Mercy of a God

By: Katrina


Rating: PG-13

Legal: I don't own any of the characters from the series namely Xena, Gabrielle, or Ares.
Subtext: None. (I believe Xena and Gabrielle are friends NOTHING more. In fact I don't particularly care for the bard anyway.)
Violence: No, not really.
Sex: No, not really just kissing. Though if you are in any way opposed to Xena and Ares in love this is definitely not your story.
Spoilers: None.

Thankyou and enjoy, but please don't steal. Though if you ask me to borrow it I'll say go right ahead.

Slowly the morning's light began to appear in the distance and rise up over the hills. Xena and Gabrielle were walking along the path headed for those very hills.

"I can't wait till we reach Podedia!" said Gabrielle excitedly. "I haven't seen my sister in years. Xena, how much longer?"

Xena looked at her and sighed, smiling. "We should reach Podedia in about a half hour. There's not much more ground to cover."

"Good...let's go. Power walk."

Xena rolled her eyes. This was going to be a LONG day. But they quickened their pace as they continued for the village.

* * * * *

"I see it!" Gabrielle shouted excitedly just as the village came into view. Gabrielle broke out into a dead run, but suddenly Xena stopped. Gabrielle turned back around to Xena. "Come on!...What's wrong?"

"Something's not right.... Look!" She pointed in the air with one of her fingers. Smoke...and lots of it. The village was on fire.

"Oh my god!" Gabrielle exclaimed. Both ran towards the village.

In the village they came across an army. The houses were almost all lit on fire, dead bodies lying everywhere. Xena tried to see whose army it was, but didn't recognize him. She figured it must be one of Ares' new warlords.

"Xena, I'm going to find my sister!" Gabrielle ran towards one of the flaming houses. Xena just nodded her head and continued to run further into the village, fighting off any soldier she came across. Their swords clashing seemed to echo throughout the town. But as Xena turned thrusting her heavy sword in the air again, she looked up as light suddenly surrounded her. This was her last sight before everything went black.

* * * * *

Xena awoke to find herself in a large room lying on top a luxuriously soft bed. Slowly she sat up, gently bringing her hand to her head. The world itself seemed to be spinning. She knew instantly she had been knocked unconscious. Xena didn't move for several minutes and eventually the earth stood still. Her whole body hurt. That was no ordinary attack. No warrior would have been able to do that unless...."Ares!" she shouted.

He instantly appeared by the side of her bed. "Xena, just let me explain a few things before...."

She cut him off. "I knew you were behind this! Why did you attack Gabrielle's village.... And why did you knock me out?!"

"Xena, stop yelling! I'm not deaf! If you'd just listen I'll explain everything."

Xena crossed her arms. "Okay...I'm listening."

"Thankyou. All right, so here's exactly what happened. I came across this new warlord named Garith. He seemed promising, but was not ready to take on any major least not one that would fight back." He paused and glanced at Xena. "I told him to wait till he was ready, but he decided to attack. And the first village on his path was Podedia. I did not know about it. You have to believe me."

Xena didn't say anything, but instead gave him 'the look'. "Who hit me?"

"Well I was getting to that. I did." Xena raised her eyebrows. "Well it was an accident. That's why I brought you here."

"You hit me?"

"See, I found out he was attacking probably around the same time you showed up at the village. I tried to stop Garith, so I started killing his own soldiers. You just so happened to get in the way of one of my lightning bolts."

"Why in Tartarus did you try to stop him? I would think you'd use that experience to test him."

Ares looked up. "Because he disobeyed me. No one is allowed to do that. I TOLD him not to attack. Besides...I knew you'd get upset...being that it's Gabrielle's home and all."

"And so you brought me here....Thank you for the shelter, but I'll be leaving now."

Ares walked over to her. "You'll do no such thing."

"Watch me."

"You are staying here until you are fully healed."

"You can't make me," Xena stated coldly, her blue eyes challenging him.

"I can and I will."

"Ares, I'm leaving." Xena suddenly got out of the covers and stood up. As soon as she applied pressure to her leg, pain shot through her body like an arrow and she collapsed on the floor. Ares immediately was at her side. He cradled her body, lifting it, and placed it gently back on the bed.

Xena sighed. "You broke my leg," she said softly.

Ares nodded. "If you'd have listened I would have told you that too."

Xena stared at him coldly. "As soon as I can manage to walk I'm leaving."

"Just hear my offer." He paused to study her face. Xena nodded, and he took that as a reason to continue. "You know how long broken legs take to heal. A broken anything takes a long time. But with my help I can cut the healing time in half."

"And how might that be?"

"I've created a medicine that helps with healing. And because it's my fault you're in this condition...and because you're my favorite, I want to help you." Ares actually had a look of genuine care on his face which both comforted and startled Xena.

"At what cost?"

