Of Love and War

By Larissa

Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle, Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess, together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices. Much as I would like, I don't own Kevin Smith.

Viloence-Sex Warning-Nope, sorry...very low viloence and absolutely no sex. It's clean and sweet. However, it is slightly romantic so if you enjoy that you may want to read...just cause there's no sex doesn't mean there can't be kissing.

Xena awoke with a start. She was in a cold sweat. "Not the Nightmares," she whispered. "Gods make them stop!" she shivered. "Ares," she whispered softly.

"Yes my love," the God of War said appearing. He looked at her concerned.

"What is it Princess? The nightmares again?"

Xena looked at him, pain and suffering etched on her beautiful face. She nodded and whispered, "Hold me."

Ever since Gabrielle had died, killed while the Warrior was gone, Xena had been experiencing these horrible nightmares. She had been been torn and broken, the pain tearing her apart. Then Ares had come to her and offered her Godhood, protection, comfort, and love. She had accepted all of it. But the nightmares only got worse every night. She was a Goddess and almost all of the Gods and Goddess' loved her in one way or another. But there was still this pain tearing her, ripping up her heart. Ares tried to help her. She had practically become his wife. She was his love, his Warrior, his Goddess. He was the only thing that kept her sane.

Ares kissed her on her cheeks, her neck, her face. "It'll be okay," he whispered, rocking her softly. He pushed her back on her bed gently and smiled. "Try to get some rest my darling."

Xena's eyes lost focus and she stared ahead, her expression empty and full of pain. Ares sighed and left her room. "Morpheus!" he cried.

"Yes?" Morpheus asked appearing.

"See that my Princess has sweet dreams for awhile." Ares ordered.

Morpheus nodded and slipped into Xena's room. Ares sighed and walked down the hall of his palace. Xena meant everything to him. He loved her, needed her. Her pain was tearing him apart.

"By the Gods," he whispered. "I'm in love with Xena." He hadn't realized it until now. But it was true. He would do anything for her. Even die for her.

Three hours later Ares flung open the doors to the throne room on Mount Olympus. "Zeus!" he growled.

"What is it Ares?" Zeus asked.

"It's Xena," Ares said. "Xena, my Xena, my Warrior is suffering."

Zeus sighed. "I've told you time and time again Ares, there's nothing I can do."

Ares shook his head. "No," he said. "I won't accept that. It wasn't Gabrielle's time to go. You know it, I know it. Xena deserves her back. It's tearing her apart Zeus. She screams at night. Her pain is so deep. No one deserves to suffer that much. Give her back Gabrielle."

Zeus frowned. "And why do you care so much about Xena, oh mighty God of War?"

Ares glared at his father. "Because I love her," he stated firmly. "She is my Warrior, my Princess, my Goddess, and I will not rest until she has peace!" He folded his arms.

"Am I interrupting something?" Xena asked inquistively, as she appeared in a flash of light. She looked hesitant.

Ares came over to her and put his arms around her waist. "No darling, nothing you should be concerned about." He gazed at her admirelingly. "Why are you all dressed up?"

Xena smiled. "For you my Lord," she said.

Ares smiled at her. "You look beautiful," he whispered in her ear. She wore a gorgeous black dress. Ares knew she had done it just to please him and it made him love her even more.

Zeus watched the two. Xena had brought out the softer side of Ares. He was much more tolerable now, not running around making trouble with Discord and Strife like he used to. And he hadn't made a single attempt on Hercules' life lately. The King of the Gods sighed. "I will think about what you have said Ares. Now take your Goddess and depart."

Ares took Xena's hand and led her out of the throne room. Once outside Xena said "You musn't go to so much trouble for me Ares. I can fight my own battles."

So she had overheard. "No my brave Warrior," Ares said. "You've been through too much sorrow, too much pain. You need someone to help you." He stopped and brushed her lips with his. "I love you my sweet," he whispered.

Xena looked at him with fear in her eyes. "Everyone I"ve ever loved has died Ares. I"m afraid to..." she trailed.

Ares looked deep into her stormy blue eyes. "You musn't say such things dearest. I love you. Nothing can change that. No one can take you away from me. I swear to you that no one will ever tear us apart."

