"Echoes from the Past"


Logline:  At Christmas time, visitors from the past evoke painful memories for the Barkley twins, Heath and Heatherleah

Carefully, she lifted the sleeping infant out of her cradle. The last thing they needed was for the infant to wake and start screaming. As she held the sleeping baby girl her partner left the ransom note on the pillow. The demands were simple, $20,000 dollars to ensure that no harm would come to the infant. Together the man and young woman left the nursery and made their escape via the back door.


From her vantage point the eight-year-old child watched as her aunt loosened the four bricks half way up the wall and pull something out of the cavity. With the curiosity of a child she wondered what it was. She stayed hidden until her aunt left the room, and then when she was sure she was alone, the child went to the spot and pulled on the bricks. They came away fairly easily, reaching into the cavity she first pulled out an old newspaper clipping, the child looked at it some of the words were easy to read others not so. Tucking it into the pocket of her shirt that was hidden under her work smock she reached in again and pulled out the second item. It was the most beautiful….


“Nothing” The child replied in a little timid voice.

The slap she received came out of the blue and was so strong that it knocked her back into the side of the soaking pot. As it had just come of the fire it was still very hot. She crashed into it with her left shoulder and upper arm. She caught her head on the rim and everything went black.

When the child woke again she was alone. Her shoulder and arm hurt like crazy. All she could remember was that her Aunt had hit her she didn’t remember way or what for. But then her Aunt never really needed a reason. She remembered hitting the side of the soaking pot that’s why her arm hurt. As she rose she heard the crinkling sound of paper in her pocket, taking it out she looked at it, she couldn’t remember how it got there. It didn’t look important. Her arm and shoulder by now were well and truly burning.

She decided then and there that she’d take no more from her Aunt, yes the family needed the money, but she’d find another job. There were plenty of rich families in this town who needed a laundry maid.


It was Christmas time in Stockton and the shops up and down the main street were full of the season’s trappings, Candy canes, Tree decorations, Christmas ribbons, Toy’s for the children, as well as toy’s for the big kids. With only ten days to go before the big day the shoppers of Stockton were out in force.

From the little lane, half hidden in shadows the woman watched the faces go by, she was looking for one face in particular. Although it had been many years since she had seen the face she was looking for the woman was sure she would recognize this face no matter how much it had changed over time.

Further down the street close the saloon a man waited, he too searched the crowd looking for a specific face. But as far as he was concerned he would much rather be in the building he was resting against have a drink of whatever kind of whisky it served, rather then being out here, cold and sober.

From the east of town a carriage drove into Stockton, inside three women, surrounding it were three men each of them on a very well turned out and groomed horse. But these horses were not mere show ponies, the shape of the bodies and the muscle tone indicated that these were working horses.

As the carriage passed the woman she noticed the name painted on the side. Barkley Ranch-Stockton. Although she did not recognize the face of the woman driving the carriage she had heard enough talk around town to know that this was Victoria Barkley, matriarch of the Barkley clan. Beside her sat a younger woman with blonde hair falling from a hat of light green trimmed with black. Local gossip told her that this was Victoria’s daughter Audra. Behind both of them sat another young woman with reddish/blonde hair.

“Now if only I could just glimpse those eyes” the woman thought to herself. The redhead turned and said something to one of the men on horseback and the woman got the briefest glimpse of the blue/green eyes. “Yes” Her twisted mind triumphed “Got you”

She then turned her attention to the three men on horseback. The two with dark hair where unfamiliar to her as well, they’d have to be Victoria Barkley’s two eldest sons Jarrod and Nick Barkley. The third man, the one with the blonde hair caught her attention. Yes this was the one.

She looked toward the man and indicated with her head that this was the party they had been looking for. Her eyes followed the women.

Victoria Barkley pulled the Barkley carriage to a stop outside the general store. With only ten days before Christmas she knew that she for one had to get a move on with her gift buying. But when she casually mentioned that she was going to town this morning to her children she found that she would have unexpected company. All five of them.

“Thank-you Jarrod.” She said to her first-born son as he handed her out of the carriage. Turning she watched as her second born Nick handed his younger sister and her youngest daughter Audra down. Heath helped his twin Heather out from the back seat; although the twins were not born of her Victoria considered them her son and daughter. Heath had been with them since late spring; Heather had joined her twin and the family four months later. This would be the first Christmas the twins would be spending with their new family and Victoria really wanted to make it a special one.

