The Clutch of Despair

by Tareena

DISCLAIMER Right, legal stuff, we all know the drill, I don’t own any of the characters portrayed in my story. This story is not written for profit (like anyone would pay me for it) but is an endeavor aimed purely to put a smile on the shippers faces.

SUBTEXT- Nope, I am a shipper through and through and strongly believe that Xena and Gabrielle are friends and NO MORE. I believe that Xena and Ares belong together and, as you can guess, that’s the focus of this story.

VIOLENCE- A little, though I don’t think it’s terribly graphic.

SEX- A little description, nothing to bad, I don’t think. *grin* If this offends you in any way, please go elsewhere.

PROFANITY- Nothing too explicit or graphic.

*sigh* That’s about it. If you disagree with anything here, please go elsewhere. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!


Ares groaned deep in his throat at the sight of his beautiful warrior princess, coyly smiling at him from where she leant at the door of his bedchamber. Wrapped only in one of his bed sheets of deep red silk, she was a sight to compromise Aphrodite. Xena smiled at him, the lust filled glint in her eyes ensured Ares of what was to come.

Leaning against the doorframe, the sheet parted so as to expose the entire length of one of her long, shapely legs. Ares watched, transfixed, as she ever so slowly sauntered towards the bed, the sheet trailing like a train on the floor behind her. Ares let himself fall back on the bed as she climbed up, exposing even more leg, and knelt in front of him. He couldn’t help noticing that her breathing had become shallow. Ares breathlessly remarked,

“I didn’t think we’d ever share a moment like this again, Xena.”

Allowing the sheet to fall and rest around her hips, she replied huskily.

“Did you honestly think I could resist you for that long, Ares?”

Xena looked into his eyes as she removed the sheet and let it fall to the wayside, landing with a soft impact on the marbled floor. She sat back down on her heels, leaving her body fully exposed to Ares’ unrelenting gaze.

He couldn’t help but stare as her body was revealed in all its perfection. Naked, she was even more imposing than clothed in her battle gear. A sight that could render the God of War witless, it was no wonder she had had such a great influence upon mortal men. Ares watched as she moved to rest on her hands and knees, perched predatorily on the bed before him. The blood-red sheets complimented her tanned skin and the shiny black hair that was spilling over her shoulders. Ares looked up into those piercing blue eyes as Xena began to move forward, stalking him before coming to a halt only when they were face to face. Softly, and somewhat huskily, she commented with a glance at his leathers,

“I don’t see why you should have an advantage in this situation?”

Without allowing time for a comment, which Ares didn’t think he’d be able to find the voice to put to words, she pulled him to a sitting position and began to tear off his vest with an eagerness that only added to his already bursting desire for her. With his vest waylaid, she moved down to his tight leather pants and struggled to remove them. Although he was enjoying the show, Ares didn’t think he could stand much more of her teasing without totally losing control. Mustering what little strength he had left in his highly aroused state, he flipped Xena over and began to kiss her passionately, entwining his hands in her hair. Ares could feel Xena rubbing her body provocatively against his, one of her legs was now hugging his waist and her hands were roaming his back as she ground herself into his body.

Ares lowered her back down on the bed and moved his kisses down to her neck. Beneath his tongue, he could feel the fervent beat of her pulse and smiled against her skin, glad to find that he was bringing her as much pleasure as she was him.

Ares begun to move his kisses downward but Xena’s frantic pulling on his hair stopped the eager progression of his mouth. What he saw when he rose his head made his heart skip a beat. Xena’s eyes were half dilated in passion and there was a thin sheen of sweat on her skin. She was breathing heavily, something one did not often see her do, and her face was delicately flushed. In a throaty voice, thick with need, she rasped,

“Now, Ares…please…now.”

That did it for Ares, the warrior princess did not beg, yet for him, she had. Ares bent down to kiss her as one of Xena’s hands disentangled itself from his hair and moved down to his butt, urging him to fulfill her ardent desire. With a thought, Ares pants dissolved, leaving his body naked ontop of hers. Ares smiled wickedly as Xena…his Xena, spread her legs for him. Wrapping one leg tightly around his waist, he could see that she wanted this as much as he did. Letting his hand caress her shapely body and run down to her hip, where it came to rest, he held her securely as he finally lowered himself between her legs, ready to consummate their desire for each other.

Ares sat up violently in his bed; breathing heavily as his dream wore off and reality set in. The black silk sheets clung to his body, covered with a thin film of sweat, and did little to hide a rather telling bulge. Gods rarely slept but the mortal night held little excitement and, aside from watching his chosen simply move around her campfire, as he often did, his nights were becoming increasingly dull.

Ares groaned in disappointment and violently threw one of his pillows at the wall. Even his dreams taunted him. He was a God! His brothers and sisters, damn them all to Tartarus, seemed to get what they wanted, why must he always be the exception? The one thing he wanted, the one being he had ever cared for, was denied him. Ares growled in frustration. Wrapping the sheet around his waist he stood and stalked over to the window where he leant on the frame, staring stormily out at the world that was supposed to be at his grasp, yet everyday seemed to mock his very existence.


Xena petted Argo’s nose with surprising gentleness as her faithful war-horse nudged with her soft muzzle at the offered oats in her mistress’ hand. Staring out from her vantage point at the stable doors, she could see most of Potedia’s main street, not that it was a bustling hive of action, or even anything interesting. Simple town life bored Xena to death. The truth was, she was so used to fighting some mob or another or righting wrongs, that the monotonous hulldrum of town life, where the daily excitement seemed to be milking the family cow, was too uneventful to be of any entertainment to her. Sighing she turned back to her placid mare.

“They’ll never accept me, will they, Argo.”

Xena sighed and looked over at Hexuba’s house. Gabrielle was busily chatting with her sister, Lila while her mother looked on. Xena shook her head. Gabrielle had been wanting to visit her family for a while but Xena had been putting it off. The Gods knew she’d prefer to visit a flower festival than Gabrielle’s family. They hated her, that was clear enough. Although Gab’s mother was starting to come around, her father still stared at her across the dinner table like she was some kind of dangerous bug that needed to be exterminated as quickly as possible. Of course, Gabrielle did her best, she had to give her friend that. But her father would never forgive Xena for ‘taking away his little girl’. He was determined that it had been her idea for Gabrielle to leave her family and go traipsing around the countryside in search of adventure. Xena shook her head in disdain.

“You know Argo, somehow I find it hard to believe that Gabrielle would ever have been able to settle down and live her whole life in this dull town.”

Argo snorted at her mistress’ musings and continued eating the offered oats, from Xena’s hand.

Xena looked up as Gabrielle came over, and ceased her whispering into the horse’s ear.

“All done?”

Gabrielle nodded.

“What are you talking to Argo about?”

Xena smiled wryly.

“Now that’s none of your business.”

Gabrielle sighed.

“Look Xena. I’m really sorry about my father.”

Xena sighed.

“How many times do I have to tell you Gabrielle, it’s fine. He’s entitled to his opinion.”

Gabrielle leant her weigh on her staff and examined her friend carefully as she tightened the straps on Argo’s saddle. Softly, she stated,

“You can pretend it doesn’t bother you all you like, but I know you better Xena.”

Xena rolled her eyes. Unwilling to hear more, or just not up for an in-depth analysis of her feelings, she gathered Argo’s reigns and set off, out of the stable.

“Come on Gabrielle. If you want to reach that cave by dawn, we have to get moving now.”

