Halloween Ninjas

By Sandy

"What are you girls doing on Halloween?"
Dee Dee's friend Suzanne answered, "I thought we would have a party at my house Dee Dee. You're invited and you have to come. You can't say 'no'." Dee Dee agreed she would go.
When Dee Dee left the room to change to go out with her friends, Suzanne gathered Reana, Allegra, and Sporty (nicknamed because she was a good sport) and told them about her plan for the party. "Keep guard and make sure Dee Dee doesn't catch me. I am going to call the famous Hunter that Dee Dee never lets us meet and check to see if he will come to our party and bring 19 other guys with him for us girls to meet. Hee hee!! she cackled. "Keep watch and keep Dee Dee busy."
Suzanne found Hunter's number on Dee Dee's automatic dialing. "Hello"
"Hi, this is Suzanne, a friend of Dee Dee's."
"Oh this is nice. Dee Dee never lets me meet any of her friends."
"I know that is why I am calling you. I want to have a Halloween party and I was hoping you could come and bring 19 other friends of yours to meet Dee Dee's friends. Would you be able to do this or want to?"
"I guess I can do that." he sounded a bit surprised. "Is it a costume party?"
"Yes, everyone has to dress like a ninja so that Dee Dee doesn't know you are there right away. Also we will not talk to anyone because everyone will have a notebook to write to their partner rather than speaking. This will make it more of a mystery for everyone. I hope you don't hate this idea."
"No that sounds like a good plan. You should be an undercover cop."
"I don't mind being sneaky as long as it is for a good cause." Suzanne laughed.
"I think I am going to enjoy this."
"All of us are around 25 years of age and single of course. We are all professionals too."
"Not hookers I hope." Hunter said laughing.
"Now I see why you and Dee Dee get along so well. Let me know if you can get your friends to come to the party please."
"Sure I will. This sounds like fun." he chuckled. "Bye"
"Bye." she said hanging up the phone. Dee Dee, coming out of her room, saw Suzanne hanging up the phone and asked "Who was that?"
"I just called Cindy to tell her about the party." The girls appeared to be excited and Dee Dee couldn't understand what had happened since she had left to change. Reana told Dee Dee, "Oh by the way, we are all going to dress up as ninjas and we aren't allowed to speak to our guy we are paired with. We have to write out what we want to say."
"Sounds so secretive....Why?"
"We thought it would be fun and mysterious this way since it is Halloween. We will get to know the guy we meet in a different way than we normally do this way." Allegra commented.
"What do you mean get to know the guy we meet? Aren't we suppose to bring a date?"
"No, we have 20 guys coming for each of us girls to be paired with."
"It sounds like you don't know who the guys are. What is going on?"
Suzanne piped in, "Yes, we know who the guys are. I am sure you won't be disappointed."
Hunter talked his buddies into going to the party and waited for Suzanne to call.
Suzanne realized she had no way to contact Hunter unless she called Dee Dee at work and Hunter answered her phone. She had to get Dee Dee out of the office. Suzanne called Kaitlyn and Gisele and asked them to call Dee Dee and make up anything to get her out of the office. They called Dee Dee and told her they were worried about Robin because she wasn't answering her phone or door. Dee Dee met Kaitlyn and Gisele at Robin's house. Then Kaitlyn suddenly remembered where Robin was. She was on vacation. Dee Dee was relieved and didn't get mad at her friends.
Meanwhile Suzanne called Hunter and gave him her address and told him about the details of the party. She told Hunter she would be so glad to finally meet the infamous Hunter. Hunter laughed and said he would be happy to finally meet McCall's friends.
When Dee Dee came back, Hunter asked her why she flew out of the office so fast. Dee explained what had happened and Hunter chuckled knowing what had transpired. Then laughing to himself, Hunter asked what Dee Dee was doing on Halloween. She told him she was going to a party and was sorry she couldn't invite him. Hunter gave her his famous hurt look and told her he would survive. "I guess I will just stay home and hand out candy to the kids." McCall smiled picturing that scenario.


