
Looking over at Heath eating his breakfast Victoria asks of him, “Do you like flapjacks?” Replying, “Yes Ma’am” Victoria tells him “You could help yourself to more than one. We do have plenty. Just help yourself.” Once again Heath answers, “Yes Ma’am.” Seconds later Silas returns with a pot of coffee and upon serving the family they each tell him thank you.

Observing Heath’s hand trembling as he is moving his fork from the plate to his mouth, “Heath,” Victoria tells him “You don’t have to be nervous around any of us, you’re among family. Try loosening up. Things will get better once you’ve settled in a little more.” Heath once again responds, “Yes Ma’am.”

Minutes later as the family finishes their breakfast, Jarrod tells Gene and Audra to get ready and while they excuse themselves, Victoria gets up and goes to get ready with Nick volunteering to get the buggy hitched up. Before Nick leaves he tells Heath, “Heath, finish up! It’s almost time for you to meet Duke; you best not be late.” Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath is left with just Jarrod at the table.

Trying to make small talk, “Well Heath,” Jarrod says, “It’s just you and I now. Would you like to ask me anything?” Heath replies, “No sir.”

“I know,” Jarrod continues, “We are new to each other, and you are new to the valley and all, but you do have to loosen up and try not to be so tense. Things will get easier and Nick isn’t really such a bad person, he just likes to do a lot of yelling,” watching Heath eying him as he mentions Nick’s name, “But you will get use to it, you’ll see. Heath,” he then brings up, “Do you know I have a law office in town?” Heath replies, “No sir; didn’t.”

“Well” Jarrod suggests “Perhaps when you are in town and I am working at my office you need to stop by; I will show you around okay?” Heath replies, “Yes sir.”

Just then walking in “Heath” Nick with hands on his hips barks, “Are you still here? Didn’t I tell you not to be late?” Heath replies, “Yes sir.” Nick then barks, “Then you better git. I don’t want you holding anyone up. Work is at 6!”

Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath quickly gets up from the table and rushes out the door.

“Nick,” Jarrod says, “Why did you do that?” Nick tells him, “He’s gotta learn Jarrod that I mean what I say. Work is at 6 and breakfast is at 5:30. Now you and Mother may want to be lenient with him but I told you already that I wasn’t about to so remember that. I said I’d give him a chance but that is it.”

“But,” Jarrod informs him, “He didn’t even finish his breakfast.”

“That’s his problem” Nick snickers “If he is going to come in late then he suffers the consequences. Perhaps maybe he’ll learn that he can’t be waltzing in here anytime he pleases; now the buggy is all set. Don’t forget about the investigation” going out the door “The sooner you get it started, the sooner we find out.”

Returning to the room, Victoria asks Jarrod where Heath is to which Jarrod informs her, “Nick just ordered him out of here.”

Glancing down at his plate, “Oh dear,” Victoria says, “He didn’t finish his breakfast.” Jarrod replies, “Well Nick is being Nick. It’s going to take awhile.”

Sighing, “I know,” Victoria says. Insisting they go, Jarrod gets up from the table and rounding up Audra and Gene they all go out the door and while Victoria and Jarrod ride in the buggy to town, Audra and Gene ride their horses.

Walking up to the bunkhouse Heath is met and greeted by Duke who then tells him “You’ll be working with me today.” Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath follows him up to the barn. Duke then says, “I will show you what we will be doing and then show you other areas of the ranch in between and perhaps later on show you how to get supplies from town when needed, okay?” Heath replies again, “Yes sir.”

Watching Heath leave, “Hey,” one of the men asks, “Who is that with Duke?”

Ron responds, “That is Heath.”

Another hand says, “Never seen him around before.”

Bobby mentions, “He’s new here; just arrived yesterday.”

Another hand asks, “How come we didn’t see him until now?”

“Maybe,” Ron answers, “’Cause you weren’t here at the time.”

“And,” Bobby adds, “He was staying in the Barkleys’ house.”

Another man asks, “He’s staying with them?”

“Looks that way,” comes from Ron. As Bobby then insists they get moving the men break up their little session and head out for their assigned tasks.

While heading for town Gene asks of Audra, “What do you make of Heath?”

“Not sure yet,” Audra replies, “I do like him though and think he’ll make a great addition to the family.”

Gene says, “I like him too. I think I am going to enjoy having him for a brother.”

“Same here,” Audra mentions “I think he is very nice but does say some strange things.”

“I,” Eugene notes, “Noticed that. Have you noticed him around the table?”

“Yeah,” Audra then says, “What do you make of it?”

