"In the Footsteps of the Wolf"


Logline: Moonwolf is back and so is the railroad

The first clap of thunder could be heard overhead as Audra and Heatherleah Barkley, the two daughters of the Barkley family, finished grooming their horses. They had been fortunate to make it back to the stables before the storm blew in properly.

From where he stood by the backdoor that led to the stables Nick Barkley their older brother grew more and more impatient. He and his brother Heath, Heathers twin, had seen the storm approaching and had hurried back to the family home. But those two unpredictable, daredevil sisters of his had chosen to race the storm home. Just wait till they got in the house. They’d be sorry this time. He’d see to it.


Hearing Nick growl at them just caused the two girls to giggle as they raced for the back door.


“Nick don’t be such a wet blanket.” Audra scolded him “We were only having a little fun.”


“Well it was fun, to see if we could beat the storm home.” Heather shook her red hair.” And after all that exercise we had to cool Golden Girl and Silverfire Lady down properly, or you’d brawl us out for neglecting them.”

With a smile Nick knew he was beaten. The things those two got away with.

“Well come on everybody else is in the parlour waiting.”


From her cave/den in Mystic Gully The silver/white she-wolf or the Moon Wolf, stirred. Beside her lay her half grown cub. This was not the first storm the pair had lived through, but there was something different. Getting to her feet Moonwolf moved to the cave entrance and began to sniff the air. The scent on the air was unusual, not like the scent of a regular storm; this smelt of trouble. Little Wolf, who had moved to her mother’s side, also sensed it. Bound by breeding to the land and to protect whatever human pack lived on it Moonwolf knew the trouble coming would involve Firefur and her pack.

Firefur and her older sibling Howlswisely, the dominant male of the pack, would be easy to convince. Moonwolf had bonded with Firefur almost immediately after their first meeting; Firefur knew what her appearances meant. Howlswisely had taken just a little more convincing, but he too had come around quickly.

Sunfur the second young female of the human pack was still a bit of a mystery to Moonwolf.

Softpaw, the littermate of Firefur and one of two beta males, would not be that hard to convince either. He thought much along the same line as his born littermate. Between them Moonwolf sensed an extraordinary bond. A bond shared with another.

Growlshard the dark-haired beta male of the human pack. He had been the one who had wanted to hunt her down, the one who couldn’t see the warnings she was trying to communicate. Because of him, the human pack had lost time when Sunfur and Howlswisely had needed them. Moonwolf knew he would be the problem.

And yet as the human pack had stood staring at Littlewolf when they were introduced, Moonwolf sensed that Growlshard, Softpaw and Firefur were all linked more deeply then any of them knew.

Silverwolf, the dominant female and pack leader would understand. A Mother-to-Mother thing. Silverwolf loved all her cubs even though the born littermates were not hers. Moonwolf knew that Silverwolf would do whatever was necessary to keep her pack together.

Mother and Daughter as one lifted their black noses to the sky and howled.


Many miles away in his San Fransisco home Jarrod Barkley also watched a storm. He too had been fortunate to get back to his place before it had blown in. From where his house was located he had a perfect view of the bay. He watched fascinated as the lighting lit the sky above the bay up. Jarrod loved watching storms, just as long as he wasn’t caught out in it. From next door came the howling of a frightened dog.


“What was that?” Audra looked from where she sat reading. “Nick I thought you’d locked the dogs up so they wouldn’t get out in this.”

“Honey, don’t worry those mutts are safe. They’re all probably asleep or eating.” Nick looked up from the chess game he had engaged Heath in.

“Those dog’s are a lot safer then Nick is at the moment.” Heath commented “Checkmate Nick.”

“WHAT?” Nick quickly turned his attention back to the chessboard and his blonde brother.

“Checkmate Nick.” Heath repeated throwing a half smile toward his mother and sisters.

Nick bent his head over the pieces and studied his position.