Xena looked at him lovingly. "Ares I do love you. I need you." She clung to him, leaned against him. "You help me forget, numb the pain."

They disappeared and reappeared back in her room at Ares' castle. "Promise me you'll never leave me," Xena said.

Ares looked at her surprised. He held her gently. "I promise you," he said earnestly. "I don't ever want to leave you. Don't you understand Xena? Let me take away the pain." He kissed her softly.

Xena cried. Tears. She hadn't cried since Gabrielle died and now she was shaking violently. "Ares the pain is killing me. I should've saved her. It's my fault. I should've been there. And I didn't even get to say goodbye," she shook horribly. Ares held her tightly.

"No my love, it's not your fault." He held her, stroked her hair.

"I should've saved her," Xena sobbed.

Ares silenced her with his mouth, kissing her passionately, trying to kiss away the pain.

Xena stopped shaking and clung to Ares. After a time he released her and just held her gently, stroking her raven hair and trying to consol her. Xena's tears were silent now and she rested her head on Ares' chest. "I just want the pain to go away," she whispered.

Ares dried her tears. "It will my love, it's just going to take some time."

"I hurt so much," she murmered.

"I know my sweet, I know," Ares said rocking her gently. Xena's crying finally subsided. Ares looked at her tenderly. "Are you okay now?"

Xena nodded. "Yes. I'll be alright."

Ares let go of her. "Call me if you need me," he said softly.

"All right," Xena said. She managed a smile for him and Ares was struck by her beauty. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"I won't be gone long," he promised. "Try to get some rest."

Xena layed down on her silk laden bed. "Okay," she murmered.

Ares traced his fingers through her hair then slipped out into the hall, closing the door. Discord was leaning against the wall.

"Ares," she said. "We need to talk."

"What is it Discord?" the God of War asked.

Discord frowned. "Don't you realize what's happening to you? Xena's turining you soft. All the wars you started lately are sickening. Fights for freedom and justice." She sneered. "What happened to the Ares I knew who was all about evil and bloodlust?"

Ares folded his arms. "He died the day Xena came here."

Discord glared. "Oh come on Ares! You're disgusting! Even your palace has changed! It's all warm and clean. She's turning you into one of those sappy Gods like up on Mt. Olympus that like peace and love and happiness!"

Ares leaned against the wall. "Xena has brought love and purpose into my life. You may see that as a bad thing but I don't."

Discord was angry now. She stamped her foot. "That Warrior Princess is a clingly brat! Ever since she's gotten here you've been no fun!" She moved closer to Ares. "C'mon Ares. You and Xena aren't married. Come to my place and let's have a little fun. You know I can give you so much more than she can..." Discord put her hands on Ares' chest. "C'mon Ares," she purred.

Ares heard a gasp and turned his head. Xena stood in the doorway to her room. Ares didn't know how long she had been standing there, but he guessed from the look on her face that she knew exactually what Discord wanted.

She looked pained, and Ares felt as though he had just ripped her heart out.

"Xena wait!" he called. Xena turned and disappeared. Ares shoved Discord away and stared to go after her when Discord grabbed his arm.

"Wait Ares," she whined. "Forget about her. You've got eternity to make it up to her. Come and have some fun with me first."

Ares was furious. "You don't get it do you?!" he yelled. "I love her. It's not some fleeting love. I will love her until the end of time. I'm not interested in you Discord. I'm not interested in your 'fun'. All I want is Xena."

Discord let go of his arm. "What had she done to you?"

Ares looked at her coldly. "She's turned me into a decent person." And with that he dissapeared.

The wind blew Xena's hair as she stood by the river. A blast of cold air hit her and she shivered. Her thoughts were confused. Gabrielle, Ares, Discord. Nothing made sense anymore. And everything hurt far too much.

Ares appeared and saw his Warrior Princess standing alone gazing out at the water. He could clearly tell she was cold, but she just stood there shivering. Her sorrow cut through him life a knife. He went to her and put his arms around her. "Xena," he whispered.

Xena stopped shivering and looked up at him with tear filled eyes. "How did you know where to find me?"

Ares gazed out at the water. "There's a lot of memories here. Everytime you've been confused you've come here. I figured you'd be here again."

Xena snuggled up against him. "What did Discord want?" she murmered.

"It doesn't matter," Ares replied. "I don't want anything to do with her."