Gabrielle sighed and shook her head in exasperation. When Xena didn’t want to talk, she wouldn’t, it was as simple as that. Gabrielle had entered into enough impossible arguments to know that when her friend didn’t want to discuss something, the issue was closed. Gabrielle jogged a little to catch up with her friend, already half way down the road. She slowed to walking pace as the came to stand next to Xena.


“Yes Gabrielle.”

Xena replied warily, waiting for the emotional talk that she expected. Gabrielle smiled a little.

“Dad was telling me about some problems travelers have been having recently.”

Xena relaxed, turning towards Gabrielle, she replied, a little more hospitably,

“What would they be?”

“Well, Dad says that lots of travelers have gone missing. They’ve found bodies on the south road.”

Xena frowned.

“Travelling is dangerous Gabrielle, you know that.”

Gabrielle sighed awkwardly.

“Yes, I know. But he says that it’s become prolific lately. They call them the Arachnids. Apparently, they cut an eight pointed motif into their victims bodies.”

Gabrielle shuddered but didn’t notice Xena who had almost stopped in her tracks. She’d heard of these bandits before. They were looked up to as Gods in the world of thieves and highwaymen. They were the best; all of their men were well trained and deadly with any kind of weapons. They took no hostages. Xena swallowed unconsciously. Gabrielle turned around worriedly to face Xena.

“You don’t think we should take the north road instead?”

Xena stopped and turned to her friend.

“Gabrielle, if we take the north road, we’ll have to follow it until the next village and then do a complete circle to head where we want to go! We’ll go days out of our way, it’s not worth it.”

Xena knew how dangerous this was, but she’d be damned if she were to follow the advice of Gabrielle’s countrified father. She was a seasoned traveler and a damn good warrior; she could look after herself, and Gabrielle.

Gabrielle was starting to get nervous.

“Xena, are you sure?”

“We go south, they pick on the harmless, easy targets, I’m not one of those.”

Xena forced a confident smile. It did little to settle Gabrielle’s fears. If bandits were as skilled as she’d heard the Arachnids were, they’d have no reason to only go for the defenseless, they’d pick harder targets, more spoils that way. Gabrielle knew that Xena was an incredible fighter, but against an ambush of other good fighters, she felt that her friend might be too challenged. Gabrielle couldn’t understand why Xena didn’t want to take the north road, it would take them a couple of days out of their way, but they were in no hurry. Gabrielle shrugged, she trusted her friend, and Xena had never been wrong before.


Ares slumped idly on his throne as his sister, Aphrodite, pranced about his temple, advising him on a new system of décor. One leg was thrown over the right armrest of the throne as Ares gazed off into nothingness, his thoughts reverting to his dream the night before and of the impossibility of such a situation ever occurring in reality. However, he was broken out of his trance by the high pitched and somewhat insistent voice of his sister.

“You know Ares, if you were to just get rid of these drapes here…”

She gestured for effect whilst tapping her lip delicately, in deep concentration. Ares rolled his eyes, Aphrodite hadn’t thought this hard since the last time she dyed her hair, the countless shades of blonde had set her off for weeks. At last, coming to a decision, she proudly announced,

“If this was my temple, I’d move that divan from there…”

She wiggled her finger at a comfortably stuffed red silk divan.

“To over there. And get rid of these drapes. That way, you’d let a lot more light into the room.”

She smiled proudly and propped her hands on her hips. Ares scowled.

“It’s dark because I like it dark.”

Aphrodite whined,

“Oh but Ar! I put so much thought into remodeling and now you’re even going to let me do it!”

Ares didn’t bother to respond. Seeing that her puppy-dog gaze and pouting hadn’t worked, Aphrodite trotted up to the throne where her brother sat and propped herself up on the free armrest.

“Please Ar, a new look might cheer you up, just give me one day in here.”

Aphrodite batted her eyelashes. Ares rolled his eyes emphatically.

“Aph, a day in here and you’d have it all done up in chiffon and pink roses.”

Ares crinkled his nose.

“No thanks.”

Aphrodite tilted her head and glanced at her brother.

“Something’s bothering you isn’t it.”

Ares sighed indignantly.


She stood up and smoothed her dress before beginning to pace in thought.

“Oh please Ar, I’m your sister and I’m getting bad vibes.”

“It’s not my fault your vibes are screwed, now leave me alone.”

Aphrodite continued to pace, oblivious of the comment and the deathly glares being sent her way, courtesy of the disgruntled God of War slouched in his throne. Suddenly coming upon something, Aphrodite stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face Ares.

“I know what it is! It’s that warrior babe isn’t it? Xena! You always get like this when something’s up with her. Now what could it…”

Ares stood up abruptly pointing a finger violently at his sister.

“You leave her out of this!”

Now he was as mad as a harpy on a bad day, Aphrodite knew it, but it just served to prove her point. Ares saw his sister get a knowing glint in her eye and she smiled and walked up to him. Rubbing his arm, she consoled,

“What is it Ar? What’s she done?”

Shaking her hand off, Ares moved away.

“Nothing Aphrodite, absolutely nothing.”

Gently, Aphrodite continued,

“Come on Ares, I’m your sister, tell me. I’m worried about you.”

Ares sighed and went to lean on the windowsill. Aphrodite came over to stand behind him and gently rubbed his hand, trying to determine what was bothering her brother. Sure she’d seen him moody before, but now he was depressed. If she didn’t know better, she could’ve sworn he was lovesick, but that couldn’t be.

Ares thoughts reverted to Xena as he stared out of the window. His beautiful warrior princess. The sole thing in his existence that he had ever wanted, and the sole thing that he couldn’t have. Aphrodite was truly concerned, but he knew he couldn’t talk to her about it. Knowing his sister she’d probably go and put some love spell on his warrior princess.

Ares sighed; the idea was mildly tempting, but only for a second. One of the things he liked about Xena was her freedom and strong will. She’d have to come to him willingly, and he knew that that would never happen.

Aphrodite’s head rose from it’s resting place on Ares’ shoulder when she heard a soft knocking at the door. Glancing at her brother, she shouted.

“Come in.”

Ares turned as the door opened to reveal a black haired priestess, clothed in a flowing red dress, split up to the upper thigh, leaning against the doorframe. Gesturing to the plate of food she held in her hand she asked,

“Would you like some my lord?”

Ares was transfixed as he walked over to the door and grasped the priestess’s chin, tilting her head upward to his. He looked down to find troubled green eyes looking back. Growling, he roughly pushed her away and the plate crashed to the ground with a violent clink of breaking china. Aphrodite gasped and stared at her brother, now standing in the middle of the room. Ares bellowed to the ceiling,


With that, he slumped to his knees and put his head in his hands as Aphrodite rushed to her brother’s side.


Xena and Gabrielle walked briskly along the tree-lined road heading south from Potedia. As it was around mid-afternoon, the sun's rays were gently filtering through the trees to create an intricate pattern of shade and sunlight on the road ahead. It head been a quiet day, they hadn’t seen a traveler in over six candlemarks and Xena had increased the pace to ensure that they would reach a campsite by nightfall.

Gabrielle was forced to walk a little faster than usual to keep up, but was enjoying it all the same. It had been a beautiful day and she felt she would be sad to see the sun slip behind the horizon that evening. A twig snapped in the forest to the side of the road and Gabrielle noticed Xena’s head fly to the side, her eyes darting about, carefully surveying for the source of the noise. Gabrielle frowned, Xena was always alert, but never usually this flighty. Gabrielle felt her stomach flutter.

“, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle noticed her friend’s eyes had not left the forest. She watched as Xena grasped Argo’s reigns and resumed walking. She noticed that Xena’s fingers had gone white at the knuckle from her tight grasp on the reigns. Gabrielle felt her heart begin to beat faster.

“Xena, if something’s up, please tell me.”

“Nothing Gabrielle, probably just an animal.”

After a pause she added, forcing a smile,

“We’ve been walking for a while Gabrielle, you must have sore feet. Why don’t you ride Argo for a little bit.”

Gabrielle opened her mouth to protest but stopped when she detected a worried look in Xena’s eye. Something was definitely wrong. For Xena to be worried, whatever it was had to be serious. Gabrielle nodded unaware of what was going on. But whatever it was, Xena seemed to need her to get on Argo.

“Sure, yeah, they are a bit sore.”

Gabrielle numbly grasped the saddle as Xena boosted her up onto Argo’s back. She tried to calm her racing heartbeat and watched as Xena gathered the reigns again and led Argo on, down the path. From her vantagepoint on the horse, Gabrielle tried to detect any movement from the forest around them. As they progressed, it became thicker and up ahead, the road seemed to disappear into it altogether. The forest became so thick that it even converged to create a blanket across the top of the road. Gabrielle stiffened as she remembered the Arachnids. She may not be a very seasoned traveler, but that was an ambush spot if ever she saw one. Shakily, she addressed her friend, still walking defiantly ahead,

“Xena, your feet must be tired too, ride up here with me for a while.”

Xena turned briefly, shooting a warning glare at Gabrielle.

“And make Argo carry both of us?”

She laughed slightly and Gabrielle forced a brief smile.

Atop Argo, she had been trying to see who or what it was that was bothering her friend, but couldn’t see or hear anything apart from the usual sounds of a forest. Xena however, had never stopped her analysis of their surroundings. Her eyes continued to dart about, as if seeing invisible foes. Gabrielle silently wondered if her friend was indeed seeing foes, hidden in the bush and invisible only to her. Again, her troubled thoughts reverted to her father’s words about the Arachnids…

The adrenaline was starting to rush through Xena’s veins but this time it wasn’t the comfortable feeling that it usually was. This adrenaline was the type that came with fear, not fear for herself, but fear for her friend. Xena was starting to regret ignoring Gabrielle’s father’s words. He might be a self-righteous and chauvinistic man, but this time, he may just have been right. Xena cursed herself for her stubborn nature. Seeing again, a slight movement in the trees, she moved on cautiously. To an untrained eye it would not be a sight for concern, a bird or animal maybe, but to Xena, the noise was too loud and the movements to stilted to be anything but a bandit, stealthily tracking her from the treetops. Seeing the road close in not far up ahead, she decided that it was now or never to put her plan into action.

Glancing up at Gabrielle, she could tell her friend was very worried. She tried to initiate a conversation to ensure their followers that she was unaware of their presence.

“So Gabrielle, wanna finish telling me about that pony you had when you were young?”

Luckily, Gabrielle got the hint. She smiled and let her bardic nature take over.

“Sure, she was a beautiful little pony. I really loved her. Sometimes, when my mum would let me, I’d take her riding out in the fields. We used to gallop and gallop. I’ve always loved the feeling of the wind in my hair.”

Xena chuckled. She glanced up at Gabrielle.

“As such a little kid I bet you had to HOLD ON tight.”

Gabrielle knew her friend well enough to know that she had some type of plan ready and, acknowledging her emphasis of the words hold on, she grasped Argo’s reigns and braced herself for whatever was to come. She thought that maybe Xena would swing up behind her and they would gallop through that sheltered pass up ahead, and hopefully away from their pursuers.

However, Gabrielle was sorely wrong. Xena used her strong grasp on Argo’s reigns to swing her horse around and slap her firmly on the rump, sending her off at lightning pace back in the direction of Potedia. Xena unsheathed her sword and swiftly got into a warrior’s stance as Gabrielle held on for dear life, her mind registering nothing but the fact that her best friend was stuck in a fray of lethal fighters, behind her.


Back on the road, Xena braced herself as about ten warriors smoothly fell to the ground out of the trees. They slowly formed a circle around her and began to encroach. Xena noticed they were all dressed in brown, with a loose red belt draped around their waists. She quickly scanned the clearing, hoping beyond hope that none had pursued Gabrielle and that her friend would be all right.

As they started to swing their swords at her, Xena had to force her concerns for her friend out of her mind and concentrate on saving her own life first. There were eleven of them altogether, and all were going for the kill, their sword swipes were aimed with deadly accuracy. Normally she fought simply to stun, wound or prevent, not to kill-not anymore, but now, she had no choice. Letting out her infamous battle cry, she neatly flipped out of the fray and started to attack from the outside.

Xena only just swerved out of the way as an arrow sliced the air next to her ear and landed the chest of one of her pursuers. He fell to the ground with a scream and gurgle as blood started to fill his mouth. Xena cursed loudly.

Running for the trees, she flipped onto a branch and headed for where she expected the archer to be. Sure enough, up ahead of her, perched on a branch and concealed behind reasonably thick foliage was a single archer. Letting loose her chakram, Xena watched him drop to the ground with a cry and a dull thud. She caught her chakram and dropped out of the tree. Xena could hear some of the bandits who had followed her, rustling the leaves above her head as they clambered along branches. Hooking her chakram to her hip, she grabbed the bow and quiver from the dead archer. Getting down on one knee, she prayed that there were no more archers, as she notched an arrow and carefully aimed at one of the bandits above her head. He cried out and fell to the ground, dead, with a single arrow emerging from his neck. Again, Xena notched an arrow and another bandit fell to the ground.

Seeing the predicament of their friends, the three remaining bandits in the following pack dropped from the trees and unsheathed their swords. Xena quickly dropped the bow and unsheathed her own sword, swiftly skewering one through the stomach. As the other two were caught momentarily off guard, she managed to cause a severe gash to his chest. He fell to the ground, momentarily cursing in pain before he eventually laid still. The other quickly lashed out at her, his sword cutting deeply into her upper left arm. Biting her lip against the pain, she parried several more blows and eventually wounded the remaining bandit enough to convince him to flee. As he clambered off into the bush, leaving behind a fatal bloody trail, Xena could see the remaining five bandits running towards her down the road. Knowing that she could never outrun five of them she unhooked her chakram and let fly. Immediately, it knocked three to the ground, one with a serious head wound, another with a large gash to his stomach and the last with a severed sword hand. Deftly, Xena caught the bloody chakram on its return path and re-hooked it at her hip. The only two bandits left seemed to assess the situation and, viewing the bodies of their dead comrades scattered along the road, took to their feet and ran in the other direction.

Xena breathed a huge sigh of relief. That was a close call. Her breathing was still somewhat labored but her pulse was starting to return to normal. She sheathed her sword and turned to jog down the road back to Potedia where she hoped Gabrielle would be waiting.

She was still alive. She had a bleeding gash in her upper left arm, but that could wait. She had seen Gabrielle take off on Argo and she had no doubt of her friend’s capabilities, but after seeing that archer, she was beginning to wonder. The Arachnids, as the bandits obviously were, had been tracking them for a while before the confrontation and would have been fully aware of the two travelers. They may have even been anticipating an attempt at escape, which would surely explain the position of an archer so far back in the road. Xena began to panic. The pace of her jog increased as she began to run down the road, hair flying behind her.

