A Pawn in the Game

by Tareena

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that have been mentioned in my story. They belong wholly to Renaissance pictures. Damn. This story is purely for fun and in order to satiate those who still hold to the hope that Ares and Xena belong together. I do not believe that Ares is Xena’s father, nor do I believe that Xena and Gabrielle are any more than lifelong friends.

Violence: Hey, it’s a Xena story, a little violence is pretty unavoidable, but rest assured, it’s not too bad. Be warned, there is description of it’s aftermath.

Gabrielle and Xena were travelling along the road towards the Amazon Village. By Xena’s estimate they would be there in about two days. It had been a quiet week, only a few wannabe warlords and their no-hoper followers. Gabrielle preferred life this way, nice and quiet but anyone could see that Xena was becoming restless. Her morning exercise routines had become more vigorous as the days wore on and she was quieter than normal, of course Gabrielle made up for the lack of conversation, but Xena was visibly missing the chance for a good fight.

Lost in conversation as usual, Gabrielle was walking alongside Xena who had decided to give Argo a rest and walk for a bit. She knew something was up when Xena held up a warning hand to signal Gabrielle to be quiet and reached for her sword. It looked like Xena was going to get that fight she had been waiting for, for days. An almost feral grin spread across her face as she leaped high into the air, undulating her war cry as fifteen or so men jumped out of the bushes lining the path up ahead and came rampaging towards Gabrielle and Xena. Gabrielle braced herself and held up her staff, ready for combat but the men seemed only interested in the Warrior Princess ahead, dispersing men with series of kicks, flips and stunning displays of swordmanship. She had knocked out at least four men but was being slowly overcome by the other eleven. They were very well trained warriors and it seemed to Gabrielle that they knew what to expect from such a famous fighter before they took her on. Gabrielle was beginning to get a little worried. She knew Xena’s capabilities but these men were good and there were too many of them attacking her simultaneously.

She ran forward to the men and as she had hoped, one turned around to fight her, taking a slight load off Xena. However, Gabrielle had bitten off more than she could chew. The warrior was faster, stronger and more agile and seemed to see everything coming before Gabrielle even made her mind up about her next move. Suddenly, his sword was coming down towards her. Acting on instinct, she held up her staff to block the blow but underestimated the strength of his attack, as his sword sliced clean through her staff with the a loud crack of splintering wood. For Xena this would not have been a problem, she was refined in the art of almost any weapon including the chobos, a crude form of what Gabrielle was holding now, but this change from what Gabrielle was familiar with spelled disaster for her. Obviously seeing the horrified look on Gabrielle’s face Xena called out above the din of clashing metal,

“Gabrielle get out of here! Head for the woods.”

Gabrielle hesitated, but as a group of ten more men emerged from the bushes Xena yelled in a commanding and somewhat desperate tone,


“I’m not leaving you Xena!”

“Now Gabrielle!”

“No Xe..”

The rest of Gabrielle’s sentence was muffled by a burly man who placed his large, dirty hand forcefully over Gabrielle’s mouth and locked her arms behind her back. Gabrielle could hardly move and definitely couldn’t get free.

Xena was soon overpowered by the twelve or so men that were left standing, nonetheless, she had put a large dent in their attack and many bodies lay on the ground around her. Two men were holding her arms and she had been stripped of her sword and chakram. Another warrior walked towards her with two heavy but beautifully made cuffs, bound together with a piece of delicate but incredibly strong chain. She struggled and her eyes flashed with hatred as he tried to put them on her.

“Calm down my dear. There’s not exactly anything you can do about it is there?”

A man, apparently the commander of the attack, approached her with slight amusement and wonderment in is eyes.

“Well you certainly can fight my dear. We were warned, but even the highest of praise didn’t prepare us for what we received here today.”

He gestured to the bodies lying dead or unconscious on the ground.

“Don’t worry, you’re not going to be hurt, I have strict orders about that, though with a body like yours in my possession, I might be a little more than tempted.”

He lustily gazed over her body as an elaborately dressed man strode out of the bushes.

“Watch it Fideus, that’ll take a heavy punishment. Keep your eyes and your hands off her.”

Fideus seemed to back off a little, but not before eyeing Xena’s ample cleavage and licking his lips as if in promise. Xena held up her head and no emotion was portrayed on her face, though under the surface she was secretly wondering who had commanded the obviously well planned attack and why.

Xena and Gabrielle had been led through the woods to a warlord’s camp. She’d never met him but she’d heard of him. Calpa was one of Ares’ dedicated followers and a very fearsome warrior at that, but not one known for his wit. It was a puzzling thought; Calpa had to be commanded by someone smarter than himself as the ambush had gone of without a hitch. Xena shrugged off the thought. Soon Ares would hear of her capture, she had no doubt he would come looking for his share in her. She shuddered at the thought of being helpless at the will of these men. She didn’t like slavery and was always in control so, although she wouldn’t admit it to herself, this new sense of helplessness was somewhat frightening to her. Even more frightening however was the thought of Gabrielle in chains. If he had any brains, Calpa would use Gabrielle against her and she didn’t want to have to make decisions that could effect her dearest friend’s life.

Xena was led into an elaborately decorated tent. A large bed, draped with blood-red, silk sheets, was in the center of the room. The ground was covered with beautifully decorated, woven mats. The right half of the room however was devoid of luxuries and consisted only of a thick beam which was fixed to a post on one side of the tent and jutted out to the middle of the room. As the two soldiers holding her were ordered to shackle her to the bed she unconsciously swallowed hard as she thought about what might lay ahead. Lying on her back, she was stripped of her armor and leathers, leaving her lying in just her thin shift and underwear. The soldier to her right smiled ferally as he reached over her to pretend to remove her greaves and deliberately and somewhat roughly brushed her chest causing her nipples to become alert and visible through her shift. Xena turned her head away from him in disgust as he laughed bitterly.

“Watch it, you know our lady doesn’t want her harmed.”

Boomed a warning voice from the door. Xena turned her head to look into the eyes of Fideus who leaned against the main tent stake in the middle of the room, running his finger over a dagger. At the mention of their lady, the soldiers who were undressing Xena froze and one shot a warning look at Fideus. He quietly said, half under his breath,

“You gave it away Fideus, she’s not going to be happy.”

Realization and what seemed to be fear flickered across Fideus’ face for a brief second but disappeared quickly. In an attempt to cover up his words Fideus growled at the soldier who had just spoken,

“Come on, how smart can a bitch be anyway?”

He laughed half-heartedly as if to cover up his predicament.

“Get out, I’ll finish undressing her, we need some time to get aquainted.”

Fideus stated, the look on his face giving away exactly what he meant by aquainted.


Gabrielle was taken into a dark, shabby tent and shackled to the centre pole. Despite her best attempts to cover up her fear the burly guard that had led her in taunted her about her obvious predicament and spat on her head before leaving with a snigger. Gabrielle rested her head against the pole and crawled into a foetal position as best as she could with her arms tied. She could only wonder what they would do to Xena. She’d heard enough stories about Xena’s infamous sexual prowess, she just hoped that whoever was holding her captive wouldn’t act upon her reputation.

“Don’t think like that Gabrielle,” she desperately told herself.

But regardless, she couldn’t push the images of men torturing and raping Xena out of her head. With no comfort zone left to draw upon Gabrielle let out the only emotion she had left, sent up a silent prayer for help to Artemis and cried.


Fideus walked towards where Xena was tied on the bed, twirling the dagger in his hand.

A lustful gaze covered his features as he ran his eyes up and down Xena’s near naked body. She was staring at him, pure hatred and repulsion evident in her eyes as he spoke to her,

“Well, well, well. Finally the warrior princess is captured. I believe I am the envy of many a warlord…or man, my dear.”

An evil smile passed over his lips and Xena’s skin crawled.

“It’s pathetic really, that you can’t get a woman unless she’s in chains and unable to resist.”

Fideus slapped Xena hard on the face for her remark, forcing her head to turn the otherway in a violent motion.

“No my dear, I just enjoy women more when they’re in chains and you are the most spectacular woman I have ever conquered. Not only are you a fighter, but you have the body of a goddess. It’s a pity I’m not allowed to harm you, you’d make a beautiful personal slave. Now, shall we get to know each other a little better?”

Upon that remark, Xena turned her head and swiftly spat in Fideus’ face. This time however, instead of slapping her, he leaned over her and ran the dagger down her body.

“I’d be very careful if I were you warrior princess.”

He slid the dagger under the material at her cleavage and split the shift in two. After Fideus ripped off what remained of her shift, Xena was left lying in only her underwear. She was not shy about her body however, and this egged Fideus on. As he cut the ties of her underwear with the dagger, he undid his pants with his other hand. Bitterly, Xena spat at Fideus,

“Do you think raping me is going to make me placid Fideus? Because if you do you’re even more stupid than you look. You can’t conquer a woman by simply taking what you want from her. That’s probably why you’re such a sore failure in the love department, you’re brains are in your dick.”

“Arggg!”, Fideus growled at Xena’s remark,

“You will pay for that bitch!”

He walked over to the tent flap and reached down to clasp a long whip which was lying on the floor. All patience was gone from Fideus as he menacingly threatened,

“Pain weakens everyone my dear, even you.”

As Fideus yelled outside for two men to come and help him, Xena assessed her situation. The fool’s earlier remark about his lady was obviously meant about a goddess. It was very possible that Discord had taken over control of this army for Ares but even though he had tried many times to get her back, Xena had a gnawing feeling that this was not Ares’ doing. He may have been a war-driven god but he definitely wasn’t stupid. The chances were that this was just a greedy warrior underestimating the power of his patron god.

As two heavily muscled soldiers came in the tent in response to Fideus’ call, they were ordered to untie Xena from the bed and re-tie her to the strong tent post. The soldiers made no attempt to avert their eyes from Xena’s naked form as they re-tied her to the pole but obviously didn’t seem happy about Fideus’ intentions. One remarked, almost timidly,

“I don’t think this will go down well with….our commander, Captain Fideus.”

“Shut up! No-one is going to know anything unless you talk and then you’ll have me to deal with so I suggest you rethink your threat AND your status!”

The soldiers visibly cowered and walked out of the tent quickly, much to Fideus’ satisfaction. Obviously he was a megalomaniac, Xena had no doubt he would suffer after this but found herself wondering if Ares cared either way, no doubt she would suffer a lot worse at his hands. She had seen how he seemed to undress her with his eyes every time they met and she had to force herself not to shudder at the nature of her relations with him when he got hold of her. Whether it was a shudder of disgust or pleasure though, she wasn’t entirely sure. Xena didn’t have time to contemplate this thought, however as Fideus was moving towards her, holding the long whip towards her naked form. Xena was standing with her hands chained to the pole above her head. The angle at which her arms were tied ensured that her muscles in her arms and back were stretched and taught. Xena tried to calm her mind and ready her body for the onslaught of pain that she would no doubt feel. This was going to be a long day.


The God of War sat tempestuously on his throne in his main temple in Macedonia. All day he had neglected his godly business to sit and watch the torture of a specific mortal woman through a large glass portal on the wall. Eventually his lip curled in disgust and hatred and, feeling incapable he formed a large ball of energy and obliterated the portal out of frustration. Busts of famous warriors and armour lining the walls of the temple soon suffered the same fate until he was left standing in a room full of crumbled stone, shattered glass and twisted metal. Unable to cause any more destruction, or do anything else for that matter, he let out a roar and a loud to curse to a particular goddess. Forming another portal with a wave of his hand, he resumed his distant surveillance of the chained warrior princess.

Her captors had left, leaving her chained to a post, almost dangling by her arms. She had been savagely whipped and her back was covered in blood, no doubt the angle of her arms and the tension of her muscles just added to her agony. She was unsuccessfully attempting to put her weight on her toes which just reached the floor in order to take the load of her tortured back and arms. She had also been beaten, obviously without mercy, and as a result was suffering from several broken ribs and severe bruising to her whole stomach region, every breath was agony but nonetheless she was still conscious and, despite the horribly brutal beating she had endured had not uttered a word, scream or curse throughout the day. Save several involuntary groans after being kicked, full-force in the stomach she had been silent.

“So stubborn. That’s my warrior.”

Ares murmured as he watched the solitary figure stare obstinantly into the darkness. A sad, almost desperate expression passed over his face as he made up his mind and disappeared in a flash of light.


Alone for the first time all day Xena tried to keep control of her senses. She had been whipped and beaten, mercilessly for seeming no reason. Despite her reputation, she found it hard to believe that a warlord would torture her without first attempting to gain information or a reward of some sort. He had demanded nothing, just mercilessly caused her agony all day. Probably trying to break me. Xena thought then smirked beside herself, Like that’s going to happen. Going the way she was, her body would go long before her spirit. Even breathing was painful thanks to the two burly men that had been ordered to take out their frustration on her earlier that day. She just hoped Gabrielle was alright, she could endure this pain but Gabrielle couldn’t. Resolve and endurance was something that had to be learned with experience and that was one thing Gabrielle didn’t have. If only she had of run off when I told her too. Xena thought to herself, this would all be bearable.

Lost in her thoughts, Xena didn’t notice the appearance of a certain God of War until he was standing in front of her. Startled, Xena looked up, her beaten and bruised face a mask of hate and revulsion for the God standing in front of her.

“Come to gloat no doubt.” She spat at him.

He smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes .

“Unfortunately my dear, I can’t claim this victory as mine.”

Confusion momentarily clouded her battered features,

“Don’t tell me you can’t control Discord anymore?!”

“Not Discord my dear, Athena.”

Xena almost choked, “Athena!”

“Yes, my sister seems to think she can use you against me. She’s working her way towards world domination.”

“Guess it runs in the family.”

“Hmmph…I wish we weren’t related, kniving bitch.”

Ares snapped out of his hatred long enough to gaze over Xena’s battered and naked body. Despite her condition she still exuded an aura of power and authority, they’d never break her.

He looked up into her eyes. Despite the bruises and blood that found a path down Xena’s face she was beautiful, majestic. His chosen. Ex chosen. He could almost hear her saying in response, he smiled.

“You find my tortured body amusing Ares?”

Her voice snapped him out of his reverie. He sighed, she’d never forgive him, not after all he’d done to her. He hadn’t meant to hurt her so much but he loved to see the way she craftily worked her way out of situations, always one step ahead of her pursuer. On so many occasions his plans had gone horribly wrong. Like that Dahok thing. That, she would never forgive him for, he couldn’t blame her. He hadn’t meant to get in so deep but he was who he was and world domination just sounded too good to him. That and the fact that he so loved to see the blonde hurt, she was always getting in the way. Unfortunately, seeing her hurt tore Xena apart. The polar opposite of Xena, she was her best friend, he never could understand that. But then, Aphrodite was the only God that really cared about him. Maybe opposites do attract. He thought to himself. After all, it would definitely explain why she felt nothing but hatred for him, they were so alike.

For several minutes he just stood there looking into her eyes in a way that made her feel utterly naked and helpless. Not nakedness in the physical form, after all, she’d been experiencing that all day, naked in an emotional way. It was as if, by just looking into her eyes he could tell exactly what she was thinking, as if he could look into her soul.

Of course he was a God and could read her mind but he never had before, she’d often wondered if it was mutual respect-that he respected her privacy, or that he couldn’t, maybe it was something to do with her being able to sense his presence. Either way, she knew he wasn’t doing it know. One thing about Ares was that he knew her better than anyone else, even Gabrielle. He could tell what she was thinking and could read her scantily displayed emotions as if she was a scroll. She knew he’d show up sooner or later. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed his help. And he hadn’t taunted her like she’d expected, but then it wasn’t because of him that she was here. Deep down she’d known all along that he hadn’t been behind this, letting someone else do the work, then claiming the glory wasn’t his style, especially when it came to her. Xena took a deep breath, momentarily bent her head and swallowed her pride. Raising her eyes to look into his she finally spoke,


“Yes Xena.”

“I need your help.”

Despite her admission, the triumphant grin she’d expected to see on his face was replaced by one of relief? What?

“I need you to get Gabrielle out of here, they’ll use her against me and I couldn’t stand that.”

Ares face fell.

“What about you?”

“I don’t get help from anyone Ares.”

“Let me get you both out of here.”

Xena sighed and suddenly looked exhausted.

“Ares, some people refer to me as a hero. You know I don’t believe that’s true and I don’t condone hero worship but I have to live up to expectations to a certain extent. What type of a hero is one who puts herself in danger for the sake of others only to know that the God of War will be there to save her if something goes wrong?”

Ares looked into Xena’s pleading eyes and ground his teeth.

“Xena, you’re my chosen,”

At this Xena’s eyes lost their gentleness, Ares half-smiled,

“I know you don’t like to admit it but you can’t escape it. Officially, Athena can’t hurt you, but if her army’s doing the hurting no-one’s going to be any the wiser. No-one in my family will support me either, so it’s not as if Zeus is going to stop her. I have no control over anyone that is in the protection of Athena and that’s what this army claims to be at the moment.”

“Let me guess, she offered Calpa your god-hood?”

“You always were observant.”

Xena rolled her eyes,

“When will people ever learn not to trust the gods.”

Ares smiled.

“Just…please, take Gabrielle to the Amazons, I’m a big girl Ares, I can look after myself. Just don’t let them hurt her.” “I can’t interfere unless you ask me to Xena, let me help.”

“Take Gabrielle, as a request from your chosen, I owe you one okay.”

Xena looked downwards and her hair cascaded around her face. Ares ached to help her. Never in his life had he been so helpless. He placed two fingers underneath her chin and tipped her face up to look at him. She looked so sad. Gods how he wanted to change that. Damn Athena to Tartarus! He’d give the world for this woman. What had she done to him, she hated him and yet she was the only person that lightened up his wretched existence.

