
The next morning Rudy and Oscar stepped into Steve’s room Oscar walked over to Steve who was just beginning to come around. “Hi Steve. How are you feeling?”

Rudy was beside Steve in a second. “Here Steve.” He handed him the note pad he had been using. “I don’t want you to use your voice for a few more days. Just write it down.”

Steve took the note pad and nodded. ‘I’m fine.” He wrote. Have you found Robbie?

Oscar shook his head. “Not yet Steve we suspect…” He looked across at Rudy who was shaking his head in disapproval.

“We’ll talk later Steve. You rest.” Oscar turned to leave.

Steve slapped his hand on the tray table getting Oscar’s attention. Oscar turned back around. Steve was scribbling furiously on the note pad. He ripped the page out and thrust it at Oscar.

Oscar took the paper from Steve “TELL ME NOW!!!” Steve had written

Again Oscar and Rudy exchanged looks. Steve caught the look between the two of them Again he scribbled on the note pad. He took the paper and handed it to Rudy.

Rudy read it then looked at Oscar “You better tell him.” He sighed as he handed it to Oscar.

“You tell me now dam it! Or I’m getting out of this bed and find out for myself!!!”

Oscar looked Steve in the eye then pulled up a chair and sat next to him. Steve watched him.

“It’s this way pal.” Oscar began. He told Steve everything. Steve’s eyes grew angry. He threw to covers off and pushed himself out o bed.

Rudy tried to hold him down “Just where do you think you’re going?” Rudy insisted

“To find my son,” Steve croaked. Out.

“Steve I’ve told you please don’t use your voice.” Rudy warned.

“You knew about this?” he directed at Rudy his voice raspy.

“No, I just found out myself right before we came in here.” Rudy clarified.

Steve turned his wrath on Oscar “When did you know?” He tried his best to yell

“Steve, calm down.” Oscar tried to help Rudy get Steve back into bed.

“I won’t calm down. Get me on the next flight to Moscow!”

“I can’t do that Steve.” Oscar shook his head.

“Why the hell not. If it were some ambassador’s kid I would have been on my way a long time ago.”

To Rudy’s surprise Steve’s voice was returning to normal. “Steve you know that’s not the case.” Rudy put in.

“The hell it isn’t. The OSI is the main reason Maggie divorced me in the first place. Because I was always off rescuing some one!!” Steve screamed. “Now I’m going to find my son!”

While Steve talked to Oscar, Rudy busied himself preparing a syringe. Oscar caught on to what he was doing and tried to keep Steve’s attention diverted.

“Steve I’m sorry. I never realized.” Oscar stammered

“I tried to tell you.” Steve’s voice was calmer now.

“Look you need to stay here and let Rudy finish what he started. I have three agents searching Moscow as we speak they’ll find Robbie and bring him back here.”

“I want to do it my….” Steve’s words drifted as Rudy injected him with the drug and put Steve back to sleep.

Oscar helped Rudy get Steve back on the bed. “Wow. I never knew that.” Oscar exhaled.

“You would have if you would have listened to Steve.” Rudy reminded. “He tried to tell you Maggie wasn’t happy with him going on assignments all the time. Quite frankly I think that’s when Robbie also began to resent Steve.”

“Yea I suppose you’re right.” Oscar mouthed.

“Look I’m going to get him ready for the next operation.” Rudy stated.

“What area are you going to this time?”

“I’m going to work on one of the lungs.” Rudy wheeled Steve back down to surgery. Oscar waited in Rudy’s office.

As he waited the phone rang again Oscar picked it up. “Oscar?” Russ said.

“Yes Russ, go ahead.”

“We’re closing in. We have a line on where Ivan took Robbie. How’s Steve?”

“That’s great. Keep me informed. Steve is in surgery again.” Oscar enlightened Russ.

“I’ll give you hourly reports Oscar.” Russ promised.

“That’s great Russ. I want Lesta back here as well.” Oscar ordered.

“We’ll do our best.” Russ said as he hung up.

Oscar continued to wait for Rudy to return with Steve. Again he waited for what seemed like hours.

Rudy finally brought Steve down. “How did it go this time Rudy?” Oscar was impatient

“It went very well. I got as many of the fragments as I could. In a couple of days I’ll operate on the other lung.”