“Not sure,” Gene replies, “But maybe it’s what Mother says, he’s nervous and needs time to loosen up.”

“Yeah,” Audra says, “Maybe.”

Inside the barn while getting the wagon loaded up Duke asks of Heath, “Have you ever fixed or built a bridge before?” Heath replies, “Yes sir, Duke, I have.”

“Good” Duke says “That will make it a little easier for me.” Finishing up and leaving, Heath climbs into the driver’s box alongside of Duke who takes hold of the reins and as they drive away Heath quietly sits there taking in the scenery.

Making conversation Duke asks him various questions such as how he likes living in the valley and then asking how he likes living with the Barkleys he responds fine to each one except when it comes to Nick to which he responds, “He’s okay. No different than others I met.”

Trying to elaborate on it Duke asks, “How’s that?”

“Just is sir,” Heath answers “Duke” correcting himself.

Duke then asks “Is your stay here a long one or just temporary?”

Heath replies, “Not know.”

“How many places have you been to” Duke asks “Or lived in?” Heath replies, “A few.” Duke notes, “You’ve traveled quite a bit.”

“Yes sir,” Heath answers. Duke then surmises “Then you must’ve seen quite a bit for your age.” Heath answers, “I have.” Duke then asks, “Is there a place you like better than another?”

“Can’t say I do,” Heath answers. Duke then inquires, “Did you like your home in Strawberry?” Heath answers, “No!” Duke asks, “Any particular reason?”

“Not that I care to,” Heath replies. Duke says, “That’s okay you don’t have to,” then changing the subject, “I understand your mama just passed away.”

“She did sir,” Heath admits. Duke speculates, “You must be missing her a lot.”

“Yes sir,” Heath answers, “Very.” Duke says, “You and she must’ve been close.”

“We were sir,” Heath states.

Duke then starts inquiring about his family in which Heath tells him about having an Uncle Matt, an Aunt Martha, an Aunt Rachel and Hannah but clarifies that the latter two are just close friends that helped his mama with raising him, and then about the Barkleys being his half brothers and sister.

“Nick” Duke says, “Mentioned that to me and I must tell you that you look like a younger Tom. Do you know that I worked with your daddy for many years, and that he and I were good friends?” Heath answers, “No, I didn’t know.”

“Your father and I,” Duke informs him, “Go way back. Even before coming here to Stockton. I was very saddened the day he died. It left and emptiness inside of me, but I am grateful I could still be here and work alongside of his sons. He would have wanted that.”

Arriving at the creek, “Well,” Duke announces, “Here we are,” and bringing the team to a dead stop they get started with Heath grabbing several slats of wood.

Looking over at the creek, Heath calls out to Duke who asks, “Yes Heath?”

“How deep,” Heath inquires, “Is the water?”

“I don’t know,” Duke answers “Why?”

“I can’t swim,” Heath informs him.

After learning he can’t swim, “Well,” Duke replies “We’ll see how deep it goes as we go along and if I should see it getting too deep I will tell you when to pull back, okay?” Replying, “Okay,” Heath then picks up a couple of the boards as well as some of the tools and begins working on repairing the bridge.


Arriving in town and upon exchanging goodbyes Audra and Gene head off to school while Jarrod and Victoria head towards the main street of town. Reaching the post office and bringing the wagon to a full stop Jarrod assists Victoria out and going their separate ways Victoria heads for the post office while Jarrod goes to his office.

Walking in the front door he is greeted by his secretary Miss Haas, who then asks, “What brings you to town? I thought you were laid up for awhile.”

“I am,” Jarrod replies, “I just came by to get a few things,” and then stepping into his private office he grabs some files, comes back out and after telling her, “Have a good day,” he walks out and goes down the street.

Approaching the local church Victoria calls out to the pastor Father Nichols standing outside. Seeing her coming over, he takes her hands into his and tells her, “What a nice surprise. It’s always a joy and a pleasure when you come to town.” After thanking him, he then asks, “How’s the family?”

“They’re all doing just fine,” Victoria replies proudly, “Just fine.”

Then upon Father Nichols inquiring what brings her to town she answers, “Several things. First to see what we could do or rather I could do for Nettie and her family and Harry and his. I need to find out about the services that will be held for them.”

“There,” Nichols informs her, “Will be a service for Frank at 10 on Saturday, and then a service for Harry at 12.”

“Does anyone,” Victoria asks, “Have anything planned for them? I mean a little something afterwards?”

“As far as I know,” Nichols says, “Thus far, no.”