Xena turned to look at the water again. "You'd be better off without me."

Ares took her chin and turned it gently so she was looking at him. "Don't you ever believe that. I love you Xena. Having you in my life had been the best thing that ever happened to me. You've changed me, turned me into a better person."

"But I'm more trouble than I'm worth," Xena said. "You spend so much time trying to help me with my pain that you don't get to have fun anymore. Discord was right."

Ares let go of her chin. "Discord is a jealous brat who wants me to be like I was before you were in my life. Discord was wrong."

Xena couldn't hold back the tears. "I don't wanna lose you," she murmered.

Ares held her tighter. "You won't Princess," he whispered. "Not to Discord, not to any woman, mortal or Goddess. My heart belongs to you." He kissed her on the forhead. "Let's go back home and out of the cold."

"Okay," Xena agreed. They disapeared.

That night the Gods had a huge banquet. Xena put aside her pain and went with Ares. She was the bell of the ball. All the Gods wanted a dance with her. Poisideon, Apollo, Cupid. Even Hades wanted his turn. Persephone and Psyche weren't too jealous though because she spent most of her time with Ares. Discord sat in a corner and sulked, but nobody seemed to notice. It was the first time after Gabrielle's death that Xena had actually had fun. All the Gods were surprised to see her laughing and smiling so much. She looked radiantly beautiful, all dressed up in a brilliant red dress, and Ares barely took his eyes off of the lovely Warrior Princess.

Ares himself was a surprise as well. All of the Gods had been shocked when he arrived with Xena because in place of his normal attire he wore a white shirt and brown leather pants. Never, ever had Ares dressed up for anything before. He was always seen with his trademark black leather. His father was shocked.

"You know I do believe that Xena has changed Ares for the better," Zeus said to Aphrodite as he watched Ares and Xena laughing and dancing together.

"Duh," the Goddess of Love replied. "It doesn't take the Goddess of Love to see that daddy."

Zeus smile at his daughter's bluntness. "I never thought that Ares even had a heart. But if he does, Xena had stolen it."

"Fer sure dad," Aphrodite said. "It would take a battering ram to seperate those two. Talk about totally weird."

Zeus looked over at his other daughter sulking in the corner. "Discord doesn't seem to be taking it well," he remarked.

"Does she ever?" Aphrodite asked. "We all know she's been cranky ever since Strife was wasted anyway. Now that Ares has reformed she's the only real grody God left. And misery loves company." Aphrodite popped a cherry into her mouth. "She'll get over it."

Zeus returned his gaze to his newly reformed son dancing with the beautiful Warrior Princess. "I hope so," he said.

After the banquet was over Ares and Xena went back to his palace. Despite Xena's protests, Ares insisted that he carry her into her room.

"Why do it the mortal way?" Xena asked as the God of War gallantly strode into her room with her resting in his arms.

"Because," Ares said, putting her down on her bed. "It's another way to be close to you." Xena smiled. "Who says I don't have fun?" Ares asked, mocking Discord's earlier words.

"Not me," Xena replied. They gazed at each other for a few minutes then Ares moved to kiss her. Xena did not resist and allowed herself to be led into a long, passionate kiss. She found herself loving Ares more and more every minute. At first she had her doubts, but now she knew his love for her was true and he had genuinely reformed from the hatefull person he used to be. "I have a confession to make," Xena whispered once they parted.

"Yes?" Ares asked, his eyes never straying from hers.

"I love you Ares," Xena said softly. Although she had been with him here in his palace for about a month now, it had always been Ares to say those words.

Xena had always shown her love after about a week of being around him and noticing him changing, but this was the first time she had ever actually said what she felt for him.

Ares smiled at her. "You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that," he whispered.

"Well you don't have to wait anymore," Xena replied. "I want you to know Ares, God of War, I love you."

"Oh Xena," Ares said pulling her closer. "My beautiful Warrior Princess, I love you too."

Xena smiled at him. "Don't speak it," she said softly. "Show me." She brushed his lips with hers.

"However you want it," replied pulling her him and kissing her softly. Xena forgot her pain for the moment. She forgot all about Gabrielle, Marcus, Hercules, Discord, everything but Ares. She was in the arms of war, the arms of love, and she felt like she no longer had anything to fear.