Xena’s blood froze. Up ahead, against the green and brown of the surrounding bush, she could see the honey-cream color of her faithful mare. Gabrielle would not have left Argo and Xena was sure Argo would not have left Gabrielle unless something was seriously wrong. She sprinted faster than would have seemed mortally possible towards Argo but stopped in her tracks several meters away from her. Lying on the ground, near her horse’s hooves, was the shape of her best friend. The bare skin between her brown top and skirt was covered in bright red blood and she was laying face down in the dirt and did not appear to be moving. Panic gripped Xena, she felt unable to move, but warrior instinct took over and she rushed to her friend’s side. Argo whinnied worriedly in response to her mistress’ arrival. Just as Xena was about to roll Gabrielle over, she saw the feathered end of an arrow sticking out just below the line of her top.

“Oh Gods…Gabrielle.”

Xena gently turned her friend over, careful not to snap the arrow. When she saw her friend’s face she sucked in her breath so hard that it hurt. Gabrielle’s face was partially covered in dirt but Xena could see enough skin to be able to make out the ghostly white pallor that comes with death. She could feel hot tears fighting to flow down her cheeks but Xena closed her eyes tightly, forcing them in. Warriors did not cry.

She sucked in a sob and made out the metal tip of the arrow that had passed all the way through her friend’s body. In an effort to retain Gabrielle’s dignity, even in death, she reached around and broke off the feathered end of the arrow. Then, trying to block out her natural qualms about injuring her friend, pulled the arrow through her body. The sickly sucking sound seemed to remain in her ears as she grunted in effort and lifted Gabrielle’s body and managed, with considerable difficulty, to place her on top of Argo.

Xena gathered Argo’s reigns and began to lead the horse forward as a sharp battle cry resounded through the air behind her. Xena’s head flew around and there, pelting down the road were a fresh contingent of bandits, heading straight for her. Those that had gotten away must have warned their comrades and they had regrouped and followed her.

Xena let out a loud curse but she managed to haul herself atop Argo and settle Gabrielle’s cold, bloody body atop her knees. With a hatred-filled glance back at the murderers of her best friend, Xena was tempted to stay and kill them all. She knew she would greatly enjoy skewering their worthless bodies on her sword, but the thought passed as quickly as it came. The important thing was to get Gabrielle’s body back to her family…where it belonged. Xena turned and protectively grasped her friend’s body, slumped across her knees, with one arm and the reigns with the other, then spurred Argo on at a gallop towards Potedia.

As she flew down the road atop her horse, Xena could think of nothing but Gabrielle’s father’s warning. If only she had have listened, Gabrielle would be alive now. But no, her stubborn nature had once again intervened and instead of swallow her pride and heed the message, she had gone ahead into what she knew would be trouble and dragged Gabrielle along with her. Now her friend was dead. Soon she would have to confront Gabrielle’s father and that, in itself would be an ordeal.

From the moment she learnt Gabrielle was following her, she had been preparing for this conversation. All along she had said that the life of a warrior was not one for a village girl like Gabrielle, but for a long time, she had been disproving that theory. Now, she was an Amazon Queen. Another group of people that Xena would have to notify, at least they wouldn’t blame her.

“Who am I kidding?”

Xena began to speak both to herself and Gabrielle’s lifeless body.

“It’s my fault you died. I deserve to be blamed.”

Her voice choked in her throat.

“I’m so sorry Gabrielle.”

This time she couldn’t stop the tears, Xena began to cry silently. The tears of misery and guilt began to flow down her face but she continued to look stoically ahead as she continued her progression down the increasingly long road to Potedia.


As Zeus walked along the hallways, the characteristic silence of the vast halls of Olympus was being broken by many voices. Above the din, he could particularly hear one flirty soprano sound, a deep arrogant voice and a rich, sexy and dangerous, yet increasingly angered voice. They were engaged in a verbal battle it seemed.

Walking at last into the main hall, he saw all of the main Olympian Gods seated along a long table, arguing about some matter or another. He noticed Ares who was already sulking, Aphrodite shooting calming looks at her brother and Apollo looking as if he’d just won some major points. Zeus impatiently rolled his eyes. He was sick to death of their sibling bickering!


He bellowed as all of the offending voices immediately ceased. He noticed Ares roll his eyes, and frowned. All watched as Zeus marched over to his place at the head of the table. Leaning on both hands and looking straight down the table, at each of the faces in turn, he began.

“You all know why we are here. There have been disturbing occurrences in the mortal realm. Of course, few mortals are aware of them, but slowly and surely, a new God has been making his way into our territory.”

He turned and walked over to gaze out of the extensive windows, portraying the mortal world below.

“It has only just come to my attention, but is a matter of utmost urgency. This effects each and every one of you here so I suggest you listen up.”

He turned again and walked back to take a seat at the table. Sighing tiredly, Zeus continued,

“This God is not simply another small-scale being vying for a place and some power in our realm. He is said to be calling himself Despair. I believe he came into being in the era of Dahok’s creation, around about the time of Bachus.”

Aphrodite spoke up,

“But just because he’s old doesn’t mean he’s more powerful…does it Dad?”

Zeus smiled grimly at his favorite daughter.

“Not necessarily, but the chances are he is more powerful than me. He has set up his own realm, encroached on and stolen some of our territory. Believe me, that takes an amazing amount of power. It would seem that now he has settled back and is enlisting mortals to his cause, finding followers, you might say.”

A grim silence shrouded the hall. No one moved or spoke. The Gods were either in shock or silenced by a knowing dread. After letting the news sink in a little, Zeus spoke again.

“I think you all realise the serious nature of this situation. Despair is threatening all of our futures. The burning problem is that we Gods cannot get near him without him detecting our presence and fleeing. Because of this, we don’t know enough about him. If we’re to seriously think about getting rid of him, we need inside information and we need it as soon as possible.”

After a drawn out pause, Artemis spoke up,

“So we’re going to need a mortal to do some spying for us.”

Zeus nodded. Apollo hastily addressed the assembly.

“I could send my chosen.”

A rich peal of laughter reverberated around the walls. Zeus looked accusingly at its source, leaning demurely on his armrest.


He stated warningly. Ares simply smiled. He looked around at the gathered Gods.

“Apollo’s chosen is sixty summers old, has arthritis and is an incompetent doctor. Do any of you honestly think that sending him is a good idea?”

Apollo’s expression turned black.

“He is extremely intelligent and I think he would make an excellent spy.”

Ares just smirked. Zeus, somewhat hesitantly addressed Apollo,

“Actually, Apollo, Ares might have a point. Intelligence alone, though it is an important quality, may not be enough. We may only have one shot at this, but unless someone else can name a capable mortal, I fear we may have to send Apollo’s delegate.”

Ares smiled proudly.

“Actually, I know the perfect candidate.”

Zeus looked skeptical. Aphrodite looked worriedly at her brother. She had witnessed the scene in his temple the previous day and seriously hoped her brother wouldn’t say nor do anything foolish.

“Who Ares?”

Zeus narrowed his eyes slightly.


Apollo scoffed.

“Oh please, your little whore? I don’t think it’s very safe to rest the fate of the Gods on her shoulders.”

Ares stood up with a jerk and looked like he would have had it out with Apollo right then and there if it hadn’t have been for Aphrodite’s soothing hand on his arm. Slowly, he resumed his seat and addressed Apollo with a deathly serious voice.

“Don’t you dare talk about her like that.”

Zeus raised a hand and his voice at the same time,

“Alright, I’ve had enough. Ares what is so special about this mortal? I’m aware of her achievements, but why should we trust her on such and important mission?”

Ares smiled cockily at Apollo.

