Hidden in the Heart

by Jennifer

Disclaimed: Xena, Ares and all the other characters from the shows, Xena: Warrior Princess, or Hercules, the Legendary Journeys belong to Universal Studios. I make no claim to them. There's no violence to speak of, no foul language, nothing fun. It's just a boring love story. However, if the thought of Xena and Ares offends you, I recommend you run from this story. Now, onto the story.

Aphrodite made her was into the Halls of War, slightly green from the muck and dirt. Her temples were spotless, but Ares never had been one for cleaning and he didn't expect his priests or priestesses to care either.

When she found her brother's thrown room, she found just what she's expected to find, a stoic, emotionless god, or at least that was the image he tried to protect. She knew him better.

''Hey Ar, why didn't ya come to dinner last night? The one time Daddy is proud to claim you as his son, and you don't show! What gives?'' Aphrodite asked, staring into his sullen brother.

''Look, it was Hercules Dad wanted to brag about, as usual. I was just a footnote, I'm sure,'' Ares responded disinterestedly.

''Yeah, Dad did lay it on thick, what with Herc keeping the light from bringing about the end of the world and all, but he did say he was happy you and Herc could work together, and that when it really came down to it, you knew where your loyalties lay. We all weren't too sure with that Dahok fiasco, but now everything's cool. Although I still don't know why you teamed up with that monstrosity and his daughter. You can do WAY better than her,'' Aphrodite commented, studying Ares. He had flinched slightly with her mentioning Dahok and Hope, but beyond she'd gotten little reaction from Ares. ''What you need is a good women! How 'bout that hot little Warrior Princess you're always talking about! I mean, I know you want her to lead an army and kill mortals and stuff, but she's got this killer bod, and...''

''Leave her alone Aphrodite! And you keep your bow-happy kid away from her as well! Xena has already made it clear that she's not interested, and I...''

''BY...THE...GODS! I can't believe it! You're heart broken!!! Why didn't I see this before? Some Goddess of Love I must be is if I can't see the love pangs of my poor spurmed Bro! Don't worry, Ar, I'm on the case! Your Warrior Princess will be fawning over you, when I get through with her!'' Aphrodite announced joyously before Ares could protest. Then she was gone in a shimmering of pink light.

* * *

Two Weeks Earlier

''Xena, we've been through so much together. I love you.,'' a tall dark haired man starred into the raven-haired warrior's intense gaze, with her crystal blue eyes, returning it with his own green eyes.

''And I you, Osris,'' Xena said.

''Xena, you mean so much to me. More than anyone has ever before. You have captured my heart,'' Osris paused, gathering what nerve he had left, ''Will you marry me?''

''Oh, Osris, of course I'll marry you. I love you so much,'' she said embracing Osris.

''Excuse me,'' a small, strawberry-blonde Amazon said, looking at the sight in front of her.

''Gabrielle,'' Xena said, ending the embrace, ''Osris and I are getting married!''

''Oh, Xena, that's wonderful!'' Gabrielle exclaimed, embracing her friend. Finally, her friend would have the joy and happiness the bard always knew she deserved, ''we have to get started right away.'' The smaller women grabbed the hand of the taller women and ran off. All Xena could do is throw a helpless look at Osris. He let out a soft chuckle.

* * *

Present Time

It's finally time, Xena thought as she awaited until her wedding ceremony began, I am so worried. So many things could go wrong. What if I stumble? What if I falter at the alter? What if Osris doesn't show up? What if we get attacked by someone? What if the priest doesn't show up? What if Ares showed up? Ares. The name filled her with warmth. No matter how much she denied, she did love him. Is this right? Oh, Gods, I hope Ares shows up. I just want to see him one more time before it's too late. I...

''Xena,'' Gabrielle called out, ''It's time to get ready. You don't want to get married looking like that, do you?''

''What's wrong with this?'' Xena asked.

''Nothing, of course. It's just that...'' Gabrielle trailed off, looking for the right words.

''It's okay, Gabrielle.''

''Come on!'' The two women ran off towards a hut.

Later that evening, it was time for the wedding. Xena held Osris's hands.

''Xena, I vow, on Zeus, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Hephestis, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Apollo, Demeter, and Dionysis. I vow I will love you forever. I vow no illness will ever cease my love. I vow to be with you together, forever.'' Oasis said, meaning it with all his heart.

''Orsis, I vow on Zeus, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Hephestis, Hades, Hera, Apollo, Demeter, Dionysis, and...Ares... I vow to love you forever. I vow no illness will ever cease my love. I vow to be with you together, forever,'' Xena said, having second doubts.

''If Zeus and all the Gods on Mount Olympus have no complaints,'' a priest said, committing them to each other, ''I pronounce you husband and...'' He never got to finish what he was saying.

A flash of pink light appeared. ''Xena, you're gonna have to totally forgive me on this one. It's majorly for the better good.'' Another flash of pink, and Aphrodite disappeared, taking Xena with her.

They reappeared seconds later, in a dark, remote room. The only thing in it was a throne..

''Listen, Xe, I was listening to your thoughts during the day. I know you think that wasn't meant to be. Hon, the only one you're meant to marry is Ares.''

''Ares?'' Xena questioned, ''he doesn't want me. Maybe as a warrior, or a play thing, but not as a lover.''

