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 Through The Rain
(A Brandon & Samantha FanFic)
By, Brady1204 

note: I am in no way associated with Days of our Lives, or Ken Corday.

Chapter 1

        Sami Brady sat at the edge of the bed. Everything within the past 12 hours seemed like a blob to her.
        Who's bed is this and what happened?" she murmured to herself. She looked around to see if anything looked familiar to her. She saw her skirt, blouse, purse, and shoes. The room was empty as far as she could tell. 
        She slowly started to get dressed. She realized how sore she was. It hit her all of a sudden.
        “Damn it. How could this happen again! I need to get to Brandon and fast. I hope Brandon believes me!" As she starts out the door, a man shows up behind her.
        He whispers in her ear, " You tell anyone about this, and I will do more than kill you. I will haunt you and your loved ones." He points a gun at her back and shoves her out the door.

        In the hospital Brandon just smiled as the thought of Samantha coming to his mind. He can't believe how lucky he was to be with her. He looked at the clock. So much time till Samantha was supposed to be at work. 
"I hope Samantha enjoys her gift that I have. I can't wait to give it to her." Right then his pager went off and he had to go see a patient. "Soon Samantha, Soon"

        Sami pulls into a spot in the parking lot at the hospital. She glances at the clock and exhaled loudly.
        "Sh**! I'm 2 hours late." She knew why too. She didn't realize how far away from Salem she had been taken. "Brenda's going to be all over to me today." She thinks to herself.
        Sami walks to the nurses station and braces herself for whatever will be coming to her. She clocks in and looks around. The only person she sees is Larry.
        "Larry, Where is everyone?" She asked glancing around nervously. Scared of what the answer could be. 
        " Sami, I... I really don't know how to say this. They're all looking for you. Because normally when you are late you call in and I cover for you. You never called so I called Brandon and Roman. So they are all looking for you." Larry rushed to say. "I'm glad you are alright!"
        " Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening. I have to get them to stop looking for me. How could you do this. This mess isn't even my fault this time."
        "Sorry Sami, I didn't know. They said if you called or arrived to call Roman or Brandon's cell. Oh and also announce it to the hospital. a lot of people worry about you Sami Brady." Larry replied
        Sami hurriedly called Brandon's cell knowing that he would be more concerned than angry, unlike her father. 
        "Samantha? Is that you?" a warm concerned voice filled her ear. 
        "Yeah sweetie! I'm, sorry thing happened the way they did"
        "Just stay there. do not leave under any circumstance! I love you sweetheart! I'll call Roman, it'll save you some questions."
"I love you too. Thank you for taking care of Dad."
        Sami hung up the phone. She looked at herself. there were bruises all over her arms, legs and face. Whoever that guy was didn't take rape easy. She had to cover up the bruises before Brandon or her dad saw them.
"Larry, I'm going to go to the ladies room. Tell Brandon to come get me. " Sami said quickly.
" You Betcha!" Larry said warily. He didn't like the fact that Sami and bruises all over her. Then there were also the cuts. He thought to himself "I can't believe that would happen to Sami of all people."
        Sami walked through the door and gazed in the mirror. "How the hell did this happen?" She wondered aloud. She did her best to try and cover most of the bruises. "I don't look that bad anymore. "I'm think I'm ready to go out there and face Daddy and Brandon."
        As she went through the door, she ran right into her honey. 
        "Ow! Watch where..." as she looks up and sees him, "Oh sorry honey, thought it was a bi***." her voice sounded worried. 
        "Hey baby, it's all right. I'm here." He took her in his arms. He knew she loved being there. She winced with pain. "Are you ok hon?" He asked with his eyes filled with love and concern for her. 
        " I've been better. I'll tell you and dad about it when we are together." she said in a rush.
        " Ok then. Do you want to go and see him now?" 
        " Not now. Maybe in a minute. I just want to be in the safety of your arms." she said.
        Brandon stood there hold her. He wondered why she said the safety of his arms. She never stated it like that.
        " Ok baby, lets go we need to get this over with." he said quietly. 
        Sami breathed deeply and replied. "OK"
        They walked out of the ladies room together.
        "Can you get a doctor and an exam room?" Sami asked.
        Brandon looked at her worried. "I'll be your doctor. We'll go to exam room three. Do you want a gown?" She looked at him scared and nodded to him. Brandon took her to exam room three. He told her to change while he went to get Roman.
        Sami thought to herself. I bet that Jackass is watching and seeing if I’m going to tell. I know I have to tell Brandon. I might as well tell daddy. She jumped up onto the bed, and waited for them to come through the door.
        The door swung open and Roman rushed over to his baby girl.
        “ Your mom will be here real soon.” He told her.
        “ Daddy, Brandon will you please sit down. I have something very important to show and tell you.” She began to wipe off the concealer that hid the multiple bruises.
        “Oh my god. What the hell happened to you.” Roman said suddenly. 
        Brandon jumped up as tears started to roll down her face. As he wiped the tears away that took off the concealer that was on her face.
        “ This morning, I woke up not knowing where I was. I look to see if I could see anything familiar, but I couldn’t. I was so sore and I realized that I had bruises. I looked like I did when Alan Raped me. So I'm guessing I was raped.” Sami said slowly, as if digesting the thought for the first time.
        “ Who... What.. WHY?” Roman and Brandon both asked.
        “ I don’t know who though when I was walking out the door the guy shoved a gun at my back and told me not to tell anyone or he will haunt me forever.” Sami said shakily.
        Brandon gave her a big hug. He couldn’t believe the hell she had to go through again. He vowed to himself that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her again. 
        Marlena knocked on the door and slowly opened it. She saw Sami and rushed to her. (Brandon stepped back to allow this to happen) Roman explained to her the situation.
        “Excuse me, Marlena, Roman. Do you think you could leave so I can examine Samantha. Just to make sure physically she is all right.” Brandon asked gently.
        “Sure, and Sami we’ll be right outside. I’m going to need to talk to you.” Roman said. 
        “Thank you daddy, mom. I love you guys.”
        “We love you too.” Marlena replied.
        They walked out the door. Brandon starts to examine her. Still hurting for her. He didn’t like to see his Samantha in pain. 
        “ Do you know how this happened?” he asked.
        “ No, I woke up and couldn’t remember anything. I tried honey, really I did.” She started to cry all over again. 
        Brandon quit examining her and held her close to him. Though not tight, he didn’t want to hurt her. 
        Outside the room Marlena pondered of how Sami could have gotten herself into this mess. She tried to pry more thing out of Roman, but it didn’t work. she would have to have a talk one on one with Samantha. 
        Back in the Hospital room told her that she should check in and stay overnight just incase something might happen.
        “Brandon, I never want to be away from you again. You make me feel safe. I love you and I always want you to know that.” Sami said as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
        “Samantha, I will be by your side forever. I will be your doctor. I will be here for and with you all night and I love you too.” Brandon replied with sorrow. 