“Father, Xena may not respect the Gods, but if Despair was to overthrow the Olympians, the mortal realm would be left to be ruled over by only one God and that, she would be totally against. She wouldn’t do it for us, but she would definitely do it for the mortals that she is so committed to.”

Ares shrugged and got a somewhat reminiscent look in his eye.

“She’s also the most capable mortal I’ve ever met. Not only can she fight like a harpy in a bad mood, but she’s also intelligent,”

After a pointed look at Apollo, he continued.

“…resourceful and beautiful. What more do you want?”

Apollo gritted his teeth and Zeus sighed.

“Well Ares, she certainly ‘sounds’ like the perfect candidate. So, unless anyone disagrees for a valid reason, Xena will be our spy. Ares, it will be your job to tell her.”

Ares nodded proudly and fully enjoyed his success, the first in a long time, against his hated brother, Apollo.

“Alright everyone. That seems to be it. We will re-convene tomorrow to examine the delegate and see if she comes up to par. Ares, let her know that she won’t be able to go as herself and she’ll have to attempt to be initiated as one of his priestesses.”

Ares nodded.

“Well then. This meeting is adjourned. You are all dismissed.”

Chairs scraped against the floor and long, fearful faces passed through the great golden doors of the hall. Aphrodite stopped Ares on his way out.

“Ares, are you sure she’ll be alright with this?”

“She’ll have to be Aph.”

Ares took a deep breath. Aphrodite was just about to respond when she heard a cry as Artemis fell to the floor. Rushing over to her, Aphrodite sat down and cradled Artemis’ head in her lap. Ares walked over, watching his sister’s theatrics skeptically. Brushing the hair gently away from Artemis’ forehead, Aphrodite worriedly spoke,

“Art! Are you all right? What’s wrong hon?”

Artemis sniffed.

“It’s one of my amazons.”

Ares crinkled his forehead in disbelief.

“You feel it when one of your amazons dies?”

Artemis wearily shook her head.

“No, but she was one of my favorites. I feel her pain like you would feel that of a chosen.”

Ares nodded in recognition. Aphrodite continued to pat Artemis’ forehead.

“Who was it hon?”

Artemis swallowed and shakily sat up.

“I…I don’t know. I can only sense the source of the pain, not the identity. I need to check.”

Aphrodite nodded and helped Artemis to her feet. Ares watched on worriedly as Artemis closed her eyes and concentrated to form a portal showing the area of the disturbance. When she opened her eyes, she squealed in despair and brought her hands to her mouth.


Artemis sobbed.

“It’s Gabrielle.”

Ares eyes widened and he took a close look at the slumped figure as a pale honey-coloured horse came into the picture to stand protectively over the body.

“Argo?…That’s Xena’s friend Gabrielle? That Gabrielle?”

Artemis nodded sadly.

“She was one of my best. So compassionate.”

Aphrodite hugged Artemis tightly. Letting her go, she asked softly,

“Art, is she dead?”

A single tear trickled down Artemis’ cheek.

“I’m afraid so.”

Ares began to look worried.

“Xena would never leave her! Oh Tartarus….”

Quickly, Ares sensed Xena’s location and opened a portal. She was cutting down two men; Ares grimaced as he saw Xena bite her lip in response to a rather deep cut just inflicted upon her left arm. Artemis lifted her head and watched Xena obliterate the rest of the bandits and run towards Gabrielle’s body. Reaching her, she let out a single sob and with the courage and stoicism only achievable by a warrior of her stature, removed the arrow from the body of her dead friend, placed her body on her horse and rode off, away from their pursuers.

Ares closed the portal knowing that his princess would be safe now. Of course, the death of her friend could cause a deep depression that would make her new mission dangerous, but Ares now had no choice but to present her with it. He followed Aphrodite out of the hall, watching a sniffling Artemis blabber about her loss. Ares felt depressed himself; all the talk about Xena had simply served to remind him of what he couldn’t have. With a growl, he closed the golden doors leaving the hall in pristine silence.


Xena carefully dismounted from Argo at the gates of Potedia. Laying Gabrielle’s body gently over the saddle, she led her horse into the town. Her tears had stopped a while before and now she felt only an emptiness where before there had been the happiness and friendship that Gabrielle had brought to her life. She felt numb all over and simply wanted to find a corner and sob, scream and kill something, all at the same time.

Xena could feel the watchful gazes of the villages as she walked down the street. There were not the noises of a busy village that she had heard that morning. The playing children had stopped to watch, wide-eyed. The bustling women were frozen in their tracks, some gazing at her with hatred, others with pity. Not even a bird sung. She could only hear Argo’s faint steps on the well-trodden path and her own pounding loudly in her ears. Xena had to force back tears but she set her expression and put on the mask of one not affected, a mask she had tried many times before. She would not show weakness in front of these people. She was still a warrior and always would be.

Xena strode forward to Hecuba’s house. The homely wooden door seemed ominous to Xena, who knew what lay behind; a father so mad that he’d probably try to kill her. She took a deep breath. Tying Argo to a post, Xena walked over to the horse’s saddle and removed her best friend and cradled her in her arms. Gabrielle’s head hung limply over one of Xena’s arms and her weight seemed almost too much to manage. Her skin was cold and stiff and felt unfamiliar to Xena.

Xena could still feel the watchful eyes of the town on her back. Not having a free hand and thus unable to knock, Xena prayed that her voice would not waver and called out,


Silence shrouded the area until a cheery voice called from inside.

“Wait just a moment, I’m coming!”

Xena blinked hard. She hated this, hated every single minute of it, breaking the news to a mother of the loss of a daughter, a daughter that was Xena’s best and one of her only friends, the daughter that was lying dead and cold in her arms right now.

Footsteps could be heard from inside the house, becoming louder as they neared the door and eventually, that dreaded sight greeted Xena. The door swung open to a cheery faced woman, wiping flour from her hands onto her apron.

Hecuba’s expression froze as she looked at Xena’s face, dismal and pale, her thighs were covered in blood and so were her hands, in her arms was the body of Gabrielle.

“NO…no,no,no, she can’t be!”

Hecuba was sobbing uncontrollably; tears were streaming down her face. Xena knelt and gently laid Gabrielle’s lifeless body down on the porch as her mother fell to her knees.

“My baby, my little baby.”

She was crying out loud, her body was wracked with heaving sobs. Hecuba leant her head on Gabrielle’s chest.

Apparently roused by the noise, Lila came flying out of the door. When she too saw the grim sight, she began crying but pulled her mother away from the body and sat on the floor with her, hugging her tightly.

Xena stood and looked into the house, ready to face the inevitable. Sure enough, Herodotus emerged. Xena dismally noted that he was brandishing a wood axe. Seeing the blood coating her legs and hands he walked slowly, almost dreading, towards the door. Gesturing at the blood, he asked,

“That yours?”

Xena slowly shook her head. Herodotus turned his head towards the sounds of his wife and daughter crying outside. He looked murderously at Xena then pushed past her, out of the door, almost knocking her to her feet. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the lifeless body of his daughter. Xena watched as Herodotus shook his head in disbelief. Slowly, he raised his head and Xena could see the murderous glint in his eye. Tightening his grip on the axe, Herodotus moved forward as Xena backpaced, away from him.

“I won’t fight you Herodotus.”

He ignored her and kept advancing menacingly until they were standing in the middle of the street, several paces apart.

“Who did this?”

Xena swallowed unconsciously.


“WHAT? Did she tell you of my warning?”

Xena took a deep breath.

