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Advertising on Matchmaking Singles is both very inexpensive and a great way to get your website noticed by thousands of visitors a week.

Matchmaking site statistics continue to rapidly grow monthly. On a monthly basis the Main Page hosts up to 240,000 unique visitors.

Advertisers will receive exposure on the Main Index Page and in all Members Areas. This will create maximum exposure since these are the busiest areas of the site. Banners and/or Buttons are currently limited to JPEG or GIF format. All images must be submitted for approval.

Advertising spots will be placed ensure maximum exposure to advertisers. Join now and get locked in with these great rates.


470x60 Banner Advertising Rates (Top of Page First See)

1 Month Only ............................ $250

3 Consecutive Months ............... $625

Annual (12 months) ................... $2,500 (Save $500)

1 Month:

3 Months:

470x60 Banner Advertising Rates (Bottom of Page)

1 Month Only ............................ $200

3 Consecutive Months ............... $500

Annual (12 months) ................... $2,000 (Save $400)

1 Month:

3 Months:

400x60 Banner Advertising Rates (Center of Page Under Webmaster's Name)

1 Month Only ............................ $150

3 Consecutive Months ............... $375

Annual (12 months) ................... $1,500 (Save $300)

1 Month:

3 Months:

Mid-Page Sidebar 120x60 Button Advertising Rates

1 Month Only ............................ $75

3 Consecutive Months ............... $187.50

Annual (12 months) ................... $750 (Save $150)

1 Month:

3 Months:

125x125 Banner Advertising Rates

1 Month Only ............................ $150

3 Consecutive Months ............... $375

Annual (12 months) ................... $1,500 (Save $300)

1 Month:

3 Months:

There are no contracts or obligations. In case of a rate increase, current advertisers will not be affected. All advertisers receive a price lock guarantee of one year.

To keep exposure high, Ad spots are limited and are provided at a first come first serve basis.