Victoria had expected them to go their separate ways but they all started for the door of the general store.

“How am I supposed to go shopping with all of you following me around like shadows?” Victoria looked from child to child “ Haven’t you all got places to go? Now shoo.”

“Now what fun would that be?” Nick asked his hazel eyes twinkling.

“Now Nick you know you have to wait till Xmas morning just like everybody else,” His Mother reminded him. “Now go!”

The order only partly worked they all followed her into the general store, but made for different areas in it.

Audra, Heather and Heath ended up all together around the table displaying the tree decorations. On the table were boxes and boxes filled with all kinds of different decorations. Glass ones, ones covered in glitter, some covered with material, others painted, still others shaped as toys, parcels candy canes, pine cones, the choice was endless.

The twins shook their heads.

“Never seen so many decorations in one place,” Heath said with awe.

“Even old Mr Hamilton’s store in Strawberry never had this type of selection.” Heather commented “At best he had a selection of maybe two or three different boxes.” She ran her fingers over the boxes tracing the outline of the decorations. “Never this pretty either” She turned her attention to the far end of the table. “Oh Heath look.”

Heath joined his twin “Silver bells.” He breathed. “Just like the ones mama sung about in the carol she always sung to us”

From where she stood close to the twins Audra smiled they were going to love the little surprises she’d brought back with her from Denver a few weeks ago.

Both Nick and Jarrod were also watching Heath and Heather, as they watched their little brother and sister an idea came to each of them. Nick made his plan for when the twins left the store. Jarrod for when he went to San Fransisco.

As she waited for Mr Cothesman the storekeeper to bring her the parcel that had arrived for her earlier Victoria too watched the twins, she heard the comment about the silver bells and smiled to herself. When each of the Barkley children were born they had been given a silver bell with their names and the year of their first Christmas engraved on them. Each Christmas these bells were brought out polished off and hung in one corner of the parlour. Each bell had a slightly different ring than the others. In the parcel that she was waiting for were the latest additions to the silver bell collection. One each for Heath and Heather, to be given to the twins when the rest of the family bells were hung.

“Come on Nick, Heath” Jarrod called to his younger brothers. “Lets leave the women in peace and head for the Cattlemen’s.”

For Nick and Heath this was a pre-arranged signal. The women were busy and wouldn’t be looking in the other shops for quiet some time.

“Coming Jarrod.” Nick and Heath answered in unison.

The three Barkley men said a quick goodbye to the ladies and left. Jarrod for the jewellery shop. Nick and Heath for the bookshop.

The man standing next to the saloon noted this move and followed.

In the general store Heather found nothing suitable. She already had the main part of her presents for the family but was looking for just that bit extra. Her mother was busy at the counter still and Audra’s attention was attracted to something in the far corner. Victoria had said to shoo earlier so now seemed the perfect time. Hopefully she would find what she was looking for in the jewellers. She’d seen a piece there earlier and hoped it would still be there.

Across the street the woman noticed Heather leave and trailed her waiting for just the right moment. There were too many people on the street at this point for her to make her move nor would she be able to do it in the shop.

On entering the jewellers Heather was not disappointed. Right in the front window was just what she was wanted, at least for Victoria and Audra. One beautifully painted china Christmas bell, decorated with holly, ivy, mistletoe and a Christmas rose. That would do perfectly for Victoria, and beside it a lovely rose painted trinket bowl, it was Audra to a tee.

“ A very good morning to ya Miss Barkley” Mr O’Halloran the Irish owner of the jewellery store greeted her with that Irish lilt in his voice. “ Now would thay be for your ma and sister”

“Yes Mr O’Halloan” Heather never got tired of hearing that voice. “But I’m still looking for something for my brothers, any suggestions?”

“AHH thos two Barkley boys, now I’d be thinkin’ something like dese” Liam O’Halloran opened a box containing two pewter tankards, one with a cowboy roping a steer, the other with a cowboy atop a bucking bronc.

“Perfect, I’ll take the lot, now can you pull something out for Jarrod?”

“Well missy how about this?” Liam pulled out a pewter paperweight with the scales of justice on it


“I’ll just get to wrappen dese and putten it on tha family bill”

“Thanks Mr O’Halloran” Heather waved goodbye to the cheery Irishman and left.

Heather headed for the carriage and deposited her parcels.

This was the opening the woman in the shadows had been looking for. Carefully and quietly she walked over to the Barkley carriage.