“Well, did she?”

Xena nodded.


“So you thought you were too clever to have to listen to me did you? You thought you were too good, too smart. Well now, because of your arrogance, my daughter IS DEAD!”

“I’m sorry…”

Herodotus cut of Xena’s apology. His eyes had glazed over with a murderous gleam.

“No you’re not, you couldn’t care a less. As long as you get out safely, that’s all that matters to you. I told her all those years when she went running off, I told her that it’d get her killed. She’s no warrior, she’s just a simple village girl…”

Angered by the way Herodotus was diminishing his daughter’s skills, this time Xena interrupted him.

“No, there you’re wrong. She was so much more than a simple village girl. She’s an Amazon Queen, Herodotus. She can fight if she has too, she’s an incredible bard and she’s the best friend anyone could have. I tried to send her back to Potedia on Argo but an archer shot her in the back. I tried to save her life. The fact that she died hurts me just as much as it does you.”

Herodotus narrowed his eyes and raised the axe.

“How could it possibly? She’s my daughter and you’re no more than a cold-hearted warrior bitch.”

Xena tried to keep back the tears that were now clouding her vision. Herodotus growled and raised the axe above his head.

“GET OUT! Get out of my town NOW and don’t you ever show your face here again.”

Xena’s breath caught in her throat. For Gabrielle’s sake, she swallowed her pride.

“Let me stay for the funeral. Then I’ll leave and you’ll never see me again.”

Herodotus continued to look coldly at her.

“No. I will not allow murderers to attend the funeral of my daughter!”

Xena knew there was no use arguing with him. He was Gabrielle’s father and she would not cloud the memory of her friend with violence and anger. Shaking her head sadly, she remarked quietly,

“I’m truly sorry about what happened to Gabrielle, but you’re not doing her memory any justice this way. Whether you like it or not, I was her best friend and I seem to know a lot more about your daughter than you ever will.”

Xena walked past Herodotus, who remained frozen to the spot, and untied Argo. Numbly, she pulled herself into the saddle and with one, sad last look at the body of her best friend, she steered her horse around and galloped out of the town gates feeling the malice filled glare of Herodotus follow her as she left.

Riding furiously along the north road, Xena felt the tears fall unbidden down her burning cheeks. How dare he! She melded her body into Argo’s as they rode swiftly along and attempted to block out all the pain, the guilt and the emptiness. Ignoring the conflicting emotions that wracked her body, she concentrated on the addictive rhythm of Argo’s pounding hooves.


Ares watched his princess through a portal in his Olympian chambers. He had seen all of the events that had occurred since she walked into those gates leading Argo carrying the body of her best friend. He still marveled at her strength. To be able to go through with that when the wound was still so raw, the pain so fresh, was incredible. She continued to amaze him. His beautiful warrior princess. Angrily, Ares reminded himself that she wasn’t his anymore, and never would be again it seemed. He was honestly considering killing that bastard Herodotus for what he’d done.

Now, Xena sat in the dark, still covered in blood and transfixed by the flames of her small fire. The Olympian meeting was tomorrow. Ares hated to lump so much on Xena’s shoulders at once, but she needed to be told now, maybe she could even find comfort in his presence. Ares laughed miserably at the thought.

“As if she’d ever find comfort in you!”

He inwardly cursed himself. Ares stood and sadly waved himself away in a shimmer of silver, destined for Xena’s campsite.

Moments later, he appeared, and as usual, she noticed his presence. Xena looked up at him with eyes that bore such a hatred filled glance that he almost cringed. She shakily yelled,

“If you’ve come to gloat you can go screw a sheep because I’ve had it up to here.”

Xena gestured to above her head with one of her hands. Ares noticed that it was shaking uncontrollably and frowned, concerned. He moved closer to her, but she stood and moved quickly away. Her gazed had not faltered. He stopped in his tracks and so did she.

“Listen to me Xena. I haven’t come to gloat. I’m actually sorry she died.”

Xena made a disgusted face.

“No you’re not! You always hated her! She was what kept me good, kept me away from YOU! You’re not in the least bit sorry, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had planned it all!”

Ares face contorted in anger.


He saw her cringe and immediately softened his gaze. Angered at himself for his outburst, he said concernedly,

“Xena I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted.”

Ares again moved towards her, but this time, Xena stayed put, only eyeing him cautiously. He noted that her eyes were red from crying.

“I was in a meeting when it happened. Artemis felt her death. I truly am sorry, anything that hurts you, hurts me.”

The criticism and fire seemed to die out of Xena’s eyes. Ares held his breath and gently wrapped his arms around her. It was killing him inside to watch her suffer so much, to watch while she forced herself to be alone. When she did not resist, Ares let go of the breath he had been holding. He had no doubt that she’d still hate him, but for this moment at least, maybe he could offer her the comfort that she needed and deserved. He gently pulled her head down to rest on his chest and began to stroke her hair. Ares smiled in relief when he felt Xena’s arms go tightly around back.

What was she doing? He was her enemy, the god of bandits everywhere and she was hugging him! Xena sighed. She was too tired to fight an internal battle now. All she could feel was the pain, the incredible loneliness that had been weighing her down.

When she set up camp, simply relying on routine to do the job, she had half expected to hear someone chattering about nothing from the other side of the fire. To watch that something eat endless amounts and hear the soft snoring that now replaced silence as a welcome sound at night. But tonight, none of those things had been there. Gabrielle was gone, and Xena had felt she was the very person she needed to help to talk about her loss. Gabrielle was the only person that Xena had really opened up to. That was, apart form Ares in her warlord days. And now here he was. All logical thought told her to pull away, but her emotions forced her to stay and sometimes, even for Xena, emotions over rule the power of reasoning.

All she could think of now was the warmth of his body and his strong, protective arms wrapped around her. Those basic sensations that she hadn’t felt for such a long time. Sensations that provided comfort beyond measure. The loneliness started to melt away, as did the aching pain, and she started to feel more like a human and less like an emotional wreck.

Ares hated to break up this moment. He was enjoying having her in his arms, at last. Ares grudgingly reminded himself that she probably wouldn’t allow this under any other circumstances. But, despite all that, he knew that he had to calm her down and tell her of her mission.

Gently lifting her head to face him, he moved away and held her shoulders.

“Xena, I came here for a reason, not just to offer my condolences.”

Xena could tell that her mind was begging to clear as logical thought again seemed possible. Gabrielle’s death seemed to fade into a singular feeling of loss.

“I figured.”

Ares nodded and continued hesitantly. He was adding insult to injury and he knew it.

“I know it’s a horrible time to tell you this, but the timing isn’t my choice, if it was…”

Xena raised her hand in acknowledgement.

“I know Ares. Just tell me.”

Ares nodded.

“A new God has emerged.”

Xena closed her eyes and shook her head wearily. Ares continued.

“He’s dangerous. We had a meeting on Olympus today and it seems that he may be more powerful than Zeus. For the sake of the mortal world as well as Olympus, we must stop him before he has the chance to destroy the Gods. However, that means we need inside information. A spy.”

Xena smiled grimly. She knew exactly what was coming. Ares continued regardless.

“Unfortunately, he can sense the presence of us Gods, so instead we need a capable mortal to infiltrate as one of his priestesses and relay information to us.”

Ares carefully gauged Xena’s reaction.

“You still have the final choice.”

Xena sighed and looked up at Ares.

“You suggested me?”

It was more of an observation than a question. Ares slowly nodded.

“Yes. But at the time I was not aware of what had happened.”