Gods those eyes! She’d seen them so many times before, but never like this. Those deep brown eyes had held so many emotions, hate, revenge, disgust, bloodlust, pride, mocking but all of a sudden they seemed so different, so soft and kind. With just a look he could evoke emotions in her that she’d long since hidden. Emotions that were more difficult to escape than her bloodlust and dark side. Emotions that were so right and yet so very wrong. With a gentleness she had thought impossible for him, he placed her thick hair out of her face, behind her ear. Silently, he traced the outline of her jaw, taking in all of the bruises, bumps and blood that were now her face. Slowly he leant towards her, and she found her lips moving forward to meet his. The kiss wasn’t as she had expected, not demanding, passionate or claiming but gentle, almost sorrowful. He pulled a hairs breadth away and with a sadness in his eyes softly said,

“I’ll make sure she’s not hurt my princess and for the record, you owe me nothing.”

Then in a flash of light was gone. Xena found herself staring into the empty space he had left behind.

“God’s what just happened.”

She whispered as she braced herself for the long, painful, sleepless night ahead. But consumed by emotions she hadn’t felt for years Xena found the pain all the easier to bear.


Ares flashed into Gabrielle’s tent. The sleeping blonde’s face was tear-streaked but otherwise shrouded in the peaceful reverie of sleep.

Typical. Ares thought to himself. He could get away with taking Gabrielle, Athena wouldn’t risk bringing Zeus’ attention to the situation and besides, Xena had requested it. With a sigh and a wave of his hand Gabrielle’s cuffs dissolved into thin air and he lifted her up as if she weighed nothing and disappeared, only to reappear a mere second later in the silent Amazon village. Gabrielle, in typical fashion chose that moment to awake and, confused and appalled at being in Ares arms, screamed the place down. An army of sleepy eyed amazons streamed out of the huts and quickly surrounded the God of War and their Queen. A slightly more alert Shalopa managed to utter,

“My, my Queen.”

With that, all of the amazons present dropped to their knees in salute to the, baffled and teary eyed Gabrielle.

“Put me down you bastard!”

She yelled and began futilely kicking the god as he sighed and dropped her.


A furious Gabrielle managed to stand, rubbing her buttocks and yelled at the non-plussed God of War.

“Where’s Xena? What have you done with her you double-crossing son of a bacchae whore?!”

Many amazons, unable to contain their amusement, despite the situation, sported amused grins at the fiery Queen.

“Who is this my Queen? How did you get through the guards?”

“Ares, the bastard God of War and he’s captured Xena. She’s chained up in some warrior camp. Wait, why did you bring me here?”

Gabrielle eyed Ares suspiciously, despite the fearful looks of her friends as the God sighed yet again and impatiently answered.

“It’s Athena’s army not mine and I only brought you here because she requested it, if it was up to me, you’d be back there suffering instead of her.”

Gabrielle’s face froze but she quickly regained her composure.

“Well get her out then.”

“I CAN’T!”



Ares disappeared leaving a cursing and flushed Gabrielle and a band of gaping Amazons behind. Finally one spoke up.

“My queen?”


Gabrielle responded quietly.

“Has Xena been captured?”


“We’ll fight my queen.”

After a pause Gabrielle responded,

“No you won’t. They’re a huge army and good warriors, I’ve seen them fight. It’d be a slaughter, she wouldn’t want that.”

“We have to help her.”

“I know but we can’t do anything like this. Go back to bed and we’ll talk in the morning.”

The amazons slowly dispersed into the huts in a state of shock and Shalopa led Gabrielle into an empty tent.

“What are we going to do my queen?”

“I don’t know Shalopa, I just don’t know.”


Back in his temple Ares was once again lost in his thoughts, but this time they weren’t of how he would rip Athena limb from limb when he found her, they were instead focused on Xena and their earlier conversation. She was so very beautiful, his proud warrior princess and this is what they were doing to her. She hadn’t spat on him or cursed him when he had kissed her but had actually seemed to feel the same way as he did. This knowledge just made the situation all the more difficult to bear for Ares.

He knew what type of agony she was in at the moment and this is what he was doing? Sitting on his throne in a newly destroyed temple contemplating his feelings! Desperately trying to find a way out of this mess Ares made his mind up to go to the only one who would listen, the only one who would understand, Aphrodite.


In her elaborately decorated temple Aphrodite was flirting with a newly initiated priest. Heck, he’d slit his wrists to sleep with her now but toying with them was so deliciously fun. Plopped delicately on a plush pink laying chair, she made sure he had an unobstructed view of her more than ample cleavage. He was just about to beg her to ravish him when a distinctly nasty aura filled the room. Sitting up with much curl bouncing and chiffon crumpling Aphrodite exclaimed in a somewhat defused manner,

“Oh Ares not now, I was busy.”

She gestured to the priest with a hand that had never seen dirt. Looking at Ares face she could tell that something was seriously wrong. She pouted,

“Someone’s bummed out huh!”

Turning round to the confused and scared priest she giggled,

“Later studly, we gods have business to do, now go.”

Obediently he scurried out leaving them alone. Aphrodite sat down on the chair and patted the space next to her for Ares who grudgingly sat down.

“Okay, now what is it Ares huh? Tell Dite what’s up.”

“Athena’s army has captured Xena and she won’t let me rescue her.”

Aphrodite’s pretty face fell.

“The warrior babe? No wonder you’re totally out of it. But ‘thena’s not allowed to hurt your chosen, go in and rescue the babe.”

Ares growled and gritted his teeth at his brainless and naïve sister,

“I can’t Aphrodite. Officially Athena hasn’t hurt Xena, her army has. I can’t rescue Xena unless she asks me too, the problem is she won’t.”

“Well, we’ll just have to put it to Olympus, she can’t get away with this bro, it’s like totally twisted.”

“We can’t Aphrodite, you know what our family’s like, no-one will side with me and then I might have lost the only chance I’ve got.”

“We’ve got to do something Ares! The leather babe’s like the one for you.”

“Dite, she hates me.”

Aphrodite giggled.

“No she doesn’t. She only pretends to Ares. Now let’s put our heads together and think bro. Athena’s a stinker.”

Ares got up and started pacing whilst Aphrodite put her face in her hands and tried to come up with a plan for her love match of the millenium.


From Xena’s estimation the guards changed shifts about every three hours when she would be checked. There was one shift left before dawn and Xena decided to wait until she was checked upon before putting her escape plan into action. She knew Ares would have gotten Gabrielle out safely, so all she had to worry about was herself. She didn’t know how she would survive a day and a half long horse ride with three broken ribs, in chains and a whipped back but she had been in worse situations than this. Sure enough, not much time passed before a burly soldier, in desperate need of a bath came in to check on her. She hadn’t been raped yet, thank the fates but she was sure it would be just a matter of time. The guard walked around her, like a fox circling his prey. He stopped infront of her face, slapped her and then claimed her lips in a brutal kiss. It was like kissing a stone. She offered no resistance, yet didn’t seem aroused at all by the kiss. Xena wanted so badly to bite his lip or knee him in the groin but she couldn’t afford to, she was buying her time. However, after getting no reaction the guard decided to try another tactic. He grabbed a thick handful of hair and yanked her head upwards where his lips met her in a literally bruising kiss. She hadn’t eaten anything since a scant breakfast two days ago and the same went for water. Her lips were dry and the rough contact left a stinging and bleeding crack in her lower lip. The guard chuckled, roughly squeezed her breast and left with a few words of promise for more when he had more energy. She had been tortured before but her present situation just shed light on how many times she had ordered this happen to other people, even performed the torture and brutalities herself if the hostage was important enough. Once again she swore on Lyceus’ grave that she would kill herself rather than become that person again.

With the guard now gone she had three hours in which to escape and get a headstart on her inevitable pursuers. Taking a deep breath Xena started to put her plan into action. The short length of chain between her cuffs was looped across a beam that ended in the middle of the tent, about a body-length away. Unfortunately, and deliberately, she had been positioned so that only her toes touched the floor, leaving her weight to be suspended from her arms, which she could knew would give way soon as a result of the tension. However, one link of the chain had been looped over a short piece of metal that protruded out from the beam. Unless she could unloop it, she wouldn’t be able to get anywhere. Slowly and agonizingly, she grasped the chain as best she could with her fingers, although the cuffs made movement difficult, and attempted to pull her somewhat considerable body weight upwards with the intention of grasping onto the beam with her legs, somewhat like a pig on a spit. The pain was excruciating. Her arms had been supporting her weight for a day and a half and any muscle movement sent pain throughout her body but Xena had a strong resolve and even stronger will power so strained silently until she was in the desired position. Her ankles had also been cuffed as a precaution and the short length of chain between them meant that instead of grasping onto the beam with her thighs, she could only do so with her ankles. But, it was her only chance and it would have to do. She felt utterly vulnerable but had to move fast if she was to have a chance.


Back in Aphrodite’s temple neither God of War or Goddess of Love could come up with a way to save Xena without alerting the other Gods and possibly losing their chance. In desperation Aphrodite spoke,

“Look bro, we’re not helping the babe by sitting here silently. Why don’t we take a peep and see if we can help.”

Ares was silent a moment, he didn’t wish to see any more torture laid upon his warrior princess but it was nighttime, maybe she’d escape the agony for a couple of hours. Silently he waved his arm in a defeated sort of gesture and a portal portraying the badly beaten but still proud warrior shimmered into existence. Ares momentarily stopped his pacing to watch his warrior in what could be her last moments. He heard Aphrodite gasp as she saw the long, bleeding cuts that covered Xena’s back and even streaked down her buttocks.

“Oh bro. How could she do this, especially to such a beautiful bod.”

“This is what she calls honourable war Dite. No-one ever listened to me. Is this honourable!”

Aphrodite looked up at her ranting brother. She’d always felt sorry for him, none of the other gods liked him but she always tended to see the good side in people and it made her mad that no-one had listened to Ares. Athena and he were arch enemies and Ares always tended to get the blunt end of the stick, cop the blame for everything regardless of whether he was to blame or not and end up leaving the family gatherings early and in a rage. She stood up and went over to hug Ares but stopped, mid hug when his eyes widened and he set his jaw in an obvious display of fury. Aphrodite turned round to the portal to see a burly, and very ugly man brutally kissing Xena.

“Now that’s way uncool.”

She stated whilst placing a small hand on Ares’ chest to calm him and stop him sending the man to Tartarus. They watched as the soldier strode out of the tent smiling victoriously. Then as the, beaten and obviously in agony, warrior slowly hoisted herself up to a position where she could unhook her cuffs from the beam and slowly, agonizingly slide along the beam to the end, first moving both arms, then moving both legs.

“That’s my warrior. A fighter to the end.”

Ares stated softly, with a saddness in his voice that made Aphrodite want to cry but hit Athena over her overgrown head at the same time.

“I promise bro, she’s not going to get away with this. All Xena had to do is get to the Amazons. I’ll talk to Artemis, trust me I got her wrapped around my little finger. Then Xena’ll be safe, and I’ll make sure you two get set up. Don’t worry Ares, Dite’s on the case.”

Aphrodite attempted a comforting smile and with a determined look set on her face, disappeared in a golden shimmer to talk to Artemis.

Ares simply stood, helpless as his warrior made her way to the end of the beam and lowered herself silently to the ground, where she paused, obviously attempting to regain some strength and overcome the incredible pain that must be wracking through her body.


Xena had just reached the end of the beam. Her short shimmy had ignited all of the pain of her many varying injuries, her broken ribs made breathing difficult, the bruises that littered her abdomen made her body ache and she had torn open all of the cuts on her back. She was bleeding badly and waves of incredible pain wracked through her body but she hadn’t given up yet and she’d be damned if she was going to give up now, when she was so close to escaping. So, rising and standing on shaky legs, Xena made her way under the back of the tent into the crisp air. She estimated she’d have about two hours before sunrise at best so she had to get going. Walking was difficult, not just because of her stiff legs but because of the binding chains that refused to let her so more than shuffle. There was no way she could run.

Around the left side of the tent Xena could see five horses tied to a post. As stealthily as she could, given her situation, Xena made her way around the corner of the tent to where the horses were tied. The problem now was getting the horse out. Fortunately the camp was noisy even though it was the early hours of the morning. Soldiers sharpened their weapons inside their tents and some held conversations over very early breakfasts. The noise of a horse in action hopefully wouldn’t alert them. No-one noticed the warrior slip up to the horses and untie a beautiful black stallion. Xena just hoped he was as fit as he looked. Thankfully the horse was all too happy to follow. Hades help anyone who would try to do this to Argo. Argo! Swallowing all feelings of love and affection she had for her proud war horse, Xena trudged on hoping with all her might that Ares had taken Argo with him and Gabrielle. She led the horse through a faint animal track in the forest. She had to find her way to the road, she needed to get to the Amazons fast. And get some clothes fast. Xena thought to herself after looking down at her naked and chained body. Despite the darkness, Xena had keen eyes and could make out the thinning of trees up ahead. Stumbling along in chains, she led the horse out to what turned out to be the road. Xena felt a wave of relief flood over her as she thanked the fates for her fortune.

Mounting the horse was not as easy as she thought, unable to spread her legs far at all and without a saddle it was no easy job but she had picked a patient horse who simply whinnied when her new mistress finally managed to mount her. With a few words of praise and a pat to the horses’ neck, Xena set of on the road, controlling the horse as best as she could from her sidesaddle position thanks to her anklecuffs.


Ares was still in Aphrodite’s temple watching his amazingly capable warrior ride the horse along the road.

“Sometimes I think that no matter what anyone throws at you, you’ll overcome it Xena. There’s nothing you can’t do, you’re smarter than them, stronger than them and so much more beautiful than them. I wish I could help you my princess but somehow I get the feeling, you’re not going to need it.”

Ares stated as he watched his naked and bleeding warrior gallop along atop the magnificent war horse as if she hadn’t a care in the world.

“At least I hope you’re not going to need it.”

He sighed, waved away the portal and awaited Aphrodite’s return.


A thick aura of suspense and nervous energy shrouded the amazon camp. The warriors were poised for battle and all eyes were on the Queen’s hut were the leaders had met to discuss the predicament.

“They were heavily armored and there were about a thousand of them. We were attacked by about twenty but they managed to overcome Xena. They were really good fighters. I’d give my life to help Xena but I’m not going to risk the lives of this village to do it.”

After a pause Gabrielle added quietly,

“Xena wouldn’t want that.”

A thick sense of dread settled over all in the hut. It was obvious that they couldn’t take on this army, they’d have to come up with something else. Shalopa eventually spoke up,

“Is there any way that she could escape my Queen?”

“I didn’t see her, they took her to a different tent but surely she would have been heavily guarded, probably chained aswell.”

A younger amazon, one that Gabrielle hadn’t seen on her last visit with Xena, quietly suggested,

“Why don’t we fortify the village. If they’re that close they might come looking for you. My queen, believe me, I don’t mean to give up on Xena, I admire her, but shouldn’t we leave that in the hands of the gods? I mean, there’s nothing we can do.”


“No Shalopa, she’s right, we’ll secure the village and pray to Artemis to keep Xena safe.”

“Right away my Queen.”

“Then the meeting is adjourned.”

As the leaders of the tribe dispursed to ready the village for a possible attack, Shalopa remained behind in the hut with Gabrielle.

“Oh Shalopa, I feel so helpless. She’s done so much for me and now, in her time of need I can’t do anything but look after myself.”

Shalopa smiled,

“My queen, I only met Xena once but from what I saw, knowing you are safe will be all the comfort she needs. She feels responsible for you Gabrielle and I think you made the right decision. For both of you.”

Shalopa turned to walk out but before she could reach the door, Gabrielle turned and smiled,

“Thankyou for your faith. You’re a real friend.”

“Likewise, my queen.”

With that she left Gabrielle to her thoughts.

“Oh Artemis, please keep her safe, please.”


Xena had been riding all day. She was exhausted and in considerable pain but she knew that there would be patrols out looking for her and she had to keep going. She had left a fake trail to the river, hopefully that would slow them down a bit, and the river would be a perfect path for someone on the run so it was believeable, hopefully it would buy her time. She had come across a traveler on the way. She didn’t like stealing but in her situation, there wasn’t much choice. At least now she had a long black cloak to cover her nakedness, and her wounds. The horse was in exceptional condition and had almost as much stamina as Argo. She had a couple of candle-marks of riding left before she reached the Amazons, hope was starting to seep it’s way into Xena’s heart, she could make it yet.


Ares could immediately sense two other presences in the room, one bright, happy and flirty and the other pure, with the unmistakable smell of the forest. He turned to see Aphrodite and Artemis standing in the room. Ares face brightened slightly with hope as Aphrodite grinned triumphantly and wiggled her little finger in the air as if to prove a point. Artemis walked closer to the portal that Ares had been looking through to see a figure clad in a long black coat riding a magnificent warhorse through the forest, her long hair streaming behind her. Artemis gasped,

“She escaped!”

“Yes, they’re on her trail but Athena obviously hasn’t decided to check on her hostage yet. They’re not good trackers and they got stuck on a fake trail she set for them, they’re investigating it now.”

Ares chuckled,

“You always were one step ahead my princess.”

His admiration and pride was obvious and Aphrodite couldn’t help but smile. Artemis however ignored the unusual behaviour of her normally bloodthirsty brother,

“Is she wounded.”

Ares face turned grave.

“Badly, she’s got several broken ribs and she’s been whipped viciously. But she’s got stamina to match her strength and she won’t give up now, she’ll make it to your amazons.”