Discord threw a vase against the wall of her palace. "It's not FAIR!" she screamed. She spun away and glared at some inquisitive rats. "She's ruined him! He's not Ares anymore, he's a love sick little fool!" she screamed again. The rats scurried away as Discord felt a slight breeze. She turned around. There stood the Queen of the Gods.

"Calm yourself child," Hera said. "I have a plan to get rid of that pesky little Goddess forever."

Discord was skeptical. "Why do you care if Xena lives or dies?" she asked.

Hera smiled evily. "Xena is a nuisance. Ever since she's gotten here Ares has gone soft. He doesn't create trouble for his father anymore. And he doesn't try to kill Hercules!"

Discord smiled in realization. "I see now. So how can you help me?"

Hera held out a dagger. Discord took it and examined it as Hera smiled on. Discord's eyes lit up with sudden fear and she dropped it. "Hinds blood!" she whispered incrediously. "Where did you get it?"

"That's not important," Hera replied. "What matters is how you use it. Ares can't be with Xena constantly. Wait until he's not by her side then..." she trailed off and grinned.

Discord laughed gleefully. "Do her in," she said finishing Hera's sentence. "When Ares discovers his precious Xena dead...he'll be mad with grief. Then we get back our villanious Ares..."

Hera smiled. "And no mortal will be safe from his fury."

Discord's palace rang with the laughter of the two evil goddesses as they planned to death of the unsepecting Warrior Goddess.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Xena asked Ares. It was Solstice morning and Xena was waiting patiently to see her gift.

Ares looked at Hades and nodded. Hades waved his hand. A form came into being, shimmered and glowed with life again. Hades smiled and nodded to Ares. "Okay Xena, open your eyes," Ares said.

Xena opened her eyes expecting to find some magnificent work of the Gods. But what she saw made her heart skip a beat. "Gabrielle!" she exclaimed. She looked at the smiling bard then glanced over at Ares. "Is she real?" she asked, not daring to believe that she actually had her precious friend back.

"She's real," Hades confirmed. "And she'll be among the living until she dies a natural death."

Ares smiled at his Goddess. "Go on," he replied. "My gift to you." Xena ran to her friend and hugged her hard. "Oh Xena," Gabrielle gasped. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Xena cried tears of absolute joy. "Gabrielle, I missed you so much. You don't know how much pain I've been through since you died. It's so good to have you back!" She squeezed her tighter, unable to to believe this was true. But it really was her. A living, breathing, smiling Gabrielle.

"The stories I have to tell you!" Gabrielle said. "All about Elusia and Solon and...." she trailed off as Xena let go of her. "And I've just missed you so much!"

Ares smiled as the two embraced again. Even Hades grim face looked cheerfull. "You've given her the world Ares. I've never seen a happier person."

Ares nodded at his Uncle. "She deserves it."

Finally, after a lot of crying, hugging, and laughing Xena looked over at Ares. She felt her heart plummet a little bit. "Ares..." she trailed off. "I can't thank you enough. But..."

Ares merely smiled. "You don' t have to ask Xena. Go ahead. Live out a mortal life with Gabrielle, and then when she's died...then you can come back to me."

Xena went to him and looked deep into his eyes. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you so much."

Ares smiled. "It was the least I can do. Now go. Enjoy having your friend back."

"All right," Xena said. "But promise me one thing."

"Anything," Ares replied. "All you have to do is ask."

Xena gazed at him with unmeasurable love in her eyes. "Promise me you won't change while I'm gone. Promise me that when I come back you'll still be as good as you are now. No matter what Discord says to you, promise me you'll stay good and never turn back into the monster that you were."

Ares brushed her hair away from her face. "I promise my love," he pledged. He took her hand and kissed it.

Xena pulled him to her for a long parting kiss, then with one last smile, turned to Gabrielle. The bard followed her down the road and Ares heard her say, "I guess I'm not the only one with some unbelieveable stories to tell."

Years passed. Ares looked in on Xena from time to time and always found her as happy as she could be. Sometimes he missed her terribly, but he knew that it was all for the best. Xena was happy. She didn't feel the guilt that she had felt for Gabrielle's death anymore. Her sleep was peacefull and she was doing what she loved again, helping people all over Greece. It felt like an eternity to wait, but Ares knew that when she finally came back to him, they would have an eternity to make up all the lost time. He could wait a million years if it meant Xena would finally have peace.