“I’m very concerned about all of these operations he’s been having Rudy.”

“If he weren’t physically able to handle it, I would not do it Oscar.”

“How long till he comes around?”

“Not till morning.” Rudy informed him.

“Good maybe I’ll have good news for him. Russ called they were getting ready to close in.”

“They found him.” Rudy sounded hopeful

Oscar nodded. “I think so.”


“Come Austin.” Ivan roused Ivan out of a sound sleep in the back seat. “Your mother is waiting.”

Robbie sighed and started to follow Ivan into the dilapidated building that Robbie feared was now his new home. They had driven for what seemed like days.

“I said get a move on boy.” Ivan gave him a kick. “This is your new home. We live about a hundred miles from Moscow. But we are home now.”

They stepped out of the car and started up the walk.

Robbie spent a horrible night in the custody of Ivan and his wife. “I’ll take the boy with me this morning.” Ivan told Ursala as they prepared for the day. “I don’t trust him.”

“That’s fine.” His wife proclaimed.

The two of them stepped out onto the porch

“Hold it!” Russ shouted. “Robbie come on son I’ll take you home.”

“There’s nothing for me there.” Robbie cried. “He killed my mother and father.”

“Your mother yes son, but not your father.” Russ clarified for the child “You’re father is alive. The last I heard anyway.”

“He’s trying to trick you. He’s going to take you back to put you in a children’s home.” Ivan wouldn’t let go of him.

Robbie looked from one adult to the other.

“Come on Robbie I wouldn’t tell you your father was alive if he weren’t.” Russ called out to him.

Robbie broke away from Ivan and ran into Russ’ arms.


Rudy stayed by Steve’s side. He watched, as his patient seemed to grow weaker. Then to Rudy’s amazement Steve slowly started to come around although he was very weak.

“Steve, just take it easy.” Rudy cautioned. “I don’t want you moving around a whole lot.”

Steve nodded his acknowledgement. Then his face turned a frightening shade of blue. “Doc!” He gasped. “I can’t breathe…”

Russ took Robbie by the hand “Come on son let’s get you home.”

Russ had brought several men with him from the American Embassy in Russia. They surrounded Ivan and escorted him back to the Embassy along with Robbie.

“You are going to need his passport to get him out of the country.” The customs official told Russ coldly.

“You don’t understand.” Russ tried to explain. “He was kidnapped. We don’t have his passport.”

“If he doesn’t have a passport he can not leave the country.” He notified them tersely.

“I want, no I demand to speak to the ambassador.” Russ declared.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible.” The man sneered at them.

“Let me use your phone.”

“Gladly.” He shoved it at him.

Russ quickly dialed Oscar’s number in Washington.


“Steve? Steve!” Rudy cried out. He quickly administered medicine to help Steve breathe again. But Steve slowly slipped away from him.

Oscar stepped into the room “How is he Rudy?”

“Not very good I’m afraid. I’m afraid we made a mistake earlier when we told him about Robbie. He just doesn’t seem to want to get better.”

The phone in Steve’s room cut off the rest of Rudy’s statement. Rudy picked up the phone then handed it to Oscar. “It’s Callahan. Russ is on your private line in your office”

Oscar left Steve’s room and headed for his office he picked up the phone. “Any luck Russ?” Oscar’s hopes were up

“I have him Oscar but they won’t let us out of the country with him because he doesn’t have a valid passport.”

“I’ll take care of it.” He again picked up the phone and dialed the American Embassy in Russia. “This is Oscar Goldman, give me the ambassador.”

“Yes sir!” The receptionist said as he scowled at Russ. “I’m sorry I have Oscar Goldman on the line, he needs to speak to the Ambassador.”

“Anything you say.” Russ smiled to himself. Robbie clung to him.

“Russ I’m scared. I want to get home to my dad.” He cried.

“We’re working on it…”

The door to the Ambassador’s office flew open “Thompson!” He screeched

“Yes sir?” The receptionist whimpered

“Why are you giving this man a hard time? Did he not identify himself?”

The receptionist nodded.

“Then why won’t you let him take the boy home?” He turned to Russ. “Mr. Russell please come inside I will handle this personally.”

Russ held tight to Robbie’s hand and the two of them walked inside the Ambassador’s office.