“Could you,” Victoria offers, “Use a home to hold a little something for their families and friends that will be calling?”

“We could indeed,” Nichols answers, “I don’t think anyone has come forward as of yet and right now I don’t think many are thinking too clearly. This was such a big blow to the community, both Harry and Frank and the battle that transpired.”

“Yes it was,” Victoria replies, “Pass the word. Tell anyone who wants to come, that they are more than welcomed. We will have something at two, right after the service for Harry and all those who wish to attend may do so and stay as long as they want or need to.”

“I’ll pass the word,” Nichols informs her, “And thank you for your generosity, as well as your gracious hospitality; there is no word to describe it.”

Bidding him a good day, Victoria then continues on down the street.

Arriving at the Pinkerton Detective Agency Jarrod goes in and after being met and greeted by one of their agents, Mr. Hardy he informs them he would like to hire them. Being asked to take a seat, Jarrod then is asked what kind of service he wants in which he explains that he wants a background check on a Heath Thomson. Mr. Hardy asks, “What kind of information do you want?”

Replying, “Anything,” Jarrod informs him, “And everything you could find; who he is, where he was born, everything from then to now.”

He is then asked if he wants a sketchy one or a full investigation, to which Jarrod informs him, “I want both. I’ll take the sketchy one first seeing it will probably be easier of the two to be obtained.”

“Very well,” Mr. Hardy then asks of him, “What do you know of him that you could present to us that we could use to help further the investigation along?”

“To be perfectly honest,” Jarrod replies, “Not much; which is why I’m coming to you. He does go by the name of Heath Thomson and was born west of Nevada in a little mining town called Strawberry up in Stanislaus County. A doctor by the name of Meehan I believed delivered him. His mother’s name is Leah Thomson; he has an Uncle Matt and an Aunt Martha. I don’t know their last names. He has an Aunt Rachel Caulfield and a Hannah James whom probably helped with the raising of him and said the last place he worked was at a ranch up in Corning. He mentioned being up at the Klammoth for a short time, I believe he did some mining,” as he continues Mr. Hardy is jotting it all down, “And may have worked for some of the other ranches but don’t know the names of them.”

Once he finishes, “How soon do you want the information?” Hardy asks of Jarrod who informs him, “As soon as you could get it.”

“You don know,” Henry notes, “It’s going to cost.”

“That isn’t any problem,” Jarrod informs him, “We’ll be happy to pay whatever it costs. We just need the information.”

“We get right on it” Hardy says “As soon as it comes through I will get back to you. The sketchier one should be available probably within a month.”

Getting up from their seats, “That will be fine, Mr. Hardy,” Jarrod informs him, “And you could always find me either out at the ranch or at my office. Someone will know how to reach me.”

Shaking hands, “Consider it done,” Hardy replies, “I’ll be in contact.” After thanking him and upon exchanging goodbyes Jarrod exits the agency.

Walking in the class room the teacher asks the six students present, “Where is everyone this morning?”

“We think,” Audra answers, “Many didn’t come due to what took place on Tuesday, Mrs. Stevens.”

“Mother,” Gene adds, “Thought we should attend though.”

“And mine did too,” one girl says.

“It was,” Mrs. Stevens admits, “Such a blow to the community. That horrible fight, it was just so tragic.”

“It was Mrs. Stevens” Audra states.

“Tell you what,” Mrs. Stevens says, “Seeing we don’t have a full class, how about if I let you all go home at noon. Would you like that?”

Speaking up first “Yes, Mrs. Stevens” Gene answers “We would at least I would.”

“I would too,” one of the boys replies.

“Alright,” Mrs. Stevens then asks, “Did you all bring in your homework assignments?” Informing her they did she asks them to bring them up to her. And while she works on looking them over she has them taking out a book to read.

While erecting the bridge and coming up to deeper water, “Heath,” Duke calls out, “Stay put, I will go ahead,” and listening to Duke Heath replies, “Yes Duke,” and watches as Duke places the two steel posts into the deepest part of the water about 20 feet apart from each other.

Stopping at the General Mercantile Victoria greets the clerk Diane who is behind the counter. Glancing up at her walking in, “Is there anything I could get for you?” Diane inquires.

Replying, “No thank you Diane, I will just look around,” Victoria starts browsing the store, “How’s everyone doing?” making conversation asks.

“Doing just fine,” Diane answers, “Jessie went to school today but wanted to stay home due to what happened but I told her she needed to go.”

“I did the same with Audra and Gene,” Victoria replies, “I think going to school is the best thing for them.”

