The Simpsons

Homer in the House!

-Everything you needed to know about Homer... and more
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  The Simpsons

D'oh! 8/24/02
The Angelfire people are real jerks. A few years back they had this thing where you could upgrade to 50MB of storage for free, so of course I took them up on it. I didn't even think I could fill half of that up, but with all the movies and sounds I got up to about 26MB, I wasnt worried about it though. I still had plenty of space, or so I thought. I never updated my site since 4/20 and then one day in like June my friend called my attention to the Angelfire Web Shell. Apparently, they lowered the storage space to 20MB. The little bar said I currently used 26.2Mb out of 20MB. I thought it was funny, but not worried, because they usually dont do anything about it. Well quite some time later I looked at it and it said I only used 19.97MB of space. I knew that all my files added up to more than that, so I did that math. It added up to 19.97 exactly. "Hmmm", I thought, "thats odd." I wasn't too upset, but I decided to investigate further. I saw that all the pages were up and running fine, at least thats what I thought. When I looked at my movie page, I noticed the picture wasnt loading. I thought it must be a dead link, a misspelling
or something, but I found that the picture wasn't even uploaded
onto the site. Thats when I knew something was off. As it turns
out, Angelfire deleted the last like 7MB of stuff I uploaded in order
to make room. Without notice or anything. So thats where we are
today, and I can't update this site anymore because of it. So I
have decided to just leave it here. You can still look at it or email me,
but I am not going to do anything more to the site. I would have liked
to, but Angelfire wants me to pay to do that. Goodbye my friends, I
shall truely miss you. Boo hoo hoo....

Mmmm..... Updates. 4/20/02
Today, after abandoning this site for a year, I decided to fix it up a
bit. I added a Sounds page and I am still in the process of loading
them all up. I have like 88 of them though so it should be cool.

I think I'm blind. 5/8/01
Today I added a Quotes page and added a lot of quotes. Now I
am working on a Links section, so if any of you out there have a
good site you can e-mail me with the address.

Purples a fruit. 5/6/01
Major update today. I finished putting all my pictures on my pictures
page and I made a Lists section. Today I added both a Homer's
page and a page with Homer's many jobs on it. Please check
them out. I will be updating again soon

Woo Hoo! 4/18/01
Today I uploaded all my Homer pictures into my Web Shell. I
still have to put them in descriptive links so all of you can view
them without too much hassle. If you are not patient enough for
me to make them into links, you can see the list of all the pictures
here. Be updating again soon!

I ate the purple berries. 4/17/01
This is my first attempt at a web site devoted entirely to Homer
Simpson, maybe the most important person in the show, The
Simpsons. It may be pretty shabby for now but I will work as
hard as I can to make it mediocre. Thanks.

  What you talkin' 'bout Wilson?
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