Amarchy Twitch is shown walking through the backstage of the PwF arena, as he approaches his locker room to put down his bag. Amarchy throws his bag to the ground and exits his locker room and starts to walk down the hall, check out the arena, get accustomed to it, getting to know the corridors and what not. Amarchy comes along to some fine looking interviewer. Amarchy walks on by her as she looks up from what she is writing on a table and watches Amarchy pass by. She bites the end of her pin nervously, and then as Amarchy is passed her, she goes back to writing down whatever she was writing. Little does she know that Amarchy sees all, and senses all that goes on around him. Amarchy comes to his tag team partners little sister, Via Chi. Amarchy stops to talk with her.

Via Chi~ “Hey Amarchy!”

Amarchy~ “Hello Via Chi, how are you this pleasant evening?”

Via Chi~ “Not so bad actually, jus’ waitin’ on that stupid older bro of mine. What about you, how are you this evening?”

Amarchy~ “Not that bad at all, some reporter back there was checking me out though.”

Via Chi~ “Randy Williams?”

Amarchy~ “God I hope not! Although it’d explain a lot, but anyway, she looked new and very attractive.” (Via Chi eyes him as she crosses her arms) “Not as fine as you though Via Chi, but she did look good.” (smirks)

Via Chi~ “No woman looks as fine as me, hell no woman can kick as much ass as me in that ring and backstage, the baddest female around the entire backstage.” (grins)

Amarchy~ “I won’t argue that point, because I know, but there are some women in the backstage who will argue they are. Those women are nothing more than stupid, ignorant, arrogant, and wenches.”

Via Chi~ “What about this rumble you’re in for the Heavyweight Championship of the PwF?”

Amarchy~ “Via Chi, quite frankly there is nobody in this rumble who can withstand my darkness, the great power that I hold jus’ within one finger. My unorthodox style in the ring, the moves I use, everything bout me Via Chi. Not one person in the PwF can put a stop to my madness, not one person can put a stop the the pain inside in which I will unleash in the rumble to win the Heavyweight Championship. I’m Amarchy Twitch, the greatest PwF superstar!”

Via Chi~ “You seem focused Amarchy.” (smiles) “I like men whom are focused.”

Amarchy~ “You do, do you? I’ll have to remember that.” (smirks)

Via Chi~ “You hear bout this Kathy or as she calls herself, Miss Kitty?”

Amarchy~ “I hear she’s a tough diva. I think she’s on her way to the top and she means nothing but business, unless this Roadhouse is concerned.”

Via Chi~ “Well she better be glad I’m not a wrestler yet, or else I’d have to show her I mean business!”

Amarchy~ “You are tough I’ll give you that, but I heard this Kathy is thinking about being in the rumble to try and be the first PwF Heavyweight Champion, and the first female to win the belt. Make history so to speak.” (smirks) “She won’t make it, for she has to go through me, Amarchy Twitch.”

Via Chi~ “You’re very conceited, very confident on victory aren’t you Amarchy?”

Amarchy~ “When the dark forces are gathering within you, you jus’ know you can’t be stopped. When the forces of darkness have built inside you for so long without being let out, not once. Then you know for a fact nothin’ can stop you. Via Chi, nothing is going to stop me from winning that rumble and becoming the Heavyweight Champion of the PwF, I’ve waited too long for this.”

Via Chi~ “Cool!”

Amarchy~ (looking around) “Where is that brother of yours damn it!? I need to talk to him about the tag team titles, and ‘HIS’ participation in the rumble that ‘I’ will win.” (smirks) “Let him know full well there is no chance of him winning of me and let him know how damn set my mind is to winning that title!”

Via Chi~ “From what I understand Leo Bravardo has never won a Heavyweight Title and will be looking to put everything he’s got into becoming the champion. He’s probably as deadest as you are Amarchy.” (grins) “It should be interesting between the two of you. I mean you’re tag team partners, but you may not look as such when the rumble comes.”

Amarchy~ “You’re damn right we won’t look like much of a tag team beating the hell outta each other! If Leo thinks he’ll be walking out wit’ my title, he has another thing comin’.”

Via Chi~ “There is a lot of competition to go through in this rumble to prevail, how do you think you’ll survive all that competition?”

Amarchy~ “Because I’ll be swinging at whatever comes my way and beating on whatever I run into, during the rumble.”

Via Chi~ “Well I’m going on to see if Leo is in his locker room or jus’ left without telling me.”

Amarchy~ “Well you drove yourself, I know cause I hitched a ride.” (Via Chi nods) “Jus’ bitch him off when you see him at the hotel.” (smirks) “But I still got my ride back to the hotel right?”

Via Chi~ “Yeah, you do.” (smiles) “Don’t you have a car you could drive though?”

Amarchy~ “That’s ruining the point of having a good-looking, quite attractive woman drive me.” (smiles as Via Chi blushes) “Jus’ wanted to know bout the ride thing cause I’m going to go to my interview here shortly.”

Via Chi~ “Okay, I’ll jus’ wander around, maybe find somebody to ramble on wit’ in conversation.”

Amarchy and Via Chi hug as Amarchy walks off to have an interview. Via Chi watches him walk away as she soon turns to walk the opposite direction to start her wander. That and search for her brother Leo, see if he’s left the arena yet, or is just in hiding. Back with Amarchy, who has reached his interview room and has taken a seat in a nice chair, waiting patiently for his interviewer to arrive, which he has no ideal who it could possibly be. Right then his interview enters the room, the girl who was checking him out before he ran into Via Chi Bravardo. Amarchy smiles as she gets bug eyed and takes a seat in the chair by Amarchy, nervously.

F. Interviewer~ “Um, hi… Amarchy.” (gulps) “So Amarchy, you’re in this battle royal to determine the Heavyweight Champion of the PwF. What do you feel your chances are of winning this championship?”

Amarchy~ “I think my chances are damn good at winning this battle royal and becoming champion. There is nobody in this damn promotion who wants this as badly, as much as me… What’s you’re name again?”

F. Interviewer~ “Sheilla Hisser…”

Amarchy~ “Cute, I like it.” (smiles) “And if you don’t mind my saying, you seem a bit nervous on conducting this interview wit’ me?”

Sheilla~ “Maybe a little, Amarchy, but then again it’s not everyday I get to conduct my first interview for a promotion with such a big name, with such a superstar, and somebody as good-looking as you.” (smiles)

Amarchy~ “Flattered I am you think of me so highly. I really am.”

Sheilla~ “How can I not? You’re so good in that ring you have so much going for you! You have so many championships racked up by your name. You’re one of the PwF’s best talents as far as I’m concerned.”

Amarchy~ “Hey wit’ compliments like that you shot your interview good-bye.” (smiles) “And jus’ earned an evening wit’ me. All paid for by me and out of my wallet.”

Sheilla~ “Hm, sounds good enough to me. Heck just the evening along with you is good enough for me.” (she smiles)

Amarchy and Sheilla both get up and exit the interview room.