no match for the fugitive. He grabbed a hold of his arm and jerked him backwards, sending him crashing to the floor. “I’ll ask the question again. Who are you working for?” Steve snarled between gritted teeth. When no answer came he yanked the man back to his feet and shoved him into the arms of the police officer who slap the cuffs on him and escorted him out of the room.

“You okay Steve?” Russ asked before following the officer.

“Yes, I’m okay. You grill that sucker good.”

“Count on me, Steve.”

Once Russ out of the room, Rudy turned to Steve with a disapproving look. “What? I had to stop him.”

“You’re supposed to be resting.”

“I’ll rest when this whole matter is put to rest. Now can we go see Cassie and Oscar?”

Rudy shook his head in disbelief. “Even if I said no?”

“No chance, doc.”

Steve wrapped a friendly arm around Rudy’s shoulders as the two headed toward the exit. Under the doorway, Steve stopped and turned around. “Say by the way, whose skeleton is this?”

“Do you really want to know?” Rudy teased.

“Nah! Have enough problems as it is.”


At the police station, Steve paced the room in eager anticipation of seeing Cassie free. The second she crossed the door he enlaced her into his arms and planted a firm kiss on her lips. “This is finally over.”

“A six-year file is finally closed,” came the voice from behind.

Steve momentarily disengaged the embrace to go shake Oscar’s hand. “Glad to see you on your feet. Remarkable recovery,” Steve ribbed.

“It’s a good thing Cassandra’s a lousy shot.”

“Or rather a sharp shooter. I missed on purpose,” Cassie corrected with a smug on her face.

“So, did Matthews spill the beans?” Steve asked as he went to wrap an arm around Cassie’s waist.

“Every single one of them. My men are charging into Gregson’s mansion as we speak. It took a little over six years to nail him but that makes victory all the sweeter.”

“Say Rudy, I’m holding you to your promise to discharge me tomorrow. I…,” he turned to Cassie and lovingly brushed his hand against her cheek. “I have a wedding to plan.”

“Oh Steve! Are you sure? With what happened I expected you wanted to wait before rushing into anything.”

“No way. I’ve lost six years of my life I’m not going to waste any more time.”

The deal was sealed with a gentle kiss, withholding the passion they saved for later.

“By the way, has anyone seen Jaime?” Oscar asked.


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