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Chapters 16-20

Chapter 16

At the hospital.

Stephanie was sitting in the waiting area when Olivia´s doctor entered.

The doctor: Anyone related to Olivia Richards?

Stephanie: They are on their way. I´m a friend.

The doctor: Hi, I´m Dr. Rhonda Jekyll-Bidgood. I performed the sergery on Mrs Richards. Do you jave any idea when a relative of hers will be here?

Stephanie: Good timing.

In came Eric, Gregory and Sean. The doctor introduced herself to Eric and Sean. Gregory and she had already met.

Dr. Jekyll-Bidgood: Mr. Richards, should we go somewhere private?

Gregory: Sure. Sean, do you want to come with us?

Sean: Yes.

The two men followed the doctor into her office not long from the waiting area. Eric and Stephanie stayed behind.

Stephanie: What happened in Sunset beach? Is Cole on his way?

Eric: No... He wont be able to donate blood.

Stephanie: Why not?

Eric: Cause he died in the quake. He was in a building that collapsed.

Stephanie: Oh no... Poor Caitlin. But what happens with Trey now?

Eric: To tell you the truth, I don´t know. Sean will try and see if he is a match since he is the half brother. But there is something else. Caitlin was with Cole when the building collapsed.

Stephanie: Don´t tell me that she...

Eric: I´m afraid so.

Stephanie: This is just unfair. Hasn´t that family been through enough?!

Eric and Stephanie embrased.

Stephanie: We should find out if Rick and Bridget and the others are OK.

Eric: I tried to call but the lines are still down. I don´t know where they are so it´s better we stay here a while.

In Dr. Jekyll-Bidgood´s office.

The doctor explained what they had been doing with Olivia during the sergery. She said that everything went well and that Olivia will be fine after a couple of days of rest.

Gregory: Thank you so much doctor. Can we go see her?

Dr. Jekyll-Bidgood: Not yet. She is still sleeping. Wait 3-4 hours. Ok, if you have any questions just contact me.

Gregory: We will.

Gregory and Sean got up and left the office and returned to the waiting area where Trey´s doctor, Dr. Sullivan, was waiting with Eric and Stephanie. They greeted and the doctor asked about Cole. Gregory explained the situation and suggested Sean as the donor. The doctor looked conserned but said that it definitely was worth the try. Sean followed the doctor into an examination room.

In Annie´s beachhouse.

Annie: Ridge? What are you doing here?

Ridge: I came to make sure you were OK. I can see that you are so I´ll leave you and your friend alone.

Annie: Ridge wait! Are you in a hurry somewhere?

Ridge: Not really. What is it?

Ridge came inside and Annie introduced Ridge and Ben to each other. She began telling Ridge the truth about her past - the short story. Ridge was stunned. Not angry. He started understanding somethings that he didn´t before. They cleared the air between them and Ridge left.

Ben: How are you?

Annie: I´m fine. Releaved that it´s finally out! I was so afraid that he was gonna be angry with me. I have a promise to make.

Ben: Careful with what you promise Annie!

Annie: Don´t worry. I will keep this. For once... I promise to start a new life as for now. No more scheming and no more lies. Well, not as many anyway... What do you think of that?

Ben: I wouldn´t believe you could be capable of that a few months ago but now I actually think you can pull it off.

They smiled at each other and hugged.

Chapter 17


It had been one day since the earthquake, and everything was still a mess. Maria and Jude had been in LA for a while and had decided to go try get a cup of coffee before continuing their search for Ben and Annie. None of the hospitals had given them something. So Jude had called a friend of his in LA working at the police department who would get back to them soon. Since most of the part of LA they were in was ruined they hadn’t really expected to find a good place for the coffee drinking so of course they were surprised when they spotted the Insomnia. The café and the few shops and restaurants around it seemed to be doing fine, although the Insomnia was the one place open.

Maria: Let’s go for it then!

Jude: Yes let’s, maybe we can even find out about Ben and Annie here.

Maria: I sure hope so.

The hospital cafeteria

Felicia Forrester spotted her parents in the hospitals cafeteria. She was pleased to see them doing OK despite of everything.

Felicia: Mum! Dad!

Stephanie would recognize that voice anywhere. She stood up, turned around and smiled in less than a second

Stephanie: Felicia! Honey.

Eric stood up next to his wife as their youngest daughter joined them in a grouphug.

At the hospital

Sean was wandering around the hospital thinking about everything that had happened. Emily was dead, as were Cole and Caitlin. Trey could die, Olivia still wasn’t completely safe. God, he could loose everything and everyone.

At the same time Kimberly Fairchild had just been told that her boyfriend had became a victim of the earthquake.

Kimberly: Rick no! God, how could you take him away from me! Not after everything we’ve been through. – she cried.

Somewhere on a road

Kristen Forrester sighed and opened her car-door. She looked at the flat tire and couldn’t help but kick the wheel.

Kristen: Stupid car! Oh, I can’t believe this is happening to me. Now, I won’t be in LA by the end of the night.

Thorne: Kimberly, I know about Rick. I’m sorry.