Victoria Barkley sat opposite the chessboard doing some work on her latest needlework project. Why, she wondered to herself, did it take a thunderstorm to bring her family together in the one room?

Then she stopped and thought about what was happening around the ranch at the moment. Nick and Heath were working almost night and day to get the stock ready for the next drive. As well as getting another herd ready to be moved to newer pastures. Audra was busy with her work with the orphanage. Heather, while her brothers were busy with the cattle, had taken over the running of the equine side of the Barkley business. Many of their mares were going to be foaling soon.

The little escapade her daughters had been involved with earlier would be the last for quite some time.

Those two, she looked from Audra to Heather, no wonder Nick was tearing his hair out earlier. One daughter with her father’s spirit was bad enough. But put two of them together and it was a miracle her own hair wasn’t ghost white.

Not that the girls were alone. Some of the things those two sons of hers got into was enough to do it as well.

Nick and Heath Barkley the backbones of the Barkley ranch. Nick with his loud voice and impetuous ways, jumping in fists first then asking questions. And Heath, quieter then his older brother, inclined to think things through first. But that boy attracted trouble like a magnet. Since he’d joined the family she must’ve gone through a least five bottles of liniment and Dr Merar was seriously thinking of opening a side practice at the ranch.

In the gaps between thunderclaps came the howling again. It sounded so close and at the same time so far away.

“Sounds like our friend..” Heather began looking up from the latest painting she was working with.

“Don’t say it .” Nick looked across to his red headed sister.

“The Moon Wolf.” Heather finished ignoring her older brother. “And that means only one thing.”

“Trouble.” Victoria finished for both of them.


As the storm began to clear over San Fransisco and the moon shone through the breaks in the cloud two figures approached a less then reputable dining establishment on the pier. Waiting in the eating-house were two gentlemen who hired their services to anybody willing to pay their outrageous fee. The two parties sized each other up and ordered.

“Gentlemen” James Curtin. The leader of the two figure began “Our employers want to hire you to handle a rather shall we say delicate problem.”

“And your bosses are?” Cass Page The first troublemaker asked

“Coastal and Western Railroad.” Was the answer. “We have a little problem in the Stockton area that needs to be taken care of.”

“That problem have a name?” Pat Slan The second hired gun asked.

“Family by the name of Barkley.” Stephen White. The second railroad worker replied. “They’ve been nothing but trouble for years now.”

“First came across them a few years ago,” Curtin took up the story. “We had a run in with old man Barkley, took him out in the end.”

“Tom Barkley?” Both of the hired troublemakers had heard that name. “You took on Tom Barkley and won.?”

“I didn’t say we won.” Curtin continued. “I said we had a run in with him. Yes we took him out, but it caused the farmers and ranchers to rally around his sons. We tried for a second time last year. At a place called Semples Farm. Again those Barkley’s managed to rally the others and we were defeated for a second time.”

“This time we won’t be defeated.’ White continued. “You gentlemen are going to see to that.”

“Any ideas on how?”

“From information we have.” Curtin began to lay out the plan. “ It’s coming up on one of the busiest times of the year for ranches, and the Barkley ranch is no different. They’ll be looking to take on extra hands. That includes you two.”

“Once on Barkley land we want you two to cause as much havoc as possible, sabotage what you can, you know that sort of thing.” White continued. “But, and this is most important, keep them away from this area here.” White unfolded a rough map of the Barkley lands and pointed to an area on it. “What’s so special about that area?” Page looked over the map.

“Let’s just say we have need of it and don’t want people nosing around it” White folded the map back up. “But we would like you two to go there and scout around, look for anything that could be used as a storage area, big, dry and hidden.”

“Just supposing we find something.” Slan saw a problem “How do we find you and tell you about it?”

“We already have a man in place on the ranch, he’ll be your contact. And don’t ask us who, when he’s ready he’ll find you.” Curtin concluded “ Now gentlemen any other questions?”