"Nothing...just the pleasure of your company...and I'll even throw the irritating blonde in a decent inn at no extra cost," Ares replied and then smiled indulgently.

"This wouldn't mean I'm joining you."

"Understood." Ares smiled, not seeing any further comment from her he took her answer to be a yes. "So make yourself're gonna be here for a while." Slowly he reached out and brushed a lock of raven hair from her face, and slightly...ever so slightly he felt her lean into his hand.

"I'm tired. I'll see you in the morning," Xena stated plainly. Ares nodded and Xena gently laid her head back on the pillow. She shut her eyes.

Ares didn't move. To him she truly was a princess. The most perfect mortal there was...or ever would be. She was his little princess of war. She was the only one who could stir up such feelings in him. Feelings he was not used to. Until that moment he had denied it to be love. War did not know love, but as he gazed upon her sleeping form, so perfect in its slumber, he knew. He did indeed love her. The god of war was in love. Slowly he got up, his eyes never leaving Xena. "Good night, my princess."

He disappeared. Xena lay there, perfectly still as a smile teased on the corners of her lips. She felt like she was home, and with that, fell into a peaceful sleep.

The following morning Xena actually woke up late. There was Ares...just sitting there, watching her. 'Gods he's beautiful' she thought. 'His powerful arms, that perfect black hair, and those brown eyes...the kind you could just loose yourself in.' Of course she'd never tell him that, but in a way she figured he already knew. As for how she felt about him, she couldn't really decide. There were times when he was the most arrogant, self-centered man she had ever met, and she wouldn't have thought twice about running him through. But then there were those other times. Other times where he was like a prince right out of a fairy tale, so charming and so caring, Xena wouldn't have given it a second thought to marry him right then and there. She wanted to be with him in that fairy tale life and she was indeed in love with that prince inside of him.

Ares glanced down and watched her open her eyes. Those blue eyes. He'd never seen anyone else with that color...that almost immortal blue. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, actually I did. That was the first good nights sleep I've had in a long time."

"It's the first time you've slept on anything but dirt long was it?" Ares' voice was laughing and Xena pretended to be deep in thought. In his eyes though she saw something else. Pity? He actually felt sorry for her.

"A while, Ares. And in case I don't get a chance...thank you."

"No thanks necessary." Xena nodded. "So...why don't we try out that medicine?"

Xena rose her eyebrows. "Try? Are you even sure it works?"

"Absolutely," Ares assured her. He was a bad liar though and Xena could see right through it. He'd never even tried this medicine before.

In his hand a small bottle of liquid appeared. He held it up. It was green in color and appeared very watery. "Okay my dear." In his other hand a glass of wine appeared. Carefully Ares put one drop of the medicine in the wine and extended the glass to Xena. "Drink up."

Xena took the glass. She gave him a concerned look, but sighed, and drank the wine anyway. "I don't taste it."

"Good. It was made that way. Do you feel any different?"

"I can't feel my leg." Xena gave him a questioning look, but he nodded.

"That means it's working. For now, there's nothing much else you can do, so why don't you just relax."

"Sounds boring."

"Well you're going to be giving up fighting for a few weeks...or months. However long it takes for you to get well again. I won't have you getting hurt worse in a fight."

Xena smiled. "You know I'll never stay still that long." As if to prove a point she tried to get up. Ares strong arms shot out and gently pushed her back down.

"Don't make me use restraints, Xena," he stated, smiling. With his hand he reached out and gently laid it on the back of her neck. He wondered what she was thinking. She didn't encourage him, but then again she didn't resist either. How he wanted to hold her, capture her lips with his and assure her everything would be allright. The god of war in love. It even surprised him. He could honestly picture them spending the rest of their lives together. God and goddess of war. He liked the sound of that.

Xena wished she knew what he was thinking. Was all this just some small act of caring or did he actually care about her. Xena searched his eyes for some kind of answer. He was so much like her. So full of emotion, but never showing any of it. Xena wished that once, just once, he'd be open with her, because she was just as new with these feelings as he was. Love. What was it anyway? The love of a good battle? The love of a newly found victory? Those loves she had. Could anyone actually describe love in the way that she was now feeling it? Xena wondered if her definition of love was even the same as Ares. She still didn't even know if it was love she felt.

Slowly, as if in a dream, Ares lowered his head to hers. He had decided to chance it. He searched her eyes for some kind of approval. Ares tightened his grip on the back of her neck and gently pulled her head towards his descending lips.

Xena knew where this was leading. He was war...battle...bloodlust. Everything she she hated about herself, everything she was trying to leave behind. And yet now he seemed so human. As her heart wanted to shout out Ares, her brain at the same time seemed to be screaming god of war. She had an internal battle to fight now. It wasn't right and she knew it. That was her last sane thought before she felt his hand slip under her shift and caress her breast. She had to stop this now! With that she brought up her hand and stopped his advance. She couldn't do this.