Discord was furious when she found out Xena had left. But she waited patiently for the day when Xena would come back to Olymupus. Then she would have her revenge.

Finally the time came when Gabrielle was ready to die. Xena spent her friends' dying day with her, and there was no regrets from either of them. Gabrielle knew that when she went to the Elusian Fields Xena could still visit her. So when she passed away, Xena simply smiled and whispered, "I'll see you soon my friend." Then, with tears in her eyes, she went back up to Olympus.

She arrived at Ares' palace immediately. Walking inside she felt a rush of warmth, both from the air inside, and from the memories that flodded back to her. She quietly padded down to her old room and peeked inside. Everything was as she remebered it. Ares had kept it in perfect condition. Xena smiled as she shut the door and advanced to the throne room. She entered silently, barely able to wait a moment longer to see her love. There sat the God of War on his throne, his eyes half shut. Xena couldn't hold back her smile, and this time she cried tears of joy. "Ares," she whispered. The God of War sat up suddenly. "I'm home," she said happily. "For good."

Ares stood up and then Xena was running to him. Ares opened his arms and she threw herself into them. Ares just held her for a moment, savoring having her back in his arms again. "I missed you so much," he whispered. Xena smiled and kissed him lovingly. "I missed you too. You haven't changed a bit," she replied.

"I promised you I wouldn't," Ares replied. She smiled at him and Ares got down on his knees.

"Xena," he said, with a rare amount of confidence in his voice. "Will you marry me?"

Xena smiled briliantly and she sunk to her knees. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Oh yes."

She fell into his arms again, and they just held each other there, finally reunited after years of seperation.

The Olympians all sat in the grand throne room of Olympus, waiting expectantly. Ares had asked Zeus to call them all together to announce somthing of great importance. Even Hestia, who usually lived among the mortals, and Hades who dwelled in the underworld with Persephone, had been summoned. Discord and Hera were there also, sitting next to each other and looking cool and distant. When the last God have arrived and sat down, Ares finally spoke.

"My friends and fellow Gods," he began. He stood in the center of the throne room with Xena by his side. "I have called you here today to make an important announcement. As most of you know, since Xena has become a Goddess and been here, I have changed drastically..."

A murmumer of agreement rose among the assembled Gods and Aphrodite smiled at Ares. The God of War continued. "Since then, I admit that I have fallen sway to love. So..." he took Xena's hand. "I want to tell you all that Xena and I are getting married!"

A great cheer went up from the crowd. Hera smiled evily at Discord and she nodded. They disappeared, unnoticed to the rest of the Gods. Aphrodite was actually crying. Cupid was grinning from ear to ear. Ares was smiling as he recieved conratulations from all the Olympians. There was a great deal of laughing and cheering until finally Zeus spoke. "This is a cause for rejoicing! How soon do you wish to have the wedding my son?"

Ares grinned bigger. "As soon as possible."

Zeus smiled. "Then we will have to most glorious celebration tonight then ever before. Ares and Xena shall be wed in the most spectacular ceremony ever!"

"Hurray!" all the Gods cried. Zeus grinned at everyone as the happy couple embraced.

Preperations for the wedding went into effect immediately. Xena was whisked away by Aphrodite and Cupid dragged off his dad. Zeus acted as the proud father as he recieved still more congratulations, and Hermes sped off to invite the people Xena had chosen to come from the Elusian Fields.

Aphrodite was having a time with Xena. She was transforming her into the most beautiful Goddess on Earth.

"I can't believe it," she said doing Xena's hair. "You and Ares...it's all so sweet."

Xena could only smile as the Goddess of love gushed sentiments and dressed Xena up for her wedding night. She chatted happily as she wove flowers in the Warrior's hair, and sprinkled glitter everywhere. "There!" she exclaimed an hour later. "You're more beautiful then me!"

Xena knew a compliment when she heard one. "Thanks Aphrodite," she said. She looked at herself in the mirror and was amazed. "Is that really me?" she asked.

"That's really you sweetie," Aphrodite replied.

Xena could only stare at herself amazed.