“Why not just get your man there already to do all this? Why hire us?’ Page inquired

Our man’s position there is one that is too close to those Barkley’s to allow him to do what we want. Besides his job is to watch and report the activities of the two brothers Nick and Heath Barkley. And also gentleman if it appears that either of the Barkley's are getting to close to finding out what you are doing. Lets just say Coastal and Western won’t shed any tears if something happens to them.”

“What about the other Barkley’s?”

“Mrs Victoria Barkley, head of the family, and its backbone. Don’t underestimate her. When pushed she can be very feisty.” Curtin pushed a photo of Victoria toward Page and Slan. Next came one of Jarrod. “Jarrod Barkley, lawyer. Can be a bit of a windbag. Honest to a fault. Non-corruptible. Loyal to the family, and not a pushover in a fight either. Audra Barkley, young, a bit naïve, beautiful, and can be high spirited.” Audra’s picture was shown. It was followed by one of Heather. “ Heather Barkley, twin sister of Heath. Not a lot is known about either of the twins. Came to the family a little under a year ago. Just about the time of the Semples farm mess. Heather is also beautiful, young but not as naïve as her sister. Don’t push this young female Barkley into a corner either She’s not averse to fighting back. Certain people in the San Quentin can swear to that.”

“The twins came to the family a year ago you said.” Slan pressed.

“Seems old man Barkley was, shall we say, a naughty boy. But if you’re thinking about using that as an angle of attack don’t. Nick Barkley won’t believe it. He’s far too loyal to the twins. If we’d planned this early then we could’ve used it but not now.”

“Right gentlemen let’s eat.”

With that he nodded to one of the nearby waiters.


A bright clear morning greeted Jarrod as he paid the cab driver and proceeded on foot the last three blocks toward his office. He could’ve taken the carriage all the way, but decided to walk telling himself that at least he was getting some exercise.

The street, for some reason this morning, was busy, people everywhere bumping and jostling each other. Quite a few bumped into him and he was grateful to reach the relative calm of his office door.

Once inside Jarrod was just hanging his coat up when something slipped out of the pocket.

‘You and your family in danger. Meet me tonight, on the pier near fish market. 11.30pm’

It was unsigned.

At first Jarrod was inclined to just throw it away. It could’ve been just someone’s idea of a practical joke. But the words ‘danger’ and ‘your family’ haunted him.


The workings of a huge ranch like the Barkley’s stop for no one and nothing. Not even a storm.

Bright and early both Nick and Heath were up and checking for any damage.

“GREAT” Nick bellowed almost as loud as the storm had been the previous night “Just what we didn’t need.”

He and Heath were surveying one of the many pastures they hoped to move cattle onto within the next week or so. But that now seemed unlikely. More then half the fence line in that area was down. The culprit falling tree branches.

“Nick don’t sweat it.” Heath advised him. “We can fix this easy. Take maybe coupla days and we’ll still be ready for the move.”

In spite of himself Nick smiled. Heath and fences. They seemed to go together. Put his blonde brother in a section of land that needed fence mending and the job was done before you could blink. But this time Heath had met his match.

“Looks like we’ll have to try and get those new hands ahead of time this year.” Nick observed. “Ok Little Brother. Lets wrap it up here and head into town see if anybodies looking for work.”

“Right behind you Nick.” Heath said swinging Charger into position.

“Duke, Sam, Harry, lets move we’re heading to town.” Nick called to Duke McColl, the ranch foreman.

With him were Sam Truitt and Harry Stone the two Barkley crew captains. All three had been with the Barkley’s since before Tom Barkley was killed by the railroad. All three knew the type of man Nick liked to have working for him. Once the fence mending was seen to the new hands would be working with either Sam or Harry, so it was in the best interest of everybody that they were part of the hiring party.


“I’m just heading out to Mystic Gully for a while Mother.” Heatherleah Barkley called to Victoria.