“It was terrible I admit,” Diane brings up, “I don’t know what Nettie or Laura are going to do now. It’s such a sad day.”

“Yes it is,” Victoria replies, “But they’ll bounce back. Having the children helped me so I am sure they will help them too. It just may take awhile but they will.”

“True,” Diane replies as Victoria continues browsing and shopping.

Victoria picks up couple pairs of socks, undergarments, jars of jam, two pairs of pants, two shirts, two nightshirts and a jacket. Bringing them to the counter, “Will this be it?” Diane asks.

“I think so,” Victoria replies. Jotting all the items down in her ledger and then packaging the items Victoria has her putting the jars in separate packaging.

“Sure,” Diane informs her, “No problem. Do you want them added to your account?”

“Please,” Victoria replies. Minutes later Jarrod walks in and informing Victoria the buggy is outside waiting for her, “Oh good,” she says, “I am all set, Jarrod.”

“I guess,” Jarrod quips, “Perfect timing is in order.”

Replying “I’d say so” Victoria leaves the store with Jarrod carrying the packages.

Placing the packages in the back of the buggy Victoria instructs Jarrod to place the jars into the two baskets then catching sight of the clothing she purchased, “Are these for Heath?” he asks.

“They are,” she admits, “It must be the mother in me I guess but from what I saw that he brought with him, I thought he could use them.”

”I’m sure he could,” Jarrod then says with a smile, “You must really like his being with us.”

“Oh,” Victoria admits, “It’s more than that, Jarrod. But I do think his being with us in the long run will definitely be a blessing,” letting out a little sigh, “We just have to wait for Nick to see that.”

“True,” Jarrod then asks, “But what happens if the report comes out showing that he is not Father’s son, what then?”

“Let’s cross that bridge when it comes,” Victoria replies, “But for right now let’s just try to get use to his being with us and hopefully everything else will fall into place later.”

“Agreed,” Jarrod helping her up into the front, asks, “Have you finished all your errands you had to do?”

Replying, “Yes, Jarrod,” Victoria informs him as he sits alongside of her and grabs the reins, “Except for the two stops we need to make.”

As he begins steering the team away from the store, “Where to first?” he asks.

“First stop is Laura,” Victoria states, “I want to drop off what I brought for them and then we will do Nettie.”

“Laura it is then,” Jarrod replies as he heads up the street.


Realizing it is reaching high noon, “Heath,” Duke informs him, “Let’s stop for lunch. Go get your lunch and we’ll sit under the tree and talk some more.”

Replying, “Sure Duke,” Heath retrieves his lunch and meets Duke at the tree.

Catching sight of Heath walking over with just an apple in his hand, “Is that all you brought for lunch?” he asks of him.

“It is,” Heath replies.

“Why didn’t you bring something more? Like a sandwich?” Duke asks.

“Don’t have one, sir,” Heath replies. Letting out a little sigh Duke tells Heath to sit who obediently does as told. Getting up and going over to his saddlebag, Duke retrieves a sandwich and handing it to him says, “Here, eat this.”

Protesting, “This is yours,” Heath answers, “I can’t take this.”

“I always come with extra,” Duke informs him, “Now, take it.”

Taking it “How much do you want for it?” Heath inquires.

“Nothing,” Duke says, “It’s on me. Now eat up.”

Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath starts eating the sandwich while Duke sitting alongside of him does the same.

Making conversation Duke begins by telling Heath that he is doing an excellent job on helping him with rebuilding the bridge. He then tells him not to be calling him sir anymore and to just call or refer to him by his name and that he’d like for them to be friends. After Heath tells him he’d like that, Duke then goes on to ask him how he likes working with him.

“I like it,” Heath answers.

Placing his hand on his shoulder, “Well Heath,” Duke informs him, “I’m glad you do because it’s been a delight working with you. I do hope you stay around for a long time to come. You could really become a great asset around here from what I’ve seen of you so far. You have a natural talent or knack for what you could do and this is just your first day.”

“Depends,” Heath answers.

Duke asks, “On what?”

“Them,” Heath replies.

“Them,” Duke mimics, “As in the Barkleys?”

Heath replies, “Yes.”

“Heath,” Duke then says, “The Barkleys are a great family and I think once you’ve been here for a little bit, you will see that too.”

As Heath takes bites of his sandwich, “Maybe,” and shrugging his shoulders, “We’ll see,” he answers.

“Heath,” Duke then goes on to say, “I know you’ve worked on quite a few ranches from what you and Nick told me but what other kinds of work have you done?”

