Love in Hate

Disclaimer: What? You think I own em?

Subtext: Not here! Go away!!!!

Violence: Yes� Not TOO bad�

Sex: Most likely no. The show is DEFINATLY worse (Although that's not saying much!!)

Rating: PG13

Author's Notes: Umm, well (as in MOST of my stories) Gabby died in Dahak's temple. Aphrodite and Hephaestus are already married.

Summary: When Aphrodite and Hephaestus renew their vows, Xena and Ares realize that, that special something between them never left. Dedications: This one is for Delenn because I said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!

K, Did I cover everything? I think so! Pixie Sticks for all!!

"Ooh! This is HARD!!!!!!!!!!" Aphrodite said as threw her quill and scroll at the wall as she threw herself down on the couch.

"Whoa! Mom, calm down!" Cupid said picking up the scroll and sitting next to her.

"Ok." He started writing. "Mortals: Uncle Hercules�"



"My Amazon Chick."


"My Warrior Babe."

"Ooh, you sure that's gonna be a good idea?"

"And what's THAT supposed to mean."

"Think about it, Uncle Hercules, Xena, and Dad in the same place at the same time."

"Look, Xena and Ares BELONG together! We'll just have to keep Hercules out of the way. But there is NO WAY I'm doing this without the big guy."

It was time for the battle of the century. The centaurs went too far this time. Ephiny and Xena were preparing for battle. They didn't WANT to go to war with the centaurs but they had no choice. The war had been going on for months; it was time to END it! They were in the Amazon dance when she felt his presence.

"I'll be back." She said to Ephiny who nodded as she left the circle of dancing warriors. Xena was wearing the 'Amazon War' outfit, which was very revealing, this made Ares happy.

"Oh please, don't stop on MY account." Ares said leaning against a tree as Xena walked towards him.

"What do you want?"

"What are you doing Xena? You know as well as I do that this little battle of yours is gonna be a standstill! Why risk your precious amazons over THAT?"

"Because then maybe we can form peace."

"You want peace with the centaurs?"

"They have Xenan! They KNOW he's Ephiny's son and if this goes much further, they'll kill him! NONE of us are unwilling to give our lives to keep that from happening. You might wanna stick around� Should be a good show."

"Attack!" Xena and Ephiny shouted together from upon their horses. In large groups the Amazons ran over the hill and attacked their enemy. Xena and Ephiny rode down, swinging their swords down into the centaurs. That's when Xena saw it; there was an archer with his eye on Solari. She didn't have the angle or the time to catch it. She threw herself off Argo to block Solari's body with hers, but the arrow never got there. It stopped right in front of Xena's heart and fell. She knew it was him, but continued fighting.

The day was won! They had caught the centaurs at a weak moment and they won the battle! However, Xena and Ephiny had been working so hard lately, because of the war that Solari and some others MADE them go on a vacation, now that Xenan was back in their camp and everyone was out of danger.

"Ok. So, where do you wanna go?" Ephiny asked, rather excited, as they walked into their hut.

"I dunno!" Xena said, equally excited. It was then she saw the note on her bed. She picked it up and read it out loud.

Dear Warrior Babe and Amazon Chick,
You have been invited!!! (Feel special!!) Hephie and I will be renewing our vows after a week of banquets, parties, and balls! Hermes will be there tomorrow to pick yas up! It means A LOT to me that you come!!!!

Lots of Love (Duh!),

"Well," Xena said. "Looks like we found our vacation spot!"

Xena and Ephiny hugged Xenan goodbye just as Hermes came flying down.

"Hey, hey, hey, what up? Warrior Babe, looking just as hot as ever! And just who is this young, sexy thing?" Hermes asked looking at Ephiny.

"Ooh! I like him!" Ephiny said. Xena laughed.

"Hermes, this is Ephiny, she's my� best friend." Xena was still getting used to that.

"Any friend of Xena is a friend of mine." Hermes said kissing her hand.

"Are ALL the gods this charming?" Ephiny asked Xena.

"Pfft! The gods? You mean OUR gods?" Xena started laughing.