“Be careful then “Victoria called back. “Watch out for any storm damage. And don’t be gone long. The committee meeting for the Orphanage is this afternoon.”

“I’ll be back long before then.” Heather reassured her mother.

The meeting was to plan the next major fund rasing activity for the Orphanage. At the moment the committee was swinging between other picnic/race meeting, which was so popular the last time, and a barn dance and supper.

Well if she wanted to be back in time for that meeting she’d better get a move on. The true reason for visiting the gully was to check on her friends. The howling of the previous night had played on her mind. Although it told her that The Moon Wolf and her silver/white cub were safe there was something else.


Moonwolf heard the approaching horse hooves and lifted her head to smell the air. Each creature had a scent all of its own. The air told some many stories if you knew how to tune in.

This time the air spoke of friends approaching. Moonwolf recognized the scents. They belonged to Firefur and her horse. Nudging Littlewolf the pair of them moved out of the den and hid in the bushes near where Firefur stopped. From there they could see Firefur and tell if she was alone.

Heather felt the eyes watching her before she saw them. It was a well-established ritual by now. First, if you looked hard enough, you’d see those yellow/green eyes watching you. Then, she assumed, the silver/white she wolf would appear after making sure it was safe.

Sure enough, after Heather had settled down and began to do a sketch of the view, the she-wolf appeared and with her cub as well. That was rare.


“You’re hired.” Nick shook hands with yet another cowboy who had just been hired by the ranch. “See the foreman he’ll tell you where to report to.”

“That was time well spent.” Heath congratulated his brother. “Six new hands and in only an hour, some sort of record Older Brother.”

“Thank- you Little Brother” Nick pretended to brush an imaginary speck of dust from his vest. “Shall we have a drink to celebrate?”

“Why not.”

The brothers were making their way to the bar when a pair of cowboys entered.

“Mr Barkley?” The first inquired.

“I’m Nick Barkley.” Nick informed them “This is my brother Heath.”

“I’m Cass Page and this here’s Pat Slan, we heard you’re hiring ranch hands and wondered if you’d have room for us?” Page made his play. “We just got in and need the work.”

Nick looked the pair up and down. He could tell by their clothes and manner that they’d both worked on ranches before.

“Heath?” Nick threw the question to his brother.

“We could always use the extra help.”

“You’re hired see McCall over there, he’ll tell when and where to report to.”


Back at Mystic Gully Heather noticed a change in her companions. Both wolves suddenly lifted their heads and looked her straight in the eye. Then the heads went back down to resting on their paws

“What?” She queried “Mother?”

No change.

Heather quickly listed the rest of her family, but no response from either wolf. In desperation she asked

“The ranch itself?”

Two sets of yellow/green eyes looked at her. Both wolves got to their feet, turned and headed back to the bushes.

“There’s something wrong at the ranch?” Heather stared at the retreating backs of her friends. “What? Please. The buildings? The stock? The hands? People from outside?”

The cub stopped briefly, turned and looked at her when Heather mentioned ‘the hands’. The Moon Wolf carried on walking, stopped only by the words ‘people from outside’.

“Trouble from our hired hands and people from outside the ranch?”

The wolves turned as one and continued walking away.

Moonwolf heard the sound of the hooves leaving. Firefur had received the message but only a part of it. Moonwolf knew her job was partly done, Firefur and her pack were in real danger and the danger was closer to their lair then they knew.


“Mother” Heather called to Victoria the moment she entered the house. “Have Nick or Heath returned yet?”

“No sweetheart not yet.” Victoria replied from the parlour where she and Silas were setting up for the meeting.

One glance at Heather with her eyes the light green colour of fear caused her to stop what she was doing.

“Sweetheart what is it? What’s wrong?” Victoria led her daughter to the settee.