Ares looked hurt but nodded, simply saying, "I'm sorry. I give you my word never to do that again unless you ask me to." Slowly he got up. He looked defeated and broken. Xena wanted to reach out to him, but was stubborn, like always. She watched him take several steps back, their eyes never broke contact until with a wave of his arm, he disappeared.

Xena exhaled deeply and laid her head down on the soft pillow. 'Was I wrong' she wondered. She didn't know what the difference between right and wrong was anymore. She had seen so much of both and sometimes the two in as in Ares. She eventually went to sleep, still facing that spot where the god had been.

That night her sleep was restless. At one point she even woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare. All night long he seemed to be inside her dreams, but the strange part was she seemed to enjoy them...and the feelings they stirred within her. Xena mentally scolded herself for even allowing those carnal thoughts to enter her head and also reminded herself that this was Ares.

The following morning she woke to find Ares lying next to her, his arm draped protectively over her waist. An involuntary sigh escaped her lips as she felt the length and warmth of his body pressed onto hers. It was utterly wrong, but it felt so good.

At that moment Xena made a wish that she could stay like this forever. Never in her life had she felt more safe, more secure. Gingerly she placed her hand over his on her stomach, entwining her fingers with his. She watched his eyes flutter open at her touch.

Ares smiled. "Good morning, or at least I hope you're having a good morning because you've certainly made mine." Xena smiled too as Ares idoly twirled a lock of her hair, caressing her cheek as he did so. He felt her shudder under his touch, ans began to again approach her lips with his own...but remembered his promise. He' sworn not to advance on her unless she asked. Still, he was almost positive she wanted him to as well. His promise was enough to bind him though and he found himself wishing for her to ask him. "Xena, there is something I need to tell you."


"It's just's not easy for me to say." Xena stared at him intently and rose an eyebrow. "I'm just not used to it okay?!"

"All right. You can tell me." Ares sighed and stood up, staring at Xena, who in turn sat up.

"I'm sorry I just don't know how to say this exactly."

"Just say it quickly and simply if it's that difficult."

"Well." Ares took at deep breath. This was taking longer than he had anticipated and wasn't sure if he could finish. "I know you hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Well sometimes you act like you do...and I know we've been through a lot together, and you, likewise, have a lot going on in your life, but I can't have you leave here without letting you know, I can't let you walk away...not again." He paused, searching her blue eyes.

Xena's heart began to race. 'Please say it' she thought. "Know what?"

"I love you."

For a moment Xena froze, not knowing what to do next. She didn't think he'd say it, and in a way didn't believe he actually did. "What?"

"I said I love you," he stated more confidently than before. "I always have, ever since the moment I've laid eyes on you. And I don't care if you love me or not because I will always love you." With that the god vanished, leaving a shocked Xena still sitting on the bed.

For the rest of that day Ares didn't show himself and her sleep that night was restless.

The following morning Xena woke up and he was not there. Almost uncertainly she called for him. "Ares?" No answer. She sat up and this time called a little louder. "Ares?"

He materialized in front of her, but avoided looking into her eyes.

"Ares, did you mean what you said? Did you mean it when you said you loved me?"

Slowly he sat down on the side of the bed next to her, and captured her chin with his two fingers. "With all my heart."

"Then there's something I need to tell you too."


"You are my enemy...or are supposed to be...."


"No...let me finish. Yet somehow through all that we do have some kind of bond. Now I'm not really sure what that bond actually is, what it's based on, or where it'll lead us, but I do know one thing. I love you too."

Ares eyes opened up to look into hers. A small tear was rolling down her cheek. He gently brushed it away.

Ares now felt as if he wanted to cry. Not out of sorry, but out of joy. His warrior princess loved him. After all he's done to her, after all the manipulations, after all the games...she still loved him."

"Ares, do you remember your promise?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

" I'm asking you."

Ares smiled. Slowly he bent down to her face, brushing her lips with his own, and then connected them moments later. He felt her hand reach around to the back of her neck and he took that as a reason to deepen the kiss.

Slowly Ares pulled away and spoke. " looks as if your leg is all better. You'll probably want to be leaving."

Xena could hear his voice breaking on every word. "Ares...."

"Don't," he stated, interrupting her. "Please don't say anything...this is hard enough."

"No...what I wanted to say is...I'd like to stay."

"What?" He was so unsure of what she had just said because it sounded too good to be true.

"I said...I want to stay here...with you." She smiled. "And hey, if that means I'll need to have a broken leg...go ahead and break it.... It'd be worth it."

Ares chuckled. "Xena?"


Suddenly Ares bent down to one knee, taking her hand in his. Xena's breath caught in her throat. A golden ring appeared in his hand. This was too good to be real. 'Say it...please say it' she thought.

And then suddenly he spoke..."Marry me."

"I've been waiting for you to ask me that."


And just like in the fairy tale Xena wanted...they lived happily ever after.

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