In the Hands of Fate
Chapter 10: Face-Off

By: Katrina


Rating: PG-15

Legal: I don't own any of the characters from the series.
Subtext: None. (I believe Xena and Gabrielle are friends NOTHING more.)
Violence: Well yeah, but nothing more then you'd find in a typical episode.
Sex: Nothing graphic. I just used innuendo such as kissing, backrubs, and stuff like that. If you wish to skip it, then you're going to want to skip ALL of chapter nine and the beginning of chapter ten. Though if you are in any way opposed to Xena and Ares in love this is definitely not your story.
Spoilers: Yes. There's a lot of spoilers, mainly to 'the Quest', 'A Necessary Evil', 'Dreamworker', 'the Gauntlet', and 'Sins of the Past'. Most of the spoilers are in chapter eight.

Thankyou and enjoy, but please don't steal. Though if you ask me to borrow it I'll say go right ahead.

Xena lay there, content, on the luxuriously soft bed. A protective arm lay loosely draped over her chest. Ares. Her mind drifted into thoughts of last night…last night. It had been perfect. Xena had given herself fully to the god of war as they made love. She had fallen asleep late that night, still wrapped in his powerful arms. Her trend of thought was broken as she felt his body begin to stir next to hers. She glanced over at the god. Catching her gaze, he smiled broadly. “Morning,” Xena stated, lost in his eyes. His eyes were those that she could totally loose herself in, and she often did. It was as if they contained some kind of attractive force that would capture her heart and never let go.

“Morning.” Slowly, as if he were still unsure of his actions, he moved his head to hers and they met in a gentle kiss. “I’m almost scared to ask you this, but how did you sleep?”

Xena smiled, knowing what he meant. “I enjoyed last night, Ares. Thank you.” Still, the thought of the god of war afraid of something was amusing to her, and unconsciously, a small laugh escaped her lips.

“What?” His expression grew puzzled.

“Nothing…. Are you about ready to get up?”

“No, not just yet. I want to stay in this moment just a little bit longer. I wish I could be here with you forever.” Xena smiled at his sweetness. “Xena, I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”

“I’m guessing that’s a good thing.”

Ares laughed. “I should hope so.”

“I’m just curious, Ares. Why did you want me as your birthday gift?”

“Well I….”

“Honestly,” Xena stated, cutting him off.

“Honestly, well…I wanted you badly enough that if you wouldn’t come back to me willingly, I made up my mind to take you back be force.” Xena stared at Ares for a moment, studying him, and then turned to leave. Immediately, his hand shot out and took hold of hers. She turned back to him. “Xena, you need to understand. I loved you and you just kept pushing me away. I just kept hiding all of the pain I was in, but behind my mask of arrogance I was dying in my grief.”

“I didn’t think you really cared. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You’re here now.” Xena smiled as he sat to face her. He bent his head down and pressed his lips onto hers. As she draped her arms over his shoulders, he pulled her close to him. Xena leaned into him, feeling her bare skin next to his.

Their kiss was suddenly broken by the sound of a door slamming open, as morning’s light filled the room. A soldier stood in the doorway, shocked. “Oh god! I am so sorry! Lord Ares, please don’t kill me.” He turned his head and covered his eyes with his hand. Ares sighed, looked at Xena, and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“I’m sorry. Business calls.” He slowly got off the bed and his clothes appeared on him. Xena pulled the cover up around her to cover her own naked body.

“All right lieutenant,” Ares stated from behind him. Cautiously, he turned his head to face the god, fully expecting to be killed right then and there. But Ares did not. He just stood there with his arms crossed, waiting. “Well?”

“Please forgive me for the intrusion. It will never happen again. I swear.”

“All right. All right. Now what was it you wanted to tell me?”

“Well actually its for the both of you,” he stated, glancing meaningfully at Xena. Ares caught his gaze and scowled. No one was allowed to touch his prize, or even think about it for that matter. The lieutenant refocused he eyes back on Ares. “The scout from the north has just sent word that the legion has arrived.” Ares smiled.

“What legion?” Xena asked from the background. Both turned to look at her.

“Your army,” Ares stated. “We’ll start off slow. Tomorrow we’ll take a small town south of here. Then once you’re adjusted, we’ll take Athens, Rome, Gaul, until the entire known world is under your cammand.” He waited for Xena’s reply.

She thought for a moment and then smiled. “Well it looks like I’ll be a busy girl.”

* * * * *

Clicking the hook on the horse’s reigns to make sure it was tight, the warrior mounted. All around her were a soldiers preparing for battle. Her soldiers. They had been hand picked and created by Ares. All ready and willing to die if she should command it. Not that Xena would ever do such a thing, but it was nice feeling not to any revolt.