“I’m not sure yet Mother.” Heather looked at her hands. “Just a feeling that the ranch is in danger. The danger has to do with our hired hands and people from outside the ranch. That’s all I know. That’s why I need to talk to Nick and Heath, see if they hired anybody, or saw anybody in Stockton today who is, well shall we say, suspicious.”

“Just what happened in Mystic Gully today?” Victoria asked. She had the impression that all this was in some way tied to Heathers little outing.

Heather went on to detail everything that happened. From the meeting with The Moon Wolf to the end where both of the wolves left.

“And I really believe she means it Mother.” Heather concluded. “The Moon Wolf hasn’t steered us wrong yet.”

“I know that you believe. “Victoria began to try and make sense of all of what her daughter told her. “And after seeing some the messages come true with my own eyes, so do I. But with out physical proof you won’t get far convincing your brothers.”

“Then I’ll just have to get some.” Heather looked straight into her Mothers eyes, the Barkley stubborn streak etched on her face.

“Not right now dear the meeting remember?” Victoria did her best to ease the tension in the room.


Heather only gave the committee meeting half of her attention. In the back of her mind she played out various scenarios on getting evidence for her brothers.

“Heather” Audra nudged her sister “Wake up.”

“What?” She looked at her sister.

“We’re waiting on your vote.” Audra prompted her. “Picnic races or Barn dance and supper.”

“Oh sorry, Barn dance” Heather apologized.

With Heather’s vote the Barn dance was decided upon. It would be held on the Barkley ranch the following Saturday night. An entrance fee would be paid. The ladies would provide the salads, cold meat platters and sweets. Nick and Heath Barkley would be ‘persuaded’ to provide a steer for the BBQ pit and various other ranches would be asked to help out with rabbits, pigs and chickens as well. The mayor and several other townsfolk would provide the music.


Eleven- thirty found Jarrod on the empty pier near the fish market. It was late, dark and Jarrod had the sensation of not being safe.

“Senor Barkley?” A voice called to him

“I’m Jarrod Barkley.” He acknowledged, “Where are you?”

“Over here.”

Jarrod followed the voice to an abandoned stall.

“No closer Senor” The voice warned. “It’s not safe for us to be seen together.”

“Who are you? And what do you mean by my family and I are in danger?”

“My name is Manuel Di Hantis you know my brother Diego.”

Jarrod reached into his memory for a moment. Diego Di Hantis. Yes a man Jarrod had defended some eight months ago on a minor theft charge.

“I remember Diego.”

“I remember what you did for my brother Senor, now I return the favour.” The voice continued. “I work in a café on the pier Senor, I wait tables. Last night I hear your family name mentioned. Four men sit at table in back of the café. I see only two of them. I hear only bits and pieces Senor. These men are railway men. Senor they plan to…”

The voice stopped abruptly when a tin fell.

“You were saying that they plan to” Jarrod prompted. The mere mention of his family and railway men was enough to concern him gravely. Twice before the men behind Coastal and Western had tried to bring down his family. Now it appeared that they were at it again.

“Senor I can’t be here. Maybe later I will contact you.” Panic was clearly evident in the voice. “We talk then.”

The sound of running feet told Jarrod that Manuel had gone.

Even though the meeting had been a short one Jarrod had learned enough. Coastal and Western were at work again But what was their plan?


From his viewpoint on Coco’s back Nick eyed the near completed section of fence line and felt satisfied. The work as proceeding at a good pace and the eight new hands had fitted in fine.

“Ok fella’s.” He called “Break for lunch.”

From behind he came the sound of hoof beats.

“Did I hear you call lunch break?” Heather called to her older brother. “Cause if you did then I’m just in time.”

“For what?” Nick helped his sister down.

“To hand out these.” Heather pulled the cover off three baskets of sandwiches. “Mother sent these along for everybody. And I’m also to tell you that Jarrod may not be able to join us for the dance. Something came up and he’s being forced to stay in S.F longer then anticipated.”

“How does he do it?” Nick questioned. “If only I’d have come up with an excuse like that.”