“Many,” Heath answers “Mining, marshall.”

Studying his face he asks “You were a marshall?” Heath replies, “I was.”

“You can’t be serious,” Duke informs him.

“I am,” Heath replies.

“What happened to that?” Duke wanted to know.

“Came to an end,” Heath mentions, “Brought home to Mama.”

“How old are you?” Duke inquires.

“24,” Heath answers.

“Really,” Duke says.

“Uh-huh,” Heath replies.

“You have a youthful face,” Duke informs him, “Did you know that? You could pass for a teenager. How do you hold your age so well?”

Swallowing a sip of water from his canteen and shrugging his shoulders, “Don’t know,” Heath answers.

“How old were you,” Duke asks, “When you were a marshall?”

Heath answers, “Eighteen.”

“Did you like it,” Duke asks, “Being a marshall?”

“I did,” Heath notes, “The sheriff was nice.”

“What about your working in the mines?” Duke asks of Heath who replies, “Didn’t.”

“Then why do it?” Duke wanted to know.

“Had to,” Heath answers. Duke asks, “Why did you have to?”

“Just had to,” Heath replies. Duke says, “You do say that a lot.”

“It’s the way it is,” Heath informs him. Duke then asks what he did in the mines to which he answers, “Throw charges into them.”

“Charges,” Duke says, “That must’ve been a little frightening to be doing that.”

Shrugging shoulders, “Not think of it,” Heath answers, “Just did it.”

Duke asking Heath what job there was that he liked doing better in which he informs him working with the horses. Duke then asks if he liked horses in which he notices Heath proudly responds, “I do.”

“I see that,” Duke notes, “I could hear it from the tone in your voice. Are you any good?”

Shrugging his shoulders once again, “Maybe,” Heath quietly says.

Duke then tells him he’d like to see what he could do with the horses in which Heath tells him he may. Then being asked how he likes eating lunch out there with him Heath answers, “Fine.” Duke then asks if he’d like to ask him any questions he tells him, “No.”

Duke then inquires about if he minds being asked the questions, Heath answers with, “No. You ask, I answer.”

Once again, “I see that,” Duke notes. He then asks how he likes the sandwich in which Heath once answers again with, “Fine, thank you.”

Minutes later while drinking sips of water from his canteen, Duke asks Heath to tell him more about his life back in Strawberry. Heath informs him that was his home and as he notices the gruff tone in his voice as he tells him he didn’t like it he tries to find out the reason why he didn’t. As Heath will only say, “Just do,” shrugging his shoulders, Duke decides its best they stop and changes the subject and starts inquiring about his aunts and uncles that live there.

Heath tells him about his Uncle Matt, Aunt Martha, Aunt Rachel and Hannah and explains to him about Hannah and Rachel being good friends of his Mama and not his real aunts. Duke then asks how he likes each one to which Heath mentions he liked Hannah and Rachel but doesn’t like Aunt Martha or Uncle Matt and answering gruffly as he speaks of the two.

Once again Duke asks if he minds him asking him questions about them to which Heath repeats, “No, you ask, I answer.”

Duke then inquires about his schooling to which Heath explains to him that he didn’t like it. Trying to get him to elaborate on it he just answers, “Yes; didn’t.”

Then asking if he finished school Heath replies, “I finished school. Not the way I think you mean though.”

Duke then tries to find out for how long he went to which he answers, “Just for a little bit.” As Duke tries to find out why he didn’t get to finish Heath explains, “No good. No need to; says that kind is trouble.”

Then trying to find out who told him that Heath answers, “Many.” For a few seconds Duke merely studies him and then thinking it best to change the subject he asks about why he didn’t learn how to swim in which Heath shrugs his shoulders replying, “Not know.”

“Wasn’t there anyone around that could’ve taught you?” Duke wanted to know.

“No,” Heath replies, “My kind don’t need to.”

Mystified “Your kind,” Duke inquires, “What does that mean?”

“Just what said,” Heath answers. Duke then asks “Who told you that you are a kind?”

“Any,” Heath replies, “All look at you. It’s true.”

Feeling they’ve had enough for one day Duke suggests they stop and get back to work with Heath answering, “Sure Duke,” and finishing their lunches they get up and return to working on the bridge.


Making Laura and Harry’s the first stop, Victoria informs Jarrod who is assisting her out of the buggy she won’t be long and after a couple of knocks a woman in her middle 40’s answers the door. Exchanging hellos Jarrod asks of her, “How you doing?”

Laura replies, “I’m doing alright.”

“Are you sure?” Victoria asks.

