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"The Internet is often accused of nurturing a culture of strange loners, but it is also nourishing millions of relationships between people who had previously thought of themselves as outsiders."

<Enter us stage left>

A group of about 1000 people from seven different countries and all walks of life who get on reasonably well most of the time, and for some reason or another have found themselves addicted to the Tribeworld Bulletin Board.

Where else in the world can you hang out in a cafe, get served a strange brightly coloured drink by Gunther that you're not even 100% sure if it actually exists in real life , dance with people on the other side of the world and still have time to comfort your friend who has had a bad day?

As you've probably guessed by now, this is not your average Tribe web-page, oh no! It's OUR web-page, for UBB addicts and occasional users. Therefore if you have any suggestions for this page please e-mail me at coz this is everyone's web-page.

OK enough of my lecturing, here's the fun stuff!!!


* I suppose we couldn't have this page without a link to our home-from-home so click the link to visit the Tribeworld Bulletin Board

* You must have all wondered what the people you spend hours talking to must look like. Check out the BB Gallery with our mug-shots!!

* Thanks to Shadow the BB White pages are now online, and highly useful they are too!!

* Think you're addicted to the Bulletin Board?? Here's how to find out......... You know you're addicted to the BB when.....

* All our Birthdays on one page, very diligently collected by B, no one gives her enough credit so I will here!! Thanks B!!

* Who wants to be a Tribe Keeper? Thanks to Amanda's Tribal Essences page we can "own" our very own bits of the tribe...and make our signatures longer!!

Oh and while you're here, please do the honourable thing and sign the guestbook. Thanks ;o)



Click here to sign myguestbook
Click here to view my guestbook



Legal Stuff: (Coz I can't afford to be sued on my pocketmoney!!)

The Tribeworld Bulletin Board is the property of © Cloud 9 (The Tribe) Ltd all rights are reserved. Powered by: Ultimate Bulletin Board (UltimateBB), Version 5.43b © Infopop Corporation (formerly Madrona Park, Inc.), 1998-2000.