“You’re supposed to be the host. Mother would have your hide if she heard that remark.”

Choosing to ignore the last remark made by his sister Nick turned back to the work parties.

“Come on get it boy’s” He called. “Fresh sandwiches.”

In the rush that followed Heather got jostled. She felt hands grab and steady her. They didn’t belong to her brother.

“Excuse me Miss,” A strange voice said. “Are you alright?”

“Fine thank-you Mr?” Heather looked up into the face of her rescuer.

“Page, Miss, Cass Page.” Page ducked his head and removed his hat.

“Page” Nick’s voice boomed across the wagon. “I’m watching you. You’d better behave.”

“Yes sir Mr Barkley, I will.”

“Don’t mind Nick.” Heather smiled.

You’d better mind Nick.” Nick said coming up from behind Heather. “Especially when his sister is involved. Cass this is my sister Heather Barkley.”

“Miss Barkley.” Page acknowledged

“Mr Page.” Heather ducked her head in response. “Nick I’d better get going. There’s still plenty of work to de done at home. I only came here to deliver these. And don’t eat all of them, save some for Heath.”

“Would I do that?”Nick teased.

“Yes you would.” Heather replied quickly. “See you back at the house later.”

“Allow me to help you Miss Barkley.” Page handed Heather into her carriage. “If it’s not too bold or forward. May I see you again?”

“I would like that Mr Page.” Heather responded. “Shall we say at the dance?”

“Till then Miss.”

Other eyes watched as Page helped Heather into her carriage. Both of the Barkley crew captains Sam Truitt and Harry Stone observed the exchange, both thinking very different thoughts.

As Heather and Silverfire Lady left in the direction of home Heath and Charger arrived.

“Hey come on you’re late.” Nick called. “ You’re lucky I managed to save any for you.”

“Saved what?” Heath called dismounting from Charger.

“Mother’s sandwiches, hand delivered by Heather.”

“Great I’m starved.” Then in a voice meant for Nick’s ears only. “We need to talk privately Nick.”

The tone of Heaths voice caused Nick grave concerns. He knew his little brother too well. When Heath used that tone of voice something was wrong.

Moving away from the main group Nick and Heath continued their conversation in private.

“Well?” Nick prompted. “That tone in your voice spells nothing but trouble.”

“Not trouble, well a least not yet.” Heath told him. “Was coming back along the line when I noticed a good section of it missing. Nick it was there when I passed on my way out.”

“Are you sure, could it be another section?” Nick was beginning not to like what he was hearing.

“No, it was the same section. Nick it had been cut away. Deliberately.”

“Who was working that area?”

Harry Stones crew. Russ, Slim, Tommy, Pete, the two new guys Cass and Pat, Col and Finn.”

“Right set Sam Truitt’s people to fix it.”

“Nick, forget it I’ll do it myself.”

“Alright, and I’ll have a go at Harry and his crew, see if anybody saw anything.” Nick looked toward his brother. “And Heath watch yourself.”


The little chat Nick had with Harry’s crew shed no light on how the fence was cut or on who might have done it. After fifteen or so minutes questioning everybody Nick gave up and sent the crews back to work.

Heath repaired the fence and no more was mentioned about the incident.

“Somebody’s in love” Nick teased his little sister as they entered the library after dinner.

“Nick!” Heather rose to the bait “Drop it. Anyway who says I’m in love?”

“Love?” Audra picked up on the word at once. “With who? Do we know him? What’s he like?”

Heather gave Nick her best ‘I’ll get you for this’ glare and turned toward her excitable younger sister.

“His name is Cass Page, he’s one of the new hands Nick hired.” She informed Audra.

“We met earlier today when I took certain people” Another glare in Nick’s direction “Lunch. We talked for a bit and he asked if he could see me again and we agreed to meet up at the dance.”

“He was taken by our sister.” Nick added his five cents worth. “And you” It was Nicks turn to glare at Heather. “Were taken by him.”