Revolt. Her mind skipped back to that night about five summers ago. Led by her lieutenant, Darphus, her army had turned against her and she was forced to run a gauntlet. Xena remembered all the fear and rage she had felt as she had walked down the path with her own army brutally beating her. She had barely escaped with her life that night. She did however get her revenge. Xena smiled and pushed all ideas of a rebellion out of her mind. That would not happen this time.

She was brought back to reality as she felt a hand rest atop her shoulder. Ares. He had appeared right behind her in the saddle. “So how is my princess doing? Ready?” She leaned into him as she felt him slide his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. Even through her leather warrior outfit, she could still feel him and it stimulated her.

“Me? I’m doing fine. As for ready…I don’t know. I mean look at this army. All brauns no brains?”

Ares knew she was joking and smiled. “Yeah that’s right. All brauns no brains, Xena. Besides, why do they need brains? They’ve got you. You’re the heart of the army…not to mention me.” Xena laughed a little. “Make me proud…my warrior princess.” Gently, he rolled his fingers along her upper arm.

“You know I will.”

“Yes…I do.” As the god pulled away and dismounted, Xena founded herself wanting to go back to him. She didn’t want to leave. She wanted his touch, wanted to feel his body against hers, wanted last night, but she knew she would forget it in battle. He turned to look up at her. “You’d better get going.” He was trying to sound optimistic, but Xena knew he too wished she could stay.

“Yeah. Be back in a little bit.” Spurring her horse, she rode up to the front of her army, and they were off, riding into the sunset.

She kept her eyes focused in front of her until a small village came into view. For a moment, she paused, thinking. This village was not guarded, didn’t have any source of protection against an attack, and had no real profit to be taken. But this is what Ares wanted, so…she wanted it as well. Feeling a surge of adrenaline rush through her body, she screamed her battle cry and her army descended towards the village.

Person after person, time after time, she plunged her sword into the villagers. Some even surrendered right away, but no one was spared except women and children. This was Xena’s moral code in battle. She hardened her heart…again, feeling no guilt as her victims screamed out in pain. She became blind to all of the tears that she was causing. Her hands, covered in blood, had a mind of their own. Everything she did was based on reaction…on instinct.

Within a half hour the town was completely destroyed. Bodies littered the streets of the now leveled town. There wasn’t a single house that hadn’t been turned into rubble. As for the women and children that had survived, their spirits and souls were destroyed. Fear and pain were prominent on everyone’s face. To Xena however, this was considered a good thing. It meant she had done her job right. Another victory.

A smile appeared on Xena’s lips as she left that village. She felt exhilarated. Her heart pounded wildly, echoing in her head. She had truly missed this. The freedom of it. She glanced around the remnants of the village and kicked her horse to a gallop, her army following. She then headed back to the temple, victorious and confident. Ares would be pleased.

* * * * *

“Will you just trust me?! I can handle this on my own, Hercules.” The smaller warrior glared confidently at the other.

“But what if you need my help?”

“I won’t. Besides, you deserve a break. Here’s how I see it. You stay in this village for let’s say…a week. Enjoy yourself, relax, while I go find the boy. Then we’ll meet up again here in a few days. You need some rest…. Now I gotta go”

“Iolaus, wait!”

“Nope. Duty calls. Good bye, Hercules.” With that he marched out of the tavern, closing the door behind him.

Hercules looked around him. Even with all the people around him, he still felt alone and sighed. “Well,” he stated quietly to himself, “this is going to be a long week.” He raised his hand to signal the bartender, who brought him a mug of ale. No sooner had he brought the cup to his lips, when he heard screaming coming from outside. “What in Tartarus is that?!” Then, dropping the cup, he ran outside. His eyes glared in both surprise and hatred at the army before him, killing innocent people.

Hercules ran up to a soldier about to kill an older man. Kicking the soldier’s sword from his hand, Hercules threw the man to the ground. He glared down at the warrior as a look of disgust crossed his face. “Who is your leader?”

“I’d rather die,” the soldier sneered.

“That can be arranged. Now who is it?!”

“I told you, I’d rather die before I betray her.”

“Her?” Suddenly, his head jerked up, hearing that one warrior yell that he had known so well. “Xena?” His face went blank as he saw her riding by, thrusting her sword into a villager. She seemed to notice him and smiled.

“Wrong town, Hercules!”

“Xena, what are you doing?!”

“Fulfilling my destiny!” Flashing another brilliant smile, she rode off. Hercules was in shock. Xena…leading an army? He had to talk to her. Unfortunately, it was already too late. The town was left in ruins and the army was already heading for the hills. Death and pain was everywhere. And to think…just minutes ago this town was at peace. Hercules knew he must find her…and find out what had happened.

