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TITLE: Spinning Around.

AUTHOR: Kelly Rowe


DISCLAIMER: Buffy, Angel and all other characters (except those I make up) are the absolute property of Joss Whedon, Fox, Mutant Enemy, UPN and Warner Bros (If I owned them, do you think that they would be acting this ridiculous right now).

SUMMARY: Buffy makes a deal that changes her entire future.

SPOILERS: Totally AU - so none.

TIMELINE: Present.

DISTRIBUTION: You want you can have it; just tell me where you put it. Any lists just take it.

PAIRING: Buffy/Angelus

WARNING: Foul language, adult themes.

NOTES: I am aware this wouldn’t happen in real life, but then again that is why they call it fantasy.

Part 1

What did one wear on a date with the devil, or at least a creature as close to the devil as you could get on earth? Buffy didn't know the answer, if she had she would've been ready for her business dinner with *him* by now instead of rummaging through the piles of clothes scattered around her stylish bedroom. Sighing she gave up trying to find something that would impress and settled on something she liked and felt confident in and began to dress.

The bright, cheerful house that she shared with her mother and younger sister in the *good* part of Sunnydale, had been her home for half a decade; since her parents extremely ugly divorce. Due to her father's death in a car accident a few months ago, unfortunately it wouldn't be home for very much longer. Everything that she and her mother could've sold they had and now the creditors were simply waiting for the Summers' girls to declare bankruptcy before sinking their teeth all the way in. If only her father hadn't died and left them with his half of the debts, that could not afford to be paid.

Both her and her mother's credit cards were maxed out and her mother's small art gallery on Sunnydale's main street was mortgaged to the hilt. In less than a week they would have to walk away from their home, take what little the bank would allow them too and try to make new lives for themselves, ones that would be radically different from all they had known.

Buffy could hardly believe that she was almost twenty-one and about to be tossed out onto the streets. It wasn't pleasant, she'd had to drop out of college and Dawn was now being picked on by the people she'd once called her friends. The only person who hadn't abandoned them in their time of need was her best friend Willow, but the loss of everyone else had caused them all added stress.

This evening's meeting was her absolute last hope, the last chance that she had to save her family from losing everything. Liam Angelus McKenna, known as Angelus to everyone who knew him, was the only person with enough cash and enough clout with the banks to save them. Unfortunately he had absolutely no reason to help them; she was surprised that he even agreed to the meeting. She didn't want to deal with him, but she'd have too. If need be she'd sell herself to the devil to save her family. Buffy had only ever met him once that she could remember, her freshman year at Sunnydale High. He'd been harassing a fellow classmate of her's and she'd told him to drop dead, he was a loser and he always would be. She hoped he didn't remember that.

In truth she was really embarrassed about asking him for a loan, she didn't know him back then and she didn't know him now. She sighed once more and made her way downstairs, relived that Dawn and her mom had gone to the gallery to start packing up things, she didn't want them to know about the meeting - it was just simpler this way. She grabbed her jacket and headed off to meet the man who now, whether knowingly or unknowingly, held her fate in his hands.



The restaurant that Angelus had picked for their meeting was newly opened and Buffy had never had a chance to eat there before disaster struck. Unfortunately it was also a popular one and Buffy had to park blocks away from her actual destination, consequently she was late for her meeting. That was not such a good thing when trying to make a good impression on a man you hoped might lend you a lot of money. She'd barely walked through the door when someone grabbed her arm.

"Buffy," he said with an unreadable expression on his face.

{Shit. I so don't need to piss him off} she thought. Buffy decided to schmooze a little. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?"


They were shown to their table and the waiter arrived seconds later. Although she wasn't hungry, Buffy ordered as not to offend Angelus. After the waiter had left, they just sat there staring at each other as they waited to see who would make the first move.

Buffy was the one to finally break the uncomfortable silence that had descended. "I guess it's no secret why I asked for this meeting..." she began.

"I think we should eat before we get down to business," Angel said cutting her off.

Buffy shook her head, "I'm not here to eat and have a good time. It's not a date. I'm only here to talk business."