All three Gods stood silently watching the dark figure streak along the road in an unrelenting pursuit to reach safety. Artemis found herself wishing she had have taken Xena as her chosen before Ares got his hands on her. She had always stood with Athena rather than her brother, so had everyone else for that matter, except Aphrodite, that is. She admired her seemingly shallow sister for the first time in her immortal existence. It was Artemis who broke the silence,

“Athena’s gone too far this time Ares. When Xena’s safe, Olympus will hear about this.”

At Ares warning glance she added,

“Don’t worry, after seeing this, we’ll stand by you, in any case, Apollo will support me and Cupid will support Aphrodite. Justice will be done Ares, I promise.”


Xena was utterly exhausted. She had been travelling all day and all night with only one brief stop for a drink. She hadn’t eaten in almost four days and had hardly drunk anything. Her body was wracked with pain and she feared that her wounds may be infected. Her broken ribs hadn’t benefited from the hard riding either and despite her efforts, several whip lashes that had made their way to her buttocks, had repeatedly opened. She was still riding sidesaddle thanks to the cuffs but had reached the fork in the road at daybreak.

Any minute now she should come across an amazon patrol. All she had left was a thin fibre of hope and a constant knawing feeling. Above all, she knew Gabrielle was safe, she just wanted to see Ares. When it had struck her earlier that morning she had been shocked but it was unmistakeable she needed to see his face and hear his voice comfort her. Xena hated to be pampered but with him it was different, not like a fussing mother-hen that was inevitably Gabrielle around a sick person, but a caring, loving, gentle type of comfort. He knew how her body worked, how it healed and she didn’t have to worry about instructing him on healing techniques. Gabrielle was her dearest friend but Ares was different. She no longer saw him as an annoying image of hatred, things were different now, so different…

Xena’s thinking was interrupted by a band of five amazons who quickly swooped form the trees and surrounded her. Xena smiled despite the pain it caused her bleeding lip and raised her arms above her head in an amazonian peace signal. The young Amazons were obviously confused by the black cloaked figure. As if in response, one raised her sword and pushed back Xena’s hood. What greeted them was not the sight of a traveler but the person they had last expected to see. Xena. An exhausted, bruised and bleeding Xena, but nonetheless it was her. They cheered but were quickly stopped by Xena’s raised hand. To her right was a young amazon she had met on their last visit. Xena always let herself be persuaded into a training session when they were here, she kind of liked the way they lapped up her knowledge and were so eager to put it to practice. This particular amazon had taken a shine to her on their last visit.

“Arlea isn’t it?”

The young amazon blushed and nodded briskly, pride shining all over her features at Xena’s remembrance of her name.

“Can you do me a favor?”

“Of course Xena.”

“Go ahead and tell the healer that I’m coming. But don’t tell anyone else and stay with her. This goes for all of you. I’m in a pretty bad state and I don’t want Gabrielle to see me until I’ve had some rest, you know how she’s prone to over-fussing.”

The young amazons smiled in acknowledgement. They all liked Gabrielle but her one fault was that sometimes she was just too kind.

“Right away Xena.”

The young amazon set off ahead of them to warn the healer to be ready and to ensure that the Queen would not be made immediately aware of the new arrival. Xena pulled the hood back over her head and, with her amazon escorts, set of for the village.


In Aphrodite’s temple, all three gods breathed a huge sigh of relief. Athena couldn’t attack the Amazons without a good reason because they were under Artemis’ protection and besides, on their home soil Amazons were deadly, one amazon could kill ten warriors from the treetops without being harmed herself. Xena was safe.

Artemis had learnt a lot in one day. Not only was Xena the strongest mortal she’d ever seen, male or female, but she was the centre of Ares’ world. She’d seen a softer side of her brother today that she never knew existed. He’d always been a hard, cruel, unfeeling god, and she knew that that Ares was still in there but today the kinder Ares had taken over. When Aphrodite had come to talk to her she had let slip that Ares was in love. Before, Artemis had thought it impossible but now she wasn’t so sure. Every time he looked at Xena through the portal his face filled with pride and his eyes softened. She couldn’t believe it. Ares in love! But hey, he’d led a lonely existence. It was about time something good happened to him.


All amazon eyes were on the cloaked figure that rode in on a majestic black horse, sidesaddled. The tall figure was escorted by an amazon patrol straight into the healers tent. None of her skin was showing thanks to the ground length black coat. She was tall enough to be a man but ample womanly curves showed through the cloak. The guards soon left to continue their patrol and the village was back to normal save the buzz of excitement and saucy rumours about the cloaked figure that were flowing around the camp from every tongue.

As Xena was led through the square she could hear the whispering all around her. She was helped off the horse by the amazons and thankfully didn’t have to walk more than five steps until she was inside the healers tent. Of course, the cloak reached the ground. so no-one could see the shackles but she didn’t want Gabrielle to worry when she inevitably heard about the strange visitor. The amazon healer, a fussy but kindly elderly woman had promised not to alert the Queen of Xena’s arrival. The amazon sent ahead earlier was soon posted at the door of the hut by the healer to prevent any intruders from “poking their nose where it don’t belong.”

When they were finally alone the healer, Amelia, spoke,

“We heard you were captured by a warlord. You’ve been there two days now I suppose?”

“I spent a day and a half in their camp and the same travelling.”

“You mean you got all the way here in a day and a half?”

“I couldn’t afford to stop.”

Amelia pursed her lips at this information, tsk’d and then got down to business.

“Alright, lets have that cloak off and see what I’ve got to work with.”

Xena removed her chained hands from inside the cloak and saw Amelia’s eyes widen. They widened even further and she started to undo the tie at her waist and the old healer could see one of Xena’s shackled ankles.

“Oh honey, how’d you get all this way like that?”

Xena looked up and smiled wryly as she stated, matter-of-factly,

“I have many skills.”

Then dropped the cloak to the floor leaving the healer an unobstructed view of her naked body which was riddled with bruises and blood.

“Oh for the love of Artemis! I see surviving is one of them skills huh.”

In obvious shock at the tortured state of Xena’s body the healer seemed a bit dazed until Xena said,

“You’ll need to cut my chains.”

“I know, I know. You do your job and I’ll do mine okay. Now lie down and be quiet like a good patient and don’t tell me how to do my job.”

Xena smiled and lay down as best she could on the soft bed. It felt so could to be able to rest and she felt her whole body relax. In a few hours it’ll be over. Xena thought to herself. But she still felt uneasy. She was weak and had lost a lot of blood and in many cases, the healing of wounds often hurt more than the inflicting of them. For the second time in three days she said to herself, It’s going to be a long day.

Amelia, admittedly, hadn’t healed wounds as extensive or serious as Xena’s in a long time. To tell the truth she was amazed that the warrior had survived the ride to the village. She didn’t know anyone who could strive on through the type of pain that Xena was experiencing. The healing process took several hours but all throughout Xena stayed silent but conscious. The only evidence Amelia had of her patient still being alive was the tensing of her muscles as she sealed the whip lashes on her back with a hot poker. She hadn’t screamed or even groaned all day and this amazed Amelia even more. Of course she’d heard the stories of the warrior princess the same as everyone else, but travelers often exaggerated their stories for maximum impact on the audience. That day Amelia found that Xena not only lived up to the stamina and strength that was accredited to her in stories, but surpassed it. Eventually, after several hours of agony for Xena and exhaustion for Amelia, all of Xena’s wounds had been tended to. Xena’s broken ribs had been tightly bandaged, to try to prevent excess movement and minor cuts and abrasions had been tended to. No doubt the worst of her injuries had been her back. No less than thirty lashes littered it. Several were very deep and reached down to her buttocks, Amelia could see that even sitting would be painful for the warrior. She had been offered no chance but to seal the wounds with a hot poker. That was one duty that, even as a healer, she never liked to perform. The combination of sizzling flesh and screaming patients didn’t agree with her but she didn’t seem to have to explain her actions to Xena and no complaints or screams were uttered from the proud and stoic warrior’s mouth. Xena insisted on bathing herself however, but all Amelia needed do was threaten to tell the Queen and the warrior gritted her teeth and let the healer do her job.

Now Xena lay in a clean and comfortable bed, her wounds had been tended to and her whole midsection was tightly bandaged. She wore a thin shift to cover the bandages though, but despite a large bruise to her right cheek and a large cut to her lower lip she looked in reasonably good condition. Her face and her bruised ankles and wrists, compliments of the chains, were the only outward signs of harm. After several large mugs of water, Xena finally fell asleep. Amelia had tried to get her to eat but found the warrior to be too tired.

Xena had been in the blissful state of an exhausted sleep for about six hours before she started dreaming. She awoke back in the tent, chained to the beam in agony. Three figures stood in front of her. One was Calpa, the other Fideus and the other was a woman in male armour. Athena. The name sent shivers of disgust through Xena’s body and the glowing hatred obviously showed in her eyes. Athena slapped Xena hard across the face, so hard that it left her stunned. She roughly grasped Xena’s chin and turned her head back towards them,

“Ares will pay Xena, finally, my annoying brother will be out of the picture and I will control the world’s armies. He’d give that for you Xena.”

“Don’t be insane Athena. He’d never give that up to you.”

“Oh I think he would, especially if your life’s at stake.”

Athena started to pace infront of Xena.

“How does it feel to know that you will be instrumental in the conquer of the world my dear? You should have joined him when you had the chance and done the job yourself.”

Athena laughed maniacally. Not the type of laugh that Xena would expect from the Goddess of Wisdom, but then Athena obviously abused that position wholeheartedly.

“It seems you managed to get the blonde out of here Xena, well done, but *you* won’t be so lucky.”

Xena felt a familiar presence and turned her head to see Ares standing beside her.

“Welcome brother. Come to witness the murder of your little pet?”

“You bitch. Don’t touch her, I’m warning you Athena!”

Ares formed a ball of energy in his hand and prepared to throw it at his sister but Athena was one step ahead. She held a short golden dagger to Xena’s throat before Ares could react and cackled.

“You always were slow brother.”

“What do you want Athena?”

“I would have thought that was blatantly obvious brother, even to your feeble mind. I want your godhood, pure and simple.”

A deadly calm hung over the tent before Xena spoke, her voice dry but insistent,

“No Ares, she’ll destroy the world.”

“I can’t let her destroy you.”

Ares face saddened and his shoulders slumped in defeat. With one last adoring glance at Xena he knelt before his sister and sighed. Athena laughed again, triumphantly.

“Oh thankyou so much Xena, see, once again you misplaced your faith.”

Adressing Ares she continued,

“I believe your emperor’s favourite saying is ‘divide and conquer’ is it not? Well it seems it works on Gods as well.”

With that she placed her hands on Ares head and a dazzling light filled the room as his energy visible travelled up her arms and into her body.


Xena screamed and sat up disorientated in a cold sweat. Before she could make out her surroundings she felt strong arms envelope her body as a deep, rich voice soothed,

“It’s alright my princess. Just a dream. You’re not there any more, you escaped and you’re in the healers hut with the amazons. It’s alright, I’m here.”

Xena rested her head on his warm chest, held onto him tightly and let the comforting sensations envelope her body.

At last he felt competant. All through her ordeal he had been able to do nothing but watch and hope whilst his proud warrior suffered in silence, now at least he could offer her a little comfort. Her strong body seemed to lose its stubborness in the aftermath of her dream. It felt so good to at last be able to hold her in his arms. He could feel the thick bandages underneath her thin shift and tried not to put to much pressure on her injured back. The sudden jolt when she awoke would no doubt cause her a new wave of agony. When her breathing finally slowed she lifted her head from where it was nestled on his chest.


It was more of a statement than anything else.

“It’s almost midnight, the village is asleep my dear, you needed someone.”

With a sigh he unwrapped his arms from her body and stood.

“I’ll go.”

With a flash he was gone. He reacted as if he knew her thoughts before she uttered them. A week before she would have swore at him and told him to leave her alone but now, since he visited her in the camp she saw him in a different light. Xena knew a softer side to him existed, she’d seen it on several fleeting occassions before, but never had he wholly let his guard down like he did that night. She felt so utterly alone. Normally Gabrielle would comfort her and be all the solace she needed but Gabrielle would demand answers and explanations and the extent of her injuries was something that she didn’t want Gabrielle to know. Ares, however, already knew. He’d watched it all and she knew he wouldn’t probe for information or ask too many questions that she wasn’t ready to answer. Her better judgement told her to ignore her emotions, he was her enemy, but deep down she knew what she needed right now. Him. Softly, half under her breath Xena called,


It was almost as if she hoped he wouldn’t come, but the second his name left her lips he was there. Concern and relief in his eyes.

“Yes Xena.”

She paused, unsure or unwillingly to go on.

“Hold me.”

The plea, so softly uttered was enough to melt his cold heart. His warrior princess, so strong yet so vulnerable. He sat down next to her on the bed and held her in his arms as he had before. It felt so wonderful to be needed, not needed by a warlord to help fulfill his battle conquests, but needed by a woman, this woman. It seemed to make his whole lonely, wretched existence worthwhile, of course, in the morning she would probably spit on his godhood as she had done so many times before but he’d never forget this and as hard as she tried, he didn’t think she would be able to either.

He laid down next to her on the bed, still holding her body in his arms and felt her stiffen. With her head still on his chest he bent down and softly said,

“It’s alright, my dear, I just wanted to relieve the strain on those ribs. Nothing sinister, I promise.”

He felt her smile against his chest and soon she fell into a deep, calm sleep. Her face seemed to soften in sleep and he gratefully held her relaxed body against him, stroking the soft hair that was spilling onto his chest. He could have left of course, but instead he stayed, holding her in his arms until he heard the village start to waken. Then, despite his need to stay, he gently placed her down and left, incase Gabrielle should walk in and accuse him of something sinister.


In her temple Aphrodite was dabbing away a tear.

“Oh Cupie, he’s in love! They’re so perfect for each other. We’ve got to do something!”

“Mum, I’ve already tried hitting her with arrows, she got a really strong will, they don’t seem to effect her.”

Aphrodite humphed and sat down. With a twinkle in her eye, she said,

“Well we’re just going to have to do things the old fashion way then.”


Xena awoke mid morning from a very fitfull sleep. She half expected Ares to still be there and felt something inside her fall to know she was alone.

“Awake at last are we?”

Xena jumped slightly and turned around to face the smiling healer in the corner of the hut.

“You look disappointed. Are you alright hon?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Actually I feel really good.”

“How’s the back?”

“Alright. Not too bad.”

Amelia smiled.

“Well that’s good because our little Queen practically knocked the door down yesterday trying to see you. Luckily, healers have authority over the Queen when it comes to patients. She’ll want to see you now though.”

Xena sighed and smiled wryly as she sat up and propped herself up with pillows.

“How do I look?”

“Well, for someone who’s been through what you have, you look great. I can’t believe you’re still alive, let alone alert.”

After a pause Amelia added softly,

“You’re going to have to tell her sooner or later you know.”

“I’d prefer later.”

Amelia sighed, she didn’t like her patients having frequent visitors that upset her job but an integral part of the healing process was being understood and pampered and Xena wouldn’t have any of that. It hurt her to think that the warrior princess was going to go through this by herself. It was then that she made her mind up to somehow make the Queen aware of Xena’s situation. She didn’t want to betray Xena’s trust but Gabrielle needed to know. Little did Amelia know that Xena did have someone to comfort her, only that someone was who they’d least expect. Arlea, the young amazon came flying into the healers hut,

“Amelia, Xena, she’s coming, the Queen heard you were awake and she’s coming to see you now!”

“Well I’ve got to see her sooner or later. Thankyou Arlea.”

Arlea smiled satisfactorily and headed out the door, almost crashing into the worried but determined Queen. Gabrielle didn’t even notice the girl run past her as she saw Xena sitting up in bed, a large cut to her lower lip and a nasty purple bruise to her right cheek.

“Oh Xena.”

Xena just smiled, despite the cut.

“Are you alright Gabrielle?”

Gabrielle laughed despite herself.

“I’m fine but look at you!”

“Don’t tell me I look that bad.”

Gabrielle smiled and sat down on the bed next to Xena.

“Do you mind if a couple of the others come in? They’re dying to see you.”

Xena sighed,

“Nah, I don’t mind, as long as you stop all these rumours about a black clad mercenary who arrived in the village sidesaddled on a dark horse yesterday.”

Gabrielle smiled,

“Well you could’ve at least let them see your face.”

Four amazons entered the room and stood on the other side of Xena’s bed as if the right side was reserved for their Queen. Shalopa came in first followed by three other amazons leaders, all looking shocked and worried.

“Stop looking at me as if I’m death warmed up. Geez you people do nothing for someone’s spirit.”

They all smiled and Shalopa came closer to the bed,

“We’re just glad you’re safe, it must have been an incredible escape.”

“No doubt the guards didn’t find it incredible.”

Xena’s head suddenly turned to the left and she looked into the empty space near the wall. A confused expression came over her face.

“What is it Xena?”

“Ares. But something’s different.”

The other amazons obviously thought that Xena had gone mad until three gods shimmered into the space where she was staring. One amazon involuntarily uttered,

“Oh sweet Artemis.”

“Not Artemis Honey, her sister.”

The pink clad goddess giggled. On her left stood Cupid, staring appreciatively at the wide-eyed amazons in the corner and on her right stood the unmistakeable presence of the handsome God of War who purred in appreciation,

“Alert as always my dear.”

The amazons in the corner, and even Gabrielle were astonished at seeing three gods at once in the same place. Aphrodite was obviously basking at the attention but Ares had eyes only for one person, the wounded warrior on the bed. Tearing her eyes away from his, Xena attempted to break the silence and casually announced,

“What is this a family gathering or something?”