“Hello Heatherleah dear remember me?”


“Now you realize that the first person in the family that you tell what presents you brought is me don’t you boy?” Nick seriously told Heath, as he gave Jarrod a playful nudge.

“And the reason for that would be?” Heath asked all innocence, but there was just a hint of a playful glint in his eyes.

That stumped Nick momentarily until he came back with “Well human nature being what is you’ll have the urge to tell some one what you brought so why not me?”

“And this would have nothing to do with wanting to know what Heath brought you would it Brother Nick” Jarrod joined in the gentle bantering between his two younger brothers.

“Now who said anything about my present?” Nick returned, “I was referring to all the presents Heath’s bought”

“ But that would include yours wouldn’t it?”

“What if it did?”

“Who said I’ve got yours yet or that I’m even getting one?” Heath teased. In truth he’d gotten Nicks gift weeks ago. In fact he’d picked up the last of his gifts earlier that morning. Mr O’Halloron had kept aside an opal necklace and earring set that would be for Victoria. “And while we’re on the subject big brother what did you get me?”

“Now who said I’ve go yours yet or that I’m even getting one?” Nick mimicked Heaths tone and voice inflection perfectly. The darked-headed cowboy smiled, he had picked up gifts for both of his new brother and sister on his last trip to town and they were now hidden in his room.

In unison both turned to Jarrod and looked at him, gleams in both their eyes.

“Don’t even think about it.” Was the warning they got.

“So what happens now?” Heath asked not knowing what to expect next with his new family. “After we finish the gift getting I mean?”

“Well first off we have to wait for Jarrod here to get back from the big smoke, then we can start on decorating the house, getting the tree, and decorating it, watching and ‘helping’ Mother with the cookies…”

“Helping yourself more like it.” Jarrod added knowing just how many of the cookies would be left once Nick got into the kitchen.

The only response Nick gave Jarrod was a scowl. “Like I was saying, helping Mother with the cookies, then also once the tree is up then you can put all your gifts under it”

“Which is just what Nick wants.” Jarrod interrupted again.” He’ll look for his, pick it out and shake it in an attempt to discover what’s in it.”

“Would I do that?” Nick feigned a hurt tone


The man from near the saloon was still following the trio. He was on the opposite side of the road, just out of their line of sight or so he thought.

“Fella’s,” Nick began “You know we’re being followed?”

“Been there quiet some time,” Heath acknowledged

“Shall we see if he sticks with us?”

The boys crossed to the other side and yes as they crossed so did the unknown stranger.

“Right” Nick fumed “I’ve just about had enough of this kids games” With that he tore to the other side of main street and tackled the stranger.

The man didn’t know what hit him. One second he was watching the three Barkley brothers and the next his toes were barely touching the ground as the taller of the two dark haired ones had him by the shirt collar.

“I’ll ask this only once.” Nick said as he shook the stranger. “Who are you and what do you want with me and my brothers?”

The stranger didn’t answerer, he couldn’t, Nicks grasp on his collar left him barely able to breath let only talk.

“Nick if you expect him to answer you” Jarrod joined his brother “ Then I suggest that you put him down” Although his tone was controlled, Jarrods eyes were dark there was just something in this man’s manner that worried him.

The stranger eyes looked over Jarrods shoulder to where Heath had joined his brothers. Recognition shone at once.

Now that he was closer, Heath was able to see the strangers face. A face he hadn’t seen for many years

“YOU!” He spat yanking Nick’s hands off the strangers’ collar and replacing them with his own.


“ Aunt Martha” Heather grasped in shock; looking into the face of the woman she hadn’t seen for nearly thirteen years.

“Uncle Matt!” Heath roughly tossed his uncle to the ground, looked up the street to where the Barkley carriage was, saw the two women beside it and rushed off.


“Where the hell..?”

Nick and Jarrod where left in Heaths wake.

Seeing Heath leave and the stunned faces of his two brothers Matt Simmons made the most of the opportunity and quickly departed. The two brothers quickly followed their blonde sibling.

“What do you want Aunt Martha?” Heather was blunt with her Aunt. There was no feeling of family or love for Martha Simmons only bitterness.

“Want? Your Uncle Matt and I were just passing through and it wouldn’t be right not to say hello would it?”

Before Heather could reply she was joined by Victoria and Audra.

“Is everything alright Heather?” Victoria asked sizing Martha up.