The three of them appeared on Olympus, they were the last of the guests to arrive.

"Xena!" Aphrodite shouted as she ran across the room to greet her "Ooh, I missed you so much!" Xena was a little surprised that Aphrodite wasn't throwing hysterics and squezzing the tarturuas out of her but oh well!

"I missed you too Dite." Just then the other gods came walking towards them. Ares and Xena eyed each other, which didn't go unnoticed by MOST of the people there.

"Xena!" Athena said as she hugged her. "It has been a long time my friend."

"Yeah, well, whatever happened to 'I'll be dropping by so much you'll be sick of me'?"

"Oh well, I don't see you running towards any of my temples ANY time you pass one." The warriors smiled at each other.

"Oh! This is SWEET, it really is, but do you two think you could possibly SAVE it?" Discord said sarcastically.

"Ooh, BRAT girl has developed manners I see!" Xena said, equally sarcastic.

"Why I outta�"

"You're out numbered Discord." Aphrodite said putting her hands on her hips.

NO ONE was going after Xena, the gods preferred her to Discord. Discord took the hint and shut up.

"Nice to see you again Xena." Zeus said giving the warrior a smile.

"You too."

"Xena." Aphrodite said. "I'll show Ephiny to her room in Athena's wing, you remember where your room is.

"Yes." Xena said.

"You have your own room?' Ephiny asked with a smirk on her face. Xena smiled and hung her head. "You never to me this!"

"And, I'd bet my charkrum that I will be explaining that later."

"Ooh, give the woman a prize." They all laughed as Aphrodite and Ephiny exited in a pink flash as the gods went their own ways and Xena to her room.

Xena walked into her own room. NOTHING had been touched although it was still perfectly clean. She walked over to the bed, the same black, silk sheets. Next she went to the balcony, the same view. She remembered back, to the last time she was here.

Xena was wearing only the sheet wrapped around her as she walked onto the balcony. She leaned over to look at the breath taking view. She was just thinking how beautiful it was when a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She felt his lips on her neck. She let out a quiet moan of delight.

"You know, I could stay like this forever." Xena said.

"You could." Ares whispered as he kissed her on the head.

"What do you mean?"

"Stay. Live me here, as the Goddess of War, my Warrior Queen." A necklace appeared in his hands and he put it on her. "Well?" Xena turned to face him.

"Yes." She kissed him and the kiss became more passionate as they continued with what they were doing.

Xena came back to reality. It seemed like just yesterday that happened. She was truly happy then, of course she had to go and fall in love with Hercules! Xena sighed and went to bed for a nap before the first big banquet.

Xena woke up about an hour before the banquet. She got up and walked over to her closet. All of her clothes were still there, of course every dress had Ares' symbol on it. She wasn't going to have fun explaining that to Hercules, if he even showed up. She decided to tease Ares a bit and pulled out his favorite. It was a long, red dress with large slits on each side. Xena put it on and put her hair up in tiara. Just as she finished dressing Ephiny walked in.

"Ok, Athena's wing is a corridor over and it took me 1/2hr to get here! This place is HUGE and Oh Gods, you look good!" Ephiny said, this being the first time she had ever seen Xena in anything this feminine.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Alright, lets go! Ooh, hey you don't look that bad yourself"

"Thank you!" Ephiny said with a smirk on her face as they left.

The two walked into the dining room. They looked around, all the women were dressed up but the men wore what they always wore. Now, being Amazons they didn't like that very much but they went with it! Aphrodite had assigned seating to small tables. In their table it was Xena, Ephiny, Hercules, Iolaus, Apollo, Discord, and Ares (on the other side of Xena).

'Aphrodite! How stupid could you be?' Xena thought as the two walked towards their table, being the last two to arrive. She gave a hug and a kiss to both Hercules and Iolaus. After their touchy little reunion they all sat down. It was very quiet. Then suddenly a song started to play and Xena and Ares both changed their posture. Discord let out a TINY laugh.

"What?" Hercules asked. Discord gave Ares a look.

"Nothing, I just know how much someone doesn't like this song."