Several of the amazons look fearfully at Xena and her blatant remark towards the powerful gods and the obvious attack at Ares delicate relationship with his son, Cupid. Ares eyes glowered,

“Actually, Dite told me that there was something she wanted me to see, I didn’t realise she was bringing me here.”

Xena sighed wearily, addressing the amazons she continued.

“I believe you’ve already met Ares. Incase you haven’t already noticed, that’s Aphrodite and Cupid. So what am I an exhibit or something?”

Aphrodite giggled guiltily.

“No. I just thought you’d like some company.”

Xena raised both eyebrows. Aphrodite daintily stamped her foot.

“Oh why must you always be so stubborn?”

“I got it from my father.”

Gabrielle held her breath at the comment. Xena’s father was normally a forbidden subject. She didn’t really know whether it was Ares or not and she didn’t seem to want to find out either way. Aphrodite, determined to make something good out of her visit, cheerily announced,

“Atrius did have a temper.”

Aphrodite smiled and Xena seemed relieved at the knowledge. I can hardly blame her. Gabrielle thought to herself. Happy with her work Aphrodite patted Cupid on the shoulder and announced,

“Well, we’ve got stuff to do, huh Cupie. Later babe.”

And with that Aphrodite and Cupid disappeared but the God of War remained where he was, staring at Xena, he hadn’t taken his eyes of her since her arrived. She looked over at him and felt their eyes lock. With one last glance he too disappeared. Xena closed her eyes momentarily and took a deep breath.

“What was that all about?”

A somewhat shocked Gabrielle looked to Xena for explanation.

“Since when did Aphrodite ever make sense Gabrielle?”

Gabrielle smiled, Xena was right of course but there was something about Ares, no taunting comments, no plans to get her back, he had actually seemed less threatening and nice? What was she thinking! Gabrielle mentally slapped herself for the outlandish thought.


“Yes Xena.”

“Did he bring Argo?”

Gabrielle couldn’t help but smile at Xena’s affection for her horse.

“Yes. Xena, why him?”

“Does Artemis come to you when you call her Gabrielle?”


“Well Ares comes when I call. He was the only one that could help.”

“What did he ask for in return?” Gabrielle asked fearfully.

“I owe him one.”


After a brief silence Shalopa declared that they were happy that Xena was alright and that they would leave Gabrielle and Xena alone. Xena prepared herself for the gruelling questions that would no doubt ensue.



“What did they do to you.”

Xena took a deep breath. I don’t like lying to you Gabrielle but I have to. She thought to herself.

“Not much, a bit of a beating and some taunting but they weren’t very original-nothing I haven’t heard before.”

Gabrielle looked worried and unsatisfied.

“You were chained?”

“They had to contain me somehow Gabrielle, I’m dangerous remember.”

Gabrielle smiled half-heartedly.

“How did you escape from the chains?”

“I didn’t.”

Gabrielle just looked confused.

“The chain between my handcuffs was looped over a beam, I just had to get to the end of the beam and unloop it.”

“So you got all the way here in chains?”

“Gabrielle, do you honestly think I would ride sidesaddled unless I had too.”

“They chained your ankles aswell!”

Xena didn’t respond. Gabrielle got the distinct feeling that Xena was hiding something from her, after all, escaping from an army that size was no easy feat and Xena had a history of modesty in these type of situations. Gabrielle sighed. She knew Xena pretty well and if Xena didn’t want to tell her something then even Gabrielle’s persistent nagging wouldn’t get it out of her. Better just to give her time.

“Gabrielle, I mean, my Queen.”

Xena said, mock sarcastically. Gabrielle gave her a threatening look.

“Yes, my loyal subject.”

Xena couldn’t help but smile.

“Do ya think I could get something to eat?”

“Of course Xena. Come have lunch with us. I’ll, um, get you some clothes. You can’t go to lunch in your shift.”

Gabrielle giggled and set of to find Xena some suitable attire.


Ares was half-heartedly advising a General on battle tactics. It was a convincing victory and it meant a large new territory to call his own, the kingdom of Arete. His general was babbling on about some temple that he was ordering built in the town to honour the great victory accredited to him by the great Lord Ares. Ares wasn’t really interested, he just waved the gloating general away and returned to more pressing matters. Athena for example. He had to find the right time to mention her betrayal to Olympus. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but he’d make her pay. Attacking him was one matter, that he could deal with, but when her greed spilt over onto Xena, it was too much. So much had changed between them in the last few days. He felt like he couldn’t live without her, pity she didn’t feel the same way about him.


Once again, all of the Amazons’ eyes were on a solitary figure making her way to the Queen’s hut. She was wearing tight fitting, dark blue pants and warrior boots. Her top of soft red material seemed to compliment her features and match beautifully with the long black hair which was cascading down her back. She was tall and proud and many an amazon wished that she preferred women to men, but she had made her preferences clear, probably to stop them flirting with her. Of course that didn’t stop them, half of them were a little in love with her anyway. They all now knew that she was the black robed figure from the previous day and her escape from the warrior camp had sparked many new rumours which were now making their way around the village.

Dressing had been a little difficult for Xena. She had of course insisted that Gabrielle leave and passed it of as an act of modesty instead of her intention to hide her injuries from her friend. Xena was just thankful that Gabrielle had found something that covered her body rather than the scant outfits that most amazons wore. She now made her way to Gabrielle’s hut where all of the village leaders were having lunch together. She hadn’t eaten in four days and was very hungry but she knew better than to rush things. Better to eat sensible, wholesome food rather than eat too much and make herself sick. As she entered the hut all conversation stopped. Xena obviously wasn’t comfortable with all the attention and thankfully Gabrielle picked up on her situation.

“Xena, come sit down.”

Xena walked to her seat beside Gabrielle and some conversation resumed, of course it wasn’t long before the inevitable. One downfall of being with the amazons was that many adored her and could never get enough stories about her heroic exploits, of course Gabrielle was happy to tell, but this was one story that Gabrielle hadn’t yet been enlightened on. Gabrielle, in typical fashion, piled her plate full of food from the buffet style lunch table and straight away, set to heartily devouring it. Despite Xena’s hunger and obvious food deprivation, her plate was half as full as Gabrielle’s. Just a bit of chicken, some bread and some salad. She set herself to eating it slowly, making herself sick from eating too much, too fast wouldn’t help her situation.

“Aren’t you hungry Xena?”


“Then why aren’t you eating more? There’s plenty to go around.”

“I can’t eat too much too soon Gabrielle. I’ll make myself sick.”

Realization seemed to dawn on Gabrielle as she turned worriedly to Xena,

“When’s the last time you ate?”

“I believe it was breakfast four days ago.”

“Xena! Why didn’t you say something earlier!”

“Trust me Gabrielle the last thing on my mind when I came into this village was food.”

At the astonished look on Gabrielle’s face she added,

“We’re different people Gabrielle,”

Then gestured at Gabrielle’s huge plate,

“With very different appetites.”

Gabrielle blushed an interesting shade of pink and glared at the amused warrior princess. But the trivial mood didn’t last for long before a curious young warrior spoke up,

“Xena, how did you escape.”

Xena sighed. This was exactly what she didn’t want to have to answer, gruelling questions about her capture. She could live with herself for depriving Gabrielle of the whole situation, but lying to her was another matter.

“It wasn’t too difficult, they didn’t have the sense to post me under heavy guard.”

Amelia glared at Xena from the end of the table. She knew her patient didn’t want to answer these questions but maybe she’d finally tell Gabrielle of her situation and get some much deserved sympathy. The young amazon, however, wasn’t satisfied.

“But weren’t you in chains?”

Xena held up a bruised wrist in response. Gabrielle knew the warrior well and if there was one thing Xena hated, it was talking about her situations.

“Did they torture you?”

Xena flashed a deadly look at the amazon, enough to make her cower and answered quietly,

“Beaten a little, that’s all.”

Gabrielle took a hint and, in an attempt to preserve the amazon’s life answered,

“Drea, I don’t think the dinner table’s a suitable place for a conversation of that manner.”

“I’m sorry my Queen.”

After a tense pause Xena ventured forward,

“Want a drink Gabrielle?”

“Yeah, thanks Xena.”

Xena rose and walked over to the drinks table to pour two mugs of water, she decided she’d stay of the alcohol until her body recovered a little more. The amazon beside her, however didn’t see her come over and, whilst watching the two mugs she had in her hand practically fell straight into the warrior and in her attempt to regain her balance, leaned all her body weight on Xena. All heads at the table turned to see a very flustered amazon trying to apologize to the silent warrior who was leaning, away from them, against the wall. All in the room waited for a response until Gabrielle spoke up,

“Xena, are you alright?”

Xena gritted her teeth and tried to steady her breathing.


Came the quiet, breathless reply. After a pause she added,

“Yeah, I’m fine Gabrielle.”

She picked up the two mugs from where she had placed them on the drink table and, trying to ignore the searing pain, resumed her seat. Gabrielle, however, wasn’t satisfied and was looking accusingly at the warrior, gritting her teeth.

“Just a sensitive rib okay.”

Amelia could see where this was going, the warrior wouldn’t give any more of her condition away.

“Three actually. Broken, two on the right and one on the left.”

The whole table silenced immediately, you could have head a pin drop, that was, until Gabrielle managed to speak.

“What! Xena, why didn’t you tell me?”

Xena shot an accusing look at the healer seated at the other end of the table.

“What other injuries have you got that I don’t know about!”

Gabrielle was furious. Xena stood up and started walking towards the door.

“None that I’m willing to discuss here.”

Gabrielle made an attempt to follow the warrior out of the door she had just slammed but Shalopa put her hand on Gabrielle’s arm.

“Let her go, my queen. What she’s been through is hard to deal with. She’ll tell you in time.”

Gabrielle resumed her place at the table knowing all too well that if she was to find out about Xena’s real injuries, she’d have to go to someone else.


Xena stormed out of the hut and all the way out of the village. An amazon patrol, high in the trees, saw her leave their territory, bound for an unknown destination. Even injured, Xena could run. She was angry at that clumsy amazon for putting her in that situation, angry at Amelia for betraying her trust and more than anything, angry at Athena for using her as a pawn in the game of the gods. Not knowing where exactly she was running to, Xena just kept going until she reached a clear lake.

“As good a place as any I suppose.”

She remarked as she undressed to go for a swim. She removed her shirt and pants and sat down on a rock to untie her boots when she felt an all too familiar presence. Looking up she saw Ares standing in front of her. She didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, she just wanted to be alone but oh how she wanted to be with him. With a look of concern he ventured,

“Let me see how you’re healing.”

Xena had taken her boots off and was standing only in her underpants and the bandage which was wrapped tightly around her midsection and chest. Damn him to Tartarus, he actually seemed like he cared. Ignoring her reasoning, Xena stood and looked into his eyes. Ares took that as assurance and started to gently unwrap the bandage. His body standing so close to hers was having its effect on Xena too. She hadn’t quite worked out what had happened last night when she woke from her nightmare to find him comforting her. She had been so vulnerable. Never did she show weakness to him and yet he hadn’t taken advantage of her, just held her until she fell asleep. Xena didn’t quite know what to make of that, but then Gabrielle had always been the one for analysing.

Ares had removed the bandage and Xena now stood only in her underpants. Her now-purple bruises stood out almost brutally from the creamy white colour of her unmarked skin, not that there was much of that. Ares winced and with a touch impossibly gentle, ran his hands over her injured abdomen. Despite her obvious nakedness, Ares made no attempt to stare but instead, seemed consumed in his almost doctorly analysis of her injuries. When he ran his hand over her extremely sensitive, and newly damaged ribs she drew in a quick intake of breath despite herself. Ares quickly removed his hands.


“It’s alright, they’re just a little tender at the moment that’s all.”

When Ares looked up at her, Xena averted her eyes. She didn’t know what instinct had caused that involuntary action. Ares sighed and moved around to inspect her back. After tracing several of the deeper cuts with his finger he remarked,

“Let me heal you Xena.”


Came the immediate and somewhat harsh response. Ares sighed and came around to stand facing her again.

“Why not?”

“You know why Ares. I don’t take help from anyone, especially not Gods. I’ll heal in time. Now if you don’t mind I’d like to go for a swim, turn your back please.”

Ares couldn’t help smiling but turned his back in response to Xena’s sudden modesty. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen her naked before but maybe she’d sensed the change between them. With all of his soul, Ares hoped that she would realize how he felt and feel the same, but he strongly doubted it.

Xena had pulled her hair up on top of her head and placed a hairpin to hold it there. Ares was surprised that one hairpin would hold the long thick mass of Xena’s hair, despite the few strands that escaped and fell around her face. Looking at Xena, carefully washing her neck, hair pulled up and a serene expression on her face, she seemed so beautiful, so feminine and so far from the warrior he once new. He realized he’d been staring to long when she turned to meet his gaze, raised an eyebrow and remarked,

“See anything you like?”

Ares smiled at the teasing comment. Oh yes my princess, he thought to himself, You. He flashed that charming grin at her and disappeared into the aether.


It was almost nightfall when Xena returned to the Amazon village. After Ares had left she had done some much needed soul searching and finally, she hoped, resolved what had been troubling her for the last few days. Without delay she went straight to Gabrielle’s hut and, on second thought, knocked before just striding in. A cheery voice from inside responded,

“Come in.”

The look on Gabrielle’s face when Xena walked in was not angry as Xena had expected but actually a little guilty. Before Xena could speak, Gabrielle walked over to her and started apologizing,

“Look Xena, I’m sorry. I knew you were uncomfortable but I just needed to know, that’s all.”

“It’s alright. I promise I’ll tell you, just…give me a little time okay.”

Gabrielle smiled and hugged Xena. Of course, the tight embrace not only squeezed Xena’s ribs but put pressure on her back. When a shudder went through Xena’s body, Gabrielle pulled back with a horrified look on her face.

“Oh Gods Xena, I’m so sorry! I forgot.”

Xena smiled weakly through her wince and ignored Gabrielle’s need to inspect the damage she’d caused.

“I just came to tell you that I’ve been doing some thinking and I’d like to visit mother. There’s something I need to talk to her about.”

“You want to tell me about it?”

“Not really Gabrielle but I would like to get an early start.”

Gabrielle groaned. Early starts were something that she wasn’t good at.

“Alright. I’ll see you in the morning then, sleep well Xena.”

Xena smiled and left. Gabrielle could tell there was something strange about Xena lately. Of course she wouldn’t talk about it. Gabrielle just hoped it wasn’t serious. Maybe this visit was a good idea, after all, Cyrene and Gabrielle were the two main people in Xena’s life. If anyone could get her to open up it was them.


Early the next morning Gabrielle was gently shaken awake by a fully dressed and alert Xena.

“Mmmmm, just a couple more minutes Xena.”

“Come on Gabrielle. It’ll be a good two weeks travelling to get to Amphipolis, I want to leave now.”

Gabrielle sat up in her bed, still half asleep and looked at the stern warrior through slitted eyes.

“Can’t we at least have some breakfast first?”

Xena had to suppress a smile. It seemed that Gabrielle’s two loves were sleeping and eating and she was most difficult when she was deprived of them.

“We’ll have some breakfast on the road. Now come on, get up!”

“Wouldn’t you ladies rather have breakfast in Amphipolis?”

Xena couldn’t help the involuntary jump her heart took at hearing his deep, silky voice. Well that sure woke Gabrielle up.

“Phhh. Amphipolis is two weeks away, we’re just mere mortals remember Ares.”

Ares rolled his eyes. Gabrielle was making a blatant display of her naivity again.

“Yes, but I’m not and it just so happens that this particular God of War is in a good mood. Also, my dear, you shouldn’t be travelling in your state.”

Ares didn’t bother adding that he was concerned for Xena. She’d been through a lot and hadn’t taken enough time to recover. He understood her need to talk to someone about the matter. Gabrielle was obviously not patient enough and he was out of the question, so her mother was the only one left. Xena turned back to Gabrielle.

“We’ll be back in a quarter of a candlemark. Be ready to go okay.”

With that, Xena strode out of the hut into the still sleeping Amazon village, closely followed by Ares. Gabrielle could do nothing but stare. What had just happened? Ares offer was good and Xena obviously needed to talk to her mother, but Gabrielle had at least expected a fight. Anyone would think that she didn’t want to fight with Ares. Gabrielle shook her head and set herself to the task of packing up. Something was wrong with Xena.


Ares too had expected Xena to put up a fight. If the truth be known, he was a little worried that she hadn’t. Of course the look on the bard’s face when she had agreed was priceless. Oh he’d have to show that one to Aphrodite. Ares followed Xena to the stables where she was affectionately talking into Argo’s ear. Despite how much she despised the image of her warlord days, there were some things about it that she couldn’t live without. The warhorse for example, she was getting old now though. Xena would have to get a new horse soon. She also had an almost sentimental attachment to her sword and chakram, neither of which she could live without. There was him of course, he’d been there from the beginning, but lately, her attitude towards him was unfathomable. She’d let him comfort her, which he was grateful of, but had ignored him this morning. It was almost as if she was avoiding him. After she had saddled and reigned Argo, Xena led her over to Ares.

“Here, hold her for a minute will you.”

It was short and crisp, but at least it was a start. Ares took Argo’s reigns, brushing Xena’s hand as he did. She quickly pulled away and glared at him. It may be a glare, but at least she wasn’t ignoring him anymore.

