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Avengers trivia... EXTREMELY trivial... or not.

Emma Peel influenced nearly every part of life. In 1975, "Emma" was on the Top Ten English Girls' Names. [Source: "All Those Wonderful Names"]

'Bowler Hat' in French is Chapeau Melon, or "Melon hat!"

The German name of the Avengers translates to "With Umbrella, Charm, and Bowler" [Mit Schrim, Charme, und Bowler] and the French title is "Bowler Hat and Leather Boots" [Chapeau Melon et Bottes de Cuir]

In Hawaiian, Emma is "Ema". John is "Keoni" or "Ione". Tara is "Kali" and Cathy is "Kaki."

Continuing in Hawaiian... umbrella is "mamalu" and leather is "'ili."

"Tara" means "hill, rocky tower, or crag." "Emma" means "Universal, nurse, or ancestress." "Cathy" means "pure."