Cruelty in the Circus

I was Watching Dumbo and well,The animals didn’t look like the work they did could have been very fun,Here is the speech I made about Circus and animal cruelty.

People from all over the world go to the circus since they are fun and entertaining. There are animals ,clowns,and acrobats fun for the whole family.Right?

Well maybe the circus is fun for us humans but is it fun for the animals who perform the daring deeds? we've all seen the tiger perform his daring jump through the hoop of fire or the monkeys juggling act. But is it really safe,and healthy for them I ask Myself?

Meen while circus patrons are shocked to discover that trainers such as Gunther Gebel Williams has been video taped whipping his animals. This abusive task in not uncommon,Many trainers abuse there animals with Tight choking collars,Bullhooks,Regular beatings , electroprods and even the lack of food and water.

The animals are always under constant stress from being held in a small area or there transport cages.The animal welfare act merely requires that the animals have just enough room to stand up or to turn around.Not Nearly enough room for a sociable animal such as the elephant or horse.

Elephants may travel up to 20 miles a day in the wild but are kept in an electrical enclosure all day and all night .

The bears are caged 90 percent of the time while herd animals such as zebra,horses and camels are isolated from there own species and suffer from terrible loneliness .

The rest of the animal population is kept in an old dark barn that hasn’t been cleaned in days.

Once an African elephant was found died inside a poorly ventilated trailer outside a hotel building .But this also is definitely not uncommon, there are a wide range of injuries and deaths caused by circus people .Horses with hoof problems,Lions suffering from joint problems And a lionness even experienced the cruel and astonishing pain of having her tail sliced of.

Is this the life you'd want to lead? Most animals are very intelligent although most suffer from stress and hard beatings because they can not adapt to training as well as the others. The training starts at a young age and even though its a hard job,Trainners tend to make things easier ,using bullhooks and whips . instead of food rewords when they get it right.(or just some love and attention.)

The reason for this is so the animal will grow up to fear them. But this physical abuse is a normal part of the day to day life for the circus animals. Infact if one of the animals missbehaves they do not get to participate in the exercise inclosure.but this room would not be considered appropriate, for the room is a lot smaller then the name implies it to be. Further more circus animals spend almost there intere lives on the road moving from one place to the next.And when they aren’t booked for the winter they will go back to the quarters for 2or 3 months which means more unbearably long hours shut up in a cage

There is a wide range of abnormal Behavior for the animals in the circus such as pacing and bobbing there heads up and down,Also some of the elephants have been found swaying side to side then collapsing to the floor.

Once A male elephant was isolated in a small pen, His abnormal behavior was than 66 percent high but when he was in a larger pen with the other elephant it showed a mark that decreased. Another elephant they called Rhenne was probably the most disturb of all,She had been Turing with the Satus circus,During her intire tour she was chained to the floor. She had had a very high level of rocking and swaying,whether she was in her wagon ,stable,or tent. she continually bobbed and swayed stopping only to eat drink and to sometimes to wrap trunks with the other male elephant through the bars of her cage

Although circuses are fun they do not have enough money to care and support these creatures ,I mean would u want to be in prison all your life?.

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