“Well it’s not a crime.” Heather shot back.

“What’s not a crime?” Victoria swept into the library on Heath’s arm.

“Our little sister had caught the eye of one of the new hands.” Nick announced to his mother and brother.

From two different mouths came two different reactions.

“How lovely.” From Victoria

“ Who? Which one?” From Heath.

“Cass Page” Nick answered smugly.

“It was just a little conversation, nothing more.” Heather stated “And as of this moment the subject is closed.”

Nick started to say something else, but one glance at Victoria told him that if he wanted to see the next morning it would be wise to say nothing further.


Later that evening while the rest of the crews either played cards or began to settle into their bunks for the night Page and Slan held a private meeting behind the stables to plan their next move. The cutting of the fence had been only a minor inconvenience to the Barkley’s the next bit of sabotage had to be bigger.

“The line shack over by Rustic Gorge. Nice place for a fire.” Slan suggested. “Was out there for a bit today. Quiet and deserted. From what I hear it’s only used for major round ups.”

“Sounds good.” Page agreed.

“Good plan” A third voice intervened. “But aren’t you both forgetting something?”

Caught off guard and thinking that they were alone Page and Slan hurriedly looked around.

“Don’t brother” The voice continued. From the sound of it both of the mischief-makers could tell that it was muffled, probably by a bandana, to hide the speakers identity.

“Just what are we forgetting?” Page asked still a little put off by the faceless voice.

“You’re supposed to be scouting a certain area of land for some important people.”

“Well it’s not like there’s been time.” Slan began to defend himself and Page “Barkley’s a fairly hard task-master, we’ve been working flat out since we arrived.”

“Well then you’d better make the most of the next few days.” The voice grew louder and a little more authoritive. "Starting with that dance tomorrow night. One of you made contact with the best source of information on the target area and I want you to pursue it.”

“What?” Slan asked confused.

“Miss Barkley you fool. I saw you with her Page she likes you. Talk to her make a fuss of her. She goes to the target area a lot, she likes to paint there. Get what information you can and make it quick. The important people want to start moving soon. We’ll meet here again Sunday night and you’d better have something to report.”


“Two gentlemen from the police to see you Mr Barkley” Jarrod’s secretary announced.

Jarrod looked up from his paperwork as Lt Richard Wilson, an old friend entered his office. With him was another officer that Jarrod didn’t know.

“Richard.” Jarrod extended his hand. “What can I do for you?”

“Jarrod.” Wilson took the hand. “We need your help to hopefully identify a body that came into the morgue earlier this morning. A young Mexican male, victim of foul play we think.”

“Why come to me?” Jarrod was a little puzzled.

“Because when we searched him he had this on him.” Wilson handed over small piece of paper.

‘Mr Barkley, meet me tonight same place and time. M D H’

Jarrod quickly reached into his draw and pulled out the first note. The handwriting was identical.

“Richard all I can tell you is his name was Manuel Di Hantis and he worked in a café somewhere.”

“Jarrod.What’s the link to you? Why did he want to see you there? What’s so important that somebody possibly kills him for?” Wilson had his teeth in now and wasn’t going to let go.

“We met for the first time last night on the pier near the fish markets.” Jarrod went on the tell the detective of his meeting with Di Hantis “You know of course about the bad blood between Coastal and Western and my family?”

Wilson just nodded. The feud between the two nominated parties was well known up and down the state of California.

“And you think Coastal and Western are at it again?”

“From what little I got from Di Hantis last night I’d say yes. I was hoping to meet with him again and get more details.” Jarrod bowed his head for the man, whom he didn’t know, but who had tried to save his family. “Richard if that’s all then I’d best head back to Stockton, my family need me there.”

“If anything else comes up I’ll wire you at the ranch.” Wilson rose. He held out his hand, hoping against hope that he would indeed see his old friend again.