Replying, “I’m sure,” Laura holds the door open and asks them to come in to which Victoria hands her the basket. Graciously accepting it, “That was so nice of you,” Laura answers, “You didn’t have to do that.”

Putting her arm around her “We wanted to” Victoria tells her “It’s the least we could do.” Then upon walking out “Will you be alright” Victoria inquires.

Answering she will be, “We’ll see you on Saturday. Take care,” Victoria then tells her as she and Jarrod bid her goodbye.

At school as Mrs Stevens dismisses the class everyone gets up out of their seats and as they go out the door they each bid her goodbye and as they reach the bottom of the step Jessie asks Audra if she would like to go riding around for a bit in which Audra replies, “Sure why not,” and then calling out to Gene she tells him, “Gene tell Mother I’m gonna ride around a bit with Jessie.”

Replying, “Yeah okay,” Gene grabs his horse from the livery and goes home while Jessie and Audra go to the store to inform Jessie’s mother where she is going.

Coming by the creek, Nick catches sight of 5 steel posts in the water and notices Duke hammering nails into wooden boards while Heath is on dry land hammering nails into long wooden boards. Going up to Duke on Coco, Nick calls out to him who glances up and says, “Hi Nick,” as he approaches.

“How’s it going?” Nick wanted to know.

“Going very well,” Duke replies, “Heath is a tremendous help and really knows what he’s doing. Sure wish you would’ve stopped by to join us for lunch.”

“Was too busy,” Nick then says, glancing over at Heath, “How come you are working here alone and he is over there?”

Duke informs him, “He can’t swim Nick; this part is too deep for him. I didn’t want him drowning while helping me.”

“What’s he doing?” Nick then asks.

“Ask him,” Duke informs him, “But wait ‘til you hear. He came up with it all on his own.”

Going over to where Heath is and upon dismounting calls out to him who replies, “Yes sir.”

“What you doing?” Nick asks.

“Getting this ready,” Heath replies, “For when we finish setting the span completely down.”

“What is its purpose?” Nick wanted to know, “It’s function?”

“It’s a railing sir,” Heath answers, “You didn’t have one like it before.”

“I see,” Nick says admiring his work, “Where did you learn to do that?”

“A ranch,” Heath answers, “I was at before sir.”

Then telling him to continue on and that he will see him back at the house Heath replies, “Sure sir,” and goes back to work.

Mounting back on Coco and returning to Duke who sees him coming says, “Well Nick, what do you think?”

“Interesting,” Nick states, “I never thought of putting a railing like that up; the one we had was just a plain loose railing but it wasn’t very sturdy. It’s a good idea,” and then he asks, “So, he came out with it all on his own?”

“All on his own,” Duke admits, “And he even designed the bridge.”

Glancing over at it being put up Nick asks, “Really?” Duke replies, “Really.”

Nick then inquires, “How do you like working with him?”

“He’s a good hard worker, Nick,” Duke informs him, “And smart and very pleasant, although quiet. We do need to talk later though.”

“I’ll come by the bunkhouse later if I get the time,” Nick says as he is about to ride away, “We could talk then. I’ll see you.”

“Oh,” Duke calls out, “I could use a little more manpower than just Heath and myself. It will help it to get done a lot quicker.”

“Who do you want working with you?” Nick asks.

“Think maybe,” Duke answers “Bobby, Jim, Johnny and Ron. I think they will work well with Heath and myself.”

“Consider it done,” Nick tells him, “Tell them in the morning.”

“I will,” Duke informs him, “Don’t forget our talk. It’s important,” as he gallops away yells back, “I won’t,” and continues going while Duke resumes working.

Arriving at the Sempleworth Ranch, Victoria hands Nettie one of the baskets who bursts out, “Some people have all the luck,” holding back the tears. As Victoria tries calling out to her, “All my life,” she continues, “I’ve been preparing myself for the day I would have to be without Frank but I didn’t bargain on his dying over fighting for what was his and being gunned down in cold blood.”

“Aunt Nettie,” Jarrod then says, “We’re sorry.”

“Will you please go,” Nettie urges them, “I don’t want anybody here right now.”

As both Victoria and Jarrod continue to try to get through to her with Victoria saying, “Come on Nettie; let it out,” shaking her slightly.

“No Victoria,” Nettie replies, “Not today. Not right now; maybe tomorrow or the day after but not right now; sorry.”

As both Victoria and Jarrod continue comforting her trying to get through to her Victoria says, “Nettie, I know this is a big shock for you.”

