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(contributed by DeanaMarie)
Airdate 08/13/02
Brandon and Samantha are trapped in the pouring rain on the rooftop at University Hospital and their real feelings are finally starting to surface.

Brandon: You want me to believe in you?  In us?  Don’t you know me better than that Samantha?  I haven’t believed in anything for years.  I stopped believing when I was with my dad and he was ripping into me.  Whatever people told me to believe it always went bad.  My mom told me to believe in the law then I saw what the law could do to a family when Abe took advantage of my mother.  You know what I believe in Samantha.  I believe that people will always let me down that’s what I believe.

Samantha:  I am so sorry that I disappointed you Brandon.  I’m sorry that I used your feelings to get you to protect me.  I have grown up since then okay.  I have found out for myself how it’s like to let someone let you down and I promise you  promise that won’t be what happens between us anymore.  May lightning strike me dead if what I'm about to say isn’t true Brandon.  I love you ok.  you can believe that believe that I will love you forever.  I want to be with you tonight and for the rest of our lives.

Brandon: I want to believe you Samantha.

Samantha:  Look Brandon maybe there’s a reason it’s raining tonight.  Maybe you know maybe you can let the rain wash your pain away.  Just feel it on your face.  Feel it all over you.  Let everything go.  All the pain and all the disappointment of your father and what he did to you and your mom and Abe.  You know I’m afraid of storms, but I’m not scared of anything when you’re with me.

Brandon: What about Austin?  Did I make you forget about him?

Samantha: I wanted Austin in the way a little girl wants a toy she knows she can’t have.  I had this fantasy about what love was like and I was forcing Austin to live that fantasy with me.  You were right it could never last because it wasn’t real.  This....this is real.  I can’t believe I’m even saying all of this, but my heart is so full of love that I’m not afraid to say anything to you because when you’re near me it’s all I need.  You know me Brandon and you fell in love with me not in spite of who I am, but because of who I am.  I’ve never had that before not even with my family.  Your love makes all the hurt go away.  Loosing Austin and not being with my son right can be so tough and sometimes I even feel like giving up, but with you next to me and loving me I know I can do anything.  Brandon, Austin couldn’t do that for me.  No one can love me like you do and you tried to tell me that, but now I finally get it.  You love me Brandon Walker and I know that you always will.

Brandon: I do love you Samantha.

(The two share a kiss as they fall into a lover’s embrace and the heat begins to spark on the hospital rooftop.  After a short while when things are starting to heat up, Brandon and Samantha realize they are no longer alone as two of the hospital security staff show up and interrupt their ‘magic moment’ )

Samantha: (gasps realizing they are no longer alone as she hides behind Brandon placing her arm around his shoulders) Oh my God.

Guard: How long have you two been stuck up here?

Samantha: (with that priceless smirk of hers as she holds Brandon possessively) Not long enough.

(Security gives them a few looks before leaving and we return to find our duo getting dressed once more after the rain and the security guards have interrupted their moment)

Samantha: Brandon, what if this doesn’t last?

Brandon: It will.

Samantha: Yeah, but what if we go downstairs and you look at me and wish that this never happened?

Brandon: It won’t.  I wanted you for so long Samantha.

Samantha: What if we loose what we found up here?

Brandon: We found each other.

Samantha: Brandon, I couldn’t stand to lose you again.

Brandon: As long as you really love me, you’ll never lose me.

Samantha: I love you Brandon a whole bunch.  Well look at that, the storm is over.

Brandon: It’s going to be a beautiful day.  Everyday is going to be beautiful from now on, ‘cause I’m going to be waking up next to you.

Samantha: This is the way to look huh? (motions to her appearance) You mean what you said?

Brandon: I meant what I said.  I want to wake up with you everyday.

Samantha: Well it’s going to be all over the hospital now.

Brandon: Good I want everybody to know.  (in between kisses) I’m going to take care of my patient.  Why don’t you go home, put some dry clothes on and get some sleep? Will you come to my loft later?  We can pick up where we left off.

(They kiss)

Samantha: I love you Brandon.

Brandon: I love you too Samantha.

(They kiss again full of hope for things to come between them in the future.)