Just A Quickie...

By Robin

As McCall sat on the verandah of her stateroom she reviewed in her mind the events of the last week. She and Nina had planned this cruise months ago, then at the last minute Nina backed out. "It's just not a good time right now," Nina had explained. What she really meant was her controlling boyfriend got what he wanted again, McCall thought. Since she didn't want to lose all that money by canceling at the last minute, McCall decided to go anyway. 'Besides she reasoned, it's been a rough couple of months and I deserve this, I need it.'
Now as she sat looking out at the ocean she pondered, 'If only I knew what I was going to do on this ship all alone.' Half jokingly Hunter had offered to come in Nina's place and McCall knew if she'd had given the okay Hunter would have jumped at the chance. 'I don't know, maybe I could have handled it, maybe it would've been fun, no, not maybe, it definitely would've been fun, but could I have handled it? Damn it, Dee Dee, you're such a jerk! You should just tell Rick how you feel. Put it out there, who knows, maybe he feels the same. It's just so hard to tell with him. Every other word out of his mouth is a joke. How do I know when or if he's being serious?' "I'll come with you" he had offered, "a whole week of sharing a cabin with my Love Muffin? I'm in, when do we leave?" he had chided. 'Probably would've shocked the hell out of him if I would have taken him up on it. Too late now McCall, you blew it, you had your chance and you blew it.'
Just as she decided to go in and wash up before dinner there was a knock at the door. "Room service", the voice from the other side announced. 'Finally, McCall thought, I'm starved.' "Just put it on the verandah, please, " she instructed from the other side of the bathroom door. The thought of going to the dining room and making small talk with strangers just didn't sound appealing tonight. 'I'll deal with that routine tomorrow,' she thought. 'Tonight I just want to be alone.' So engrossed in her own thoughts, McCall didn't realize the person who delivered the food was still there. As she stepped out of the bathroom she gasped, her hand over her heart as if she were trying to stop it from jumping out of her chest.
"What, how, what are you doing here?" she managed to say.
"I go to all this trouble to surprise you and that's the greeting I get? Maybe I should see if they can airlift me outta here."
"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to see you, I mean, what are you doin' here?"
"McCall, you really should try to expand your vocabulary, " Hunter teased. "I told you, I wanted to surprise you. I know you turned me down when I offered to come with you but I know you really wanted me to come."
"Boy, you are so full of yourself, " McCall shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"Aw, c'mon, you know you love me, " Hunter half smiled, an almost shy grin crossing his face.
In that moment McCall's eyes met Hunter's. Neither could have broken the connection if someone had yelled fire. He stepped toward her, placing his hands on her upper arms. He brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers and she gently put a hand to his chest. Hunter searched DeeDee's eyes for permission then leaned in and lightly kissed her on the lips. She pulled back for a moment, seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Hunter spoke quietly, "It's okay, don't you feel it? This is good, this is good." Not breaking eye contact DeeDee began to unbutton Hunter's shirt, pushing it off his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. She then lifted her own top up over her head tossing it to join his shirt. Hunter undid the button and zipper on her shorts, they fell to the ground, she stepped out of them, her eyes still fixated on Hunter's. He broke the gaze just long enough to take in the sight of his partner, soon to be lover, standing there in front of him in nothing more but a lace bra and panties. Hunter inhaled deeply, almost nervously, before he spoke, "God, you take my breath away. I love you Dee Dee." He kissed her again. "I love you too, Rick." He pulled her closer again, kissing her harder and deeper, searching for her tongue with his. The adreneline was flowing so quickly, so out of control, neither could contain themselves any longer. Dee Dee undid Hunter's jeans and explored inside, cupping him with her left hand while she helped him pull off his jeans with her right. They made their way to the bed, taking turns exploring each other in ways they had only dreamt of before. Dee Dee took Hunter's hand and guided it up her thigh, her silent way of permitting him his next move. Gently he worked his fingers under the elastic band around her leg and pulled her panties down and off her body. Dee Dee had never felt closer to anyone, not even Steve. She found herself wanting to pleaase him, to do everything in her power to make this the best he's ever experienced. She touched him, hoping it was a way in which he'd only dreamed of being touch.
In a million years Hunter never thought McCall was capable....his thoughts interrupted by the sensations his partner was eliciting from his body. Hunter rolled over on to his back, pulling Dee Dee on top of him. She followed his lead and manuevering her body over his, it took her only a minute to find the right rythm, slowly at first, she moved up and down taking him in her deeper with each movement. "Oh God....you're so...." was all he could murmur as he arched his back, lost in the pleasure of his new lover but old love.
Finally Dee Dee broke her rythm and, exhausted, lay beside her partner. Hunter reached over and pulled her close. Kissing her deeply, the warmth of his mouth devouring her. Adreneline took over again and pressing his knee between hers, parted her legs and entered her. Feeling him swell inside her, Dee Dee was totally absorbed by the love she felt for Hunter, a deep lasting love that only a short time ago seemed out of her reach.
Exhausted and quite satisfied, Rick and Dee Dee lay cuddled together, embraced for eternity. After a few silent moments Hunter placed a gentle kiss on Dee Dee's forehead. Looking up at her partner, Dee Dee noticed a slight grin and twinkle in his eyes. "What, what's so funny, " she tilted her head up to his.
"And you said you didn't want me to come." Hunter's grin turned into a full face smile as Dee Dee slapped him on the chest then nestled in to sleep the most perfect sleep she'd ever had.


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