Kimberly: I know you are. He was your brother. But you’re really most sorry for Brooke and not me, right?

Thorne: Why would you say that?

Kimberly: Look, Macy told me about you and Brooke. I’m not gonna be the one to pass judgement here, but I think you’re making a big mistake.

Thorne had heard this so many times before…

Kimberly: I just hope you don’t think you can just romance my sister and go back to her when Brooke fails you.

Tears started surfacing in her eyes, as Rick entered her thoughts again. She realized she should not interfere in people’s life as she should be concerned about herself and what loosing Rick will mean to her life in the future.

Kimberly: Thorne, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to sound like that. Maybe you’ll be happy with Brooke, I don’t know. And to be honest, right now I don’t even care.

She began to cry hysterically

Thorne: Come here…

He took her in his arms and held her tightly.

Kimberly: Why did I have to loose him? I loved him SO much!


Jude and Maria enter the Insomnia. Maria is stunned to see the place looking great. There’s not too many people there, but Jude doesn’t seem to realize that. Maria says his name a few times before he realizes who she is talking to.

Maria: Where, where were you just now? – she laughs.

Jude: I was just thinking.

Maria: About Annie, huh?

Jude: Yeah… about Annie. – he lies.

The one person on his mind is a woman. Only not Annie. It’s a woman standing in front of him. A woman named Macy Alexander Forrester.

Chapter 18

Maria saw Jude looking at Macy.

Maria: So… that’s where your mind was?

Jude: Well how can you NOT look?

Maria laughed

Jude: What are you laughing about?

Maria: Nothing. I just think it’s great you’re getting over Annie.

Jude: I am over Annie. I just haven’t forgetten that she slept with Ben while being with me.

Maria: Well who knows, that lady over there might just be your chance to happiness.

Now Jude was the one laughing.

Jude: Maria, I have always heard you were a romantic, but never SO naiv.

Maria: Oh yeah? Don’t you say too much, mr Jude Cavanough? I have a good feeling about this.

Jude: So now you’ve got supernational powers like your mom? – laugh.

Maria: No I don’t. But promise me one thing…

Jude: What’s that?

Maria: That I’ll be invited to your wedding. – bursting into laugh.

Jude: Maria, for goodness sake. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? It’s not like I’ve even spoken to her. Besides… what would a woman like HER be doing without a boyfriend.

In that moment Giovanni walked through the door. He was relieved that Macy was OK. During the last months they had grown close. Despite their embarrassing encounter in the Forrester dark-room.

He walked up to her and she was just as happy to see him as he was her. They embraced.

Jude: See, I told you so. – Jude is very disappointed since he had taken a liking for the woman already.

Thorne was on his way over to the Brooke’s when his cell-phone rang. He didn’t even nodes it at first as he was thinking about loosing his half-brother. Rick was also Brooke’s son. How would this affect her?

Thorne: Hallo?

Katie: Thorne hi, it’s Katie. Something’s happened.

Thorne: What? – he got concerned by the tone in her voice.

Katie: Brooke is gone.

Thorne: Wait a minute, what do you mean ’gone’?

Katie: She’s disappeared. We were talking about Rick. I went to get some coffee and then when I came back she was gone.

Thorne: Oh my God.

Katie: Thorne, what if something’s happened to her? She was so upset about Rick.

No! She HAD to be OK!

Chapter 19

At Ridge & Taylor´s house.

Ridge and Taylor have just heard about Rick and they are very sad and chocked.

Ridge: I can imagine how Brooke and dad and Bridget are going through right now. Why did this have to happen to Rick? He had so much going for him.

Taylor: Do you think we should go over to them?

Ridge: Yeah we should. No one should be alone now. I just wish the damn telephoneline would work. I don´t now where everyone are.

Just then the phone rang. Ridge picked it up. It was Felicia calling from the hospital.

Felicia: Ridge, it´s Felicia.

Ridge: Sis! Where are you?

Felicia: I´m in L.A. I´m at the hospital with mum and dad.

Ridge: The hospital? Are they OK?

Felicia: Yes we are all right. And you guys?

Ridge: We survived. No injeries. Do you know how the others are? Do you know where they are?

Felicia: No I don´t know. I called Thorne just before I called you but he turned off his cell-phone. I will try to call Rick and to Brooke´s house.

Ridge: Felicia, I have some bad news. It´s about Rick. He didn´t make it.

Felicia: Oh no! Poor Rick! How am I supposed to break this to dad and mum?

Ridge: Do you want me and Taylor to be there when they hear this?

Felicia: Yes, please. Hurry.

Ridge: We will. Hang in there. Try to call Brooke.

The Forrester siblings hung up the phone.

At Spectra fashions

Amber and C.J. had gotten there and found everyone all right. Sally had a cut on her forehead but that was the only visible injury except for bruises. Clarke and Darla had tied a Garrison original, a blue evening dress, around her head to stop the bleading in lack of bandages. Kimberly entered the building a while after Amber and C.J. and gave them the news about Rick. Amber was in chock. The man she once loved and the man she still had feelings for was gone. C.J. went over to her to give her a shoulder to cry on. Sally went over to Kimberly and hugged her. Kim started crying again.