* * * * *

“So Xena…something wrong?” Xena sat quietly on a chair in her room, thinking, the god of war right behind her with his hands on her shoulders, gently massaging them.

“No. Why would anything be wrong?” Ares knew Xena too well to believe that though. Her tone would have been enough to fool others, but not him.

“Just because you’ve barely said one word to me this entire evening.”

“I’m just thinking.”

“Would you mind thinking out loud then?”

Xena turned around to look Ares in the eye. “I’m just thinking about someone I met in that village today.”

“Really? Who?”


Ares became suddenly quiet and stopped massaging. He remembered how his half brother had stolen his warrior princess away from him the last time. He would not let that happen again.

“Kill him.”

Xena looked at the god, shocked. “Why?”

“He stands between you and world domination. He must be destroyed.”

“I can’t do that, Ares.”

“Why not?!”

“…Because I still care about him.”

* * * * *

Hercules was dumbfounded. He couldn’t figure out why Xena would ever revert back to her old ways. He had tried asking different people, but all they could tell him was how the unbeatable warrior princess would soon rule the world. Truth was, this was actually a very real possibility…and Hercules knew it. That was why he knew he must find out what had happened causing the change in Xena.

He decided to find out from the primary source: Xena herself and he made up his mind to go to every one of Ares’ temples until he found and was able to confront the warrior princess.

Meanwhile, back at the temple, Ares sat stubbornly on his throne. He had stormed out of the room when Xena had told him that she still cared about Hercules. He was furious with her. Indeed he cared about her, but he did not want to loose her, and wouldn’t…no matter what the cost.

That night he didn’t go to Xena. He left her alone to think about what she’d be missing if she ever left. The result of this action was actually quite the opposite. Xena relished in the quiet. It was time to just relax and calm her soul.

Gabrielle. Xena pushed that word as far away from the surface as it would go. Her best friend, she kept hidden deep within her heart. But now…in the quiet, her depths began to surface.

This was what she really needed. Then the tears began to fall, slow and steady. “Oh Gabrielle,” Xena whispered softly. It was in that moment that she decided she would - no she had to go to her.

Silently, she crept outside and found Argo. She had left without her armor, and was just in her nightgown, but didn’t care. This couldn’t wait. Xena needed to confront these feelings…and the best place to do that was…by that cliff. She rode into the night, through the darkness, to find her light: Gabrielle. Reaching her destination, she dismounted Argo and paced to the ridge. Then she began to cry.

Morning came. Xena had returned in time for the now ritual morning conquering of a village. She was sure Ares had noticed her absence, but he didn’t say anything. They hadn’t really been talking much ever since Xena’s last confession.

With the wave of her arm, Xena led the army into the sunrise, leaving Ares along with all of her other problems behind her. On the battlefield there were only two elements: friends and foes, and the only thing on Xena’s mind was winning.

Ares sat on his throne with his head in his hands. Xena had broken him, and he was trying to think of a way to apologize. After all, she had a right to her own opinion, and besides, he missed her.

All of a sudden the door flew open, causing Ares to jump up. Hercules stood defiantly in the doorway. “Where’s Xena?” Hercules practically yelled, his temper rising.

Ares smirked and casually strolled over to his brother. “Well let’s see…. That’s for me to know and you to find out. Still…oh well, I might as well tell you. I’m proud of it. She’s off in another town…destroying it.” He knew that would irritate his brother.

“Thanks for your help,” Hercules stated sarcastically. “Now how bout telling me which one.”

“Why in the world would I tell you? You’d just go there, stop her, and then kill her.”

“No, I wouldn’t. Yes, I’d stop Xena, but I would not kill her. I know she still has goodness in her. Ares, I don’t know how you managed to resurface her evil side, but I’m here to make sure it’s put back where it belongs.”

“I am warning you, Hercules. Stay out of this. If you do anything to harm her, I swear, I’ll kill you, brother or not.”

“I give you my word that I won’t hurt her.”

“Like your word means anything to me.”

“Would you at least tell me what happened.”

“Oh.” Ares shrugged his shoulders casually. “Gabrielle died.”


“You heard me. She’s dead, gone, finito, no more, vanished, away as in see you in a few decades. As for Xena, she took Gabrielle’s death pretty hard. I’m surprised she didn’t even try to commit suicide, at the rate she was going. I just went to her when she needed me.” Hercules was shocked at Gabrielle’s death. He hadn’t even heard of it before now.

“Xena doesn’t need you, Ares. She can take care of herself.”

“She needs support. You weren’t there to see the pain she was in when she lost her best friend. I was!”