The following evening Suzanne had a meeting at her house for the purpose of setting up the party. First the girls decided they would use two hats with numbers in them to determine how the couples would be paired. All the girls wanted to be with Hunter so it was decided that this would be the fairest method. Everyone agreed except for Dee Dee of course.
Each person was given something to do. By dividing into groups, they were able to be efficient. Each group could be as creative as they wanted. Kathy, Marlena, and Lori were in charge of the webs, spiders, and all the creepy crawly things. Rutgers, Rachel, and Finn were in charge of the streamers, tableclothes, napkins, candles, utensils, etc. Ireland, Bepy, and Kaitlyn were in charge of the food and setting it up on the table. Teri, Caty and Sandy were in charge of the pumpkins, skeletons and bats. Sporty, Reana, and Allegra were in charge of the scarecrows, ghosts, and witches. Gisele and Suzanne were to produce tapes for the party and Robin and Cindy were in charge of the music.
Everyone decided they would divide the cost evenly and each would bring a dish also so there would be plenty of food along with the apples, cider, and donuts. The girls had so much fun setting up for the party. They were brought closer together again. They hadn't done anything together like this as a group since they had graduated from high school.
Finally Halloween was upon them. At the police station Hunter and McCall didn't have a homocide case that day. McCall asked Hunter if she could leave early before something happened. Hunter helped McCall up from her chair and said, "Let's get out of here!" McCall looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Oh, so you do have a date?"
"No I don't. I'm just tired and I don't want to be stuck all evening with a homocide while you are out partying it up."
McCall laughed and said mockingly, "Awww!
Poor Hunter! Poor baby!!"
When they got off the elevator, he started to go ahead of her actly like he was mad. She yelled to him, "I was just teasing. Hunter, c'mon. Slow down."
As McCall approached Suzanne's house, she could see a lit pumpkin at the mailbox that lit up the number of her house. This is good now everyone will be able to find her house. The path up to her front door was in total darkness. As Dee Dee made her way to the front door, ghosts, witches, scarecrows and bats sprang out at her or so it seemed. She did scream a few times but she rationalized it was because of the darkness. Talk about a haunted house she laughed. These friends of mine always manage to scare me one way or another.
Reaching the front door, a voice rang out of the darkness, Come in only if you dare and a blood curdling laugh was heard. It sent chills up and down her spine. As she pushed the door open, she could her a loud squeak and then bats flew at her as she held her arms up and screamed. A ninja who seemed to appear out of nowhere gave her a list of rules, a notebook, and a pen. Dee Dee looked around the room. It was so dimly lit that she had to squint to see. The candles gave her a menancing feeling because of the large shadows they created around the room. She could see a long table now with ninjas sitting at it. As she started toward the table she almost tripped over a bean bag and then a skeleton flew toward her. She let out a scream and felt embarassed but then realized that no one in this room recognized her. She didn't know who anyone was in this room right now for that matter herself. Oh this is creepy and terrifying she thought. Phew I finally reached this table in one piece she thought as she sat down.
Since Dee Dee was one of the last to arrive soon after a tape was played of Halloween sounds that would curdle your blood. Then the annoucements of how each person was to be paired with another guest, rules of no talking and only writing to communicate, and no asking of names or personal info was to be asked or given to the other person until it was time to eat.
Sitting at the long table with her fellow ninjas, Dee Dee felt this is too weird. She wasn't sure if this party was such a good idea now. This is so strange. Then she thought I bet everyone else feels the same way relaxing a tid. The ninjas and the shadows gave her a forboding feeling and the silence between everyone was too much. I love to talk too much to be here she laughed at herself. Suddenly a witch's cackle could be heard that said, "It's time my dearies to choose your stranger." Oh boy what a way to discribe that she thought. Makes me feel real secure here!!
Each guy and girl went up and drew a number and then pinned it on. Dee Dee looked at the guys closer and thought most of them are tall and athletic looking just like Hunter. They must all be basketball or football players. When Dee Dee went up she drew number seven. I hope it really is a lucky number tonight. I can't wait until this night is over. I will never do anything like this again she promised herself. She started to go back to her seat and was stopped by a tall guy who came up to her. He pointed to the number on his suit. This strange guy is hers tonight she laughed. The guy then stretched out his arm for her to take and he escorted her to the table. He pulled her chair out for her before he sat down next to her. "Thank you " she wrote. "Welcome" he wrote. She felt freer but isolated at the same time. The silence was killing her so she wrote, "What is your name?"
"I don't think we can ask that" was his response.
"Why not?"
"I am your mysterious stranger that is until the hostess decides to have everyone reveal their identity."
She liked what he said. "Okay we might as well enjoy this." she winked at him.
The music began and her guy motioned toward the dance floor. She nodded yes. The dance was a slow one. He seemed like a nice guy to her and it felt good dancing with him. I wish I could ask him some personal questions and get to know him she thought. The dance stopped and he took her hand and lead her back to the table. He pulled the chair out for her like he did before. She felt good about that. He sure knows how to treat a lady she thought. She started thinking this is kind of fun. He put his hand around her and the sat watching the others dance.
Dee Dee looked up at him and of course could only see his eyes. They were a beautiful blue and they sparkled as he watchedthe dance floor. He looked down at her and she could tell he smiled by his eyes. They are so expressive she thought as she looked back at the dance floor. Seeming to sense she was looking at him again, he looked at her. She felt like she was caught and felt embarassed. Even if he couldn't see her red face, she felt like he could.
He then stood up and again motioned toward the dance floor while taking her hand. The song was "Lady at Rest". She began to feel like he was the only person there. She actually felt comfortable with this guy. She didn't know anyone else around her since they were all dressed the same. There was a special bond developing between her and this stranger. I am beginning to feel emotionally comfortable with him and I don't even know him. This is too strange. Yikes!!
They danced to about ten songs and then sat down. She watched the guys as they fast danced and laughed to herself. Most of the guys danced like Hunter. They all must have had the same teacher she thought. Twenty-nine year old guys suck at dancing she concluded.
She again didn't like the silence so she wrote to him again. "I didn't like this at first but I do now. I feel comfortable with you and you are kind, thoughful, and intelligent." He thanked her and wrote, "You can tell all that without talking to me? I feel comfortable with you also. I feel like fate brings people together sometimes like right now."
"I don't know if I would go that far, but is is a nice experience meeting you like this."
"I chose your number so part of it is fate is all I meant." he winked. "What we do from here is our own choice." She thought about what he said. Then he wrote, "I love your eyes. I notice a sadness in them at times as well as a gentleness and softness. And yes a mischievious look or streak too." He continued, "I think you need to forget your troubles at least for tonight and have some fun." "Hey let's go out on the porch for awhile." and then added "Don't forget your notebook."


