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(contributed by ChristyJane2002)
Airdate 12/1/00

Samantha: I don’t know how you stay so buff, Brandon. All you’ve got to eat in your kitchen is cookies and ice cream.

Brandon: I work out, you know that.

Sami: (admiring his body) It sure pays off. So… you were about to open up to me earlier at my apartment. Then Angela came back and that was it. You shut me down.

Brandon: I really have to get back to her. Can’t leave her alone for long or she gets suspicious.

Sami: No. You’re using that as an excuse and I’m not buying it. The truth, Brandon. The whole truth and nothing but. Right now.


Brandon: Samantha, we’re so close to getting what we want from Angela.

Sami: That’s what I feel so guilty about, Brandon. I mean, because you like my eyes or my hair or something, your whole future is in danger from the Moroni family. 

Brandon: Your eyes are real pretty and yeah, I think your hair’s nice, but that’s not why… I’m not doing anything I don’t want to do. I mean, I am… being with Angela gets real strange sometimes. But it’s worth it. For you to get Will back.

Sami: It means everything to me, obviously. But you mean a lot to me too.


Brandon: You want me to share my ‘inner Brandon’… you can’t imagine life without me. Sounds like you’re a woman in love.

Sami: Love and friendship are very close, it’s easy to get confused.

Brandon: I’m not confused.

Sami: Well, I’m not either. I’ve been in love with Austin since I was a teenager.  And I’ve tried to be honest about my feelings for you. It go so confusing, that whole time we were pretending to be hot for each other.

Brandon: I wasn’t pretending, and neither were you. That’s why you keep bringing Austin up, like just saying his name will make your feelings for me go away. But it’s not working and that scares you to death.


Brandon: You say you’re in love with Austin…

Sami: I am.

Brandon: Then, beautiful girl, what are you doing here? Why do you care about my past so much? Why don’t you just thank me for my help, shake my hand, and go home?

Sami: Just because I love Austin doesn’t mean I can’t care about you.

Brandon: I know you care about me. I care about you too. What I’m wondering is where are we going with this?

Sami: I don’t know. I’ve known Austin for so long … and I know him so well.

Brandon: You know me, too.

Sami: I’m not so sure. Oh, I know facts about you, I can describe you really well, your job, what your favorite ice cream is. But the closer we get, the more I realize there’s a part of you that’s hidden. I want to see the real you.

Brandon: What if I open up to you, and you see things about me that scare you? What if what you find out turns you off and I end up losing you?


Sami: What kind of hypocrite would I be3 if I turned off of you because of something in your past? Nobody’s made more mistakes than I have, believe me. I won’t judge you Brandon, I promise.

Brandon: It’s not easy to talk about.

Sami: What would make it easier?

Brandon: (stepping closer to Sami) Maybe if we got closer…

Sami: (a little breathless) How much closer do you mean?

Brandon: (turns on the stereo) Dance with me?

Sami: Are we dancing so you won’t have to talk?

Brandon: When we’re like this … I feel like I could tell you anything. (holds her close)

Sami: You can, Brandon. Go ahead. (looking up at him, their eyes locked on each other)


Sami: (still dancing) I’ll never stop caring about you, no matter what you tell me.

Brandon: I need a little more persuading. (Brandon leans in slowly for a tender kiss. Sami responds and it heats up quickly. Brandon finally breaks the kiss and looks at her.) Okay, I’m ready to tell you the story. Of Abe Carver… and why I hate him.