Chapter 2

         Brandon fell asleep on the bed next to Samantha’s. She woke up and looked over. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was. She looked at the clock and it read 11:00am. Then she saw her flowers.
        “ I can’t believe how sweet everyone is being. I wonder who they’re from,” she thought
        “ She took and read the card. There was a little poem. It read...

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Watch where you Are
I will be There!

        Sami screamed at the top of her lungs. Brandon woke up so fast and fell out of the bed to get to her side. 
        “What’s wrong sugar? You can tell me.” Brandon asked gently.
        Sami shoved the card toward him. She was shaking so much that she look like a leaf in the wind. As soon as he read it he called Roman and told him to bring Bo and Abe down to the hospital.
        Roman realize how serious the situation when he heard Walker ask for Abe. Brandon hated Abe. Roman wondered as he called his little bro Bo. 
        “ Hey, Can you do me a favor,?” asked Roman.
        “ Sure, what do you need?” Bo replied.
        “ Meet me at the hospital, Sami is in trouble.” Roman said.
        “ Say no more, I’m on my way.” he said in a rush.
        Roman hung up the phone and dialed Abe’s number.
        “ Hey Abe, I need you buddy.” 
        “ What could I do for you Roman?” Abe asked.
        “ I need you at the hospital. Bo is on his way right now.” 
        “ What’s up at the hospital?” Abe questioned.
        “ Sami was checked in last night for possible rape. Brandon called this morning asking for Bo, you, and me to get down there as fast as possible.” Roman said and hoped Abe’s pride wouldn’t get in the way.
        “ Walked asked for me huh? Well it’s got to be important. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes, and Roman. I’m sorry about Sami.” 
        “Thanks Abe.” Roman again hung up the phone wondering what happened. Damn it!! He grabbed his jacket and headed for the hospital.
        Brandon tried to calm Samantha down, but nothing helped. He felt all he could do was hold her. They sat there for a few minutes when Sami jerked out of his arms. 
        “Oh my God! Brandon can you get Will for me. Please. As fast as possible?” Sami asked frantically.
        Brandon knew she lost custody of her, but she did have visitation rights. “Of Course.” He turned to call Lucas. 
        “Lucas, it’s Brandon. Can you bring Will to the hospital. Samantha really needs to see him.” 
        “ Why should I do that for her, when all she has done is cause us trouble.” 
        “ She was raped yesterday, and she is really shaken up.”
        “ Oh, well sure I guess. Though he can’t stay that long.”
        “ That’s fine, thanks.” Brandon hung up the phone, hopefully for the last time.
        Right then his pager beeped him. He went back to Samantha’s room to let him know he was going to be longer than normal. 
        “Samantha, are you going to be ok?”
        “ I think so hon, but hurry back please. I don’t want to be alone too long.” she stated slowly. As she said that, she twirled the card in her hands.
        “I’ll be right back in a flash. I love you Samantha.” Brandon bent over and gave her a kiss. He knew right now or in a couple weeks he would not ever be able to push her further. He looked back at her as the door closed and gave her his sweet smile.
        As he left, Sami looked around the room, not wanting to be alone. Then the phone rang suddenly. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of it. She picked up the phone and said, ”Hello?”
        “Hey Sami. I’m sorry things had to turn out this way.” , a deep raspy voice answered back.
        “Who is this?” her voice shook with fright.
        “When you left this morning you didn’t take my threat seriously. You went and told Brandon and daddy. How about now I make your life a living hell. Doesn’t that sound like fun! Just beware of the ones closest to your family. Let’s see… There’s Will, Roman, Marlena, Brandon, of course you. Am I leaving anybody out. Oh yeah. Belle and her boyfriend Shawn.” 
