Eteral Love

by Ephiny4

Disclaimer: I Don't Own any of the Characters.

Violence: None- I Know I couldn't believe it either!!!

Sex: Nope, well In the begining it hints it but its not that bad

Subtext: In the Twlight Zone maybe, here NO

Spoilers: Amphoplis Under Seige, Hind Trilogy (Hercules), to a degree- Them Bones-nothin' big

Author's Note: This is in Response to one of Marueen's Challanges. I added A LOT of my own stuff but It's all in there. This is my first attempt at Fanfic. ARES AND XENA BELONG TOGETHER!!!!!!!

Feedback: Why Not? You can e-mail me at

OK Time for me to Shut my big mouth up!!!!


"Xena, did you and Ares.... Did you..."

"No!" Xena said cutting Gabrielle off and picking up her 'child.'

"Not yet, shall we conclude our transactions, Xena?" Ares asked with a grin.

Gabrielle waited for Xena to dump him flat on this face but that didn't happen.. Xena handed Gabrielle 'Eve' and simply said " Lead the way." As they walked away arms around each other Cyrene walked up to Gabby with the real Eve," Hey, what happened?" she asked reffering to Xena and Ares.

" I think Xena just fell for the God of War!"

6 weeks, 3 intense arguements between Xena and Gabby, and 1 make-up complete with tears later.....

Planning The Wedding

"Okay,so we need to bake the cake, send out the inventation, finish your dress..."

"Gab,Gab,Gab calm down we're gonna get everything done on time." Xena said to friend from on top of Ares' lap.

"Xena the wedding is in ONE WEEK! You haven't even sent out the inventations yet!!! Its gonna take at least 4 days tofinish your dress, cause face it we can't sew,and....."

"Boy, when the bard gets started there's just no stopping her." Ares laughed. Xena couldn't help but laugh herself, Gabby meant well but she was making such a big deal over the whole thing.

"Yeah sure, laugh it up you two. Now look I've got some stuff to do so finish your inventation list so we can send them out by tommorw morning." with that she left the room.

"Alone at last." Ares said pulling Xena into a kiss that she gladly returned, but broke shortly after.

"No,no, Gab's right. Ok so we need to invite Amarice, Aphrodite, Joxer, Autolycus, Hercules, Iolaus..."

"Whoa, whoa,whoa,honey, back up, of all the people you just named ONE of them doesn't hate me."

"Well Ares you know how much they mean to me. Besides they're all open minded people,sort of, I'm sure once we explain everything will be fine! You'll just have to be nice."

"Oh Xe.."

"Please, for me"she purred, Athena was right he was whipped. They continued to make the list and had it ready for Gabrielle when she asked. Cyrene sent them out that night while Gabby had the time of her life helping Xena plan her wedding, and she was driving Ares crazy doing it. Just because her best friend is marrying him doesn't mean she has to like him.

The News Spreads

"You know Herc, you really need to calm down, your days as over-protecting boyfriend are over."

"Don't remind me. Iolaus, we haven't heard from the girls in such a long time what if the Gods got to them?" Iolaus didn't know what to say he loved Xena and Gabrielle too. Just then a man came up to Iolaus and handed him a letter.

"Thanks. Hey it's from the girls!" Iolaus started to read it to himself, then his eyes got wide I MEAN WIDE!!!!!

"Well, what does it say???" Hercules was getting impatient.

"Oh, nothing big, everything's great, yeah, Eve's getting big, they miss us, Xena's getting married, the love us.."


"They miss us?"

"No, after that."

"They love us?"

"No, before that!"

"Oh that! Xe's getting married!"

"Oh gods."

"Herc are you ok with this??"Iolaus asked still reading the letter.

"Yeah, sure of course."Herc said'That is the biggest lie of my life!!' He thought.

"Well there's more. The groom is..... Ares" Hercules felt his heart sink. Xena and Ares? No that just wasn't happening!!! He quickly got out of his seat and stormed out of the tavern.

"Herc, where are you going?" Iolaus asked him.'Well that was a stupid question he thought.

"To Ampholis, I need to stop Xena from making the biggest mistake of her life."