Groundhog's Day

Rating: PG for this day.

Spoilers: None, but read the days in the right order or this will make no sense at all.

Remember, anything can happen in fanfic....

Groundhog's Day: Day Three

Joey woke up, startled by her alarm clock. "Shut up you damn thing!" she screamed while slamming down the off button. Today was not going to be her day, she could feel it. She was tired and didn't want to go to school. Luckily, it was Friday. Friday the second. Friday the second? Wait a minute. Joey sat up. "I fainted in Dawson's house after hearing about Jen. I guess it's possible that I blocked out what happened afterwards last night, but it's still Saturday."

Joey was awoken from her thoughts when she heard Bessie yell. "I hear no movement, Joey. Hurry up. You don't want to be late for school."

Was it all a dream? It couldn't have been a dream, it was too vivid. She remembered every detail. Every detail. Her eyes teared up. She never really wanted Jen to die. She didn't know if she could handle another funeral. It was too graphic to be a dream, though. Seeing that she was late again, Joey jumped out of bed to take a shower.


Joey couldn't believe how fast she had run. She was ten minutes early for school. She put down her book bag and leaned against her locker to catch her breath.

"Guess who?" a familiar voice playfully said from behind her as Joey's eyes were covered.

"Dawson," Joey said sharply, "this is how you deal with Jen's death?" Dawson looked confused.

"Where did you hear that, Jo?" he asked, suddenly worried. "I just saw her thirty seconds ago at her locker." Joey, bewildered, followed Dawson to Jen's locker.

"Morning, Joey," Jen said sleepily, but happy to see her.

"Jen!" Joey's eyes opened wide. "You're alive!" she yelled, hugging her and jumping up and down. "You're alive!"

"This is very un-Joey-like," Pacey commented as he walked over. "Can I get a hug, too?"

"Yeah, Joey," Dawson said seriously. "What drugs are you on?"

"Pacey, did you go to a party last night?" Joey asked, letting go of Jen.

"No..." Pacey said slowly. "Who would have a party on a Thursday night, anyway?" Joey look up as a realization hit her.

"Oh my god," she whispered. "The day is-- the day is repeating itself. And none of you remember it. No, that's crazy."

"Yeah, Joey, it is. I think we should commit you," Pacey grinned, ready to pick her up and carry her off to Capeside's institution.

"Nothing that happens is remembered by anoyone but me. Everything resets to how it was," Joey ignore Pacey and continued.

"Are you sure you're not on something?" Jen asked seriously.

"No. Listen, we're cutting school today," Joey ordered. The other three exchanged glances. "I'm going to explain to you what's going on. If there are no consequences to anything, we won't get in any trouble. If there are... well... I took you by force. Come on." Jen closed her locker and they followed Joey. She stopped to throw her stuff in her locker and walked out of the school after closing the locker door.


Joey told Pacey, Dawson, and Jen every detail of the last two days, only omitting what happened when Dawson and Jen got drunk. They were sitting in the Ruins trying to make sense of it all.

"You're positive it couldn't have been a dream?" Jen asked.

"Absolutely," Joey sighed. "I was late. Bessie yelled the same thing to me, and Dawson covered my eyes."

"And I was looking for Joey to do the same thing this morning," Pacey added.

"The question is how do we get the day to stop repeating itself?" Joey asked.

"Well, maybe the point is for you to save us from any disaster that happens at the end of the day," Dawson offered. "If anything bad happens, you have to change it for the days to continue."

"But why me? I mean it's crazy. It has to be me, though. The day ends if I fall sleep, no matter when. I always wake up the same time in my bed and no one else remembers," Joey said frustratedly.

"How about you go to sleep now, then, so nothing bad can happen and see if the day resets?" Jen offered. Dawson and Pacey nodded in agreement.

"That's actually a really good idea," Joey said. "Okay, that's what we'll do."

"My parents aren't home," Dawson said. "Sleep at my place and no one will bother you."

"Okay," Joey said. "Okay, let's go. Thanks for believing me you guys."

"It's a little hard to swallow, but you're honest and you clearly know and are frustrated about what you are saying," Jen smiled. "And if this is to prevent my death, I'm glad!"

"Um, I'll take her there, okay guys?" Dawson said. "I'll catch up with you later. I think Joey needs to relax."

"No consequences, right? Going off alone?" Pacey yelled after them. "You dog!"

"No," Jen said quietly. "He's worried about Joey and he's trying to do the big brother thing."

"Sure," Pacey said sarcastically. "You keep telling youself that."


Dawson took out the key for his front door. "The ladder would have been fine, Dawson," Joey said, a little annoyed.

"Nope," Dawson said, opening the door. "No accidents can happen." He took her hand to help her up the stairs to his room.

"Nothing happens to me," Joey said irritatedly. "It's you guys I have to worry about. Stop treating me like I'm fragile."

"Look, Jo, I'm just worried about you. I mean, I'm trying to believe you, but it's so... it's just... it's-- it's strange, that's all," Dawson explained, pulling back the sheets to his bed.

"Well, if the day continues when I wake up, either we stopped the cycle or I'm nuts and you do have cause to worry. If it starts over again, well... you won't remember, anyway." Joey climbed into bed. She was surprised when Dawson did, too. "Uh, why ar you getting into bed with me?"

"We've done this a million times."

"Not in early afternoon." Dawson put his arms around her. "Not sleeping like this."

"I'm really worried about you, Joey. Just relax." Joey felt the tension in her body slip away at Dawson's touch. She snuggled deeper into his arms.

Maybe I can take advantage of the day repeating itself it it's like this, Joey thought. A contented smile spread acroos her face as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Are Joey's troubles over or are they just beginning? It's only day three, what do you think :) Keep on the look out for Groundhog's Day: Day Four. Please send feedback!

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