Xena walked over to saddle up the horse she’d ridden in on. He truly was a magnificent creature. She would have left him with the Amazons, but Argo would need a replacement soon. Poor horse, she was getting old and Xena didn’t want to work her too hard. She would keep her for another year longer and then leave her with her mother in Amphipolis. Argo would miss her, and she would miss the horse but for Argo’s sake, it had to be done. The funny thing was, the only person that Argo liked, apart from her mistress, was Ares. She’d learnt to tolerate Gabrielle but Ares was the only other person that could ride her alone. She made up her mind. They would keep the new horse. Gabrielle could ride him, he was placid and they would get along well. When she left Argo, he would become Xena’s horse. She led him over to where Ares was standing patting Argo’s nose. Xena had to try hard not to smile, it was a rare sight, the God of War so gently patting her horse, but then, Xena had seen more of that side of him recently. She quickly forced herself to forget her thoughts. She had to keep her distance, at least until she talked to her mother.

“Come on. Gabrielle should be ready by now.”

Ares lead Argo out of the stables to where Xena stood with the other horse. She looked into his eyes for a fleeting moment before quickly running to fetch Gabrielle. She emerged with a sleepy eyed and obviously bad tempered bard. Gabrielle didn’t understand why Xena was agreeing with Ares all of a sudden but she didn’t like it one bit.

“Ready ladies?”

Ares said sarcastically with a pointed look towards Gabrielle. Gabrielle just pouted.

“We’ll need to initiate physical contact if I’m to transport you to Amphipolis.”

Ares said in a manner that Gabrielle decided was just too nice. Xena silently and hesitantly slipped her hand into Ares and Gabrielle grabbed on to Xena. He looked into her eyes as the ground began to dissolve and they all suddenly felt weightless. Xena could feel Gabrielle’s grip tighten on her arm and smiled. She couldn’t see anything but a shimmering void and Ares face. As the main street of Amphipolis started to take shape, Xena and Ares eyes remained locked. Gabrielle was white and digging her nails into Xena’s upper arm. Ares smiled that soul melting smile and remarked in an offhanded way,

“First timers.”

Xena pulled her hand roughly away from Ares’ realizing she’d been holding on for much to long.

“Well, we’re her Ares.”

She said in a pointed way, trying to avoid too much conversation.

“Oh I almost forgot.”

The god remarked as he opened his palms and two objects started to take shape. Xena’s face lit up as Ares triumphantly handed them over.

“Oh my sword and chakram!”

She almost squealed.

“Your leathers and armor are up in your room, I believe your mother keeps it vacant.”

Xena smiled, excitement and obvious happiness overtaking her features. It was the first time in so long she’d smiled at him, because of something he’d done for her. Ares couldn’t help but smile back.

“Thankyou Ares.”

“A pleasure my princess.”

And with one last longing look he disappeared leaving Xena feeling somewhat empty, despite the return of her most prized possessions.

“We should go inside Xena, people are staring.”

It was true, people had been peeping out of their windows in surprise and fear at the strange scene. It wasn’t every day that two women, two horses and a god appeared on their main street. Xena smirked,

“I’m a woman warrior and you’re an Amazon Queen, Gabrielle. People stare anyway.”

Gabrielle smiled and they walked towards Cyrene’s tavern but despite being in her comfort zone, Xena still felt lonely and incomplete. A feeling she hadn’t experience in years. What she knew in her heart was the reason was what scared her. She really needed to have that talk to her mother.

Nothing seemed to have changed in Amphipolis. Xena smiled. Although she knew she couldn’t settle down somewhere, that she needed adventure, she had always held a special fondness for the town of her birth. Gabrielle and Xena saw a tearful woman run out of the tavern, straight for Xena. Gabrielle couldn’t help but laugh as Xena’s mother, at least a head shorter than her, hugged her daughter joyously and knelt her head on Xena’s chest, oblivious to the warrior’s pain at such an embrace. Xena somewhat awkwardly patted her mother on the back wishing desperately that the whole town wasn’t watching and that she didn’t have broken ribs and a whipped back.

“Oh baby, it’s been so long!”

“Not really mother, can we take this inside?”

Gabrielle couldn’t hold it in any longer. Xena glared at the laughing bard who managed to sober up long enough to say,

“Hello Cyrene, how have things been?”

The elderly woman let go of Xena long enough to instruct a young man to take the two horses to the stables and to literally pull Xena and Gabrielle inside the tavern. She closed the door behind them.

“It’s early, why didn’t you drop in last night? Surely it would have been better than getting up early this morning?”

Xena paused, unsure of how to tell her mother she had accepted an offer from Ares. This little talk was going to be more difficult than she thought. Thankfully, Gabrielle, never one to be at a loss for words, spoke up.

“We had a little help. Xena’s not at her best at the moment.”

The murderous glare that Gabrielle received made her realise why so many enemies shook in their boots at the mention of the Warrior Princess’ name.

“Xena? You’re not hurt?”

“Not badly mother.”

Cyrene’s face fell. She knew that tone and look all to well, Xena knew much more than she was willing to tell. Of course, being her mother, Cyrene knew exactly how to play her daughter. People called her many things, but never a liar, especially not to her own mother. Cyrene’s face became innocently calm.

“No doubt you’d love a bath after your travels?”

Xena narrowed her eyes. Gabrielle, however, answered with over-enthusiasm.

“Oh yes, that’d be wonderful Cyrene!”

Great they were working against her. Feigning innocence but failing miserably, Xena answered,

“It’s too early in the morning for a bath mother, can I help you serve or something?”

“It’s never too early to be clean Xena, unless of course, you’ve got something to hide.”

Gabrielle smiled, Cyrene knew exactly how to work her daughter, she’d remember this- it might be useful in the future.

“What could I have to hide mother?”

“I don’t know, but maybe it’s got something to do with your odd clothes and stiff stance. I know you’re tense darling but you don’t normally stand that stiffly.”

Xena set her jaw and glared at her mother. Cyrene just smiled. Soothingly she said,

“Glaring at me is going to do you no good, now tell me what’s wrong. Either that or Gabrielle will tell me.”

Xena looked on while her mother and Gabrielle shared a triumphant look. Great! Two interrogators, maybe coming to see her mother wasn’t such a good idea after all. Xena sighed and pulled up a chair. She sat down stiffly and couldn’t help the slight grimace at the pressure on her ribs. Cyrene and Gabrielle also pulled up chairs.

“Right. What happened Xena?”

This was exactly what she didn’t want now; questions and explanations. There was no way around it though. Once again she sighed and stared at the floor as she began.

“We were captured by the army of Calpa and held captive in their camp but as you can see we managed to escape and got to the Amazons before they could recapture us.”

In a hushed voice Cyrene inquired,

“Calpa? Ares wants you back again?”

Xena smiled wryly.

“He never stopped wanting me back mother. I was the best, his destroyer; he was just one step away from conquering Greece. Anyway, Calpa doesn’t serve Ares anymore, he’s had a change of heart, to Athena.”

“Athena? What would she want with an awful army like that?”

Xena shook her head in an exasperated fashion.

“Mother, Athena’s just as bad as Ares, only smarter, she protects her image with the title of honorable war. No war is honorable mother, she’s a fraud and a megalomaniac. She wants Greece as much as Ares does.”

“But why did Athena want you?”

Xena looked up at her mother’s confused face. She didn’t understand the politics of the Gods like Xena did. She only really knew one god and that was Ares, the god that had destroyed her family. Patiently Xena responded,

“She was going to use me against Ares.”

Annoyed at being left out of the conversation for so long, Gabrielle piped up,

“Xena, Ares couldn’t care a less what happened to you, infact, he’d prefer you dead, surely Athena must know that!”

Xena looked over at the hot-tempered bard and bit her lip. After all the things Ares had done to her, how could she doubt that he wanted her dead? But something inside Xena refused to believe that Ares didn’t care, something wanted him to care. Xena closed her eyes and looked down at the floor again trying to block out the sensations that were paling her judgement. She couldn’t work out what was going on but the one thing that she did know was that she could never hate him like she used to, things were different now. Sensing that her daughter had withdrawn, Cyrene spoke up,

“How did you escape from an army encampment?”

Xena kept her head down in silence. She heard Gabrielle telling her mother of the night Ares had taken her to the Amazons.

“Ares! You asked Ares to help Gabrielle? Xena are you out of your mind?”

Xena’s head shot up and she glared at her mother. Standing and starting to pace she said quietly but in a dangerous tone,

“He was the only one.”

Gabrielle could see where this was going; Xena was starting to revert and had that aura of danger about her. Although Gabrielle knew that she would never hurt her mother or her best friend, it meant that she would soon storm off or stop talking altogether.

“How about your injuries Xena? You haven’t told me about those.”

With a quick glance at Cyrene, Gabrielle added,

“It might help to talk about what they did to you.” Xena stopped pacing and remarked,

“How do you know they did anything to me?”

Gabrielle was angry now, Xena could tell. Up until now, she had been supportive and patient but she’d pushed her too far. Standing up Gabrielle almost shouted,

“Oh come on Xena. I’ve heard the rumors about you as well as they have, I doubt they could’ve controlled themselves. Besides, I know that you were chained and probably beaten seeing you’ve got three broken ribs, what else did they do?”

Xena saw her mother’s eyes widen.

“The extent of my injuries is something you don’t need to know Gabrielle. Why don’t you have that bath, it might help you cool off.”

Infuriated, Gabrielle watching Xena stalk up the stairs, no doubt to the room her mother kept for her. Gabrielle sat down and put her head in her hands. Sighing she looked up at Cyrene,

“I’m sorry, even after all these years, I still can’t get information from her. Every time I ask her something about her past or touch on a sensitive spot this happens, she closes up and stalks off. I’m sorry Cyrene, you almost got her to tell you.”

Cyrene smiled.

“Well Gabrielle, when you raise a child, you get to know how to upstage them, it’s all a part of being a mother. Don’t worry hon, she’ll come round. Now how about that bath?”

With a grateful smile, Gabrielle stood and followed Xena’s mother upstairs.


Xena closed the door behind her and sat down on her bed. Why had she snapped at Gabrielle like that? She knew the bard had every right to know what happened but she simply wasn’t ready to talk about it. She had other matters on her mind now, much more puzzling matters that wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard she tried to suppress them. Looking over at the table on the far wall she saw her armor and leathers. Newly polished and neatly folded. She couldn’t help smiling a little. Walking over to put them on she noticed that he’d brought everything, even her breast dagger. Xena couldn’t help wondering Ares motives. He didn’t want her back as his destroyer, not this time. He was almost being kind. Deep down she knew the reason; it was the same reason she couldn’t bring herself to hate him. Shaking her head, she undressed making up her mind to have that talk with her mother.


Cyrene was washing up some mugs downstairs when she heard her daughter coming down from her room. Smiling, she handed the washing-up over to an employee and gestured to one of the back rooms. Xena glanced up at her and silently went in. Being only midmorning, the tavern was empty, save several regulars who would be passed out by lunch. Gabrielle was relaxing in a bath so Cyrene was free to talk to her daughter alone. She closed the door behind her as she went in. Xena stopped in the middle of the room and turned around to talk to her mother.

“Look Mum, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped, it’s just that…”

Cyrene could tell her daughter was having trouble apologizing so she cut her off,

“It’s alright Xena. I’ve known you long enough to know that if you’re not ready to talk about something, you won’t. I won’t ask but I get the feeling that this wasn’t just a social visit. What do you want to talk about?”

Xena smiled, she could hide some things from Gabrielle but she could never get past her mother.

“I need some advice Mum.”

Cyrene smiled. Her daughter had grown up much too fast and lost her late adolescent years to war. Studying the confused but knowing look in Xena’s eye and the way she pushed her hair behind her ear Cyrene nodded knowingly at her daughter. Xena frowned.

“I guess I’m a bit late for the sex talk huh?”

Xena laughed,

“Yeah, quite a bit, sorry Mum.”

“I get the feeling you know all there is to know about men Xena, but relationships aren’t your cup of tea are they?”

Xena looked uncomfortable.

“I need to ask you a question.”

Cyrene nodded.

“When you fell for father, did you have any doubts about spending the rest of your life with him?”

Cyrene was surprised, that was the last thing she had expected Xena to ask. Regardless she was determined to at last be of some help to her daughter and answered,

“Of course. I didn’t really want to leave my family, but I had found love and that’s one thing that you can’t run from.”

“No. I mean…did you have any doubts about him? He was a soldier, he shed blood for a living, I know you don’t think that’s a good thing. Were you in two minds about him?”

“In a way. I didn’t like the fact that he was a soldier but that was his life and he wasn’t going to change that no matter how much he loved me. But Xena, I loved him and I couldn’t deny that. I learnt to live with that part of his character.”

Xena still looked worried. Cyrene feared that she hadn’t helped at all,

“Xena, if there’s someone…bring him here, let me meet him. But I’m sure you’ve got good taste.”

Xena shook her head and stood. I don’t have to bring him here to know what you think of him mother. Xena thought to herself. I know you hate him. With a troubled look that Cyrene had rarely seen on her confident daughter, Xena added,

“Thanks Mum. Please, don’t tell Gabrielle about this okay.”

Cyrene smiled and touched Xena’s arm,

“I won’t.”

Xena nodded and strode outside, leaving Cyrene alone in the empty storage room wondering who her daughter cared about.

Xena determinedly mounted Argo and galloped out of the village. Several villagers stopped to stare on the way but she didn’t care. She needed space to think.

After galloping for about half a candlemark, Xena reached a cliff face, overlooking the Aegean Sea. Even as a child she had been moody and never one to talk things over, instead, she had often come to this place, to think things over with the comforting sound of the waves. Xena couldn’t help wondering what Gabrielle would say if she knew that she was thinking by the ocean. On occasion, Gabrielle had tried to get her to do this very thing but had given up, frustrated.

Xena thought over what her mother had said. She had tried to help, but even her mother’s advice couldn’t settle her doubts. She wanted nothing more than to ignore her feelings and return her life to normal, but she couldn’t. No matter how hard she tried to shut it out, she still felt lonely. She ached to be with someone. There was only one person that could suppress that ache. Xena’s thoughts were interrupted by a tingle on the back of her neck. She squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. Not now. Oh Gods, couldn’t he wait!

Standing at the edge of the clearing, about two feet away from Xena, Ares could see that she was troubled. No snappy remarks ensued, she didn’t even turn or acknowledge his presence.

“You looked lonely.”

So simply said, but still it made Xena ache inside. Quietly she replied,

“I was thinking.”

Ares stared at his princess. He’d known that she felt nothing but still he had hoped that despite all he’d done to her, she might find something within him that was at least likeable.

“I’ll leave you to think in peace then.”

Ares sighed and prepared to leave.

“No, stay.”

Xena turned her head towards him. Ares looked relieved. The insistent and somewhat desperate tone was something that he had never heard from his princess before. Ares smiled gently and walked over so he stood sideon to Xena. She felt strong arms wrap around her body and pull her towards his. Despite her better judgement, Xena rested her head on his chest. They stood like that for several minutes, looking out onto the ocean, a gentle seabreeze blowing their hair until Ares felt Xena lift her head from his chest. She looked into his eyes and opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but nothing came out as she became trapped in his eyes. Those eyes, once again full of new emotions, revealing a new person, passionate and seductive yet gentle and slightly fearful. Still in his arms, her face was about a hand's span away from his. Not caring how she would react, Ares moved forward to touch his lips to hers. To his surprise and relief, she didn’t pull away but rather, kissed him back. The kiss, gentle at first, quickly became passionate. Xena turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. Ares hands were roaming her back, pulling her perfect body against his muscled form. A strong hand was buried in her long tresses, holding her head close to him, for fear she may pull away. Xena no longer felt lonely, she felt complete but her mind was stronger than her heart, years of war had ensured that, and her mind was screaming at her to pull away, not to let him lure her in again, as he had before.

The distraught look on Ares’ face when she pulled away made Xena’s heart ache but still, she pulled her arms back from his neck and, diverting her eyes, almost whispered,

“No Ares.”

Ares pulled his arms away from around her and after a moment, silently disappeared. Xena clamped her eyes shut. Sitting down heavily she leaned against a tree and put her head in her hands. She couldn’t get involved with him and she wouldn’t be drawn into a trap only to have her heart broken yet again by that bastard. However, this time, Xena wouldn’t be comforted by her reasoning. She’d seen his face when she had pulled away, disappointed, angry and hurt. Before, she’d always reveled on the rare occasion that she managed to hurt him but now she felt guilty, he’d finally opened up to her and she’d shut him out, refused his affections and destroyed what was left of his soft side. She knew what she wanted but Xena couldn’t bring herself to call him, maybe it was her pride getting in the way, maybe it was something deeper. Despite what she felt now, she couldn’t forgive him that easily. Recovering what she could of her composure, Xena stood and walked over to Argo. Rubbing the horse’s ear she sighed.

“You like him don’t you girl. Why is that? No-one else does, maybe you see past that macho exterior huh? Can you see what I can girl or is it just my heart lying to me again?”

When she received nothing but a soft snort from the horse, Xena sighed and set off for the town.


Gabrielle had spent about a candlemark soaking in the tub and now felt much refreshed. When one traveled with Xena, luxuries were scantly indulged in. It was normally freezing cold springs or murky lakes. But Gabrielle couldn’t complain. She loved travelling, seeing the countryside and helping people. Having the opportunity to broaden her knowledge and gather scenes that could be used in future stories. Xena wasn’t the best of companions, lately she’d become slightly more conversational, but Gabrielle had learnt to live with Xena’s faults and Xena had learnt to live with hers. They knew each other well enough to read body language now. Since Xena had escaped from Calpa she was different. She didn’t seem as confident and wasn’t really willing to talk about it. More than anything, Gabrielle wanted to know what had gone on to worry Xena so much. Ares was also another puzzling matter. Gods she hated the bastard! Almost as much as Xena, but last time they met, there hadn’t been any taunting or snide remarks, on either behalf. It was puzzling, but Gabrielle strongly suspected that something had gone on. Xena said that she ‘owed him one’ as a result of Gabrielle’s release but if Gabrielle knew Ares, there had to have been something else, if he’d done anything to Xena or taken advantage of her whilst she was in chains, Gabrielle swore she’d personally hunt him down and rip his traitorous body limb from limb.

