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Spay or Neuter Facts for Kids.
Questions &Answers

Why should I spay or neuter my pet You ask? That cost money.

Here are all the reasons You should. Home

1) Spaying eliminates the chances of getting blood stains on your floor,couch,bed,ect.When in heat cycle.

2) Dogs are always healthier and happier.You try raising 3-6 pups every year..It's tiresme for them And would rather be without.

3) Prevents unwanted pregnancies and unwanted puppies.

4)Some dogs have to get Caesarean sections.

5) Male dogs that are neutered are less agressive over territory,And dont roam after females that they can smell Miles away!!!,and will stop at nothing to reach them!!.

6) Decreases accidents when house training you male dog.(Less urine marking)

7) Less chance of getting Prostate cancer,hardly a chance at all.

8) The risk of breast cancer is reduced and eliminates The possibilities of getting ovarian or urinary cancers.

9) Many people breed for a profit,But resposible,reputable breeders tell us that it is Way expensive to care and feed,and do advertisements,vet care,and all this and make money,Considering the fact that sometimes the pups dont always sell. A Reputable breeder such as AKC. breeds to better the breed and has done tons of nessesary research for YEARS! before breeding a life,Such as their history,genetics,bloodlines.

10) Nueter your male,it takes two too tango.Females Cant Have puppies or kittens on there own.

11)If you spay your cat early he wont have the instinct to spray anymore.But if he has already started it might not go away.

12) What they havnt had they cant miss.

13)It's simple There arent enough homes for all of them.

14) Just b/c you own a purebred doesnt mean you should breed,papers dont mean squat.

15)You can Choose To make a difference.

More then 1000000 of dogs are killed each year because People buy on impulse and decide afterwards this isnt the pet for them,Or accidents from not spaying or neutering.

If You'd really like to experience A dog having pupies drop by your local shelter or rescue and volunteer to look after a pregnant Bitch and experience it thru this.That way you are helping,and dont have all the costs on you.! Good Luck on your desicion.

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