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2600 Shadows

Name This Game (aka Octopus)
(by U.S. Games - VC1007 / Carrere Video - ?)

1 or 2 Player
6 Game Variations

Name This Game
was a pretty good game, but the story behind the game is just as interesting.  U.S. Games held a contest to name this game.  You bought the game and sent in your idea for a name for it.  It was eventually called "Octopus", but I don't know if it was mass released under that name.  If it was, I think by that point everyone who wanted a copy of the game already had one.  I've never seen a copy with the "Octopus" label.

The Game itself is pretty cool and relatively original.  You are a diver at the bottom of the screen who has found an undersea treasure.  Above you, taking up a large part of the screen, is an octopus with tentacles moving around heading towards you and the treasure.  You shoot at the tentacles to make the octopus pull back.  There is also a shark trying to eat you.  You have to shoot the shark too.  If the shark catches you, he swims back and forth across the screen with you in his mouth kicking frantically!  

Your friend is at the top of the screen zipping around in a speedboat.  Every once in a while, he remembers that you need air and sends down an air hose.  Refill when you get a chance because your friend is kind of a flake.  If you run out of oxygen, if the shark eats you or if the octopus' tentacles reach the bottom of the screen, you lose some of your treasure.  When all of the treasure is gone, the game is over.



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