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Chapter Eighteen: Alone Time


//If we can love forever
that won't be long enough for me//


The room was at long last soundless, as the two lovers lay tangled in the sheets of the king-sized bed, desire replete for now, but as it had for most of the night the need would return in full force. These weekends were few and far between for Buffy and Peter due to expenses, Peter’s university studies and the very real possibility of pregnancy. Although sometimes their reciprocal need overrode all reason and they came together.

After they had returned from Narnia, Peter had arranged with Professor Kirke for him to say that Buffy was his American niece – which he had done enthusiastically, for he was a friend to all who were friends of Narnia. The professor had arranged with Mr and Mrs Pevensie for Buffy to stay with them during the term in exchange for tutoring Peter to get him ready for university.

Now, two years later and school long since over, Buffy was still living at the Pevensie residence, rooming with Lucy and making herself an indispensable part of the family. Everyone was so fond of her that even before she and Peter had confessed their feelings for each other to his parents, they had hinted that she would make an excellent edition to the family.

Lying in the motel room bed, her head pillowed on Peter’s chest she was contented to just be there with him. She did still wholeheartedly miss her family and her friends back in Sunnydale, but she did not and could not be remorseful about her decision. However she could not help but wonder if she had been removed from existence to them, as Susan had been here – she, Peter, Lucy and Edmund were the only ones who remembered that there had been a fourth Pevensie child.

Peter stirred awake beneath her and kissed the top of her head, “Good morning, Mrs Smith.”

“Are we Smith? I thought we were Jones this time.”

Peter laughed, “Either way…”

Buffy slithered up his body and felt more of him ‘wake up’, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Peter replied looking into her eyes as their lips met. “What brought this on?”

“Just thinking…”

His hand slipped down and found its way into her feminine place, causing her squirm against him. “Was it about this?”

“Now it is!”

“Good enough,” he told her, nipping playfully at her neck with his teeth.

He flipped her onto her back, raining kisses - both gentle and not-so gentle - down her body taking his time to investigate each and every part of her. He nipped at her uncovered hip and then moved down to her nest of curls and placed his tongue to the inner edge of her lips and licked along it a number of times before thrusting his tongue in-between them and exploring her deeper regions. Knowing that this was driving her wild, spurned him on more - his tongue moved within her, in and out, up and down slowly exploring, tasting and savouring it.


Peter brought her to the threshold of orgasm before removing himself from her, hearing her grief-stricken whimper as she lost contact with him. He came back to her leisurely, starting off by suckling her exquisite toes and then dropping kisses as he moved up her tiny body. Sensing her requirement he slowed his pace even more wanting to become as necessary as breathing to her and he was stunned when his tiny lover tossed him onto his back, so that she could have her own way.


Not wasting a moment of her advantage, Buffy straddled Peter and guided his erection into her aching centre. She stilled the second he filled her savouring the feeling of oneness that it always brought. She could feel his eagerness and refused to give ground, she set the pace and she was in no hurry.


In the end even she could no longer stand the unhurried pace she had established, she needed to go faster and achieve the completion that they both highly prized. The pace increased and as she neared orgasm, Buffy toppled straight over the edge into bliss the very instant she felt his completion begin.





A couple of hours later they were sitting on the bed and sharing the solitary room service meal that they could manage to pay for and without a sound cursed budgets. Buffy – in weird and wonderful sense o f modesty - had put Peter’s shirt on over her naked body and he had slipped back into his trousers when he’d had to answer the door. It was when all's said and done the first time in more or less twenty-four hours that either one had put clothing on.


“Do you miss it?” Buffy asked him suddenly. “I mean, Narnia. Cause sometimes I do and I know it’s silly because I hardly spent any time there…”


“That’s because you met me there. The greatest High King of Narnia to ever reign,” he joked, causing her to punch him frivolously on the arm. Out of the blue his tone changed completely to one almost of melancholy, “It’s still a part of me. I do miss it and Su…”


She grabbed his hand, “Peter…”


“Why couldn’t… didn’t she say goodbye?”