Angelus just smirked, "It's a good thing I don't possess a fragile ego."

Before she had a chance to reply their food started to arrive and she forced herself to begin eating. She kept telling herself that she only had to make it through one simple dinner and she'd have her answer, sealing her and her family's fate.

Almost an hour later as the last of the plates were removed from the table, Buffy got straight to business.

"Are you gonna give me the damn loan or not?" she asked directly.

"Why should I take such a risk? Even a *loser* would be smarter than that," he countered, reminding her that he to remembered the encounter in High School.

"I fucking knew that was gonna bite me in the ass," Buffy mumbled. Then she said louder, "Do you want me to beg? Because I will if I have too."

"Maybe I should let you... before I decide."

Buffy couldn't believe she'd been stupid enough to even hope that he'd help. Obviously he just wanted some twisted sort revenge for High School and wasn't at all interested in helping her. She grabbed her bag and got up.

"Where are you going?" he asked watching her.

"Home," she replied, "Tonight has got to be the fucking worst idea I've ever had and I'm leaving."

She couldn't leave; it would ruin his brilliant plan. The one he'd spent so many hours on since he'd first heard about her family's troubles. The one that would get him what he'd always wanted - at least for a while.

He grabbed her wrist and held on tight. "Sit down!" he ordered her.

"It's a waste of what little time I have left."

He tugged on her arm trying to force her to sit. "Sit down!"

"Let *me* go," she countered, stubbornly refusing to do as he asked.

Angelus shook his head; he was just as stubborn as she was. "Not until you sit back down."

She didn't like it or want to do it, but she sat. "What do you want from me?"

Angelus released her, "Actually let's talk about what you need."

Buffy suddenly had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"A considerable amount of money to pay of your family's debts, to save your home and your mother's business and of course to buy back what you had to sell. Does that cover it?"

"I know it's a lot of money..."

Angelus just stared at her, "It's over a million dollars."

Buffy scrunched up her face, "What did you do? Take an inventory?"


Buffy paled, shocked by answer. "Why would you do that?"

"I felt like it."

Buffy shook her head in disbelief, "Look Angelus. I may be a blonde, but I am not stupid. Why?"

"You interest me."

"With all of California's female population lusting after you. I don't see how that could be possible," she told him.

"No other woman has ever told me I am a *loser*."

"So this is some weird ass form of revenge for pissing you off in High School?" she asked.

Angelus just smirked again, "No. I just find it amusing that neither of us has ever forgotten that day." He went silent for a moment and then continued, "Do you agree that everyone has a price?"

"Just tell me what the fuck you want?" Buffy was growing more and more pissed off as the minutes ticked by.

"I want a child."

Buffy looked at him strangely, "A what?"

"I want a child, one born in wedlock. And of course who better to help with this want than the woman who thinks I am a loser," Angelus told her.

"You're fucking insane," Buffy hissed at him. "If you're so anxious to play daddy, adopt or knock up some stupid bimbo."


"Why not?"

Angelus grasped her hand and looked into her eyes. "Because every time I picture the mother of my child, I see you. I don't know why, maybe you pissed me off so much that day I want to get back at you; or maybe I think you're the only one who'd actually care about the child. It's irrelevant; it is the price for your family's future. Take it or leave it."

"You bastard. Let me get this straight," she said. "In order to save my mom and sister, I have to marry *you* and have *your* child... then what, walk away?"

"Not until the child is in school."


"Elementary," he clarified.

Buffy really wanted to slap the arrogant smirk right of his face, but she restrained herself because the asshole would probably file an assault charge against her.

"That's almost seven years of my life... if I were stupid enough to agree."

"Only if you got pregnant right away," he informed her, "It could take longer."


"Of course your family will be fine and you will gain the added bonus of being my wife. Allowing your sister access to better everything, from schooling to all the social activities she deserves," he tried to play upon her family loyalty. "Then of course there is the fact you'll be sharing my bed."

"Forgive me if I don't see having to have sex with you as a bonus."

