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Ok.... this is just the start for this campaign.... but Rumor is that 9 will be airing roswell season 3 in febuary 2002.... but you know what nine is like, so if everyone prints out and sends nine in the pic below, asking them to keep roswell on the menu and air season 3 in feb...... we just may get our wish!

[ New Campaign Plans ]

There are a few New Campaigns I would like to get started, there are:

1. A Roswell Advert, this would need to be designed. We would have to find out how much it will cost to have it put in various magazines and newspapers across the country!

2. Donate easter eggs or an easter gift, to a charity which will pass these on to less fortunate kids on behalf of all australian roswell viewers!

3. A Roswell - A - Thon, where us roswell viewres will gather in each state to watch roswell episodes together. We will invite channel 9 program managers e..t.c. to come an join us!

4. Fox 8 Campaign, in order to get foxtel to start playing season 1 episodes!

5. A Roswell Film Clip, made up of clips from various roswell episodes, with songs from roswell.... with the words 9 PICK UP ROSWELL SEASON 3 AND KEEP ROSWELL ON AIR! scrolling through the footage....(think Dark Angel - Eyes Only type thing! lol!) and then these will be uploaded so you can all download them..... and CD copies sent to nine in all states!

What do you think of all these campaigns? Which would you be more interested in doing? take your vote here or start work and discussions here

[ Petition ]
This is a great petition to sign, if you want to save roswell here in Australia. If you are from overseas... please help us by signing and we will help you with any campaigns you may have. thanks everyone.

[ Postcard Campaign ]
Now that the post card campaign doesnt need to get in motion we could save the idea incase we need it later on.... or.... we could print them out and send nine a thank you message... what do you all think? Vote