"And what makes you say that?" Ares asked her.

"It's the only one you REFUSE to dance to." Xena raised her eyebrow and looked at Ares.

"Well." He said. "When this song is playing, you're the ONLY one I'd dance with." He smiled at her and extended a hand, which she took and the two started dancing along with the other few couples on the dance floor. Everyone watched in shock as their bodies pressed against each other as the danced to the romantic song. Aphrodite and Hepestaus danced close to the table.

"Hey." Hercules said. "What is that?"

"Well, sweet cheeks, I'd actually be worried if they weren't dancing right now. After all it IS their song." She gave her full attention back to her husband.

"Thank you." Xena whispered in Ares' ear.

"For what?"

"The arrow and for the win. I know a fixed battle when I see one." Ares laughed.

"You do realize you OWE me now!"

"Oh of course!" The two laughed. "I'm at your disposal." She purred in his ear.

"Hmmm, I think I the sound of that!"

"You have NO idea." She whispered.

The night continued on and late that night Xena went to bed alone, she decided to play cat and mouse a little while longer.

Ares, Apollo, Hercules, and Iolaus were still at the banquet.

"It's been a long time since we had a wedding ceremony." Apollo said slyly, Ares knew where he was going. "I mean we had Cupid and Pysche, sure but that was nothing compared to the extravagant celebration that was planned for you, Ares, too bad it fell through." He took a sip of his Ambrosia.

"YOU were gonna be married?" Iolaus asked. "Oh this too good, to who?"

"Well, you mean you didn't know?" Apollo asked. "Your Xena!" Hercules' eyes got wide as he stormed out of the room. "Wonder what got into him." Apollo said.

Hercules ran into Xena's room without knocking.

"Hey!" Xena said as she threw something on, she was in the middle of getting dressed.

"Sorry." Hercules said. "But you've got some explaining to do!"

"Surprise, surprise."

"You were ENGAGED to that� that�"



"Hercules! And even if I was that was a long time ago."

"Then what was up with the dancing?"

"DANCING! You are upset because I DANCED with him?" 'Then you would have really freaked if had heard what we were saying!' She thought.



"You don't know why?" He asked stepping closer to her. Xena just stared at him for a second. Just then Ares appeared in the room, neither Xena nor Hercules saw him. He was just about to say something when Hercules kissed her. Suddenly Ares felt something stinging in heart. He left, right after he did Xena pulled away. She felt him leave, and she hadn't even realized he was there. Hercules looked at her strangely as she chased after him.

Xena ran into Ares' throne room and found him there draped over the throne. He lazily looked at her as she ran in.

"Hey!" She said.

"Hello Xena. Did you want something?"

"That wasn't what it looked like." Xena said catching her breath, she had never ran that fast in her life.

"It looked like you were kissing him." He said walking up to her. "Were you kissing him?"

"Well, you see there are a couple of different ways I could answer that." She said.

"No, there isn't." Ares bent down and kissed her passionately.

"If you mean like that." Xena said. "Then it wasn't what it looked like."

"That's all I need to know." Ares bent down and kissed her again. He transported them to his room where they spent the night.

The next morning Ares and Xena didn't show up for breakfast. Ephiny was worried about Xena so Aphrodite went to check on her. Aphrodite popped inot Ares' room.

"Have you seen Xena?" Aphrodite asked as she appeared, then saw them, naked laying on the bed talking about something. "Ooh, you HAVE seen Xena!" Ares jumped off the bed fully dressed and Xena covered her body more.

"Aphrodite!" Ares said.

"Hey, don't get mad at me! It was HER Amazon chick that was worried about her."

"Ooh, I was supposed to meet Ephiny this morning!"

"See! Blame her not me!" Ares gave Aphrodite a look and she left as Xena hurried out to see her friend.

Xena ran into Ephiny's room.

"Hey!" Xena said as she walked in.

"Hey! Where were you?" Ephiny asked.

"I was um, well."

"You were with Ares?"

"Yeah!" Xena said not knowing how else to put it.

"Uh huh. Sit!" Ephiny demanded as Xena sat down on the bed next to her.