Replying, “Me too Victoria,” Nettie then says “Just do me a favor and not let anyone die. Will you Victoria? Will you Jarrod? Please do that for me?”

“We will do our best,” Victoria assures her.

Then upon thanking them for the basket she asks them to leave her alone in which they both sympathetically comply and as they leave Victoria tells her, “We’ll go Nettie. We’ll see you on Sunday.”

As Nettie replies “Sure” Jarrod and Victoria go out the door and climbing into he buggy they could hear her sobbing uncontrollably and exchanging quiet glances Victoria says to Jarrod “Let her be, Jarrod, she needs to be alone right now.”

Grabbing the reins, Jarrod somberly drives away from the Sempleworth ranch heading back for the house.

On the way Victoria informs Jarrod, “I told Father Nichols we could use our house on Saturday for families and friend who will be calling after the two services are finished.”

“What a nice idea,” Jarrod notes, “I am sure no one has thought that far ahead yet.”

“No they haven’t,” Victoria mentions, “Which is why I am doing this. Heath is going to need a suit. I don’t think he brought one with him.”

“I don’t think he did either and something tells me he probably doesn’t own one either” Jarrod then asks “Want me to take him into town and get him one?”

“If you won’t mind,” Victoria says, “I would ask Nick but right now, he’s not too receptive of him at the moment.”

“Of course,” Jarrod informs her.

“But before we get too far ahead of ourselves,” Victoria brings up, “We need to first ask Heath if he would like to attend. He may not.”

”True,” Jarrod notes, “And I will take him and I think his attending will be good for him. He’ll get a chance to meet some of the people from the valley.”

“Yes it will” Victoria states “But he has to decide for himself if he wants to or not.”

“Agreed,” Jarrod then asks, “What time are the services for them?”

“Frank’s is set for 10,” Victoria mentions, “And Harry’s is scheduled for noon.”

Returning to the house Jarrod and Victoria are met and greeted by Ciego who asks them “Did you have a good day out?”

“Yes we did,” Victoria answers, “Thank you.”

Jarrod replies, “It was very productive.”

As Jarrod is taking the packages from the back, “Would you like me to take this for you?” Ciego asks referring to the buggy.

“Yes,” Jarrod replies, “If you won’t mind.”

“Not at all, Senor,” Ciego says and as Jarrod and Victoria head up the walk Ciego takes the buggy into the barn.

Being met and greeted by Gene as he is standing near the railing Victoria says to him, “You’re home early aren’t you?”

Replying, “Yes,” Gene informs her, “The teacher let us out dearly due to many of the other students not showing up.”

“Did you have a good day?” Victoria asks of him who replies, “Was okay, considering it was school.”

Victoria asks of him, “Did you have any homework?”

Gene replies, “She didn’t give us any today.”

As they walk in the front door and upon looking around Victoria asks where Audra is to which Gene informs her she went riding with Jessie and was told to tell her she will return in a little bit. Glancing up at Jarrod, “Oh Jarrod,” Victoria then says, “I do wish you would talk to her.”

“I’ll talk with her,” Jarrod informs her.

“Thank you,” Victoria replies.

Noticing the packages in their hands, “Who are they for?” Gene inquires.

“For Heath,” Victoria then says, “Gene here, will you mind?” handing them to him, “Put them on his bed so he will see them when he goes up there.”

Taking them, “Sure,” Gene then asks, “Will it be alright if I rode around on Thunder for awhile?”

“Go ahead,” Victoria informs him, “Just make sure you are back before dinner.”

“I will,” Gene vows and as Jarrod is handing him his packages says, “Here Gene, take these too.”

“I hope,” Gene replies, “I don’t lose my footing along the way. These things are a little heavy,” going up the stairs.

“They are not that heavy,” Jarrod informs him, “Just take your time and watch where you are going,” then excusing himself he goes into the study to read the mail and papers he has in his hands while Victoria heads for the kitchen.


Audra and Jessie are riding around the back hills of the woods and as they come up to something near an underbrush “Hey Jessie” Audra calls out “Look it there!”

“I see it,” Jessie mentions dismounting, “Let’s take a look.”

Walking over to it they catch sight of something further into the woods below the underbrush and go on following it. Reaching various undergrowth they come up to, “Did you see which way it went?” Audra asks as they are standing in an open area scanning around.

“It,” Jessie mentions, “Went further into the woods.”

“Let’s go see,” Audra suggests and as they continue following it through the wooded area they catch sight of it again.

“Is that what I think it is,” Jessie asks, “A coon?”