Meanwhile, Ares himself was being amazed. Cupid was having a time as well with his father. He smiled at his dad as Ares admired his white suit.

"I've gotta hand it to you Cupid," Ares said to his son. "This is one really nice getup!"

"Thanks dad," Cupid replied. "Nothing but the best for you on your wedding day. Of course I never thought I'd see your wedding day. But then, I never thought you be accepting help from me."

"Miracles happen," Ares replied, combing his hair one final time.

"Yeah," Cupid said grinning. "And this miracles' name is Xena."

Finally the ceremony was ready to begin. The great hall was filled with every god and goddess alive. Even the sea goddesses had left the foamy depths long enough to see the wedding. The Muses and the Graces played music and sang beautifully. In the aisles, Hercules, Ialous, Gabrielle, Joxer, Cyrene, Lyceus, and Solon looked on. Slowly, one by one, the Goddesses who acted as bridesmaids floated down the aisle on the arms of their escorts. Apollo came grinning with his more solemn sister Artemis, Athena strode down with Hermes, Persephone sailed along with Hades, and Psyche came smiling with Cupid as they all moved down the red carpet and to the altar where Aphrodite would stand. Ares awaited, glowing in white, and smiling serenly. Bliss, Cupid's little winged son flew by slowly, sprinkling flower petals all over. Cupid and Psyche shared a smile, then watched as Xena emerged on the arm of Zeus, Aphrodite carrying her train. Ares smiled as he watched his bride slowly move towards him. Things couldn't be more perfect.

Xena reached the end of the carpet and smiled at her love. Their eyes locked and Ares took her hands in his. Aphrodite took her place at the altar as Zeus released Xena's arm and went to stand next to Cupid. There was a hush among the Gods. Aphrodite smiled and cleared her throat. "My fellow Gods and Goddesses," she began. "We are gathered here today to unite Ares and Xena in wedded bliss. Although we never thought this day would come, we're all glad it's here." Aphrodite looked at her brother. "I could go on and on about true love and how you two are the very image of it, but I'll just get right to the point instead. Ares, do you take Xena to be your wife, for all time and eternity, to love her forever, and stay by her side no matter what the circumstance?"

Ares nodded. "I do," he said, without a trace of doubt in his voice.

Aphrodite smiled. "And do you Xena, take Ares to be your huband, for time and all eternity, to love him forever, and to stay by his side no matter what?"

Xena smiled. "I do."

Aphrodite wiped away a tear and looked up at the assembled crowd. "If anyone objects to this marriage, for whatever bogus reason, speak now or forever hold you peace. And I do mean forever."

Hera and Discord looked at each other but were silent. Aphrodite smiled. "Good. Ares, do you have your wedding gift for Xena?"

"Yes," Ares replied. He brought forth a beautiful diamond necklace and placed it around Xena's neck. "As a symbol of our love. Because, just as diamonds are forever, so is my love for you."

Several of the Goddesses wiped their eyes as Xena smiled brilliantly and whispered, "As is my love."

Aphrodite wiped away a few of her own tears and smiled. "By the powers of love I now pronounce you man and wife, God and Goddess!"

Ares pulled Xena to him and kissed her passionately as everyone cheered.

Aphrodite was crying openly, and Cupid was grinning from ear to ear. Xena and Ares continued to kiss as everyone cried or smiled on behalf of the couple of the century.

Everyone except Discord and Hera anyway.

That night the Gods had a huge wedding banquet. Ares and Xena recieved numerous congratulations. Everyone was thrilled for them, and the couple couldn't be happier. Xena nearly wore herself out from smiling so much. She was surpirsed when Hercules came over to talk to the two of them.

"You look great," Hercules said. Xena threw her arms around him and hugged him. He laughed. "You're really happy aren't you?"

"Yes," Xena said smiling and kissing Ares. "I am."

Hercules smiled. "I never thought I'd see the day...Well, I'm really happy for both of you. Ares, I never thought you'd change, but I like what I see."

Ares smiled. "Thanks Herc. No hard feelings?"

Hercules shook his head. "Of course not."

The brothers shook hands and Hercules walked off to talk to Xena's mother. Xena was glad the two had finally made peace. She smiled at her husband, then turned to see her brother standing there. "Lyceus!" she cried. They embraced each other warmly.