“You will be on the next flight out.” The Ambassador promised as he got a passport ready for Robbie.


After briefing the Ambassador as to what was going on and being assured the Robbie and Russ would be on the next available flight out of Moscow Oscar went to share the good news with Rudy.

“I wish my news were as good.” Rudy said his face grim. “But the bottom line is Steve isn’t doing so well.” He had caught Oscar just outside Steve’s door. “Those bullet fragments, there’s just to many of them, are really wreaking havoc with Steve’s lungs.”

“What do you mean?” Oscar wanted to know

“They have damaged his lungs. He is having a difficult time with his breathing. I have him on a ventilator right now.

“That bad?’ Oscar’s eyes narrowed.

“That bad Oscar.” Rudy updated him on Steve’s condition. “I just wanted to let you know before you went in there. Rudy pushed the door open.

Oscar was shocked at the sight of Steve

“You can’t get all the bullet fragments out?” He whispered.

“No Oscar I can’t. I thought I would be able to, but they are embedded to deep in the lung tissue …”

“Will he make it Rudy?” Oscar had tears in his eyes.

Rudy responded by shaking his head. “He could if he wanted to. He just doesn’t want to…”

“What?” Oscar almost screamed.

“It’s Robbie Oscar. Steve doesn’t want to go on without his son.” Rudy explained.

“But Robbie is on his way back right now.” Oscar reminded

“I know that, and you know that. The problem is Steve doesn’t know that.” Rudy told him. “I don’t know, I guess he feels that life isn’t worth living without Robbie. And if we do get him back, how will he be.”

“I don’t get what you’re saying Rudy.”

“I mean for the past two years she has done everything to turn Robbie against Steve.”

“It stated before that Rudy. It started right after Steve’s accident She never did accept any of it. She left him a year later and took Robbie with her. She knew how close the two of them were.”

Rudy nodded “Yea I know. That in itself almost did Steve in, to only be able to see Robbie every other weekend…”

“He hated it, and I didn’t help matters any. “I’ve tried Rudy. I’ve tried hard in the past year to keep Steve off assignments when it was his visitation with Robbie.” Oscar broke in.

“I know, and Robbie has grown farther and farther away from Steve.” Rudy continued.

“That may change now that he knows about Ivan.” Oscar started

“And the fact that Ivan killed his mother and tried to kill his father.” Rudy added.

From the bed Steve let out a low moan Rudy and Oscar bolted to his side. “Steve?” Rudy called.

“Robbie?” Steve murmured “Robbie…” His voice trailed off.

“How soon did you say Russ would be here with him?” Rudy started examining Steve.

Oscar glanced at his watch. “They should be here by 7:00 I’m picking them up at Dulles.

“Let me know the minute they get their luggage…”

“I don’t think they have any Rudy” Oscar speculated.

“Ok just let me when you can get here That way I can tell Steve you’re on your way.”

“You think that will help?”

“I hope so. I’m hoping as soon as Steve sees Robbie, He’ll want to fight.”

”I hope you’re right.” Oscar sighed.

“Oscar,” Rudy began again. “Let’s go to my office, I need to prepare you for something.”

After assigning Steve a nurse and leaving her strict instructions to alert Rudy should there be any change what so ever in Steve’s condition. They headed for Rudy’s office.

“You said you needed to prepare me Rudy, prepare me for what?”

“It’s like this Oscar…”

“Just give it to me straight Rudy.” Oscar barked.

“Ok Steve may never be able to go on another assignment.”

“Say what?”

“Oscar, Steve’s lungs have been severely damaged I can never repair them. He will always have difficultly with his breathing.”

“I see.” Oscar mouthed. “How soon till he’s up and around?”

“I don’t know. Two, maybe three weeks.” Rudy told him. “If he decides to fight.”

“Ok then that’s good….”

“Oscar did you hear what I just said?”

“Yes, and I don’t believe it. Rudy Steve won’t let that stand…”

“Oscar He’s going to have to take medicine everyday just to get him through the day…”

“No Rudy, Steve’s going to be all right. If you believe that’s the way it’s going to be, then that’s the way it will be.”

Rudy shook his head. “I wish that were the case Oscar.” He looked at his watch. “It’s 6:30 you better head to Dulles.”