Cyrene saw the mad look on Gabrielle’s face as the young bard descended the staircase.

“What is it Gabrielle?”

Gabrielle’s head snapped upward at Cyrene’s concerned voice. She smiled,

“Oh nothing, just thinking.”

“What about?”

Obviously Xena hadn’t inherited her mother’s conversational skills, Gabrielle really liked the kind, bubbly woman. She frowned,

“Oh just the last week. Everything’s happened so fast. I don’t know what she went through but it can’t have been good. I’m just worried that she’s passing it off as nothing. She’s recovered too quickly.”

Cyrene nodded.

“Yes. But you know she won’t talk about it, she got her stubborn side from her father. I hate to leave her out there alone Gabrielle, but she’ll deal with it in her way, in her time.”

“I know, it’s just that…”

Cyrene frowned.


Gabrielle sighed. It couldn’t hurt to tell Xena’s mother her suspicions.

“I’m afraid to leave her to deal with this alone. I don’t know how trustworthy my suspicions are, but I think Ares is trying to get her back again.”

Cyrene’s eyes widened.

“I just can’t help thinking that he asked for,”

Gabrielle paused,

“or took something in return for rescuing me.”

Cyrene closed her eyes.

“She would have fought…”

“She was chained.”

Gabrielle could tell that Cyrene was now very worried for her daughter.

“She’s strong Cyrene.”

Gabrielle tried to console them both but failed miserably.

“Regardless, no woman should have to go through that.”

“It’s just a suspicion, I don’t know for sure.”

After a lengthy pause Gabrielle asked,

“Cyrene, she’s been gone all day. Do you know where she is?”

“Looking for me?”

A strong feminine voice called from the door. Gabrielle visibly relaxed but to Xena, her mother seemed tense and worried. Outside the sun was setting.

“I put Argo in the stable for the night. I knew you two wouldn’t be able to resist talking about me.”

Xena smiled, in the now crowded tavern, it was hard to hear Gabrielle and her mother from the doorway. She made her way through the crowd, ignoring several snide remarks as she went.

“Are you alright?”

Cyrene was concerned for her daughter, if Gabrielle’s suspicions were correct, Xena was shrugging this off much too lightly.

“Yeah I’m fine mother. Just been thinking, Athena won’t stop you know, I’m number one on her hitlist now.”

Gabrielle scowled,

“You’ve made a dangerous enemy Xena.”

“Yeah. Why do I always do that?”

They all smiled. Xena turned around as a lull fell over the tavern as two exhausted men, in traveler’s clothes and carrying sacks stumbled inside. To Xena they seemed too strong for travelers and too well muscled, she was beginning to dislike this. Attempting a desperate tone, the first traveler warned,

“There’s an army.”

The whole tavern held its breath as he caught his.

“Two days from here, heading straight for the town. The leader’s called Calpa.”

Xena froze. It was impossible, Calpa was two weeks travel away, and they had only got so far with the help of a god. Of course, Athena! Gabrielle was also in shock. She knew that Athena wanted Xena dead but she hadn’t thought it was this serious, Xena was definitely hiding something.

Recovering her senses, Xena pushed her way through the crowd to the travelers who had taken a seat at a table and were looking decidedly too comfortable. Xena didn’t like this but now it was serious, if Calpa was infact two days outside of the city, they would stop at nothing to get to her. All eyes in the room were now on the warrioress, studying the travelers.

Xena’s eyes narrowed, they were too clean cut, too alert and too clean to be travelers. She drew her sword and the first traveler stood and pointed a dagger, retrieved with quick reflexes, from his boot, at the warrior. Xena smiled ruefully and quickly kicked away his knife.

“I thought so. You’re not travelers, you’re soldiers. No doubt informants, you’ll find out what you need and then report back to your commander. That is, until I get in the way.”

Xena’s swordpoint was still at the first soldier’s throat but the second grabbed the dispensed dagger and threw it at Xena. She managed to duck, withdrawing her sword. Both soldiers were now on their feet. She sheathed her sword-it was useless in the confined space. Thankfully the crowd had moved back enough to allow a reasonable space for the fight, Xena noted that no one bothered to help her. With a swift kick she sent one soldier flying backwards. The other ran towards her but she punched him hard enough to break his nose. Obviously, these soldiers were trained to fight with weapons, not unarmed. To her mother, Xena yelled,

“I’ll need some rope.”

The first soldier had recovered shakily from his hard kick to the chest but was soon on the floor in agony thanks to a well-placed, hard groin kick from the warrior princess. The other soon joined him and they were both tied to chairs. The tavern was silent as Xena stood ominously over the soldiers,

“Alright, seeing you’re here, you may as well help. I want to know numbers, how many archers, mounted and on foot soldiers are there?”

The soldier fixed his glare at the wall on the opposite side of the room and said nothing. Xena sighed.

“You couldn’t make life easy could you.”

With her famous pinch to his throat, the soldier was soon in obvious pain and struggling to stay alive. The whole tavern gasped.

“I’ve just cut of the flow of blood to your brain. You’ll be dead in thirty seconds unless you tell me exactly what I want to know. Now how many?”

It didn’t take long for the soldier to start talking. Having no doubt in his mind that this fierce woman would indeed kill him he rasped,

“3000 altogether. 100 archers and 500 on horseback.”

Xena’s eyes widened. She hadn’t realised how much Athena had expanded Calpa’s army. This situation was rapidly worsening. With another pinch to his neck, she returned the soldier’s blood supply and left him gasping for air. Moving onto the next soldier she demanded coldly,

“Right. You’ve seen what I can do. Let me assure you-that’s painful. Now are you going to be helpful or do I have to be violent.”

Xena could tell this soldier was weaker than his companion, looking shakily up at her he began,

“We were sent here with direct orders to make sure the Warrior Princess heard our message. We were also given a letter and told to put it where you and only you would find it.”

Xena’s eyes narrowed,

“Where’s the letter?”

“In my shirt pocket…”

Before he could finish, Xena’s hand dived into his shirt and emerged with a scroll in her hand. Gabrielle pushed her way through the crowd to where Xena was standing.

“What is it?”

Pulling off the tie and unrolling the parchment, Xena stated wryly,

“Let’s find out.”

Looking over Xena’s shoulder, Gabrielle could easily read the letter, written in beautiful handwriting:

Dear Warrior Princess,
You are indeed a lot smarter than I gave you credit for but your luck is about to run short. As I am sure you have already been informed, my army is only two days away from your town. It would seem that you are left with two choices, either give yourself up or let me finish the job you started all those years ago and obliterate the village. Either way, I always get what I want. Don’t doubt me Xena, you are what stands in the way of my domination of Greece and I will stop at nothing to achieve my goal. Pick your cards carefully Xena, I’m not working alone.

Pleasant dreams,

Xena closed her eyes and took several deep breaths in an attempt to control her rage. She heard Gabrielle gasp behind her as the letter disintegrated into golden sparkles, which fell quickly to the floor. With concern in her voice Gabrielle stated,

“She’s serious Xena. She wants you dead.”

Silence shrouded the normally bustling tavern until a man from the crowd spoke up,

“3000! What are we going to do?!”

Insistent whispers went around the crowd.

“Xena. Help us! What will we do?”

Typical. Xena thought to herself. They hate me until they need me. Sighing she went into action mode,

“We’ll need to evacuate the town. To the hills. It’s worked before, it’ll work again. You’ll all be a lot safer in a group.”

She looked up and addressed the crowd in a grim but determined voice,

“We are officially in a state of war. I want you all to go home and pack essentials, ONLY essentials, remember, you’ll have to carry your things up into the hills. Ensure the whole town is notified. Get a good night’s sleep, we’ll start evacuating in the morning.”

Murmurs went around the crowd and several started leaving until a young man spoke up,

“I don’t care how many of them there are, we’re not just going to leave our homes to be burnt to the ground. Send the women and children, the men will stay behind and fight!”

Cries of ‘Yeah!’ And ‘Death to Calpa!’ emitted from the crowd. Frustrated, Xena pounded her fist against a table to regain attention.

“NO! None of you are fighting. What do you think you can do anything by sending a hundred or so farmers out into a fray of 3000 trained soldiers?! It’d be a slaughter.”

Furious she added,

“You asked for my help and I know what I’m doing so listen and you just might live.”

Xena turned away from the scared looks and panicked glances of the tavern folk. An elderly man, a face Xena remembered from her childhood, stood forward,

“Last time this happened we lost more than half our town thanks to your help. Why should we trust you now?”

Cyrene held her breath. Most of the town’s older residents hated her daughter for what she had done. They’d blamed her for the deaths of their sons; even she had blamed Xena for the death of Lyceus. Cyrene admittedly didn’t know much about the situation but one thing she did know was that Xena wasn’t fit, mentally or physically, to go up against an army this size. She desperately hoped that her daughter would hold up. Xena however remained silent so the elderly man once again spoke up,

“Why should we trust you?”

“Because I’m all you’ve got.”

The deadly reply silenced any doubts the villagers had left. Gabrielle started to usher patrons out of the tavern, sending them home to pack. Eventually, the man ceased his disgusted glare at Xena and stalked out of the door. Sighing, Xena addressed one of the few remaining, the young man that had spoken up earlier.

“I want you to post a guard throughout the night. I need to know of anyone coming or leaving the town.”

He nodded and, somewhat fearfully replied,

“What about the army?”

“Leave that to me.”

Xena glanced over at her mother and Gabrielle who were standing together, silently. Bracing herself, she ran around to the stables. Gabrielle managed to reach the door in time to see Xena gallop off on Argo at breakneck pace.

“Oh Cyrene, I hope she knows what she’s doing.”

“So do I hon, so do I.”


Xena galloped up the well-traversed road. For the sake of the town she had to swallow her pride, but this time it wasn’t just her pride getting in the way. Of all times for this to happen, now was the worst. She stopped Argo before an elaborate temple. Dismounting, Xena walked up the sturdy steps and pulled open the heavy door. The temple was in darkness, save a solitary torch in a holder on the wall. Reaching over, Xena pulled it out and strode forward for the inner sanctum of the temple. She knew this temple all too well and it wasn’t long before she was standing in front of a throne. From behind Xena came a sluggish but startled voice,

“Only priestesses are allowed in the inner sanctum of Lord Ares temple. Leave now or be thrown out.”

Xena sighed, she didn’t have time for this. Staring at the throne, Xena demanded,


The priestess laughed.

“If you wish to gain Lord Ares attention, I suggest you place an offering or…”

The priestess was cut off by the appearance of a tall muscular god. Clad in leather and giving off an aura of danger he said impatiently,

“Leave us.”

With a wave of his hand, the dormant torches along the walls lit up and the door closed behind the departing priestess. Ares looked down at the warrior standing before him. Proud and stubborn she turned away from him and stated,

“No doubt you know about Calpa.”

Ares could tell that this was the last place she wanted to be right now. Although he wouldn’t admit it to himself, his feelings were hurt. He was angry at Xena for refusing him but angrier at himself for being so blind for so many years. For passing off his feelings for Xena as an obsession for a warrior. He’d always known she was more than that. From the first time he appeared to her she’d lured him in and, whether she knew it or not, kept him trapped ever since. But really, he couldn’t blame her, after all of the stupid things he’d done to hurt her. He deserved it; he’d pushed her away. Sighing defeatedly he said grimly,

“Yes. 3000 or so soldiers just two days away. How did you find out?”

Distractedly she informed,

“Two soldiers posing as travelers. I didn’t find out much of interest but they had orders to deliver a letter to me. From Athena.”

Ares became instantly interested in the conversation.

“What did it say?”

“I read it quickly and it disappeared after I finished but there was something in it. A warning that Athena wasn’t alone.”

Ares eyes widened.

“Do you mind if I read the letter?”

Xena looked at him as if he’d gone mad. Explaining he went on,

“I’d have to find the recollection of it in your memory.”

Xena’s eyes flashed at the possible invasion of her thoughts but judging the necessity of the situation, sighed and moved forward to where Ares was standing. Looking up into his eyes she nodded, and immediately regretted looking directly at him. She could see he was hurt and angry and looked away. She tried to remain calm as she felt his warm, strong palm press against her forehead. Venturing a glance at him, she saw he had closed his eyes and had a look of deep concentration on his face. He was so handsome, soft dark curls framed his determined face and he had a strong jaw. His perfectly muscled form seemed as if it was poured into that leather, it was no wonder so many women melted at his glance. Xena tried to shake the thoughts from her mind. She wanted nothing more than to have him hold her in his arms, like that night when she awoke to find him comforting her. She had no inhibitions and he was so gentle but no matter how hard she tried; now she couldn’t help feeling guilty about her feelings towards him. Xena felt Ares’ hand tense on her forehead.

Ares opened his eyes to see her crystal blue orbs staring longingly at him; it lasted only for a moment though, as Xena quickly averted her eyes. Ares was left wondering if his princess really did care for him or if it was just a rare moment of sympathy that meant nothing. Regathering his thoughts, Ares addressed her,

“I can get you an army of four thousand men. It’ll drain my power but, I can get archers and a mounted contingent here tonight and the rest will follow on foot tomorrow.”

A look of relief passed over Xena’s face. She was glad she didn’t have to ask him for an army. Worry clouded her features for a moment as she turned back to Ares,

“You don’t have forces that big Ares. Is combining armies wise?”

Ares couldn’t help but smile at the ever-observant ways of his warrior princess. No matter how much she denied it, she was the best and couldn’t ignore her way of thinking, fine-tuned to war.

“They’ve never had conflict in the past. Despite small problems, I think they’ll unite under my banner for the opportunity to fight Athena.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Xena, Athena is very dangerous. I don’t want you to fight.”

Xena’s head shot up angrily.

“You don’t honestly expect me to sit by and watch your men fight for my town?”

“I want you to stay where it’s safe…”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like I’m one of your lowly servants Ares. I can fight, you know that. If you were concerned for my safety, you should have done something fourteen years ago.”

With one last infuriated glance, Xena stormed out of the temple and back to Amphipolis. Ares slammed his fist down on the armrest of his throne. Why do I have no tact? Why did I make her feel incompetent?! Unable to answer his own questions, Ares let out a frustrated roar and set off to find the archers and horseback contingent that he had promised.


Absently, Xena tied Argo to a post at the front of the tavern. Striding inside she saw her mother and Gabrielle seated at a table, their hands clasped around steaming mugs. Gabrielle looked decidedly worried and turned immediately as Xena walked in the door.

“Xena! Where have you been?”

“Doing what I had to do.”

Exasperated, Gabrielle stood and walked towards Xena.

“You’re not ready for this Xena, you can’t go up against her, not yet.”

“So what do you propose we do Gabrielle? I’m not surrendering to Athena, fighting’s the only avenue left.”

“How can you be so confident.”

It was more of a forlorn statement than a question. Xena looked over at her mother. She sure didn’t feel confident. She’d never gone into a battle without a decent amount, if not an excessive amount, of confidence, but now she had none and it scared her. After so many years of battle preparation, Xena didn’t find it difficult to fall back into the routine without even thinking.

“Is there anywhere that I can find a map of the area Mum?”

“There’s one in the back darling.”

Xena nodded and headed into the back room, emerging several moments later with a large map of Amphipolis and the surrounding countryside. She watched as two sets of worried eyes followed her movements as she spread it out on a table.

“Will you stop staring at me like that?”

Gabrielle sighed, exasperated.

“Do you really think it’s wise to lead go into war again Xena. It’s what you’ve been fighting against for all these years and I can’t help thinking that Ares might be trying to get you back.”

Xena looked up from the map to the worried bard. I know he’s trying to get me back Gabrielle but not as his warrior, not this time. Xena sighed.

“What else can I do Gabrielle? Athena will chase down anyone and everyone I care about and use them against me. We take this one step at a time.”

“But who are you going to fight with Xena? I hope you’re not considering some independent sabotage plan.”

Xena tensed her jaw.


She turned around to find the young man, who she posted as sentry, staring wide-eyed at her.

“What is it?”

“A group of soldiers on horseback, they just appeared on the southern ridge!”

Xena nodded calmly. Gabrielle looked confused; she didn’t like this at all.

“They just appeared?”

“Yes, just popped out of the air!”

Gabrielle spun around at Xena, a pleading look in her eyes,

“Tell me you didn’t ask him for an army Xena. Tell me that you’re not fighting with Ares again.”

Xena already had no confidence about their current situation and the anguished look on the bard’s face wasn’t helping. To the sentry she said,

“It’s alright, there’ll be more to come. You’ve done a good job but focus on the main road.”

He nodded and quickly left. Xena started to follow him as she was stopped by Gabrielle’s tight grip on her arm.

“I’m not letting you lead Ares’ army into a war Xena. Not after all we’ve been through.”

Silent up until now, Cyrene stepped forward and spoke up.

“Xena please. I’ve lost you once to that bastard, don’t lose yourself again.”

“Don’t you trust me? Do you think I want to lead an army in what could be one of the worst bloodsheds in history? I’ve got no choice.”

Looking into Gabrielle’s eyes for a hint of support but finding nothing but disbelief Xena rolled up the map and in a businesslike fashion informed,

“I’m going to inspect my troops, get a good night’s sleep, you’ll be moving out tomorrow.”

Before her mother or Gabrielle could react, Xena was heading towards the north ridge on Argo, the map in one hand. Cyrene sat down at the table and sobbed.