"Don't knock it until you try it," he told her laughing.

Buffy decided to change the subject, "What happens when I have finished my part in your fucking evil scheme?"

"You will not be kicked out of our child's life."

"If and it's a big if. If I do this I wouldn't and couldn't just be a weekend mom," Buffy told him.

Angelus simply ignored her and pulled out a piece of paper. "It's the agreement. I've already signed my section. Read it and let me know your answer in the next twenty-four hours."

"That's impossible," she said. It was such a major decision and to make it in such a short period of time was ridiculous.

"You're not in a position to argue."

Buffy stood up, "I'll let you know." And then she walked out of restaurant.

Angelus sat back with a smirk; he knew that she'd say yes to the arrangement, even if she didn't.



The next afternoon with only a few hours left until the deadline for her decision, she was still no closer to making one. With the hope of gaining some new perspective, Buffy headed over to her best friend Willow's house. Tara, Willow's life partner opened the door.

"H-hi Buffy," Tara stammered nervously. "I-i'm going to work. W-willow's out back by the pool."

"Hi Tara and thanks," Buffy told her as she passed.

It wasn't that she didn't like Tara or anything like that. She just didn't know her. Tara was a new addition to Willow's life and Buffy was so used to Willow and Oz together, but when Oz had died it seemed like so had Willow... until she met Tara. Buffy was extremely glad her friend had found someone; it was just taking some getting used to Willow's new life-style.

Buffy walked through Willow's comfortable home, only a few short blocks from where she lived - at least for now, and out into the backyard where Willow was sunning herself by the enormous pool.

"Hey Wils," Buffy called out.

Willow sat up and instantly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Where do I start?"

Willow got up and walked over to her friend. "Tell me everything," she said leading Buffy back into the house.



Half an hour and a cup of coffee later, Buffy had told Willow everything about the night before - including Angelus' so-called bargain. Willow was so shocked she just couldn't say anything, instead she just sat there.

"Say something," Buffy almost begged.

"Wow," Willow managed. "What did your mom say?"

Buffy flushed bright pink, "I can't tell her this, it'll kill her."

Willow looked at her, "Why? Because it's humiliating... or because you're actually considering it?"

Buffy sighed and wished Willow wasn't so insightful. "Both," she admitted.

Willow squeezed her hand in a gesture of support, "What are you gonna do?"

"I dunno."

"Well, the way I see it. You're pretty much screwed either way," Willow told her. "Either you, Dawn and Joyce lose everything, or you marry and get knocked up by Satan himself."

"Gee Wils, when you put it that way..."

Willow smiled and then turned serious, "You know that no matter what you decide - I'll be here."

"Thanks," Buffy said hugging her.

"So have you decided?"

Buffy took a deep breath, "Yeah. I think I have."



Buffy returned home from Willow's and barely said two words to either her mother or Dawn before she rushed upstairs to the privacy of her room. She had just enough time to make the phone call to Angelus and knew that if she had stopped to chat she would never make the deadline imposed upon her.

She was shaking in terror when she lifted the receiver to call him and give her humiliating decision; there was a part of her who still couldn't believe that she was actually going to agree to this insane arrangement. If she'd had any other choice... but she didn't and her mother and Dawn needed her to help and by golly she was going to save them.

The worse part and the only thing she felt guilt over was the fact that she would be involving, eventually, an innocent child in Angelus' depraved scheme. As the phone on the other end began to ring she waited impatiently for him to answer. When someone did pick up it wasn't him, but his secretary.

"Mr. McKenna's office."

Buffy swallowed around the large, painful lump in her throat. "I'd like t-to speak to Mr. McKenna. My name is Buffy Summers."

"Please hold."

Before she even realized it she was speaking to the devil.

"You're late," he said his voice typically devoid of emotion.

Buffy scowled to herself, "Sorry if I inconvenienced you. Unfortunately I take deciding my future kinda seriously."

"And your decision is?"

Buffy sighed, but did not waiver. "I agree," she whispered.