“Yea I’ll let you know the minute we’re ready to leave the airport.”


An hour later Robbie stood in Steve’s room. “I know it looks a little scary son.” Rudy put a hand on his shoulder. But right now it’s what you father needs. He’s been calling for you. Go ahead son, go to him.”

Robbie slowly walked over to where his father lay on the bed. “Dad?” He called out “Dad. It’s me Robbie.”

Steve’s eyes slowly opened. “Robbie.” He grasped the boy’s hand. “I didn’t think I would ever see you again.” Still clutching Robbie’s hand Steve fell asleep.

Rudy quickly ran over to him. “He’s just sleeping.” He announced.


A week later Rudy reluctantly but with pressure from all sides let Steve go home. “I’m not real sure I like this Steve.” Rudy said as they stood in Steve’s room waiting for Oscar to show up with Robbie.

“I’m fine Rudy.” Steve assured. “My breathing is completely back to normal, that last operation must have done the trick.’

“I don’t want you in the field for some time though.” Rudy reminded “If at all I won’t know for several months if you’ll be ready for that kind of stress.” Rudy added. “At least you won’t need the medicine I thought you would.”

“Well that’s good. “ Steve replied.

“Steve listen there are still bullet fragments embedded in your lung tissue.” Rudy went on. “They will always be there. There was just no way I could remove them. That’s why I don’t think you’ll ever be out in the field again.

“I understand. The question is, will Oscar?”

“He already knows. I explained it to him. So take advantage of it.”

“Yea I plan to, Oscar said Robbie and I needed time to get reacquainted anyway. It will be a while before he calls me out again.”

“One more question. Are you going to allow Robbie to testify?”

“I don’t have a choice, I really don’t remember what happened. Robbie is the only witness.”

A few minutes later the door opened and Robbie stepped in. “Hi dad you ready?” Robbie asked.

“Yea.” Steve looked around “Where’s Oscar?” He asked.

‘He said he had some work to do and that he would speak with you later. Anyway are you ready?”

“I sure am son. Why don’t we stop at the cemetery and visit your mother before we go home?”

“That sounds good.” Robbie reached down and picked up Steve’s bag. “I’ll carry it dad. Dad?”

“Yea sport?” Steve turned toward the boy.

“Sorry I’ve been such a pain in the butt the past year or so.” Robbie spoke softly.

“Not your fault son.” Steve put his arm around the boy’s shoulder. “Come on let’s to home.” He turned to Rudy “See you later Doc.”

”You take care don’t forget I want to see you in two days.”

“Got ya.” The two of them left Steve’s room and headed down the hall.

Steve turned back to his son. “Well I guess it’s just the two of us now.”

“Yea dad, I guess so.” Robbie replied.

Rudy watched as Steve put his arm on the boys shoulder and they got on the elevator.

Just as they left Oscar burst into Rudy’s office. “Did Steve leave yet?”

Rudy nodded. “Yea Oscar. What’s the trouble?”

“It’s Lesta. He escaped custody…”


Robbie and Steve got into Steve’s car. “So son you ready to go home?”

“Sure dad.” Robbie proclaimed. “You mentioned something about stopping to see my mother.”

“Yes that’s right.” After paying their respects Robbie and Steve headed for Steve’s house. Oscar’s car was parked at the curb when they pulled into the drive.

“Wonder what he want?” Steve thought out loud.

“Beats me.” Robbie replied “Rudy said you can’t go on missions anymore….”

“Yea I know.” The two got out of the car and headed inside. Oscar was waiting just inside the door.

“Steve I hate to bother you on your first day back, I tried to catch you at the lab…”

“Just spill it Oscar.” Steve demanded.

“Ivan Lesta escaped custody. I just wanted you to be aware. We are doing everything to find him.”

“Ok Oscar thanks for letting me know.” Steve sighed. “He isn’t going to give up is he?”

Oscar shook his head. “I don’t believe so. You take care and watch out.”

“I will.” Steve held the door for him. After Oscar left Steve looked up and down the block. He didn’t see anything. So he assumed they were safe. For the moment anyway.

Just as Steve closed the door Ivan Lesta rounded the corner. He pulled his car into the driveway of the house across the street. He got out to survey his surroundings then stepped up on the porch and rang the bell

An elderly woman opened the door “Yes Mam “ Lesta spoke softly “Is your husband home?”

