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(contributed by ChristyJane2002)
Airdate 11/29/00

Brandon just made love to Angela...


Sami: That was rude. Why did you walk out without answering my question?

Brandon: Me standing around half-naked in a towel… I could tell it was making you uncomfortable.

Sami: No, it wasn’t. I mean … okay, stop changing the subject… did you enjoy being with Angela, or not?

Brandon: I didn’t think about it really …

Sami: Brandon, you made love to her. She was naked in your bed, in your shower… Angela looked like the cat who ate the cream. She obviously had a wonderful time tonight. Now are you going to stand there and tell me you didn’t feel a thing?

Brandon: I did what I had to do, Samantha. For you. I’d do anything for you.

Sami: But how far do you have to go?

Brandon: There’s one more step I have to take before you get Will. A big step.


Sami: What’s the next step, Brandon?

Brandon: I have to marry her.

Sami: No!

Brandon: It’s the only way, Samantha. Tonight I got Angela to trust me. But she’s not gonna hand over the evidence ‘til we tie the knot.

Sami: There could be another way. Nicole said she has all kinds of dirt on Kate and Lucas. If we can get her to testify – 

Brandon: that is not going to happen!

Sami: I know you don’t want to involve your sister, but if she can help us – Brandon, please. Can’t we at least find out what she knows?

Brandon: Okay, I’ll talk to her but that’s all.

Sami: You can’t go through with this wedding, Brandon. (smells pillow) Great –Angela’s perfume… she’s everywhere.

 Brandon: Let’s get out of here then., I’ll take you out for a nightcap.

Sami: Okay… I’m not sure I could sleep.

Brandon: Pretty ironic, isn’t it? I made love with Angela. Now I’m having drinks with you. Why couldn’t it be the other way around?


(Sami and Brandon are already seated at a table)
Sami: How did you know this is one of my favorite places?

Brandon: I know more than you think, Samantha. For instance, I can tell you’re dying for me to ask you to dance.

Sami: Get out – what makes you say that?

Brandon: The way your cute little rear end keeps moving around in your seat.

Sami: How long have you been looking at my … you’re bad.

Brandon: Can’t help it. Dance with me… (Charmed by him, Sami follows him to the dance floor. They dance closely, slow & sexy.) Just holding you like this…

Samantha: What?

Brandon: You connect with me in a way no other woman ever has. It’s like… you’re inside my soul.

Sami: No one’s ever said anything like that to me before.

Brandon: I mean it, Samantha.

Sami: I know.

Brandon: Is that all?

Sami: What do you mean?

Brandon: Usually when I express my feelings for you… about ten seconds later you start in on how much you love Austin. (Sami stares at him silently.) Tell the truth, Samantha… will I ever have a chance with you? ( Sami has feelings she doesn’t want to admit, she remains silent) Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that Austin didn’t exist – you never knew him. If we met, and started dating, would
we end up together?

Sami: Yes. I’m sure we would.  (they stare into each other’s eyes and slowly move in to kiss.)


Brandon: When I was with Angela tonight… it was like my heart and soul shut down. I had to turn off my emotions… that was the only way I could get through it. It was just sex, and it was totally empty. That’s why I needed to be with you tonight… to hold you in my arms, to tell you how I really feel.

Sami: And you were guilty, having to fake those feelings with Angela?

Brandon: Yes. I don’t like using women. I hate it when men disrespect … The fact is, I like Angela as a person. I don’t want to hurt her. And I hate tricking her like this, but…

Sami: You’re doing it for me. I can’t believe I’m being so selfish.

Brandon: There’s nothing selfish about wanting to be a full-time mom to your son. I believe Will belongs with you, Samantha.

Sami: But how can I ask you to give up your whole life?

Brandon: Hey, I know there’s no upside for me. I’m willing to make this sacrifice even though there’s not a damn chance you’ll ever reciprocate my feelings. But giving, and not expecting anything in return… isn’t that what loving someone is all about?

Sami: I love you too, Brandon.


Sami: I love you for being such a good person, so generous… understanding…
Brandon: Who knows? Maybe someday you’ll love me the way I love you.  (Brandon, looking very determined.)