        In the background Sami heard a scream and then nothing.
        “Why do you want to do this to me?”
        “Think about it Sami. After you thought about it, it will come to you. Now about Belle and Shawn. Do you want to say goodbye?”
        “Please don’t kill them. I will do anything. Please just let them be safe!!”
        “I’ll call you back with an answer.” With that the person hung up the phone.
        As soon as Sami heard a dial tone she jumped from her bed and ran out to the hallway. 
        “BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!,” she yelled with everything she had. “I NEED YOU BRANDON!!!!”
        A couple of nurses tried to quiet her down. That didn’t work so they had to find someway to contain her. She wouldn’t let them. She kicked, punched, bit, shoved, did everything she could to get out of it. Though after awhile she got tired and they were able to restrain her. Though Brandon walked up right then.
        “What the hell are you guys doing? This is a victim. You should always be gentle. If you can’t get them restrained gently then you go and get a doctor to give them a sedative.” Brandon stated with a firm voice.
        “Oh Brandon. The guy called. He said he had Belle and Shawn, and he was going to kill them. I don’t want them to die.” Sami started crying.
        “SSSHHHH!!! Things will be ok. I promise! We need to get you to lay down. Come on.” he said calmly.
        He picked her up and carried her into her room. He gently laid her down. Suddenly, the door opened. Roman, Bo, and Abe stood there. They looked like the male version of Charlie’s Angles.
        “Ok Brandon,” Roman said, “Why did you call all of us down here?”
        “I’m going to have you read a card that was sent with the flowers. Then, Samantha is going to tell you what just happened. Though I’m not quite sure what just happened myself.” Brandon told the guys as he still held on to his Samantha.
        Roman grabbed the card and read aloud the poem.

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Watch where you Are
I will be There

        “ Oh my gosh Sami. How are you doing? Roman asked as Bo and Abe wondered who, and why would anyone do this to Sami.
        “ I’m not good daddy. I’m not ok at all. When Brandon had to leave the room for a patient, the person called. Let me finish. Ok?” She had seen the guys all open their mouths to comment on something. They shut them again. Brandon just held her tighter than ever. “ I answered thinking mom or Will would call. They asked me who should the go after first. Then they stated our family plus Brandon. Then he was like oh I forgot somebody. Then said Belle and Shawn’s name. I heard a scream go to silence. I cried and asked him not to hurt them. I said I would do anything, but he couldn’t hurt them. He said he would call back.” She saw the look of fear in her Uncle Bo’s eyes and in her own dad’s eyes.
        “ I better call John and Marlena. It’s gonna be hell explaining the situation. He is not going to be pleased.” Abe said. He left the room to go call them.
        “Why does the a$$ have Shawn? Shawn isn’t close to you. Oh my gosh. What am I going to tell Hope. I gotta go. Don’t worry Sami, I’ll be back.” With that Bo left.
        As soon as Bo got out the door, Lucas showed up.
        “Lucas please be nice to Sami. A lot has happened since I last talked to you.” Brandon said with a slight warning tone to his voice.
        “ I know. Abe Filled me in on everything. I wanted to see Sami before Will saw her. Sami, I’m sorry this has happened to you. If you would like Will to stay with you for awhile, I don’t mind.” Lucas said gently. Will came running in.
        “Will, Hi my baby boy. How are you?” Sami hugged him tightly. 
        “Mommy, you look like you had a bad crash.” Will stated
        Nobody knew what to tell him. They didn’t want to tell him the truth. He was to young to know about this stuff. be continued