“What are we going to do Gabrielle? I know she has to do this, she can’t run from Athena, but I don’t want to lose my baby to war.”

Gabrielle sat down next to Cyrene and tried to console the kind woman by hugging her.

“We’ve got to do something Cyrene. Do you know how to get to Ares temple?”

Cyrene grimaced,


“Then let’s go. Do you have a horse?”

Cyrene looked surprised,

“Why yes, there’s a couple in the stables.”

Walking out the door, Cyrene commented,

“I didn’t think you could ride.”

“Well, when I have to I ride behind Xena, it can’t be that hard can it?”

Cyrene managed to chuckle despite the situation,

“I can ride, here hop up behind me.”

Gabrielle managed to mount the horse that Cyrene had already reigned. I just hope riding bareback is as easy as riding with a saddle. Gabrielle thought to herself as they sped off for Ares temple.


The archers had just arrived and were now helping the horseback battalion to set up camp on the southern ridge. It was a good spot, not only could the town be seen, but so could the countryside for miles. Apart from a dense forest, the countryside was flat and so, was easy to survey from their raised position. To the west was a large area of flat plains with town of Amphipolis at the base of the ridge. The camp backed onto the forest, beyond which was the sea. The forest however, could prove troublesome and it extended in an arc, from the south around to the northeast. Xena had no doubt that Athena was coming in from the north and would attempt to use the forest as cover for her army. As a result, tomorrow Xena would post most of the archers in those trees. They would have to sit it out for a day but it would be worth it. If she was careful, Xena was sure she could prevent conflict from spilling over into Amphipolis but regardless, the villagers needed to be evacuated as a precautionary measure. Hopefully, the battle would take place on the plain to the northwest and at the base of the ridge. After several hours of conferencing with the generals that Ares had thoughtfully brought with the archers, battle strategies were eventually finalized. At last Xena had some confidence, they had more men on their side and a better position, in theory they should win but Xena was still uneasy. They weren’t just fighting a warlord, they were fighting Athena and whilst she didn’t deserve to be Goddess of War, she did deserve to be Goddess of Wisdom.

As Xena walked out of the leader's tent, she found the moon low in the sky. From her estimation, it was the early hours of the morning. Battle plans were underway, all the odds were on her side but something wasn’t right. Xena couldn’t put her finger on it but there was something that she was missing, this was all too easy.


Gabrielle felt her stomach turn as they reached the ominous looking doors. Like their master, they were cold, unfeeling and very unwelcoming. With a quick glance at Cyrene for encouragement, Gabrielle leaned all her weight upon the door until it started to creak open. As she slipped inside Gabrielle gasped. She hadn’t realised Ares had a taste for luxury but this temple was anything but impoverished. The floor was of a black marble with white grain and several large pillars within the room were made of the same stone. Statues and busts of famous warriors, polished weapons and elaborate armor lined the walls. Directly ahead was a large altar, behind which was a chiseled likeness of Ares. The white stone stood out in stark contrast with the deep red silk that was draped on the wall behind it. Gabrielle guessed that the day’s offerings had been collected, as the altar was empty. Gabrielle was unsure of what to do. She had prayed at Artemis’ temples several times but she was familiar with the Goddess, in this situation, she didn’t know how to attract Ares attention. Obviously, neither did Cyrene as she spoke up,

“I think we were meant to bring an offering.”

“Xena just calls him and he appears, do you think that would work?”

The doubt was obvious in Gabrielle’s voice.

“Anything’s worth a try.”

Seeing that Cyrene was not going to step forward, Gabrielle walked up to the altar, faced the statue and called,


When nothing happened she called again, louder,


Her shouting however had roused several priestesses who were now emerging from rooms off to the side. Obviously annoyed one priestess ventured,

“If you want the attention of Lord Ares I suggest you try a more respectful form such as praying or a sacrifice but I doubt you will be heard at this hour.”

Gabrielle was beginning to become desperate. They needed to talk to Ares and she didn’t know how she was going to attract his attention,

“Ares, come down here you scumbag, we need to talk about Xena!”

Oh yeah that’s going to work Gabrielle, you need him so you insult him. Much to everyone in the rooms’ surprise, before them appeared a nonchalant looking God of War. He waved the priestesses away and they all, slowly, returned to their rooms.

“Next time you want my attention bard, I suggest you make an offering.”

“Xena never makes an offering, let me guess, she’s special.”

Gabrielle’s voice was practically dripping with sarcasm. Ares just smiled and looked wistful.

“Yes, Xena is my chosen and we share a…bond. I can hear her when she calls out my name but you don’t even register. Luckily for you, I happened to be looking in on my temple when I found an annoying blonde shrieking, naturally, I came to see what the fuss was about.”

Gabrielle’s eyes narrowed.

“I don’t know what you’ve done to her Ares but I know you’ve done something. Either way, she’s not ready for battle.”

“For once I agree with you.”

You could’ve knocked Gabrielle over with a feather. Luckily Cyrene wasn’t as shocked.

“Then withdraw her command from your army.”

“I can’t. She’s established herself there and the men will follow her. Besides, she can’t run from Athena anymore.”

Cyrene was obviously afraid of the powerful God standing before her, but she had seen what he had done to Xena with the furies and she wasn’t going to let something like that happen again.

“How can you let your daughter march to her death and do nothing?!”

Cyrene was hysterical. Unconsciously, Gabrielle held her breath. Ares laughed and stroked his beard.

“My dear woman, I am not Xena’s father. I have some standards you know.”

Cyrene looked relieved.

“I doubt anyone will be able to talk her out of battle now but she’s my chosen for a reason, she can put up a good fight. Now it’s late and I have things to do. I suggest you get some sleep.”

With that Ares disappeared leaving a frustrated Gabrielle behind. She opened her mouth as if to say something but before she had the opportunity, Cyrene and Gabrielle found themselves appear outside the tavern, the horse, tied up. Gabrielle frowned,

“I don’t like this, he’s being much too nice.”

“He’s right though.”

Gabrielle stared at Cyrene,

“We need some sleep, there’s nothing we can do now.”

Defeatedly, Gabrielle followed Cyrene inside the tavern and up to bed.


Ares sat broodily on his throne in his realm. The large armory, tapestries of glorious battles and famous warriors did nothing to sooth his mood. Once again he felt helpless. Xena was going into battle, there was no doubt about that and he could do nothing to stop her. He was the only one who knew the extent of her injuries and although she may have gone into battle injured before, her injuries had never been this bad. If Zeus could have helped, Ares would have swallowed his pride and asked but he had no proof that Athena was actually trying to harm Xena. That was what made this whole situation so frustrating-the situation was blatantly obvious but could be covered up easily in the oblivious eyes of the Gods. To make matters worse, she hated him. The one woman, the one being he had ever cared about couldn’t stand the sight of him. He was a God; he could have everything he wanted except what he wanted most, her. At least he had been able to help a bit; she had to give him that. The archers and mounted soldiers had set up camp and the rest of the army would arrive by tomorrow afternoon. The irony of the situation was unbelievable. For years he had strove for the ultimate battle between himself and Athena. He had planned for Xena to lead his army to victory; she was the only one worthy. It seemed like now he would get what he had wanted for years and now wished wasn’t occurring. The Fates must have a sick sense of humor.


Riding back into the town, Xena wearily dismounted in front of the tavern. She was offered a tent in the army encampment but had refused, preferring to sleep where she felt at home, where she wouldn’t be subject to what she had been running away from for years, her dark side. After unsaddling Argo she walked up to her room to try to capture several precious hours of sleep before early morning soldier training would demand her attention. Closing the door to her room behind her as noiselessly as she could, Xena started to remove her armor. Her sword wasn’t in the best of conditions but it was sharp so would have to do. After laying her weapons and armor down on the table, she started to remove her leathers and boots. Looking out the window she could see lamps, dimly illuminating the few households that remained awake. How much agony had she caused these people? How much had they suffered at her hand? The reputation that she had striven so hard to achieve over the years would no doubt take a heavy blow from this war. She wasn’t supposed to lead armies into conflict, especially not armies belonging to the God of War. Sighing, she wondered if Athena would get away with this. What would happen if Athena captured her? Xena wasn’t afraid of death, she’d stared it in the face too many times in the past for that, but she wondered how much, if anything, Ares would give to save her. Would he even bother or would he just stand by and watch whilst Athena killed her. Realistically, she was nothing to Athena. She was only useful because she had a connection to Ares.

Contemplating her relationship with Ares, Xena wondered if the God really did have the capacity to care, to love unconditionally. Shaking her head she reminded herself that Ares was war, he was killing, bloodshed and evil, there was nothing in his resume that allowed caring and kindness but despite her reasoning, Xena couldn’t ignore the nagging memory of the past week. How he had helped her and Gabrielle and asked nothing in return, how they had kissed on the cliff face. A kiss unlike any she had experienced before. Not just passionate but sharing, a moment in which he seemed to tell her what he could not bring himself to say with words. Violently pushing the thoughts out of her mind, Xena removed her shift and inspected her battered body in the mirror. Not now Xena. You’ve got too much to concentrate on, too much is at stake to get involved now. You hate him and he hates you, nothing more, nothing less.

Her body was healing quite well. The ribs were bandaged very tightly, they caused her little pain and she doubted they would be much trouble in a battle unless she received a direct hit to them. Her back also was healing nicely. The gashes were still a little painful, but nothing she couldn’t deal with. Amelia had done a good job sealing them, so they wouldn’t re-open easily. Looking at herself in the mirror, Xena grimaced. She wasn’t ready for battle; she couldn’t hack her way through opposition without feeling anything anymore. She still felt the bloodlust, the furious pumping of blood in her veins and triumphant feeling of victory, but she had convinced herself that it was wrong. She no longer reveled in it, infact, it disgusted her. Turning away from the mirror and stiffly lying down on the bed, Xena stared at the ceiling. She had lain here, like this, the night before the battle with Cortese. Staring at the ceiling and thinking over the day to come, only then, her body was filled with a nervous excitement, the chance to prove herself and her capabilities. Now all she felt was dread. She didn’t want to fight this, but she had no choice. If Athena wasn’t stopped, she would eventually rule Greece. Ares might be more powerful than her in the battle arena, but Athena was much smarter. Now was their only chance to stop her before she found her footing and things got out of hand. Closing her eyes, Xena let exhaustion take over and quickly, fell into an unsettled sleep.


Gabrielle had been busy all day. The villagers were being sent into the hills in small groups escorted by some soldiers. Obviously, the soldiers weren’t too happy about their new appointments but Xena soon made their positions clear. Gabrielle feared she was taking over the role as leader too well. As usual, she exuded confidence and authority but Gabrielle could see that she was uncertain. She could see the fear and apprehension in Xena’s eyes. It was unsettling, but at least it was a reassurance that Xena wasn’t slipping back into her old habits. Throughout the day, Gabrielle had heard several stories, not only of Xena’s battle conquests but also of her new lifestyle-helping and aiding those in need. The soldiers spreading these ideas were obviously not impressed by their new leader but generally, the army seemed to follow her every whim. Gabrielle was beginning to see why Xena had been so successful in the past. All warlords were ruthless and bloodthirsty but Xena had had an advantage-her men died willingly for her. Judging on some of the stories of her sexual escapades, she could see why. Although Xena had made sure that Gabrielle didn’t go near the army encampment, platoons of soldiers had been practicing nearby all day so she had had the opportunity to eavesdrop quite a bit.

Most of the village had been evacuated by evening. Only Gabrielle, Cyrene and a small group of men who were helping to evacuate, remained. Standing outside of the tavern, Gabrielle could feel the cold night air nip at her ears and nose. She was just about to go inside when she saw a dark figure on a golden mare, hair flying behind her like a mane, come galloping down the road. Stopping and dismounting in front of Gabrielle, Xena tied Argo to a post.

“I’ll be back soon girl.”

Patting the horse’ nose affectionately, Xena turned to Gabrielle.

“Why haven’t you left yet?”

“We were organizing the evacuation Xena, we were needed here.”


Cyrene stepped outside.

“Come in you two, it’s freezing out there, no doubt your hungry Xena?”

Xena sighed exasperated. The worry and foreboding was evident on her features.

“Gabrielle, Mother, I told you to leave as soon as possible. It’s dangerous here!”

Shaking her head at Gabrielle’s ‘I’m not leaving you’ glance, Xena walked inside.

“Sit down and have something to eat Xena. You’ve been busy all day.”

“I’ve got more important things on my mind at the moment mother.”

Xena walked purposefully upstairs in the direction of her room. Gabrielle looked over at Cyrene,

“Oh Cyrene, I’m worried about her.”

“I know hon, me too.”

They looked up to see Xena reemerging twirling a dagger in her hand. Gabrielle’s eyes widened,

“What’s that for?”

Xena raised both eyebrows and placed the dagger in her boot.

“War isn’t nice Gabrielle.”

Her head turned sharply towards the sound of a galloping horse stopping in front of the tavern door. A young soldier ran in breathless,

“My Lady,”

“Don’t call me that.”

Gabrielle frowned.

“I’m sorry…Xena.”

“Did you see their army?”

“Yes. We scouted like you told us too. Coming from the north, along the plains but there’s only 1000 of them.”

Xena blanched. Gabrielle just smiled, relieved.

“That’s wonderful! Athena must’ve been bluffing, you outnumber them four to one, you won’t have to fight at all!”

Gabrielle looked over at Xena. The warrior was pale and obviously trying to think,


“Athena doesn’t bluff Gabrielle.”

Withdrawing a smaller map from her boot Xena rolled it out on the table and looked over it. Gabrielle was starting to worry. Xena’s face was creased in concentration. Her army was prepared for a full-scale attack from the north. Athena was obviously bringing the bulk of her army in an ambush from somewhere else. She couldn’t come from the east, that was all flat plains and easy to survey. The west was covered in a dense forest, too dense for an army to traverse but the south, oh gods the sea! Gabrielle saw Xena pound her fist on the table. She looked over at Gabrielle who could see the shock on her face. Regaining control, with a look of grim determination on her face, Xena turned to the scout,

“Were they marching close together or spread out?”

“The ranks were tight around the edges but in the middle they were really spread out.”

“As if they were trying to create the illusion of numbers?”

“Yes my l…Xena.”

Xena nodded as if formulating a plan in her head. Gabrielle noticed how the knowing twinkle had returned to her eye, as if this knowledge was what she had been waiting for.

“How far away?”

“About half a day.”

“Half a day?!”


Xena tensed her jaw and looked over at Gabrielle,

“There’s no time to evacuate the rest of you, how many are left.”

Gabrielle had started to breathe faster; the adrenaline was pumping through her body. No time to evacuate? We’re stuck in the middle of a war!? Forcing herself to concentrate, she answered with as much confidence as she could muster,

“Twelve, just the people that were necessary.”

Xena nodded grimly.

“Mother, do we still have a wine cellar?”

“Of course.”

“I want you to get everyone down there, take some food and water with you and don’t come out until someone comes for you.”

Gabrielle didn’t say anything.

“Gabrielle? Don’t come out until someone comes okay.”

Nodding, Gabrielle’s curiosity got the better of her. If she was going to be stuck in a cellar, she might as well know what was going on.

“What’s Athena up to Xena?”

Xena sighed.

“She’s coming from the south. She’ll bring the army by boat and try to ambush us from behind.”

Gabrielle’s eyes widened and she brought her hand up to her mouth in shock. Xena smiled sarcastically,

“Don’t worry, we’ll be waiting.”

With a longing look at her mother and Gabrielle, Xena strode purposefully outside.


Mounting her horse, Xena addressed the scout,

“Soldier, I want you to go to the archers camped along the forest outskirts. Tell fifty to stay there, in places where they are only partially concealed. Make sure they have heavy armor and that Athena’s army can see them. Tell the rest to come up to the cliff face immediately.”

The soldier nodded and Xena set off for the army encampment at a frenzied pace. It didn’t take her long but by the time she got there, archers were already starting to appear. By her estimation, they’d have about eight hours to take up their position before Athena would be too close. Her whole plan relied on surprise. Two could play at Athena’s game and by making her believe that they were oblivious to her ambush, Athena would play right into their hands. Xena dismounted and headed straight for the generals’ tents. They had to work fast. Briefly and without mincing words, Xena instructed the generals exactly how to attack. She wanted 2000 men to continue the original strategy and meet the force coming from the north. The rest of the men would pick off Athena’s forces as they tried to come up the beach and through the trees. The archers had taken their places and been instructed to aim for specific targets-the generals and Athena’s archers, that way only menial soldiers would be left. After the generals left to put Xena’s plan into action she remained behind in their tent. Sighing and trying to collect her thoughts, Xena was just about to leave when she felt a familiar tingle on the back of her neck. Stopping in her tracks, Xena closed her eyes and tried to clear her thoughts. His presence always evoked a response from her, it was dark and dangerous yet seductive, all qualities that appealed to the warrior princess. Slowly, she opened her eyes and turned to see him standing there, in all his leather-clad glory, with a worried look on his face.

“What is it Ares, I’m busy.”

Folding his arms across his chest, Ares stated nonchalantly,

“Athena had placed a block on her army, as I have done to yours. She won’t know your battle strategies unless she finds out the mortal way.”

“It’s not my army Ares.”

Gesturing apologetically, Ares thought to himself, I give her an army, shield her from Athena and save her best friend and what do I get? Not even a thank you.

“She’s coming from the south.”

Ares suddenly became alert and growled at his short-mindedness.

“Of course!”

“Anyway, I’ve got archers in the trees and 2000 men waiting to pick Athena’s forces off as they come up the beach.”

