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2600 Shadows

(by Data Age - DA1004)

1 or 2 Player
4 Game Variations

is a "finish your task before time runs out" game.  You are in a disabled submarine that is taking in water.  Your goal on each level is to grab two hatch keys (orange first, then white) in order to open the door to the next level.  All the while you must avoid torpedoes that have come loose.  If you hit a torpedo, it will slow you down, but it won't kill you.  The game is over when you get to the top of the submarine or when you run out of time.  There is no scoring in this game.  Either you get out or you don't.  

Airlock is supposed to be relatively easy to come by, but I still haven't come across a copy at a decent price, so I don't know how common it really is.



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