''You're wrong, sweet cheeks,'' Aphrodite replied, ''Ares is head over heels in love with you. It's sad. He was going to tell you this, but you got engaged with Osris, so he kept it to himself. Right now, he's heart broken.''

''You're lying,'' Xena shot back, a little upset.

''Want me to prove it?'' Aphrodite asked. She transported Xena into her castle on Mount Olympus. Aphrodite disappeared, leaving Xena to watch Ares through a small mirror. Aphrodite appeared in front of Ares.

''Go away, Aphrodite,'' he said.

''Ar, I've got a plan to get Xena to fall in love with you. Wanna hear it?'' Aphrodite asked, a devious grin on her face.

''NO!'' Ares' great voice echoed over the walls of his throne room, ''if you do anything to that women, I swear, I'll...''

Aphrodite cut him off, ''why do you care so much, Ar?''

"Haven't you figured it out already? Gods, ever for a blonde, you are dense.'' Ares said, ''I love her. I love Xena.''

''Thanks, Bro,'' Aphrodite said, disappearing in a blaze of pink shimmering light. ''You see, Xena?'' Aphrodite asked when she appeared.

''By the gods, you're right!'' Xena said, feeling truly happy for the first time since she was young ''Take me to him.''

''Will do, babe.''

Xena reappeared in Ares' throne room, still in her wedding dress. ''Aphrodite, GO AWAY!!'' Ares yelled as Xena walked towards him. When she was behind him, she grabbed him by the shoulders, turned him around, and kissed him. At first, Ares had a look of surprise on his face, but that quickly turned to pleasure as he started kissing back.

''Ares, I love you,'' Xena said as they broke apart.

''No, you don't,'' Ares said, regret in his voice, ''This is some scheme on Aphrodite, or Cupid or maybe even Eros. You don't love me.''

''Open your eyes, Ares,'' Xena demanded, ''I'm here by my own free will. I do love you.''

''Oh, Xena. I can't believe this!'' Ares exclaimed, ''Xena. You have to marry me. Right now. Please?''

''Oh, gods, yes, Ares,'' Xena answered, knowing this was right, ''when?''

''How 'bout now, you two?'' Aphrodite said, appearing in the room again, ''You're all ready for one, Xena. Come on.'' The two were married, and in theory were to live happily ever after. But that theory didn't include Osris, or Gabrielle. The group had also added Hercules and Iolaus.

On occasion, Ares had taunted Hercules with it. ''Ares,'' Hercules exclaimed, when he had finally found his half-brother, ''give her back. She doesn't belong to you.''

''What makes you think I have her?'' Ares asked.

''She disappeared during her wedding and hasn't been seen since. Who else would have her?'' Hercules demanded.

'She may be staying in my company, but I don't own her. She's staying out of her own free will,'' Ares said, seeing the look of disbelief on his face, ''We were married the night Xena disappeared. She hasn't been seen because right now she's pregnant. Oh, when her child is grown enough, she'll be back, fighting for which ever side she pleases.''

''You're lying,'' Hercules decided, ''if you're married, it's because you threatened somebody's life and if she's pregnant, it's because you raped her.''

''Ah, dear brother,'' Ares said, you're wrong. I'll prove it.'' He disappeared in a flash of light, but reappeared in another light with another person at his side.

''Xena,'' Hercules exclaimed, as she embraced him, ''are you okay? You're not really married to Ares, are you?''

''Yes, Hercules,'' Xena said, ''and in two weeks we'll have a child.''

''He's got you under some sort of spell!'' I'll save you from him, Xena. I swear, if it's the last thing I do, I will,'' With that Hercules grabbed Xena, and ran off carrying her, being careful because of the child. The entire time Xena was screaming at Hercules to put her down.

''Hercules!! Stop It!!'' Xena screamed at him. When they were reasonably far away, Hercules put Xena down.

''What, in Zeus' name, do you think you're doing?''

''Saving you. You can NOT be in love with Ares. It's just not possible. It's not,'' Hercules answered.

''Sorry, Hercules,'' Xena answered, ''This is the real thing. He and I are passionately in love. I'm sorry if you don't like it.''

''This can't be,'' Hercules decided.

''Hercules, when I have my baby, I'll be back. Let me go now and live my life. It is my choice who I do or do not love,'' Xena told Hercules, ''Let me go back to Ares.''

''Fine,'' Hercules said, realizing he was beaten, ''but the second you get back, you better come back to me.''

* * *

Xena and Ares made a life for themselves. Their first child was a girl. Little Amanda had her mother's eyes, but her father's chin. The child showed extraordinary shill at such a young age. Her first telaportation was made at two. However, Amanda's powers would never fully mature. Xena absolutely forbade her to use her powers. Xena went back to traveling with Gabrielle. Hercules was added to their group, in fear of his half brother. He feared Ares would be too much for Xena, and she would return to the darkness of Ares' world. If upset Xena a little. She had been through so much with Hercules, and still he didn't trust her. However, time with Hercules was fun, and he was an excellent role model for Amanda.

Love is a fickle thing. It can come many times in your life, or never. But if it does come, remember to grab onto it with both hands, as Xena and Ares eventually learned to do. Never settle for less that your hearts desire.

The End

Love is a fickle thing-
when the heart is not true.
Love is a fickle thing-
when the course is not clear.
Love is a fickle thing-
when it involves me and you.
Love is a fickle thing-
when the red is turned blue.