Xena rubbed her temples wearily.

“He has enough power to overthrow the Olympians?”

Ares grimly nodded.

“Then the whole world is at stake. As much as I hate to say this, mortals need a choice and the Olympians appear to give them that.”

Ares smiled a little in recognition, and with a sense of pride at her analytical abilities.

“I’ll do it.”

“You’ll have to go under a false identity and become one of his priestesses. Xena it’s very risky…”

Xena silenced him with a raised palm. She sighed wearily.

“ I said yes didn’t I? Ares I’m fully aware of the consequences.”

She looked up at him, trying to muster a little confidence. He actually seemed to be worried. That in itself added to the feeling of comfort that was rapidly overcoming the void she had felt before, to leave just a dull ache, deep in her chest. Ares smiled at her. How she’d missed that smile, she hadn’t really known until now. It was infectious and, despite the situation, Xena managed a small smile of her own.


She nodded.

“Come up to Olympus, have a bath, get something to eat and spend the night there in a warm bed. You deserve it.”

Xena couldn’t refuse those eyes pleading with her, besides, now that the numbness and loneliness had subsided a little, she realized that she was actually very hungry, cold and tired and the cut on her arm was stinging. She looked up into his eyes. Before they had always seemed hard and cruel, but she had to admit to herself that there had always been a spark of concern there. A spark that she saw burning brightly in his eyes now. It couldn’t hurt could it? Nodding, she replied.

“Yeah. That’d be good.”

Ares smiled and grasped her hand and they vanished leaving behind only a curl of smoke where the fire had been moments before.


Zeus sat tempestuously on his throne in the main hall. A large gold-gilded portal in front of him portrayed a solitary figure riding along a very dark road. At closer examination, the road could be seen to be heading for Thrace, bypassing Ares main temple. Zeus rubbed his beard distractedly. This new God, Despair, was proving to be more of a menace than even he had expected. Ares’ ‘Xena’ would certainly have to be an extraordinary mortal in order to be able to carry out this mission. If Despair was to become suspicious of her presence, the Olympians might well not have another chance. And, if the truth was to be told, their fate may rest on this opportunity.

Zeus sighed worriedly. There was no reason for Despair to have left his realm, where he was, relatively, safe. If any other Gods entered, they would be unable to access their powers. In turn, now that he was in their territory, he would be devoid of his powers. So, obviously he would have to have a good reason indeed for venturing into their realm. The pressing matter was exactly what that reason was. What worried Zeus was that Ares main temple was on the road up ahead, about a day’s travel from his current position. In light of the Dahok affair, it was highly possible that Despair was planning to attempt to form an allegiance with Ares.

With a worried wave of his hand, the portal disappeared and Zeus was left sitting alone in the silent space of the enormous room. Eventually, after several moments of tense silence, he stood and paced towards the door. Maybe this situation could be used to their advantage, of course, that all depended on the abilities of this Xena.

Zeus walked through the open doors of the hall, leaving them for one of his servants to close. At the moment, he had more important things on his mind. Ares had to be found.


In a brilliant flash of blue-white light, Xena and Ares appeared in one of the hallways on Olympus. Xena looked around at her surroundings approvingly. Ares let go of her hand, realizing that he’d been holding it for too long and not wanting to break her already fragile trust. Turning slightly, he said apologetically.

“Sorry I couldn’t get any closer. One of Zeus’ annoying policies…we can’t simply flash in and out of the inner chambers of Olympus. In there, our powers are limited.”

Xena smiled slightly.

“It’s a good idea.”

Ares raised his eyebrows.

“Well in close confines like this you’d probably save Despair a job and kill each other if you had all of your powers.”

Ares smiled ‘that’ smile.

“You’re right, as always, my princess.”

Xena glared at him.

“I am not your anything Ares.”

Ares sighed and replied forlornly.

“I know.”

Neither said anything and an awkward silence shrouded the area until, eventually, Ares changed the subject.

“You really should have a bath my…Xena. You’re not exactly looking your best at the moment.”

Xena nodded. Ares walked forward along the pathway and Xena followed him, carefully taking note of all the details around her. Everything was lavish but stylish, no expense had been spared, but then, why would it, this was Olympus.

Xena couldn’t help thinking to herself that Gabrielle would love this. She sighed sadly. She had forgotten about Gabrielle for a moment, but now, silently following Ares along the winding hallways, all of the sensations came flooding back-the loneliness, the pain, the guilt. She took in a sharp breath of air and squeezed her eyes shut, momentarily stopping to lean against the cool walls.

Ares turned worriedly at the sound. His face contorted in worry. He walked back to where Xena was slumped against the wall. Ares noted that her chest was heaving with every intake of breath and the shaking had returned to her hands. He knew she wouldn’t like what he was about to do, but she could curse him later. Right now she was in pain and he’d do anything to take it away.

Ares reached down and scooped the startled warrior princess up in his arms. She looked up at him in confusion but only uttered a weak sounding complaint,


“Shh. It’s been a big day, I’ll carry you.”

And with that he carried her off down the hallway as if she weighed nothing. Again ignoring her reasoning, but not really caring either way, Xena wrapped her arms around his neck and leant her head into his strong chest, allowing the comforting sensations to overwhelm her.

Nothing hurt Ares more than to see such a strong, stoic and capable warrior diminished in such a way. He knew after she had recovered somewhat, she’d probably deny that it happened, to save face, but for now he was just going to concentrate on helping her heal, for as long as she’d let him.

As he turned the corner in the hallway, Ares almost walked into his father who was walking purposefully in the opposite direction deep in thought. Looking up at his son, Zeus raised an eyebrow and critically scanned the forlorn body in Ares’ arms.

Her hair was unkempt and in desperate need of a brush. Her thighs and hands were covered in dried blood as was her left arm, where a deep cut was visible. Ares could see that his father was not at all impressed. Xena raised her head to look at the foreign man through weary eyes. After looking briefly down at his princess, Ares reluctantly remarked,

“Uh, father, this is Xena.”

Zeus’ eyes widened immediately as did Xena’s. Shakily, she struggled to get out of Ares’ arms. Eventually she stood on her own feet and looked the king of the Gods in the eye. He was glancing at her critically but beneath the frosty air, he seemed just like a kind but troubled, old man. Xena managed to smile a little and ventured.

“I apologize for my interference here.”

After a pause she added, with a wry but sad smile.

“And for my appearance.”

Zeus nodded, still somewhat critically. Ares felt the need to explain.


After a brief glance at Xena, now holding her head up and standing proudly, he continued,

“Xena has just lost her best friend. It’s not an easy time, I brought her here for a bath and some good sleep before tomorrow.”

Zeus’ eyes immediately softened. Addressing Xena he said in a caring tone,

“It must be hard. I’m very sorry my dear, I’ll have one of my servants see to you right away.”

Xena shook her head.

“No…thankyou, but I don’t want your pity. I have a more pressing mission to worry about now and I’m not going to wallow in my guilt.”

Zeus smiled admiringly.

“That takes a lot of strength my dear. I admire that.”

Turning to Ares he stated.

“I see what you meant Ares.”

His expression again turned serious and he addressed both of them,

“At the moment, Ares, Despair is headed for Thrace, and I fear, your temple. I believe that he is planning to propose an allegiance.”

Ares nodded.

“It’s very possible.”

Zeus sighed.

“Yes. However, we can use this situation to our advantage. We need a good reason to introduce Xena. It is risky, but perhaps she could disguise herself as a priestess.”

Ares nodded as did Xena. She turned to Ares.