"And you said I'd never see your wedding day," he said as he let her go.

"Just look at you! You started out a little girl dreaming of being a warrior, or a princess, and now you're a goddess!"

Xena smiled. "Yeah. A lot can happen in couple of years."

Lyceus smiled at her. "I am so happy for you Xena. It seems like you've finally found what you wanted in life."

"Yes I have," Xena replied. "And I couldn't be happier."

"Lyceus, you owe me a dance," Gabrielle said appearing at his side.

Xena's brother laughed and Gabrielle grinned. "Lyceus and I have become the best of friends. You wouldn't believe all the great stories he's told me!"

Xena smiled. "He's a real sucker for an audience. I always thought you two would get along real well if you met each other."

Gabrielle smiled. "He's the greatest. But I guess that's because he's your brother."

"Yeah, well he got all the charm in the family," Xena said smiling at him. Lycues grinned at her then went off to dance with Gabrielle. Xena sighed and smiled at Ares as Zeus approached them. "Ares, might I have a word with you a minute?" Zeus asked.

"Sure thing dad," Ares said. He let go of Xena and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be right back sweetheart," he said smiling.

"Don't be gone too long," Xena replied.

"I won't," Ares promised. He walked off with his father, deep in conversation. Xena was about to go talk to her mother when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Discord smiling angelically at her.

"Hello Xena," she said sweetly. "I never got the chance to tell you congratulations."

Xena didn't trust her one bit, but she hid her doubts behind a smile. "Hello Discord. Thanks for your sentiments."

Discord looked at her intently. "You know Xena, I've been thinking. I've been a real brat about this whole deal and everything. I mean after all, Ares is my brother, it's not like I should have expected him to want to marry me. And you have really changed him for the better," she put her arm around Xena's shoulder as they started to walk around a corner.

"What are you trying to say?" Xena asked. "Look I know you don't like me at all Discord, so just get to the point."

Discord smiled innocently. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry," she replied. They were out of sight now of the wedding party.

"Sorry for what?" Xena asked suspiciously.

Discord glanced around then slammed her up against the wall. "I'm sorry I didn't kill you earlier!" she hissed. She pulled out the Hind's blood dagger and held it to Xena's throat.

Xena looked at her with cold eyes. "I never did anything to you. Why do you want to kill me so much?"

Discord scoffed. "Never did anything to me? Never did anything to me?! That's a laugh! You ruined my life! I had a good thing going with Ares until you came along! You took him away from me! He was my sweetheart, my lover until you showed up and ruined everything! Now he's as soft as silk, and he's no good to me that way."

Xena looked at her with contempt. "You're disgusting. He's your brother for Gods' sakes!"

"What's your point?" Discord asked. "A good looking guy is a good looking guy. Now, I've think I've heard enough out of you." She smiled evily and gripped the Hind's blood dagger harder. "I'm gonna enjoy this," she said, her eyes flashing with hatred.

"Discord!" a voice rang out. Discord droppped the Hind's blood dagger and Zeus picked it up. "Dad!" she exclaimed startled. "What are you doing here?"

Zeus exaimed the dagger and his face went white. "Hinds blood!" he exclaimed. "Where did you get this?"

Discord was frightened. "It was all Hera's idea!" she exclaimed. "She gave it to me and told me to kill Xena!"

Zeus frowned. "Hera," he said shaking his head. He grabbed Discord's arm. "Come with me young lady, you and your mother have some serious explaining to do." He dissapeared with her as Xena stood there shaking. Suddenly Ares was at her side. He held her gently.

"Shhh," he said, trying to comfort her. "It's okay."

Xena was trembling. "She tried to kill me," she said increduously.

Ares stroked her hair and tried to soothe her. "It's okay," he said. "It's all over now. Zeus will punish them and you'll never have to worry about it again."

Xena relaxed. "It's just the thought of spending life without you...it's terrifying."

Ares smiled at her. "It's okay," he said. "We're going to be together forever. Nothing can change that."

Xena looked up at him, her ice blue eyes shinning. "Nothing?" she asked.

"Nothing," Ares repeated. They kissed each other again, and Xena was finally no longer afraid. She stopped shaking and clung to him. Life couldn't be more perfect.

THE END-For Now d"