“This is not about you helping her! This is about you tricking her to fight for you!”

“What trick?! Xena loves me…and I love her. And if you dare try to split us up, I’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Hercules interrupted. “Kill me? I’m immortal. You can’t. Besides, Zeus would never allow it.”

“You come between me and Xena and I will kill you. That’s a promise. It’s time you know the obvious fact: Xena is mine.”

“Why don’t we let her decide that?”

“Why? I already know her answer. Now get out of my temple!”

Hercules stormed out of Ares temple. He would not let it go at that. He had to find Xena.

That afternoon when Xena and her army returned, Ares decided that he needed to get Xena to become Hercules’ definite enemy.

They sat across from each other in Xena’s bedroom with the doors locked. “Xena, we need to talk.”

“Oh really? I didn’t know we were talking to each other.” She folded her hands across her chest and gave a spiteful stare at the god of war.

“I’m sorry. I blew my cool the other day. It just struck me pretty hard when you said that you cared about him.”

“You asked me how I felt…and I told you.”

Ares nodded in understanding. “Do you love him?” His voice, suddenly serious. She didn’t say anything. “Do you?!”

“No, I don’t love him. I care about a very close friend."

Ares sighed in relief. “Xena, I love you. You know that, and I’m telling you this for your own good.” He walked up to Xena and gently took her hands in his. “Do not trust Hercules. He is trying to take you away from me.” He reached his hand up and gently tucked a lock of Xena’s dark black hair behind her ear. “I don’t want to loose you.”

“You won’t. You have to trust me.”

“You know I do. I’m just concerned. You did leave once before because of him. I just want to be sure it won’t happen again.”

“Trust me!” Xena paused for a moment and then smiled. “I’ve learned from my mistakes.”

* * * * *

Another day, another village. At dawn Xena was out rounding up her troops and within minutes, they were ready to go. The next village in line was no different than the first five except for one thing: defense. It was the first village to actually try it. Looking down at the small town, Xena could plainly see that she was blocked. Hercules as well as a legion of Amazons were situated in between her army and their destination.

“Xena.” Xena turned to her lieutenant, who had rode up to her side. “What are we going to do?”

“Do? What do you mean do? We’ll do what we’ve always done. These Amazons don’t matter. They can’t change the outcome. Victory is ours. It only makes things more interesting.”

Xena waved her arm and the two armies collided. The Amazons were more numerous than Xena’s army, but they had less skills. As it worked out, Xena and Hercules were left to fight each other. No one else could match either of their skills.

“So you couldn’t handle this by yourself?” Xena taunted.

“There is no shame in asking for help.”

“There is in my standards.”

“Xena, why are you doing this?” Hercules questioned in between parrying Xena’s blows.

“Ares wants it done. That’s why.”

“How could you go back to him?! I thought those days were behind you.”

“I don’t think I ever really left. He was always inside me…just buried.”

“So you love him?”

“Yes…I do.”

They continued the rest of their sword play in silence. Their’s was a skillful dance of parries and blows that very few would be able to follow. Xena was winning, as was her army. Xena glanced over to see approximately a quarter of the Amazons dead, lying in the field, and her army already in the village.

It was her temporary lack of focus that gave Hercules the opening her needed. In one motion he knocked the sword from Xena’s hand and encircled her with his arms, trapping her. Because of his size and strength Xena’s attempts at escape proved futile.

Suddenly she felt the pain of something sharp hitting her neck. Reflexively bringing her hand up to the irritation, Hercules released her from his hold. Taking hold of the object, she felt a sting as she pulled in out. A dart…a poison dart. Xena jerked her head from side to side, chakram in hand, looking for the person who threw the dart that hit her.

Unfortunately her vision was already beginning to get blurry. The dart had been perfectly aimed and it was taking it’s toll. Before long there was a total black out in Xena’s mind as she hit the ground, unconscious.

“Did it work?” Ephiny, queen of the Amazons, yelled as she came running up to Hercules, crossbow in hand.

“Yes I think it did. Good aim.” Gently, he picked up the fallen warrior. Then, cradling Xena in his arms, disappeared into the woods.

Alone, I sit in my seclusion
Drifting deeper into mists of delusion
Thoughts wander in with the tide
Memories of lost friends and wounded pride

As I sit, fragments of lost dreams
Mix together with life's color streams
Remnants of things that come to past
Make the illusion seem so vast

And I sit and think a while
Abandoned hopes start to pile
Wondering when my life is grand
Plots forming to make me stand

How long will I sit in my chair
Blaming others for a life unfair
Planning for this time to cease
Ready and waiting for some peace

-T. Coley
*I made some changes*

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