Knowing that the bastard had heard her and was just trying to humiliate her made it all so much worse, but she repeated her answer. "I'll marry you."

She could almost hear the cruel self-satisfied smile in his voice. "You need to sign the contract. Be at Lindsey McDonald's office tomorrow at nine o'clock."

Buffy didn't even pretend not to know who Lindsey McDonald was. He was the top attorney in the state of California and one of Angelus' best friends in High School. So instead she went for her usual flippancy, "What? I agree to give *you* a significant portion of my life and all you say is be at my lawyer's!"

"What should I say," Angelus replied coldness seeping into his voice. "Congratulations on catching one of California's most eligible bachelors. We both know it was I who caught you and somehow I don't think you want to celebrate that. Just be at Lindsey's tomorrow." He then hung up on her without waiting for her reply.

Buffy just sat there for a moment in shock. It was the first time she'd been subjugated to Angelus' mean streak, even when he'd delivered his ultimatum from Hell he hadn't been that cold and unfeeling - or at least he hadn't seemed that way. He'd just seemed like a total asshole. She replaced the receiver and lay down on her bed and began to seriously wonder what she'd just gotten herself into.



After he had hung up on Buffy, Angelus sat back in his chair and contemplated his victory, small though it was. He was now one step closer to complete his plan; he had finally managed to get Buffy. Ever since he had first seen her walking down the halls of Sunnydale High, he had wanted her. Unfortunately back then she'd been way too young and had seemed to hate him for no reason and after he had graduated he had lost track of her. Actually if he was truthful he had pushed her to the back of his mind as he'd pursued more mature women.

He had just been thinking about disposing of his latest companion when he'd heard of Buffy once again. This time it was through gossip about what her father's untimely death had done to her and her family. When he heard that he just knew that it was his big chance to get closer to her. He was interrupted when someone barged into his office.

"Angel. I thought we were heading home."

"I told you I had to wait for a phone call, Kathy," he told his younger sister.

"Well, Janice said the call came. So can we go now?"

"Sure," he said smiling at her.

As Angelus starting grabbing what he needed to take home Kathy looked at him. "Who was the call from?"


"Ah... the mysterious Buffy," Kathy replied giggling. "You've been talking about her for ages. When am I gonna get to meet her?"


"That's what you always say."

Angelus grabbed his briefcase and put his free arm around his sister. "This time I promise."



Buffy awoke the next morning feeling like she was going to throw up and wishing she could just lie in bed all day. She slowly climbed out of bed and padded downstairs towards the kitchen, putting on her cheerful face when she heard her mother and Dawn's voices coming from there.

"Morning," she told them as she wandered in, pretending that nothing but the usual was actually wrong.

"Morning honey," Joyce replied from where she was making breakfast.

Dawn mumbled something around her mouthful of scrambled eggs.

Buffy sat down next to her baby sister and tried to calm down. No one suspected anything was wrong, to them it was just another day and she was acting paranoid for no reason.

Joyce handed Buffy some breakfast and took a seat. "So what's everyone doing today?"

"School," Dawn answered scowling.

"Job hunting," Buffy said quickly.

Sadness seemed to overcome her mother as she said, "I'm going to start to pack up the gallery. So later on I am going to need both of your help."

"Whatever," Dawn said stuffing the remainder of her breakfast into her mouth. "I gotta get to school," she said grabbing her things and rushing out.

Making sure her sister had actually left, Buffy turned to her mom. "Are you sure you wanna pack up today? Maybe you should wait until tomorrow?"

"Buffy," Joyce began. "I can't just keep putting it off. It's over and the longer it goes on the more painful it will be, for all of us."

Buffy wished she could tell her mom that everything was going to be okay and how it would be, but she knew that she'd stop her and she couldn't let that happen.

"If you're sure..."

"I am," Joyce replied hugging her.

Buffy grasped onto her mother like it was the final part of her innocence. Eventually she had to let go even though she really didn't want to.

"I have to be at my interview at nine, so..." Buffy said uncomfortably. "I should go get ready for it."

