Inu Yasha

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About The Show

Inu Yasha is a half demon half dog. 50 years ago Inu Yasha attempts to steal the Shikon no Tama Jewel. He almost makes it to, but the jewel's protector Kikyo earlier wounded by Inu Yasha shoots him with an enchanted arrow, pinning him to a tree and and imprisoning him for all eternity. Kikyo later dies from the wound given to her by Inu Yasha. She has a request before she dies. For them to burn her with the Jewel to ensure its safety. Now back into the present. Kagome is a normal girl living her regular life in Tokyo, but that is all about to change on her 15th birthday. Kagome finds her brother looking at a well saying that there cat Buyo is down there. She finds the cat, but is pulled down by Centipede Demon. It seems that she has travelled back in time through the well...somehow...When she gets out she finds Inu Yasha's body still stuck on the tree immobilized. Kagome is taken back to a village, which is later attacked by the same Centipede monster that took her inside the well. It is clear the monster is looking for the Shikon no Tama Jewel. The centipede chases Kagome as she runs into the forest, she calls for help which awakens Inu Yasha. When Kagome is attacked by the Centipede the Shikon no Tame Jewel comes out of her body. Inu Yasha tricks Kagome into taking out the Arrow so he can kill the Centipede. He does, but only to get the Shikon no Tama Jewel. The jewel is ironically broken into shards by Kagome herself and now bound by a new spell, Inu Yasha is to help Kagome retrieve the shards. If the Jewel falls into the wrong hands, it could spell trouble. The newest addition the Adult Swim Action, it's a great anime with tons of action to keep any anime fan wanting more.

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