The Best Laid Plans

By Kathy in PA

Vacation time! Hunter is not in his usual good mood when vacation time came around. He hadn't taken any time off so far this year, unlike DeeDee who loved to take a day off here and there. He would rather not have anytime off. His captain insisted, so he wanted to take it all now, while the weather was warm and get it over with. He considered his usual vacation spots and rejected them. He had been there and done that, besides, he couldn't get anyone to take 2 wks off with him, so he was spending the time at home. He was sure he could fill his days and when he didn't have anything to do, he would just kick back and relax. Yes, he could do this and was determined to enjoy it.
By the 2nd day, he was searching for something to do. By the 3rd day he was calling everyone he knew, but everyone had plans or would do something with him if they could bring their wife or girlfriend along. "No way!" he thought, as he hung up the phone. He wasn't going to be the 3rd wheel. He suddenly felt very lonely. Maybe he was getting too old for the constant changing of women in his life. "Yeah, that's it" he thought, he wanted, no needed someone permanent. He needed a wife?!? He nearly jerked with this revelation. His mind spun with thoughts of why he would need a wife and gradually he calmed down. "Yes, a wife would be a good thing" he decided. Being a man of action, he immediately thought of how to go about this. What kind of woman was he looking for? He made a mental list-mid 20's to early 30's, never married so they won't have to deal with any jerks, no kids, of course, if any kids were involved, he wanted them to be his kids. She would have to be slim, pretty...a classy sort of woman would do, with a good job, maybe a professional. After all, he hoped to be a captain someday. Since he was so close to Charlie, he never really thought about what would become of Charlie so he could take his place. Maybe Charlie could retire early to spend his days relaxing and fishing. Yeah, that sounded good. Charlie can never get enough of fishing. Since he lives nearby, he could still see him often.
That problem solved, he wandered into the kitchen for a bite to eat. Since he can't cook much, he went for his favorite easy meal-cereal. He looked around the kitchen and remembered he was out of cereal, so he decided to jog on over to the local mom and pop store for some. He loved spending time in that store. Mom and Pop Shelton loved and admired Rick and he knew it. Rick has known the Shelton family-the whole, huge family for years. He was in the same grade as their son, Chad and got to know the whole family, brothers, sisters, cousins and all. Now Chad was married with 3 kids, living nearby. Rick often saw Chad when he was helping his parents out at the store. Chad's sister Nancy was usually working the cash register. Rick loved to spend time talking and teasing her, for there often wasn't more than one or two other customers in the store at a time.
Nancy was on the shy side, especially around Rick. She knew she had a crush on him and felt foolish. Why, why did she feel this way? Ever since jr. high when she first met him, she had this crush. She knew she didn't stand a chance with him. She knew the type he dated and she felt she couldn't compete. That's why she gave up and noticed Tom, her ex. She thought she could grow to love him but she didn't really. He was very much in love with her and thought she was in love with him. After a few years, it all fell apart. She didn't love him and couldn't pretend anymore. She now lived at her parents home with her little girl, Ashley. Ashley would come down from the family's living quarters above the store, bringing a paper from school to show Rick. He would admire her work and really enjoyed talking to her. Pop Shelton would talk sports with him and Mom Shelton would discuss the latest crime listed in the paper and tell Rick she's sure he can put an end to it "but you be careful, there's a lot of maniacs out there!" she would tell him while shaking a finger at him.
As he is jogging to the store, he runs down the list of available women he knew. No, none of them would do. For one reason or another, he rejects them all. He is wondering what to do as he goes in the store. He quickly picks out his favorite cereal, waves hello to Pop and heads for the cash register. Nancy rubs her hands on her pant legs as she goes behind the counter to wait on him. She smiles shyly and says hello. He greets her and asks her how it's going. "Fine" she says and wonders if she can get up the nerve to ask him about the church picnic. He doesn't say anymore to her, which is unusual. He's normally talkative with her, pouring on the charm without thinking about it. He loved to see her blush. She feels now may not be a good time but realizes this may be her last chance. He will ask someone else soon, if he hadn't already. Before she loses her nerve, she quickly blurts out, "are you going to the church picnic?" "Church picnic?" He looks puzzled. "Well, it's only the biggest shindig in this neighborhood, and you go every year" she nervously replies. "Have you asked someone to go with you?" "Oh, yeah, the picnic" he replies. "No, I haven't asked anyone yet. I better get on the phone soon and call Jill. She may already have a date." He saw a stricken look on her face as she turned toward the cash register. Think quick, Nancy. Say something, she thought. Rick saw her face and it stopped him cold. He immediately knew why she looked so wounded. She liked him! She wanted to be his date! He had to cover his tracks and quick! He would take her and show her a nice time. She deserved it and he would do it. "But you know" he said, "I would really enjoy it if you would agree to go with me" he said. Her face immediately lights up as she turns to him. "Really?" she said almost breathlessly. "Sure" he said. Get a grip on yourself, she thought. Don't drool. "Well, that would be fun. Of course I have to take Ashley with me." "Of course" he said, "everyone will be there. She can't miss out. It'll be fun." And surprisingly he thought, he meant it. He thought he would show her a good time and maybe the other guys would see what a catch she is, since he knew she rarely dated.
At the picnic, she really shined. She was happy with the world and it showed. She was a good sport, joining in with Rick in nearly all the games and laughed at her own mistakes. Overall, she did well in the games, even beating Rick in one. She laughed victoriously and Rick had to laugh too. He smiled and though he never saw her look more beautiful. This thought jolted him. He never thought of her as beautiful before. She was just his friend's sister, someone to pass the time of day with at the store.
He mentally went over his list of requirements and thought, no, she's about 35, well, that wasn't too bad, but she's divorced with a kid. The kid he could make an exception for, because he already knew and really liked Ashley, but an exhusband? He didn't like that idea. The jerk would probably upset every holiday. He couldn't really call her pretty, well, maybe when she laughed. Her eyes shined and her whole face lit up. Then he couldn't resist smiling and was soon laughing along with her. He couldn't call her classy, and she was carrying a extra 10 lbs. And she was just a clerk in her father's tiny store. She really didn't measure up to his standards.
As the day went on, he noticed the admiring glances she drew from the men. Some tried to butt in and pair up with her for the games, but he stubbornly refused and he loved the look on her face when he did. He was soon seeing her with new eyes. He realized he really didn't want to miss a minute of this day with her. They stayed until the very end, then slowly started for home with Ashley chattering happily. He smiles at her and doesn't say much. He's content just to listen to Ashley and go over the day in his mind.
Rick and Nancy don't say too much on the way to her house. They are both happy with how the day went and feel too much talk will break the spell.
At home, Ashley runs inside to her grandparents who beat them home. Rick walks Nancy to the door, tenderly kisses her goodnight and says he'll call her tomorrow. They leave the doorway in opposite directions with secret smiles on their faces and thoughts of what they can do together tomorrow.


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