Pets World

Every Body Wants To be a Cat,Because the Cats The Only Cat who Knows where It's At.!**stops singing**LOL. Here is some information on Famous Cats and other critters..

Famous Cats

Homeward Bound.


Sassy stars in the Disney movie Homeward Bound, She plays a Sassy cat who hates water,dog drool,and dirt.(what cat doesn’t?) She is a Himalayan medium in size,stubby with short legs and neck.They have beautiful thick coats that will need proper care and brushing regulary,a snubby nose,and small ears. These are very gentle,loving,devoted breeds who seek out attention.Cataracts,Sinuses,and liver problems are common. Please do more research in order to make a choice if you'd like this breed.

For more cat Info

The Aristocats.

Marie & Dutches

I think that Marie and Duchess are supposed to resemble a white Persian but dont look exactly the same.

Here is some Persian Info incase you think you'd like a pretty white cat like Marie.

Persians have long flowing coats,squished in face,and stubby legs (yah I know doesn’t resemble Dutchs at all) But They have cute personalities,They love to pose by a window or seat,and can be very adaptable to different types of homes.They get along with kids of all ages and are very affectionate. Persians hate climbing and jumping and prefer to stay on the ground. There long fur will need to be kept clean and brushed daily ,They are not good outdoor cats for they become far to dirty. They will need the occasional bath so get them used to this while young It keeps them cleaner and healthier.

For more Information go to.:

Persian Cat Chat.

Lady And The Tramp:

Siamese Cats.

The two Siamese cats that made trouble for Lady on"Lady and the Tramp" Were quite clever and funny.

here I provided some Siamese Info.To see If this cat will suit you!.

They are loving cats who are very intelligent and acute.They have nice long legs, a wedged shape head,and sleek lines and Impressive colorings. I have heard of these cats being protective of there families,Once a woman was asleep and a man broke into her house.Her Siamese Cat clawed and bit him forcefully.The cat was a heroe!!.And their voices can be heard from afar,They love to meow!.But nothing is better to them then snuggling into your arms and falling asleep.

Siamese Rescue.


Roger Rabbit,Bugs Bunny, and Peter Rabbit are just some of the famous well known rabbits out there on television. Well,There are 45 recognized breeds of rabbits I beleive,They can live for about 5-6 years if well Kept and fed. They make good indoor pets,and good apartment pets considering they dont make noise and dont need the the exercise a dog might need. A rabbit can loose its fur up to 3 times a year and always needs a clean cage. When you are going to buy or adopt a bunny please make sure it is healthy first. The eyes and ears should be clean with no gunk,The nose should be twitching allot and a little moist. Rabbits like to be in a cage of a good size to hop around in,They like being where people are but make sure there is no screaming or yelling it is stressful for them.The temperature should not be too hot or too cold. For more Rabbit Information Please visit.

Acme Pet Small animals.

Parrots! ?

Parrots are famous in many shows .Paulie ,102 dalmations.And more. Most parrots are very intelligent and have the ability unlike most animals to communicate in human language. But is the parrot really understanding speech? or just mimicking?. Parrots act like 2 year old children and demand a lot of attention. But the thought of if the bird really understands us talking is not known. So people have taken a step further in that study. Many People claim that their parrots do infact understand,One parrot named Alex can identify all the colours,numbers and words we use. If he starts squawking loudly and you ask him if he'd like to go back into his cage he will reply,eather Yes/no I would like to. If You hold up a red triangle and a blue triangle and ask whats the difference he will reply thecolours are. So is this parrot actually thinking? Nobody knows for sure. Parrots are good petsbut should not be left alone be himself often,they tend to get very lonely and will talk forever and make tons of noises just to get your attention. If you'd like to own this bird it would be best to be committed to it..Ask your local vet for more issues and health facts. (This info I wrote also on my animal /vt/wolfyandkk98/)

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