“My Dear boy.” The woman replied “I have been a widow for over 10 years now.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Ivan faked a sob. “May I speak with you then?”

“By all means of course. Won’t you please come in?” The lonely old woman invited.

Once inside Ivan tied the woman up and locked her in a closet.

Steve stepped back in to the living room. He saw Robbie standing inside the living room. “Is he out there?” His voice shook with fear.

“No not yet anyway.” Steve assured.

“Whew!” Robbie cried.

“Don’t worry son.” Steve continued to assure. Oscar said he’d send someone over to watch the house.”

“I’m really scared dad.” Robbie continued to cry. “He’s awful.”

Steve walked over to his son. “I know” He put his arm around the boy. “I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you. In fact I want you out of this.”

“I won’t leave without you!!” Robbie screamed.

“You’ll do as I tell you.” Steve scolded. He walked over to the phone. “I should have done this when Oscar was here.”

“What are you doing dad?” Robbie wondered

“I’m calling Rudy to come get you and take you to the OSI.” Steve picked up the phone. “Yes Rudy? …

Robbie and Steve went out the back door they walked through the back yard, then two blocks over to meet Rudy.

“Thanks for coming Rudy.” Steve said as he opened the door for Robbie.

“No problem.” Rudy started to get back in the car. “Listen Rudy. I have everything arranged I did it when I was still in the hospital….”

“Did what.” Rudy stopped and turned back toward Steve

“If anything happens to me. I want you to take Robbie. It’s all arranged. My lawyer has the paper work.”

“Ok Steve, but nothing is going to happen.” Rudy patted him on the back.

“I’m not so sure about that. Just promise you’ll take care of my son.”

“It will be my pleasure.” Rudy smiled. “Now I better get him out of here.”

Steve watched as Rudy drove off with his son. “At least he’s safe.” Steve thought as he headed back for the house.

“It’s going to be ok Rob. You’ll see.” Rudy assured. “Your father feels you’ll be safer at the OSI.”

“I’m scared for him Rudy.” Rob turned to him. “I know Phil, I mean Ivan he’s mean.”

“Your father can take care of himself Rob.” Rudy reached over and patted his leg.”

“I hope you’re buying that better than you’re dishing it.” Robbie smiled.

“Not very convincing huh.” Rudy turned toward him.

“Not really.” Robbie turned to look out the window.

After seeing his son to safety Steve went back in the house. He opened the back door and came face to face with Ivan.

‘Where is my son?” He screamed.

”He’s my son Lesta and you know it.” Steve shouted back.

“I was more of a father to him than you were.” Lesta continued to scream

Steve knew better than to turn his back on Ivan Lesta this time, but he needed to get to the phone and call Oscar.

“I’ll ask you again.” Lesta pulled out a knife. “Where is my son?”

“I’d rather have you kill me now than reveal that information to you.” Steve snarled.

“As you wish. I’ll find him with or without your help. I’m sure you have him with Wells or Goldman. I won’t mind killing either one of them as well.”

Ivan raised the knife above his head and was ready to plunge it into Steve. Steve threw up his right arm to block the blow. The knife cut through the bionic skin.

“Maggie mentioned you were some kind of a freak, but I didn’t believe her.” Ivan lied. “Now I see she was correct.”

Steve grabbed a dishtowel and quickly wrapped his arm.

“What’s the matter Col.: Ashamed?” Ivan taunted.

“I want you out of my house this instant.” Steve seethed.

“Not without Robbie.” Ivan pressed.


Oscar met Rudy and Robbie just as they got off the elevator. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“Steve thought Robbie would be safer here.” Rudy explained.

“Safer? Oh yeah. What was Steve doing when you left?”

“Heading back home I guess.” Rudy told him


“I picked Robbie up about two blocks from Steve’s house. I guess he figured that if Lesta was watching, He wouldn’t see me take Robbie.”

“I suppose your right. Did Steve mention if he would call sometime?”

“No Oscar he didn’t.” Rudy told him.

‘I’m not sure I like this. I did tell Steve I would send someone over to watch the house.” Oscar muttered. Maybe I better go ahead and do that. They can make sure Steve is all right.”