As they went out the door to go to the porch there were sounds of wolves howling and then a vampire sprang at them. Dee Dee clutched on her strange guy and screamed. He just laughed and held her close til she calmed down. He wrote now in answer to the notebooks, "Yes I think we shold bring them. That is why tonight is so special. Let's enjoy it for as long as we can. You might not like me if ou knew who I am for all I know. I know I will like you though."
"You are so sweet. Okay after tonite we have to date at least once. Is that a deal?" Dee held out her hand. He shook her hand and wrote, "A deal!"
They sat on the porch swing with the ocean breeze blowing on them. It just seemed too good to be true. This is so wonderful Dee Dee thought. He leaned down to kiss her through the masks. The kiss felt good to her. He is so gentle and adorable she thought. The sound of the witches cackle was heard. It was time to take off their masks. Dee Dee pulled her mask off and he pulled his off and they both kissed one another passionately. Then they both looked at one another. "McCall?"
They were both upset. Kaitlyn was on the porch with her newlyfound friend and she decided to step in and talk to Hunter and Dee Dee. "I am sorry you both are upset but you both seemed to connect so well together before you two knew who you were with. Call it fate or whatever. The chances that you both got the same number should tell you both something. I think the both of you need to resolve a lot and possibly start now."
They looked at one another and burst out laughing. Dee Dee met Rick's friends and vice versa. Somehow or other everyone wasn't dissatisfied with their ninja. Dee Dee and Rick decided to go out on the date they shook on and it led to many more!!!

Of course we all have our own stories about what happened to us on that Ninja Halloween.


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