“That was my fault. I was so occupied feeling sorry for myself that I just about didn’t figure out Aslan’s cryptic clue until you had already gone through.”


“It wasn’t your fault. At least she gave you the messages to pass on to us. It was something…”


“I’m still sorry…”


Peter put the empty dish on the bedside table and pulled her into his arms, “As much as I love and miss my sister… I am glad that she got the chance for happiness, just like we did.”


Resting her head on his shoulder she asked, “Then what’s wrong?”


“Lucy and Edmund.”


“What about them?”


“They get to go back to Narnia. They’ll get to see Susan and Caspian again. To see Aslan…”


“Uh – Pete?”




“You told me that last time when it had been one year here, it was thirteen hundred in Narnia…”




“Well… it’s been two years here. Doesn’t that mean that it’s been something close to two and a half thousand years in Narnia?”


A strange look came over his face and he suddenly laughed, rolling her down onto the bed beneath him. “This is great; they won’t get to see them either. Now I feel better.”


“It’s always nice to see what a wonderful and caring big brother you are.”


Peter kissed her and started to leisurely – torturously – undo the buttons of the shirt, tickling her with his fingertips as he did so. “Buffy...”




“What can I say… the High King is always looking for territory to invade.”




“Are you going to sleep on me?” Peter asked her a short time later.


“Absolutely, you wore me out.”


He held her close, “I thought you were supposed to be the slayer. You know full of energy… plenty of stamina…”


Buffy giggled, “Yes, well you’re insatiable and even though I have super powers, it doesn’t mean I am not a mere girl…”


“Who can beat up monsters…”


“True, but even super heroes need sleep.”


“We have all night to sleep,” he whined.


“We have all night to do all sorts of things,” she told him. “Sleep time now.”


They lay there silence for quite some time before Peter spoke again, “Buffy…”




“Marry me?”


She tensed at the question, it was not the first time he had asked and it was not the first time she had responded this way. “Peter…”


“You say that you love me. You will make love with me, sleep with me… Why won’t you marry me?”


“I want you to finish school.”


“I can get married and finish, lots of others do…”


She looked at him, “We both know that if we get married you will never get the chance to finish. It will just be dead-end jobs and babies. I want so much better for you.”


“There is nothing better for me than you.”


She kissed him, “I do love you.”


“I know,” he told her. “Speaking of babies…”


“If there’s one after this weekend,” she replied. “Then you’re stuck with me.”


“I want to be stuck with you,” he answered obstinately.


After a while she said something to him, “I have an idea…”


Peter looked at her suspiciously, probably remembering her last idea and what had happened. “What idea?”


“I agree to marry you…”


“This idea, I like.”


“But no wedding until after you finish university…”




“Or if something happens…”


He pushed her out of the way, jumped up off of the bed and entered the bathroom, leaving Buffy to speculate about what she had done this time to provoke that response. She had thought it was a good compromise. When he came back, he was holding a ring box and got down on one knee – naked – and she could not help but express amusement at the absurdness of the situation.


“Nice. Here I am baring my heart and soul…”


“That’s not the only thing you’re baring.”


“Cute, Buffy… very cute. I am trying to be romantic here.”


“Come back to bed!”




Buffy smiled at him, “Since when are we traditional?”


Peter got back into the bed and looked at her, “Now what?”


“Ask me.”


He opened the box and revealed the most beautiful sapphire and diamond ring she had ever seen. Looking into her eyes, he asked, “Buffy Anne Summers, I love you. Will you marry me?”




Peter placed the ring onto her finger and whispered, “This ring was my great-grandmother’s engagement ring.”


“How did you…”


“I told my parents that I was planning to propose. They were tremendously obliging; anyone would think that they actually wanted you as a daughter.”


She shook her head, “You were that sure I’d say yes?”


“No, just hopeful.”


A look came over her face, “Your parents don’t know that we…”


“No, I told them that I planned to take you out to dinner while you were in town visiting your *friends*.”


“So I can wear this home?”


“Buffy, if you don’t… my mother may just accost you.”





End Part







Trisha Yearwood – Where Your Road Leads