"Good luck," Joyce told her sincerely.

Buffy nodded stiffly, "Thanks."

She rushed from the kitchen and barely made it up to her room before she lost it and the tears started to fall.



"Shall I tell you how stupid I think you are?" Lindsey said to Angelus as they were sitting in his office waiting for Buffy.

"No," Angelus answered dryly, "You've told me that enough times since I asked you to draw up the contract."

"If you want a child so badly, marry some bimbo," Lindsey told him. "It'll cost you a lot less than this deal will."

Angelus shook his head stubbornly, "It has to be her."


"If you had ever seen her you wouldn't have to ask," Angelus said hoping that answer would satisfy his friend.

"Hell Angelus," Lindsey replied ruefully. "Sunnydale's a small town - I know who she is. I even asked her out once."

Angelus glared at him, "You did?"

"She didn't go anywhere with me. Gave me some lame excuse about dating someone," Lindsey said. He saw the tension leave his friend's body and had a shock realization, "Tell me that you don't have any feelings for that girl?" Angelus couldn't meet his eyes. "Fuck it, Angelus. You're even more stupid than I fucking thought. She's gonna put you Hell by the time this is over."

"I won't allow her too."

"Shit," Lindsey said shaking his head in disbelief. "You can't control everything. When are you gonna learn that?"

Angelus didn't get a chance to answer, Lindsey's intercom went off and his new secretary's sarcastic voice was heard.

"Buffy Summers’ is here."



At the last minute Buffy decided against taking her car, she just didn't feel well enough to drive. Instead she had Joyce drop her off a few blocks away from Lindsey's office, as to not draw any unwanted suspicion. She walked there lost in thought and changed her mind a dozen times, but each time she did so the image of her mother's sad face reversed her decision.

Five minutes later she walked into Lindsey's modern office and gave her name to the receptionist, only afterwards did she realize who that was. Harmony Kendall, Buffy hadn't seen her since Graduation when she and Cordelia Chase had taken off for LA to become stars. She hadn't changed; she was even sarcastic when announcing Buffy's arrival, probably wondering what crime Buffy had committed.

"Show her in," came Lindsey's familiar voice.

Harmony reluctantly rose from her seat and forcibly dragged Buffy down a short hallway. "There it is," she said pointing at a door.

"Gee Harm, I see just how much your people skills have improved since High School," Buffy replied sarcastically as she went to move past her.

"I hope that whatever you did gets you life, Summers," Harmony answered flouncing off towards her desk.

Buffy knocked on the door once and entered the room, unsurprised when she saw Angelus sitting at Lindsey's desk; she had expected him to be lurking nearby.

"Buffy," Angelus acknowledged.

"Ms. Summers," Lindsey said formally, "Please have a seat."

"Thank you," Buffy said politely as she sat down, shooting Angelus a suspicious glance.

"Have you read the agreement?" Lindsey asked her, hoping that he wouldn't have to explain Angelus' weird-ass agreement.

Buffy removed the agreement from her purse and replied, "It was clear... despite the spelling errors."

Lindsey flushed bright red with embarrassment, "New secretary." He then turned serious once more, "Are you *both* certain about entering into this agreement?"

"Yes," Angelus replied immediately, no hesitation and no regret in his voice.

Buffy on the other hand hung her head in shame. "Yes," she whispered barely audibly.

{This is definitely one of Angelus' more stupid ideas} Lindsey thought looking at the couple. "In that case, if Buffy would sign the document; I will witness it. Then it will be all done."

Buffy took the pen Lindsey offered with a shaking hand. She signed her name, all the time thinking she was signing every bit of dignity and pride she had ever had away.

Angelus watched her sign the document in relief, now she couldn't change her mind and destroy all his careful planning.

She watched Lindsey sign his name to the agreement and a feeling of dread settled into the pit of her stomach and she began to wish she was at home so she could be alone and cry. It was done. She now owed her life and the life of her first born child to this man that she truly believed in the depths of her soul was the Devil. She only hoped that things couldn't and wouldn't get any worse.