
By: Katrina

I never can forget
That loss of innocence
The first blood, first kill
I changed that day, hence
I met him: Ares

Eyes once full of laughter
Now were made of stone
As darkness overcame my soul
My goodness sent to someplace unknown
I became like him: Ares

My sword became my life
I practiced day and night
Leaving home, I gained an army
Life became a never ending, never ceasing fight
I followed him: Ares

The chakram was his gift to me.
A ring of silver and gold
He made me what I am now
I became a part of his fold
I learned from him: Ares

He became a part of me
Knew and accepted my destiny
We fought side by side
Then as if by decree
I became his chosen: Ares

Then came that pivotal moment
His brother sparked a change
Darkness gave way to light
I now had a lifetime of evil to rearrange
I left him: Ares

To this day he calls to me
Wishing for something beyong his control
I refuse him time and time again
But my life with him has taken its toll
I still want him: Ares

Ever since our first touch...first kiss
In my mind I constantly see his face
No matter what I do, how hard I try
His image I can't erase
I need him: Ares

And though I'd never tell a soul
I kind of wish I was still with him
But with that wish also comes a fear
With his persistence, my will is wearing thin.
I love him: Ares
I still call his name

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