“It is a good idea.”

Ares nodded.

“Okay. That’s what we’ll do, but now I’d like to get you in a warm bath.”

Xena smiled, half under her breath she stated,

“What’s new.”

Zeus chuckled. Nodding in recognition at Xena, he said to Ares,

“I like it. Get her in a bath Ares and make sure she gets a good sleep.”

Turning to Xena, he said,

“Sleep well my dear.”

Xena smiled as he turned and walked away. Ares grinned at her,

“He likes you.”

Xena snorted. Ares looked warmly at her.

“Come on.”

Xena followed Ares a little way further down the hall until they came to a stop in front of a large and elegantly carved wooden door. Ares opened it and gestured inside. After Xena had walked in, he followed her and closed the door behind him.

Xena looked around at her surroundings in wonder. She knew Ares had taste, despite his love for dark colours, but this room surpassed all her expectations. In one corner was a large marble tub, miraculously filled with steaming hot water. The focal point of the room was a king size bed covered in blood red sheets. Draped from the four posts was flowing black silk. The head of the bed was of carved wood but barely visible underneath the many pillows and cushions of red, deep purple and black silk. A bedside table held a burning lamp and under her feet, the marble floor was covered by a luxurious fur mat. It appeared to be a large brown bear.

“So this is what your room looks like?”

Ares smiled.

“Like it?”

Xena nodded slowly.

“Actually, I do.”

Xena sighed, suddenly weary. Finding herself unable to stand, she had to lean heavily on the wall. Immediately, Ares rushed to her side. Xena looked up,

“I’m fine.”

She stood back up again but promptly fell. If it hadn’t been for Ares arms, she would have fallen to the floor. Lifting her off her feet, Ares consoled.

“It’s been a long day Xena. I think you’ve lost quite a bit of blood from that cut. Are you dizzy?”

Xena nodded weakly. Ares walked over and sat Xena down on the corner of the tub. His hands remained on her shoulders, supporting her body.

“I hate this.”

Ares smiled.

“You’re a warrior. Pride is part of your nature.”

Ares knelt so that he was face to face with her.

“But you’re weak Xena. What you’ve been through has been taxing, both physically and mentally. I know you hate showing weakness to me, but you’ll never get over this unless you let it out. I won’t hold it against you, my princess, I promise.”

Xena let the namesake slip and just looked into Ares’ worried eyes, taking comfort in the fact that somebody seemed to care. Ares took that as an ok to continue.

“Alright, lets get you into this bath at last.”

He began to unclasp Xena’s breastplate but she quickly pushed him away.


Ares sighed. Of all times for her to become stubborn, this was the worst.

“I’m not trying to take advantage of you. You’re too weak to do it yourself Xena.”

After gazing at him shiftily for a moment she reluctantly nodded. Ares smiled wickedly at her,

“Besides, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Xena shot him a venomous glare. Ares smiled some more, he just couldn’t resist. Eventually, Xena’s face broke out in a weak kind of smile as well.

“You’re incorrigible.”

She was enjoying his taunting. It put her at ease, funnily enough, and comforted her. Ares placed her breastplate on the ground and gently supported an arm as he removed her gauntlets. Then, moved over and repeated the procedure on the other arm. Helping her to her feet, he removed her leathers then knelt and undid her boots. Ares paused briefly, Xena glanced shiftily at him,

“I can take it from here thankyou Ares.”

Ares smiled.

“Of course.”

He turned his back as Xena raised an eyebrow in surprise and dispensed of her shift. Ares had to calm the beating of his heart as he heard her shift fall lightly to the ground. He was using every ounce of self-control he possessed not to turn around, but he knew she was vulnerable right now, and he was there purely to comfort her.

Xena momentarily lost her balance as her head spun, but managed to lean on the edge of the tub and slowly lift her legs, until she was standing in the warm water. It felt so inviting against her cold skin and aching muscles. She slowly lowered herself into the tub and let out a contented sigh when she was eventually sitting in the tub, submerged up to just above her breasts, in warm water.

Ares walked over and sat on the bed, watching the back of her head as she sat in the tub.

“We’ll dress you up as my head priestess. He’ll probably fall head over heels in love the moment he sets his eyes on you.”

Xena scoffed.

“I suppose you have that on good authority?”

Ares didn’t know how to respond. A tense silence ensued.

Xena saw a scrubbing brush on the other side of the tub, reaching over, she began to scrub the dried blood off her hands. Gabrielle’s blood. Oh gods…. She began to scrub harder, and started to sob. The bristles were piercing her skin, mingling her own blood with that of her dead friend. Xena furiously scrubbed, trying to rid herself of the blood of a friend, now dead. She began to sob out loud as panic started to cloud her judgement.

Ares heard the noise and looked over to see Xena scrubbing violently at her hands and sobbing. He rushed over to the tub and managed to grab her hands. Folding them across her chest so she could no longer harm herself, he wrapped his arms around her and listened to her sobs.

“Oh Gods Ares, she’s dead.”

She managed to get out, between sobs. Ares whispered soothingly in her ear.

“I’m here my princess. I’m here.”

Xena rested her head against his chest as her sobbing began to subside. Ares relaxed his hold on her arms. He noticed her flinch slightly against his chest. The cut on her arm had started to bleed again. He sighed.

“I’m sorry Xena. I should have healed it before.”

She was just about to respond but Ares cut her off before she could begin,

“I know you don’t like help from Gods but you need it Xena. Just consider it as an early thankyou for what you’re doing for us.”

Slowly Xena nodded. Ares placed his hands over the cut and, in a burst of blue-white light, Xena felt it begin to close. Moments later, the skin was mark free and smooth. Xena smiled.

“Thankyou Ares.”

Ares smiled slightly.

“I haven’t finished yet.”

He reached down and clasped Xena’s hands in his own, trying not to gaze anywhere else, and healed them aswell. Xena smiled.

“Thankyou Ares. Though I don’t doubt you’re getting a good view from back there.”

Ares moved away.

“I’m sorry.”

Suddenly a plush towel and black silk nightgown appeared in his hand. He placed them on the side of the tub.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Ares turned around and stood obediently, waiting for her signal to turn around. Xena emerged from the tub and began to dry herself. Slipping the gown over her head, a half smile graced her face and she remarked.

“It’s alright Ares, you can turn around now.”

Ares sat down on the bed and she, hesitantly joined him.

“You need to get some sleep.”

Suddenly, realization hit Ares.

“Oh, do you want me to leave?”

Xena opened her mouth as if to say something but then promptly shut it again. A look of deep thoughtfulness passed over her face as she looked up at the worried God. She slowly shook her head.


Ares let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

“I’d be glad too.”

Xena lifted the covers and slipped underneath. She watched very carefully as Ares removed his vest and slipped in beside her. She was beginning to regret this already. Hesitantly, as if unsure of how she would react, Ares put his arms around her. To his relief he felt her rest her head on his chest and drape one arm over his chest.

Xena knew it was wrong but the sensations that it created were too good to refuse. His warm body pressed up against hers and the manly scent that was all him was seductive and comforting at the same time.

Ares felt Xena’s body begin to relax and started to absently stroke her hair.



“Promise me that this isn’t a suicide mission.”

He added a little more softly,

“Promise me that you’ll come back.”

Ares felt Xena smile a little against his chest.

“I promise.”

Ares reached down and brought the covers up over both of them and gently cradled his warrior princess. It wasn’t long before her breathing became deeper and she fell at last into the peaceful release of sleep, in Ares arms.

To be continued…