“Good idea. I’m going to go stay with Robbie.” He turned to Oscar. “Steve told me that if anything happened to him, he wanted me to have Rob.”

“Does Steve think…”

“I don’t know.” Rudy shrugged.

“I’ll get Russ over there right away” Oscar called out as Rudy left his office

As soon as Rudy left Oscar dialed Russ. “I’m not sure what’s going on Russ, just get over to Steve’s and make sure he’s all right.”

“I’m on my way Oscar.” Russ hung up and ran for his car.


“Now see here Col. Austin.” Lesta was saying. “I’ll deal with you and then I’ll go reclaim my son.”

‘What did he do to me’? Steve thought as he felt himself grow weaker and weaker. ‘I just don’t get it.’

Lesta moved toward Steve. “What’s the matter? ‘Superman’ not so super after all?” Lesta laughed

“Get out of my house!” Steve managed weakly

“Not a chance.” Lesta moved closer to Steve. He hammered him in the stomach with his fists.

Steve doubled over in pain, and then passed out on the floor. Not wanting to take any chances this time Lesta proceeded to kick and punch the unconscious man on the floor.

As he got ready to leave the reached down to take Steve’s pulse, not finding one he smiled as he left in search of his son…


Russ pulled up just as Lesta was leaving Steve’s house. He quickly lifted the phone and called the police and gave them the license number of the car Lesta was driving. Then he dashed in the house to check on Steve.

He found Steve still unconscious on the kitchen floor. He grabbed the kitchen phone and called Oscar’s office.

“I’ll send an ambulance and inform Rudy. You said you gave the police Lesta’s license number?

“Yea and the direction he was going. It shouldn’t take long they’ll have him.” Russ stated. ‘Maybe they have him already.”

“I’ll check on it.” Oscar hung up. He first placed a call to dispatch an OSI ambulance from the National Medical Center to Steve’s house, then told Rudy what had happened.”

“I’ll get right over to the hospital.” Rudy shouted into the phone. “I’m leaving Robbie here if Lesta is still on the loose….”

“That’s fine, Russ said he would be here as soon as the ambulance took Steve. Now I’m calling the police to see if they picked up Lesta.”

As soon as Oscar hung up he phoned the police. “Not yet Mr. Goldman. We’re still searching for him.”

“I’ll be at the National Medical Center. You can contact me there.” The minute Russ arrived Oscar headed for the hospital to meet with Rudy.

Oscar waited just outside of the lab waiting for Rudy to give him the verdict on Steve’s condition.

“How is he?” Oscar pounced when the doctor came out of the room.

‘He took a heck of a beating.” Rudy shook his head.

“Is he going to be all right?” Oscar drilled.

“I don’t know Oscar. He barely had a pulse when he came in…”

“Rudy he’s not…”

“No Oscar he’s alive, he’s unconscious but he’s alive.”

“That’s more than I can say for Lesta when I get hold of him.” Oscar started to storm off.

“Oscar!” Rudy caught him. “Let the police handle it.” Rudy coaxed.

“I don’t even know if the police have caught him” Oscar fumed

“Let’s go to my office and find out.” Rudy gently took Oscar’s arm. “Come on.”

The two of walked across the hall to Rudy’s office and placed a call to the police.

“Yes Mr. Goldman. I was just getting ready to call you. We picked Ivan Lesta up five minutes ago. He’s in FBI custody as we speak.”

Oscar called Bill Hart at the Bureau “I just want to confirm that Ivan Lesta is in your custody.” Oscar asked.

“Yes he is Oscar. Don’t worry we’ll keep better hold of him this time.”

“See that you do. He nearly killed Col Austin. I want that added to the list of charges!!” Oscar demanded

“Consider it done.” Bill assured

Oscar hung up and turned to Rudy. “Good news, they got him.”

“Good. Look I want to go check on Steve.” Rudy stepped across the hall and found Steve standing outside the lab.

“Steve!” Rudy cried out. “You need to get back in bed.”

“Where’s Robbie?” Steve demanded.

“He’s at the OSI with Russ. He’s safe, don’t worry.”

“I want to see him. NOW!!”

“Ok as soon as you get back in bed, I’ll have Russ bring him over. Lesta is in FBI custody so we don’t need to worry about that.”

