Matthew Perry's Joke

This is from The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, 1999.

Matthew: So, I made up a joke.

Jay: Really? Can I hear it?

Matthew: Sure.

Jay: Okay.

Matthew: Okay, so there were 3 midgets...

Jay: 3 midgets...

Matthew: They have no names...

Jay: Shouldn't they have names?

Matthew: Hey, it's my joke!

Jay: Okay, sorry.

Matthew: Besides I think they're already fine.

Jay: What?

Matthew: Just listen.

Jay: Okay.

Matthew: So, the 3 midgets were sitting down one day and the first midget said "I think I have the smallest hands in the entire world."

Jay: Uh-huh...

Matthew: Then the second midget said "I think I have the smallest feet in the entire world."

Jay: Yeah...

Matthew: Okay, so the third midget said "I think I have the smallest..." (thinks) I don't know what I can say.

Jay: You can say male sex organ.

Matthew: Okay, so the third midget said" I think I have the smallest male sex organ in the entire world."

Jay: Uh-huh.

Matthew: So, the first midget said "We should document this". Then the third midget said " We should go to Guiness". So the next day they went to Guiness and the first midget went in and came out 5 minutes later, and he was happy. He said "It's official! I have the smallest hands in the entire world." Then the second midget went in and came back out 5 minutes later and he was happy, and he said "It's official! I have the smallest feet in the entire world." Then the third midget went in and came back out five minutes later but he was mad, and he said "Who the hell is Matt LeBlanc?!"

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