“It is,” Audra answers, “I wonder what it is doing out here this time of the day. They usually come out at night. Why didn’t it just go up a tree when it saw us?”

“Not sure,” Jessie says, shrugging her shoulders, “Let’s see if we could grab him,” and continuing to scan the woods they look for it. Ducking under a low limb of underbrush and not watching what they are doing Audra without warning lets out a little scream as she misses her footing and falls flat into the mud.

Hearing her scream Jessie calls after her, “Are you alright?” she asks but without warning she finds herself falling into the mud as well resulting in her letting out a little scream.

“I’m fine,” Audra informs her.

Getting back on their feet and realizing their clothes as well as portions of their faces are covered in mud, “Oh no!” Jessie exclaims, “Mother is going to be terribly upset. They don’t want me coming home all dirty.”

“Mine is too,” Audra admits, “Oh well,” shrugging her shoulders, “We’re already dirty. Not much more we can do about it right now. Let’s go and see it.”

“I love the way your mind works” Jessie notes “It went over there” as they continue following it and inching closer to it “Come here little fellow” Jessie calls out “We’re not going to hurt you.” Reaching for it and as she grabs it “Aah” showing it to Audra says “Isn’t she darling?”

Petting it, “She sure is,” Audra replies.

“What we going to do with her?” Jessie wanted to know as she hands it to Audra.

Replying “Don’t know,” Audra scans the surrounding area, “I don’t even know where she came from.”

Glancing around, “Do you see any others?” Jessie asks of her who replies, “No, just this one.”

“What do you want to do with her?” Jessie inquires.

“Not sure,” Audra replies, “But we can’t leave her out here to fend for herself, she’s just a baby.”

“Do you want to take her home with you?” Jessie asks.

“I’d like to,” Audra admits, “But not so sure if my family would let me keep her,” petting her, “Why don’t you take her,” she suggests.

Thinking it over Jessie agrees to take her home with her and then realizing it’s late, they decide its time to be going and as they mount up on their horses Jessie places the coon on her lap and as they bid one another goodbye they go their separate ways with Jessie heading for town and Audra heading for the ranch.

While still working on the bridge and after hammering the wooden structure into the steel beams, Duke noticing the time decides to call it a day, and as they stop working they pitch in with loading up the wagon and upon returning one of the men noticing Heath asks of another hand, “Hey who is that?”

One of the hands reply “Oh, that’s Heath.”

“Is he a new hand?” the first hand asks.

“Yes,” Ron answers, “He just came yesterday.”

“How come,” the first guy asks, “I didn’t see him until now?”

Shrugging his shoulders “Don’t know,” Ron replies, “Maybe because you weren’t here when Nick brought him around, I guess,” as he goes inside the bunkhouse.

As Eugene is coming in on Thunder one of the hands greets him as he pulls up to the paddock. Dismounting Gene calls out, “Hi Barrett.”

“Who is that with Duke?” Barrett wanted to know.

“That is Heath,” Gene answers.

One of the men standing next to Barrett says, “I understand he is new here.”

“He is,” Gene admits, “He just joined the family yesterday.”

“Joined the family?” Barrett asks, surprised.

“Yes,” Gene says, “He’s our new brother.” After Barrett thanks him for clearing thing up he brings Thunder into the barn.

“So,” Barrett says, “A new brother. We do need to find out more about him.”

“Yes indeed,” the second guy replies, “Find out how he rates.”

“Let’s observe him,” Barrett suggests. The second guy replies, “Good idea.”

Upon entering the barn, Gene greets both Duke and Heath inside who in turn return the greeting. After the wagon is unhitched Duke suggests to Heath to go inside and he will take care of the rest. Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath obediently stops and exits the barn with Gene informing him he will be right in.

While unloading the supplies Duke asks of Gene, “Have you seen Nick?”

“Not since this morning,” Gene answers.

Duke then tells him, “When you see him tell him I want a word with him.”

“Sure,” Gene responds.

As Heath walks up to the front door and ponders what to do decides to knock. Opening the door, Silas welcomes him in and upon entering Heath thanks him.

Coming out of the kitchen Victoria greets Heath and asks him how his first day working with Duke went to which he replies, “Fine Ma’am.”

She then says to him, “Why don’t you go upstairs and change your clothes? I bought you a few things. If you would go and try them on and then come back down I would like to see how they look on you.”

Replying, “Yes Ma’am,” Heath obediently goes up the stairs to his room.

Once Gene is finished in the barn he and Duke bid each other goodnight and while he heads for the house Duke continues unhitching the wagon.
