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Always and forever  

Author: Apasi
Rating: PG
Classification: Whole Scooby Gang in Future
Summary:  What everyone does after The Gift
Spoilers: Season 5 The Gift, S1 Welcome to the Hellmouth, S3 Earshot - indirectly up to end of Season Five
Distribution:  Ask Me
Feedback:  I love it as much as Xander loves Twinkies
Author’s Note: All feedback appreciated.




Dawn POV


Dear Journal,

I’m all alone. 

When I found out I wasn’t real.  I thought it couldn’t get any worse than this.  To find out you’re not real, you were created.  I always thought I was a normal kid.  I have memories.  I have feelings.  But they’re not real.  Buffy and mum showed me I was real.  They showed me they loved me and they showed me I was part of their family.

When Mum died I thought to myself, this is it.  It can’t get any worse than this.  But Buffy was there to help me through it.  She was cold to start with because she was trying so hard to be strong but then she crumbled.  We talked for hours; we needed each other to be there.  And we were.  I thought it couldn’t get any worse.

But it could.

Last night my sister saved my life.  I was kidnapped by Glory.  She wanted to use me like a key to open a hellmouth.  Buffy took care of her but a creepy demon named Doc attacked me.  Spike tried to save me but it was too late.  Doc cut me and the hellmouth opened.

Buffy defeated Glory and came for me.  She saw the hellmouth thing.  We both know the only way to stop it was my blood.  Then she realizes I had been made from her blood.  She jumped in; she died so I could live.

I love Buffy.  And as I stand by her grave writing this all I can think about is how I’m alone.

I’m all alone.


Willow POV

She’s gone.  I can’t believe it.  Buffy’s gone.  I thought writing it down seeing in black and white, would make it real make me realize she’s really gone.  But I can’t believe it.

I just keep thinking about all the time we spent together.  I can remember her first day at high school.  I can remember our first conversation word by word.

I was unpacking my healthy lunch when she walked over.  I’d seen her around but with Cordelia.

“Uh, hi.”  Buffy said.  “Willow, right?”

“Why?”  I asked.  I was nervous she was going to be mean.  “I mean Hi.  Did you want me to move?”

“Why don’t we start with ‘hi. I’m Buffy’  And then lets segue directly into me asking you for a favor.  It doesn’t involve moving, but it does involve you hanging out with me for a while.”

“But aren’t you . . . hanging with Cordelia?”

“I can’t do both?”

“Not legally.”

“Look, I really want to get by here.  New school . . . Cordelia’s been really nice - - to me, anyway - - but I have this burning desire not to flunk all my classes, and I heard a rumor that you were the person to talk to if I wanted to get caught up.”

“Oh, I could totally help you out!  If you have sixth period free we could meet in the library –“

“—Or not.  Or, you know, we could meet somewhere quieter.  Louder.  That place kinda gives the Wiggins.”

“It has that effect on most kids.  I love it though.  It’s a great collection, and the librarian’s really cool.

“He’s new?”

“Yeah, he just started.  He was a curator of some British museum or was it the British Museum, I’m not sure . . . But he knows everything and he brought all these historical volumes and biographies and am I the single dullest person alive?”

“Not at all!”

Who would of thought I boring nerdy Willow would become friends with such a cool girl.  And that she was the Slayer and the librarian Giles was her watcher.  It’s strange when I look back to our sophomore year.  We all seem so young.  I remember being totally in love with Xander and I was such a geek!  But I was happy.

I remember by our junior year we were getting used to fighting vampires, witches, she-mantis and anything else the Hellmouth threw at us.  It was the year Spike and Dru hit town, the year I found love with a musician, the year Jenny was killed, the year Angel turned bad and the year Buffy ran off.

The next year was our senior year.  Buffy came back, Angel was good again and Xander and I stole a kiss.  Who would have known Oz and Cordelia would walk in and find us.  I nearly lost Oz over that and Cordelia never kissed Xander in a closet again.  That was the year we defeated the mayor, nearly got killed by Faith and just grew up.

Then last year Buffy met Riley, I lost Oz but got Tara, Xander found Anya and even Giles found comfort with Olivia.  We found out about the initiative, Adam and grew apart.

Then this year, we really found each other.  Dawn was created from the Key to be Buffy’s sister.  Buffy and Giles really trained together.  Buffy spent a lot of time with the Scooby Gang.  But her mum died.  It was so hard on Buffy.  Although Joyce had a tumor nobody realized how she could die. 

Last night Glory kidnapped Dawn and some demon cut her up so her blood would open a portal.  The rest of the Scooby Gang and I tried as hard as possible to stop it but it was too late.  Buffy gave up her life so Dawn could survive.

So the world could go on turning.

But it doesn’t.  It feels like the world’s stopped turning.  Like the Earth’s flat and doesn’t orbit the sun.  Like everything’s wrong.  It is.

I’m in LA right now.  I came to tell Angel what happened.  But he’s not here.  It feels strange that he isn’t here.  I always thought they were joined, that they had a bond.  I feel like he should know what’s happened.  Maybe he does maybe he’s in Sunnydale right now.

I don’t know.

I wish Buffy were here.



Xander POV

I loved her.

From the first day I met her till last night.  She was beautiful; her lovely blonde hair, which fell in waves, her clear eyes, her cute little half-smile, all of her.  I loved her and now she’s gone.

I can’t understand it.  Why?  Why her?  Why not some one bad?  Buffy was wonderful.  She was the Slayer.  But she was also my friend.  She wasn’t the nicest person in the world, or the smartest or even the prettiest.  But she had something.  Something that made her shine a bit brighter than the others.

I’m sat here now in the graveyard.  I’m leaning against a tree, the stars shining over me.  I wonder if Buffy’s a star.  I always you used to think when someone died they became a star.  Maybe that’s true.  Maybe Buffy’s up there with Jenny and Larry and Snyder.  Or maybe there’s a special area for special people like Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King and Princess Diana. Perhaps there’s a slayer section and Buffy’s up there now with Kendra and all those other girls.  All those girls who died saving the world.

I like that idea.  I like the idea of Buffy keeping an eye on us still.  It cheers me up somehow.