Rudy helped Steve get back in bed and Oscar called Russ to bring Robbie over to see Steve.


A week later Rudy and Oscar sat in Oscar’s office. “Are you sure Steve is strong enough to testify tomorrow?” Oscar asked.

“Yea he should be. I’ll be right there if anything comes up. He’s more upset about Robbie needing to testify.” Rudy pointed out.

“I have a question Rudy. I’ve been meaning to ask you. “

“What’s that Oscar?”

“How was Lesta able to get the better of Steve to begin with?”

“When the knife cut through the plastic skin it also cut the wire that connects the power supply pack to the main board. Steve was literally helpless.”

“Sort of like gunning down an un armed man?” Oscar compared.

“In actuality yes.” Rudy proclaimed.

“Well the trial starts tomorrow. You said Steve was going home tonight?”

“He’s packing right now.” Rudy smiled. “He’s ready.”

“I’ll go see him I wonder if he needs a ride.” Oscar pondered.

“He did mention something about that.”


After Oscar dropped them off Steve and Robbie walked into the house. ”Boy it’s good to be home again.” Steve announced as he opened the door.

“Yea I’m glad myself.” Robbie helped his father through the door.

“You nervous about tomorrow son?” Steve asked.

“I sure am I really don’t want to see him ever again, much less face him in court.”

“I understand. I just wish you didn’t have to go through it.” Steve put his arm on Robbie’s shoulder. “It will be all right. The trial isn’t until the afternoon. Our lawyer says he’ll take you through your testimony “

“I don’t want it to sound rehearsed…”

“Rehearsed? Where on earth did you come up with that expression?” Steve smiled.

“An old rerun of Perry Mason.” Robbie smiled.

“Well the lawyer doesn’t want you to sound ‘rehearsed’ either. He just wants to prepare you for what the defense might pull.”

“Oh ok.” Robbie replied.


“I don’t know.” Steve said into the phone the next morning as he spoke to Oscar. “I just don’t know if Rob is up to this. He was up most of the night.”

“I understand Steve, but Rob saw Lesta shoot you. He also heard him confess to killing Maggie.”

“Yea I know. I just hate to put him through this. He’s only nine.”

“I know that Steve. But tell him after today it will be all over. I have it arranged that Rob will testify first, then he can leave and go home if he wants.”

“I’ll just be glad when this whole mess is behind us.” Steve sighed deeply.

“Yea me to. I’ll meet you at the courthouse.”

“Thanks Oscar. Look I hear Robbie getting up. I have to get him ready to go.”

The two hung up and Steve headed upstairs to help his son prepare for court.

“I’m really scared dad.” Robbie cried.

“Yea I know you are, you didn’t get much sleep last night either.”

“I know. I was sick to my stomach. Then I kept having bad dreams that Ivan comes after us.”

“Don’t worry son. We. Oscar, Rudy, Russ and I that is.we will do everything we can to protect you.”

“I’m not so worried about me. I’m worried about you dad.” Robbie hugged him tight.

“It’s going to be fine.” Steve hugged him back. “Come on we have to meet with Tom before the trial.

After breakfast they headed downtown for the lawyers. Office. “I have it all worked out Rob will testify first. Then he can leave right away.”

“That’s what Oscar said. I have some one who will pick him up when he’s finished. He can go right home.

“That’s good. I don’t think he needs to hang around there all day. “ Tom agreed. He then turned to Robbie. “You ready?”

“I think so. Let’s go put the guy in jail.”

Oscar was standing outside the courthouse when they arrived. “I tried to call you at Tom’s office.” Oscar related when Steve caught up to him. “There isn’t going to be a trial today, or any other day for that matter.”

“Why Oscar what happened?” Steve wondered.

“It’s Lesta. He tried to escape on the way over here. A fast acting guard at the Bureau shot him. Steve Lesta is dead.” Oscar told him.

“Well that’s a good thing. We don’t have to do anything then?”

“Not at all I was just waiting hear for you. Let’s get out of here.”

Steve told Robbie what was going on and they all left the courthouse.

After dropping Robbie off at school Steve went home. He walked over to the phone and made reservations for he and Robbie to go to Ojai for the weekend. It was a long weekend and Steve wanted to treat his son with a trip to his grandparents.


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