Are you a real Joker? Want to be Joker of the week? I want Jokes.Funny Please! But let's keep it clean,ok?
Send up to 3 of your best Jokes,along with $3.00 to my P.O. Box. Please indicate that we have permission to publish your name.
Please enclose a $1.00 dollar bill.Our Judges have apendrant for gobbling choclate ,as they read Jokes all day,laughing their heads off. Have you tried choclate lately?
Jokes must be a print out from your printer. Our judges refuse to Judge,when they're on a choclate high!
You must enclose $1.00 with each entry,because our Judisious Joking Judges,just judge judisously while munching expensive choclate. Please send your money to my P.O. Box with your $1.00 and get your own joke published on my Joke Page. Thankyou for your time and being the Joker of the Week.

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