“I’m fine Mother” Heather reassured her mother. “Mother Audra this is my Aunt Martha.”

“Mrs Simmons.” Victoria greeted Martha coolly.

“Mrs Barkley.” Martha purred “ I heard that my niece and nephew were living with you now. I must say that I’m pleased; you know my husband and I tried to help their mother as much as possible before and after they were born, her being Matt’s sister and all. Why I even gave Heatherleah her first job even though we already had more then enough people to help us, but out of the goodness of my heart I gave her a job.”

Heathers eyes turned a more angry shade of green at the mention of help and her mother.

“Hello Aunt Martha.” Heath joined the women, Nick and Jarrod weren’t that far behind.

“Heath dear” Martha turned and faced her nephew, “How nice to see you again. Well I’d love to stay and catch up but I’ve got so many things to do. Have you seen your Uncle Matt by the way?”

“He run off down that-way” Nick pointed. Both he and Jarrod by now had moved closer to the twins forming almost a guard like circle around them.

“Bye, bye dears” With that Martha left.

Heather buried her face into her twins shoulder.

“How I despise that woman” He heard her mutter.

“I know Baby-girl, I know.”

Victoria took charge “ Lets get the twins home” and with that the two girls were bundled into the carriage. The three brothers mounted their respective horses and the family left for home.


Neither of the twins joined in on any of the conversation has the family headed for home, while the rest of the family talked and laughed about Christmas, presents and other matters both of them remained silent.

When all coats and hats had been removed and all presents quickly whisked to various hiding places the family reconvened in the parlour.

“Who were those two in town?” Nick asked the minute everybody was settled “And what connection do you two have to them?”

Heath answered for the twins “They’re our Aunt Martha and Uncle Matt. Our mother’s brother and his wife. Martha and Matt Simmons.”

“Simmons?” Jarrod questioned “But I thought your mothers name was Thomson”

“It was” Heather replied “But ever since we can remember Uncle Matt has always been known as Matt Simmons nobody knows why and we never asked”

“You once told that the less said about your Aunt and Uncle the better” Victoria looked at Heather “Would either of you care to explain why?”

Unknowingly, as if by instinct the twins moved closer together on the settee. Heath’s right arm encircled his twin, while Heather’s hands gripped her twins left arm, like they were trying to put up a physical barrier between themselves and the outside world.

Fearing the twins would withdraw into themselves totally Victoria tried another tack.

“If you don’t want to talk about it we’ll understand” Audra Nick and Jarrod nodded. “But please understand we’re all here with you to help you, to protect you, no matter what”

As one Heath and Heather nodded, this was not going to be easy but they would try.

“First of all, don’t believe Aunt Martha when she say’s that she and Uncle Matt tried to help, they didn’t. They despised our mother because of us and the shame they thought that we and Mama brought them.” Heather began. “ They led the rest of town in their views of us and mama, our mother had to work two jobs just to try and put food on the table and clothes on our backs.”

“Because of this” Heath continued “Mama was sick lot’s of the time, and got no support from her brother. The only times Uncle Matt even came near our house was when he was drunk, then he would yell at mama, occasionally hit her and break what little we had.”

“ The only courage he ever had come out of a bottle.” Heather picked up “As you saw Aunt Martha is a very forceful personality”

“And your Uncle isn’t?”

“No, Aunt Martha has always the one in charge.”

“Did your uncle ever hit either of you?” Nick wanted to know.

The twins remained silent.

“Heather, you’ve also told me before that you once worked for your Aunt” Victoria picked up the thread of the conversation again. “ And you said you left after about a year”

To this statement Heather nodded.

“Was it because you just couldn’t stand working for a woman who despised you or was there some other reason you left?”

“Worked?” This shocked Audra “How old were you?”

Heather looked straight into the eyes of her sister. “ Seven, both of us started working when we were seven. Our mother was sick a lot and so to try to pay for the medicines and for food we both got jobs. I got a job as a laundry maid in Uncle Matts hotel.”

“And I worked in the mines as a charge boy.”

“In the mines…”

“CHARGE BOY?” This was just too much for Nick to take. The thought of his younger brother going into the mine each day and laying down explosive charges was just too much.

“Nick don’t sweat it, I’m still in one piece”

“And with how many near misses?”

“Some” Heath admitted.

“How long did this go on for?” Jarrod intervened.

“Till I got too big at ten, then I got a job in the livery stables”
