Xena and Ares Together 4 Ever

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Kevin Smith, the wonderful actor that made Ares, God of War come to life has passed away. He will be missed by many, his family and friends are in our thoughts and hearts.

What's New- last updated 29th December 2001
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Email: goddess_tali@yahoo.com.au

  • The characters of Xena Warrior Princess and Hercules Ledgendary Journeys belong to MCA/Universal/Rennaisance(however you spell it). If they belonged to me Ares and Xena would be playing house by now.This is a fun site run by a simple fan of the show. I had to do something TPTB are ruining my life with their storylines. I am not making any money off of this, wish I was. Main montage by Alicia aka Lady Angel.