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Mysterious Thunder

The First EVER Shrine to Nash


Nash? Are you still alive? (pokes a sleeping Nash with a stick)
Huh...Pathfinder!!! Where have you people been?!
I'll explain it to you later... I'm just here to let everyone know that we didn't ditch this site. we just got preoccupied is all.
You mean lazy, don't you Pathfinder?
Same thing, isn't it?
Dixxy, just where the hell have you been?!
Watch your tongue, Nash! I could very easily can you and turn this into a Nall shrine!
Ooo, ooo, ooo! A shrine to ME!!!
*groveling* I'll be good! I promise!!
Yeah, sure. Hello, practically non-existent surfers who visit this site regularly! Sorry about the long absence. I have an excuse, though. I could not log into this site.
That's your ecuse?
Angelfire, the our host server, recently changed their login proceedure to what I thought was just membername login. We typically use the URL login because it's easier. Well, PF and I forgot the membername and the URL we used wasn't working. To make a long story short, we had put in some extra charatcers that you needed before but you don't need anymore. So. . . here we are.
In other news, Dixxy recently had a birthday. This was a big whoop at her other site, Ronin Adventures. The update for today was part eleven of The Sliders Series, which was really boring.
It was her best chapter yet.
*sweatdrops* You WOULD say that.

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry, I've been busy with life and my other website, which just got a make over that took me over 12 hours of work. Are we going to get a make-over too, Dixxy??
*glares at Nall* No. I'm too tired to give this place a make-over, too. It's bad enough the background isn't always working right. Oh well. Here's what I've been up to:
  1. Revamped Ronin Adventures. New tables format that looks like frames but isn't frames.
  2. Went on a day trip to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
  3. Older sister gave birth to twins. Dixxy is now an aunt.
  4. Saw Shrek. Really good movie.
  5. Writing Ronin Warriors fanfiction.
  6. TRYING to work on Lunar fanfiction.
I'm sorry I've neglected this site for so long but lately I just haven't had time for stuff like this. You guys all understand, right?

Er herm. Parts six and seven of Shattered Heart are up. Thank you, have a lovely day.

Someone besides me has fanfiction up! Yay! K'Arthur's popular "If Love Were Only Part of the Equation" is now up. Happy, happy, happy!

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Wow. It would appear as if

people have come here to look at our website.