"Ok, so, when we got here EVERYONE seemed to know you AND you have your own room so I'm guessing that you used to come here a lot. To be with Ares?"


"Will you please STOP saying 'yeah!' I want more than just yeahs! Talk girlfriend!" Ephiny said VERY frustrated. Xena laughed.

"Ok, ok a long time ago we were engaged and then I met Hercules and it never happened."

"Which explains the song AND Discord's attitude problem."

"Oh no! She's ALWAYS had that!" Xena said sounding VERY serious. Ephiny laughed.

"Do you love him?" Xena didn't answer. Unknown to both Hercules walked up to the door, he had just got there and automatically assumed they were talking about HIM. "Well?" Ephiny asked growing impatient.

"I'm thinking!"

"Well, could you think out loud?"

"Oh Gods! I AM in love with him!" Hercules smiled and walked away figuring he heard enough.

"Why is that so bad?"

"Oh please! I'm in LOVE with the bad guy!"

"You like bad guys!"

"I do not!"


"Ok ok ok! What time is it?"

"About noon!"

"Ooh, shoot we are late, lets go!"

Ephiny and Xena entered the large room where all the gods were. This was the last party before the vows. They sat down at their table. Ares whispered something to Xena and they walked out to the balcony to have a word.

"So�" Xena said when they got there "What's up?" Ares looked at her for a minute.

" I uh� I have something I need to tell you!"

"I'm listening."

"This whole thing is a crock!"


"Come on! You know Aphrodite! Tell me has she talked to you sense she walked in on us this morning?"


"Yeah, don't you think she'd be harping you for details! And besides she's not acting like herself, no hug when you got there, she;s calling you Xena!"

"You're trying to tell me that's NOT Aphrodite? Then WHO is it?"

"Think about it! Think of how different your life is right now. When the amazons have a problem they go to YOU and not�"

"Artemis! She wanted her amazons back so she hooked me and Ephiny up here and get us out of the way!"


"Wait! If all that is true then where is the REAL Aphrodite? And besides what makes you so sure? You know something!"

"I� I'm sorry!" Just then someone hit Xena really hard in back of her head and knocked her out.

She woke up a few hours later tied up lying on the floor. Hercules was on one side of her and Ephiny on the other side and Iolaus on the other side of HER, all tied up.

"What's going on?" Xena asked as she looked around the room.

"Aphrodite lost it!" Iolaus said as he struggled within the ropes.

"She didn't loose it!" Hercules shouted defending his sister.

"He's right!" Xena told them "That's not Aphrodite, its Artemis!"

"What makes you so sure?" Ephiny asked, she cocked an eyebrow at her friend and said in a snobby way "Inside source?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I let him use me I know!"

"Feel the love!" Ephiny said sarcasticly.

"What are you too talking about?" Hercules asked VERY confused.

"Xena's in love with the bad guy!" Ephiny said dryly. Hercules felt a sting I his heart as his mouth dropped.

"Why are you so mad at me? I'm gonna get us out of this!" Xena said completely ignoring Hercules who near heartattack.

"Oh come on Xena! How could you have NOT known he was gonna do this? Don't tell me that one little rough and tumble threw you off THAT much!"

"Now you see we don't need to hear this!" Iolaus said. "You with Ares? Xe, have you completely lost it?"

"How about this, we fight later! Right now we need to get out of this!" Just then Ares entered the room.

"What do you want you son of a�"

"Don't say that about your savoir Xena or I just might leave you here!" Ares cut her off as he walked over to them.

"I don't get it!" She said.

"I agreed to help Artemis pull this little scheme off weeks ago! She told me that only Hercules would be here and I would finally be able to get rid of him. The she invited you and this thing was too far in to stop it!" He waved his hand and the ropes disappeared. Xena stood to face him.

"So, last night was�"

"For real!" Ares answered as he kissed her. Ephiny smiled, Iolaus looked disgusted and Hercules just got mad!

"Oh, would two please save it so we can go!" He shouted. They stopped kissing, Xena gave Hercules a look, and Ares transported everyone out of there.