At the hospital.

Gregory was sitting in Olivia´s room, holding her hand. He just looked at her wishing she could wake up soon. There was a knock on the door and Dr. Sullivan, Trey´s doctor, entered. She had bad news. Sean wasn´t a match to donate blood. There was nothing to do for him at this time. They could only wait and pray for him. Gregory lost hope and got tears in his eyes. He had recently lost the daughter he loved so much, his wife was lying here and now Trey. It was to much even for him and he broke down.

At the hospital cafeteria.

Stephanie´s cell-phone rang and she answered but no one was on the other line. She hung up and saw Felicia coming back from the payphone looking bothered by something.

Stephanie: Felicia? How are you? Did you get in hold of the others?

Felicia didn´t answer but Stephanie and Eric could see in her eyes that something was wrong. They wanted to know what was wrong and she finally told them about Rick.

Ridge and Taylor entered the hospital a short while after and saw Eric and Stephanie holding each other, both of them crying and they realized that Felicia had told them. They joined them and the family gathered in a comforting grouphug with everyone crying.

In Olivia´s hospital room.

Gregory was holding Olivia´s hand, crying and asking God to let Trey and Olivia live. There was a knock on the door, Gregory dried his eyes and asked them to come in. No one opened the door so he opened it himself and found a letter on the floor. He picked it up and opened it. He was stunned by what it said: Save Trey. Only you can...

Chapter 20

At the hospital

Gregory stood in Olivia´s room with the letter in his hands. How could he save Trey if he wasn´t the child´s biological father? Who had left the letter? He had to get to the bottom of this. He kissed Olivia´s cheek and left the room. He went to the information and asked where to go to make a paternitytest.

2 Days later at the Forrester mansion

The phone rang and Stephanie went to answer. There was no one on the other line. She hung up and went back to the livingroom where she and Eric had been talking about Rick. They had both been crying. It was clearly showing since their eyes were red and swollen.

Eric: Who was it?

Stephanie: No one - again.

Eric: We should trace those calls. What was that? The 12th time they called? I don´t like this.

Stephanie: Me neither. So let´s get a tracer tomorrow.

Eric: Coming to bed?

Stephanie: You go ahead. I have to make a phonecall first.

They kissed and Eric went upstairs. Stephanie called Gregory at the hospital.

Stephanie: How is Olivia?

Gregory: She´s doing better. The doctor thinks she will wake up some time soon. She has gotten the color back to her cheeks and seems to feel better.

Stephanie: That´s good to hear. And Trey?

Gregory: Good news! I just found out I am a match so I can give him blood. The paternitytest will take longer but there´s a good chance that I am the real father since our bloodgroups matches, the doctor said. They are prepairing Trey for sergery as we speak and I have to go leave blood soon.

Stephanie: That´s fantastic news. We sure need some now.

Gregory: How are you two holding up?

Stephanie: I don´t know. Everything is such a mess. But we´re hanging in there.

Gregory: You do that.

Stephanie: I just can´t imagine what Brooke is going through right now. Poor thing.

Gregory: I think I can imagine that. Listen, I have to go now. But we´ll talk later, OK? Bye.

They hung up and Stephanie headed upstairs.

At Amber & C.J.´s.

Amber was sitting by the window holding Little Eric, looking out into the foggy air in Los Angeles. C.J. came out of the shower wearing his robe. He looked at Amber and went over to her. He kissed her hair and sat next to her.

C.J: How are you doing?

Amber: I´m OK. I was thinking about when I first brought home Eric from Furnuce creek and when Rick first saw him. Rick fell in love with him at first sight. He really loved little Eric.

C.J: I know. He used to talk about him all the time in school and what new things he had done.

Amber smiled for the first time since she found out Rick had died. C.J. looked at her while she was hugging the child. He got up from his chair, got down on his knees next to Amber and Eric.

C.J: I just came up with the perfect name for him, he said to Amber who looked him into his eyes. I think he should be called Eric Forrester III.

Amber: I like that. She smiled at him and they kissed as little Eric watches and smiled at them.

At Annie´s house.

Ridge had just arrived to talk to her about what she had told him before. About her past. Ben had just left to Sunset Beach to bring Benjy to L.A. Maria had left him with her mother Carmen when she and Jude went to L.A. to find Annie and Ben.

Ridge and Annie talked and got into a discussion about how she tricked him into sleeping with her to get pregnant with his child.

Ridge: You have to promise me never to say anything to anyone.

Annie: Trust me, I won´t.

Ridge: Can I trust you?

Annie: Yes, Ridge. I won´t say a word. Well, Ben already knows.

Ridge: You told him everything?

Annie: Yes, I felt that he deserves to know the truth.

Ridge: I´m just so glad you didn´t get pregnant. How stupid I was. I could have really screwed things up. Thank God Taylor will never find out. If she new I slept with you she would never forgive me.

They heard a sound coming from the door and turned around. There was Taylor standing with tears in her eyes, giving Ridge an empty look...

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