Ares couldn’t help but smile at Xena’s instinct for battle.

“You could make your life a lot easier by placing fire-catapults on the cliff. That way, you’ll only have to fight the ones that can make it to shore alive.”

Surprised, Xena looked up at Ares.

“Good idea.”

Basking in the rare comment, Ares felt a sudden burst of generosity. Waving his hand he stated,

“Happy you like it, they’re in place. Athena won’t see them until it’s too late.”

Xena smiled. That was the first time he’d seen her smile at him since he returned her chakram. Gods what he’d give for that smile. The way her crystal eyes lit up and her face turned so soft and feminine. He didn’t see it often, even less often was it directed at him, but every time it reminded him of what an amazing woman she was. Not just a fearsome warrior and master at practically everything she tried her hand at, but a wonderful woman. He was snapped out of his reverie but the sound of her voice,

“Quit staring Ares, I’m not that abnormal.”

Smiling at the look on her face he teased,

“Not a little self-conscious are we?”

“Since when have I been self-conscious Ares?”

Grinning devilishly and moving closer to her, Ares said in a seductive voice,

“Never at night.”

Xena pulled violently away and glared daggers at him. How could he do that to her, maybe he didn’t care after all. Disgustedly, she replied,

“You’ve served your purpose Ares, leave.”

Looking into her eyes, sparkling the moment before now looking murderously at him. Did he sense hurt? Of course you sense hurt you idiot! At last you see her happy, she doesn’t look disgustedly at you and what do you do? Insult her and bring up things she was trying to forget. Furious at himself Ares looked once more into the crystal-blue eyes of his chosen and fulfilled her command by disappearing in a shimmer of silver.

Xena let out a breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding when he disappeared but saw something other than silver sparkles drop to the ground. Bending down, she picked up the most flawless blue iris she had ever seen in her life. The blue was deep but pure and the bloom was perfect in every way imaginable. Xena couldn’t remember the last time she had been given a flower by a man. As an unchecked tear ran down her cheek she realised that it was because she had never received a flower from anyone.

Squeezing her eyes shut she felt the terrible ache begin in her chest again. The ache that she’d managed to suppress for too long. With all her heart she wished that that ache didn’t seem so dreadfully wrong. That for once in her life, she could let down her guard, ignore her reputation and let her heart decide. Shaking her head she opened her eyes. You’ll never be able to let down your guard Xena, especially not around him. Your heart’s lying, it has before, the first time you met him, and it is now. Gently placing the flower down on the table, she realised that she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. Xena’s mother’s words came back to her, I had found love and that’s one thing you can’t run from. Picking up the flower again she thought to herself, I might not be able to run from it mother, but I can throw it away.


Up on the cliff, Xena could see Athena’s boats, three in all, coming around the bend in the coast. Xena had removed her armor so that the full moon wouldn’t reflect off it and alert Athena’s army to her presence.

Everything was going smoothly so far. The catapults were ready and once Athena’s boats were in range, they would be fired. The fire onboard would kill most of the army, more still would drown and Xena doubted that many more than 500 would actually reach the beach. If they did, of course, her army would be waiting for them. It was perfect, virtually flawless, providing that Athena didn’t find out about her whereabouts. It took a lot of energy for a God to transport such a large amount of followers so she knew Athena couldn’t simply transport them from the sea onto land. Getting an army here had drained much of Ares power but that had soon been replenished by the ample offerings by the 4000 strong army.

Sighing, Xena stood at the edge of the cliff. Her plan was in action. They would strike in about three hours when the boats were in range. A battle with Athena’s decoy force from the north would follow but Xena outnumbered her forces there and so that fight would be short-lived. Her battle was planned but still Xena felt unsettled. Looking down at the iris that she still held in her hand, Xena sighed. I may not be able to run from love, but I can throw it away. Raising the iris to her lips one last time, she softly kissed it and then threw it over the cliff edge, into the waiting sea below. Watching the precious flower until it disappeared from sight, Xena turned and made her way back to Argo, roughly brushing away the tears that were clouding her vision.


The soldiers paused for a bloody conflict found themselves sorely disappointed with the imminent war. When morning broke, Athena’s ships came into range of the fire-catapults. Oblivious to the danger, all Tartarus broke loose when the soldiers found their ships sinking and on fire. Many died, directly as a result of the impact and more followed as fires raged through the doomed vessels. Those able to make it into the water in time found their only safety, the beach, was covered in rival soldiers, waiting to pick them off as they crawled, exhausted, up the sand. Seeing that no more than 200 of the 2000 made it to land, Xena moved 1500 of those waiting on the beach to the conflict from the north. Although already in full swing, a quick end to the bloodshed would be welcome. Xena, however did not join in the killing, but watched from her spot on the hill.

Her forces were clearly overpowering Athena’s. It seemed that Ares had finally won. For years he’d been striving for this battle, and at last he had beaten his greatest rival, Athena. The victory cries of her troops as they felled the last of the rival soldiers were welcome sounds to Xena’s ears as well, though not because she had won the war, but because she had won her freedom. Xena smiled as the soldiers, thrusting their bloodied swords into the air, yelled out Ares name in triumph. A general, covered in blood but obviously elated, rode up to her.

“Xena. The men are waiting for you to address them.”

Turning slightly in his direction she stated absentmindedly,

“This wasn’t my battle, I didn’t even fight in it. You address them.”

“Xena, with all due respect, you are their leader.”

“Ares is their leader. I have more pressing matters to attend to.”

With that, she galloped down the hill in the direction of the town, faintly hearing the warriors hailing their great Lord Ares.


Striding around the side of her mother’s tavern, Xena knelt over the large wooden door in the ground. Banging on it, she yelled,

“It’s safe, you can come out now Gabrielle.”

Xena could hear the muffled sounds of hinges being unlatched and the aged creak as the large door swung upwards and open revealing an elated Gabrielle, a relieved mother and several other confused faces.

“Did…did we win?”

“Yes. It’s over, Athena has no forces left, you’re safe.”

Crying out in joy the few remaining villagers scrambled out of the wine cellar. Several tried to kiss or hug Xena in thanks. Gently pushing them away, Xena stated firmly but kindly,

“Don’t thank me, I haven’t done anything, I didn’t even fight. Go back to your homes, I’ll send out some soldiers to bring your families home soon.”

With grateful and relieved smiles, the few villagers ran off in different directions, oblivious to the cheering of the army on the hill.

Xena felt two arms close around her midsection as Gabrielle hugged her tightly.

“I was so worried Xena.”

Xena just smiled,

“I’ve done this before Gabrielle, remember.”

Looking over Xena’s body and seeing no blood anywhere Gabrielle looked up at her friend.

“You really didn’t fight?”

“No. I just commanded the attack form the hill. Wouldn’t do my reputation any good now would it?”

Gabrielle smiled and put her arm around Xena’s waist. A tearful Cyrene walked up to her daughter and studied her as if looking for something. Laughing, Xena said,

“Don’t worry mother, it’s me. I won’t give into the bloodlust, I’ll never be that person again.”

Cyrene smiled, relieved and happy. Xena perked up,

“Meanwhile, we’ve just fought a war. I don’t want to ask you this but we’re a little short on healers. Do you think you could help?”

As if awaiting a retort, Xena looked down at Gabrielle.

“Of course I’ll help Xena.”

Wanting to help in some way, Cyrene interjected enthusiastically,

“I don’t know much about healing Xena, but I always bandaged and stitched your father’s wounds when he returned from battle. I’d like to help if I can.”

Xena smiled.

“Thank you, both of you.”

Walking around the side of the tavern with her mother and Gabrielle in tow, Xena mounted Argo. Her mother brought a horse out from the stables and Gabrielle mounted behind Xena. With Xena in the lead, they set off for the healer's tent in the encampment.

The tent was already somewhat crowded. Pushing through the wounded men, Xena made her way to the head healer-an elderly lady that looked very nervous and hurried.


The woman turned around and walked over to the tall woman in armor.

“It’s kind of busy in here right now…”

“I’m Xena.”

The woman visibly paled and started to utter an apology when Xena cut her off.

“I have two women that would like to help.”

The healer nodded.

“Gabrielle. If you could, I’d like you to try and get some order into this place. Set up a queue and make sure only the severely wounded are on beds. Don’t take any nonsense, if you need me, just call okay.”

Gabrielle nodded and set off proudly to busy herself with the difficult task of organizing the overcrowded tent. Addressing the healer again, Xena asked,

“How many healers are there here?”

“Two my lady.”

Xena shrugged off the respectful name and urged her mother forward.

“Well, now you have three. I want you all working on sealing and bandaging these men’s minor wounds. As soon as that’s done, get someone to help them back to their own tents. We need all the space in here that we can muster and they can look after themselves from there. Leave all the serious wounds, I’ll tend to those.”

The healer nodded frantically, somewhat relieved at receiving help. Cyrene followed the healer to a patient and quickly set to bandaging his wound. In such a short time, Gabrielle had already made a difference. By enlisting the aid of several unharmed soldiers, she had scuttled all but serious cases out of the tent. There was now sufficient room to move between rows of beds.

Seeing a man sporting a serious injury that would result in him losing his leg, Xena set to her grim task just as a feminine figure, armed in elaborate gold armor appeared.

“Well, Xena.”

She stated, fury and disgust mingling in her voice. The warrior princess looked up from where she had knelt.

“It seems you have defeated my army. Well done my dear, I didn’t think you would uncover my plan of attack.”

By now the whole tent was in silence, save a few groans of pain, all talking had ceased when the figure appeared. Xena stood, apparently unnerved by the powerful woman. She curled her lip in disgust.

“Athena. Finally you find the guts to talk to me yourself.”

Athena got a dangerous glint in her eye. Gabrielle’s eyes widened as she finally saw the goddess that had been plaguing her thoughts for a week. Athena gave of a proud regal air, in a way it was obnoxious-as if she beheld everyone else as subordinate to herself. She was clad from neck to ankle in a strange armor. It was golden and seemed to be made of individual overlapping plates of metal, kind of like the scales on a fish. She was beautiful in a way but didn’t possess the type of natural beauty that was attributed to Xena. Whereas Xena seemed almost unaware of the flawlessness of her body that seduced men who didn’t even know who she was, Athena seemed to want to accentuate what she had. The way she held her head up and looked down her nose at Xena made Gabrielle instantly dislike the Goddess she had respected for years. Gabrielle looked over at Xena, standing her ground and obviously unmoved by the danger that she was in. Gabrielle knew that Xena didn’t respect the Gods but now wouldn’t be the best time to show it. Gabrielle uttered a silent plea, Please be careful Xena.

Xena had never met Athena before but the way she held herself made it blatantly obvious that the Goddess standing before her could be no one else. The focus of the whole tent was on herself and the Goddess. Wishing that Athena had chosen a more private place to confront her Xena spat out,

“You’ve lost Athena. Can’t you play fair and accept defeat?”

Laughing in a decidedly evil fashion, Athena eyed Xena, her eyes full of hatred and greed.

“I’m a goddess Xena, and a powerful one at that, I don’t have to play fair.”

Raising her hand, a golden light shot towards Xena. Before she could move to avoid it she was flung across the room like a ragdoll, and slammed up against a tent post. Falling to the ground, Xena gasped as pain clouded her mind. She could feel the cuts on her back bleeding as the impact had re-opened them. Her broken ribs were throbbing but, never one to give up without a fight, she raised her head and shakily stood, using the pole as her support. Athena looked mildly surprised but nonetheless, couldn’t suppress a triumphant grin as she stated,

“Like I told you Xena, I always win.”

Gabrielle managed to overcome her fear of the powerful Goddess and ran over to Xena with worry in her eyes. Although Xena had managed to stand, the pain was still evident on her face. She hit that pole hard, but not hard enough to cause her that much pain. Gabrielle thought to herself as she studied Xena’s tensed body.

“Get away Gabrielle.”

Xena barely managed to utter the words amongst the waves of nausiating pain that were flooding her body. Xena pushed Gabrielle away as another ball of light flew from Athena’s hand and directly for her. Bracing herself for the onslaught of pain, Xena felt a familiar tingling sensation and watched as the light ball stopped in it’s tracks as if held there by an invisible force. All in the room held their breath in amazement but Xena knew what was going on and felt a wave of comfort replace the pain. Managing to push it to the back of her mind, she released her grip on the pole and stood once again in a battle stance as Ares appeared in the centre of the room, holding the ball of light Athena had just thrown. Athena’s eyes narrowed as Ares threatened,

“This is between me and you Athena, leave her out of it.”

Athena smiled maniacally,

“You couldn’t be more correct brother.”

Athena said sarcastically,

“This is between me and you, it always has been. But your little chosen here seems to be the only mortal, nay, the only thing that you seem to care about. Thus she involves herself.”

As if proud of herself, Athena produced a dagger and started twirling it between her fingers. Making her way through the beds to where Ares was standing. Her eyes twinkling with hate, venomously Xena announced,

“I will never surrender to you Athena and if you managed to capture me somehow, what makes you think that Ares would give up anything to save me? When has he ever done anything unselfish before?”

Athena seemed to digest Xena’s argument. Nodding as if in recognition, she replied,

“I do believe you are right my dear. But you are wrong about something.”

Raising a hand, Athena transported Gabrielle to a position next to her then swiftly held the dagger to her throat. Xena screamed,


Athena smiled wickedly,

“Although he may not give up much for you when you’re dead, it’s another thing to see someone you care about suffer.”

Looking into Gabrielle’s terrified eyes, Xena felt a wave of cold dread pass over her body. Ares cared nothing for Gabrielle, infact, Xena didn’t doubt he’d prefer her dead. She’d always known that she shouldn’t let Gabrielle travel with her, it was too dangerous. And now, because of her, the bard would die. In disbelief, Xena heard Ares address Athena.

“What do you want Athena?”

Was Ares protecting Gabrielle? Athena laughed and a wave of evil seemed to shroud the room.

“I want your Godhood Ares. I want your power. I’ll control all of your Armies and the superpowers of the world, Athens and Rome will merge as one. I will sweep through the land destroying all those who refuse to worship the REAL goddess and eventually, Greece…will…be…mine.”

Her last few words were spoken slowly and with deathly certainty however, before anyone could utter a further word, Xena felt the ground begin to dissolve beneath her feet. All she could see in front of her was a thick, golden-tinged fog. Xena gasped as an immense room took shape. The luxury of this room was unmatched. Huge windows lined one wall portraying through them magnificent landscapes dotted with rivers, mountains and tiny towns. Xena felt as if she was looking from the top of the world. The room had a distinctly ceremonious aura about it. It was the type of place where you felt you had to tiptoe for fear of interrupting the glorious silence. Directly in front of her was a long marble table. Along each side sat five gods, Xena noticed that two chairs, on opposite sides of the table, were empty. At the head of the table and staring directly at her was a grey-haired man dressed in a toga of the purest silk she had ever laid eyes upon. Despite the colour of his hair and the wrinkles on his face, he was powerful and obviously in charge. Xena had no doubt that the god looking her over was none other than Zeus. He stood and in a booming voice that reverberated around the room, spoke.

“Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Honourable War. You have been brought before this assembly for a trial.”

Athena’s eyes flashed indignance and, what seemed to Xena to be a hint of fear.

“You will be facing the charges of: Firstly-Interfering with the life of another God’s chosen without due reason and with malicious intent. And secondly, Purposely misleading the assembly and abusing your title and duty to the mortals of your realm.”

Turning away from the shocked Goddess and to Xena and Ares, who were standing side by side he announced.

“Xena, chosen of Ares. You are here as the mortal in question. You will be needed to testify in this case. Do you accept?”

Hatefully looking over at Athena, Xena answered softly but confidently,


Zeus had to admire the strength of the mortal standing before him. Oh he’d heard of her alright. She had been Ares destroyer for years and then, after her self-redemption, the thorn in his side. He had seen how his son’s eyes lit up when talking about her but seeing her for himself, he had to agree that she was something special. The armor she wore was ornate but nothing particularly dashing. In armor like that, most women would look butch, but Xena looked just as feminine as ever. She wore the armor, it didn’t wear her. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. She seemed to have an amply feminine figure, despite the strength that it harnessed. Xena also possessed a type of grace. The type he had rarely seen. She was confident and unfaltering, even before the assembly of Gods that had the potential to destroy her with a blink. That type of grace could not be learnt or taught, it was a gift, and one she beheld with modesty.

Zeus could understand Ares’ infatuation with the warrior woman. Waving his hand, three chairs appeared. Two on the right of the assembly and one on the left. Gesturing, Zeus commanded,


Grudgingly, Athena sat down, closely followed by Ares and Xena.

“Aphrodite called this meeting to make us aware of a great disturbance in the mortal realm, a cunning plan that was being executed, beneath out very noses.”

Aphrodite winked at Ares.

“We watched your meeting with Xena, Athena, and heard your words about your desired destiny. We have substantial evidence already but Olympian law proclaims that the prosecuted has the right to speak. State your case.”

Zeus sat as Athena slowly rose. Smiling, she began,

“Father, brothers and sisters, I ask that you truly consider the merit of the situation. Ares and I have been rivals for millenia. He threatened me and my power and as a result, our armies went to war. Ares army won,”

Ares smirked, through gritted teeth, Athena continued,

“His forces were led by his chosen, The Warrior Princess. Before battle she was engaged in a conversation in which openly abused my title and position.”

Xena’s eyes widened at the way Athena had twisted the situation to fit her cause and had to fight to stay in her seat.

“I was thus within jurisdiction to appear to her after the battle had ended. I was obviously angry at my army’s defeat and went a little overboard.”

Stepping forward with an innocent expression on her face, Athena looked into the eyes of her fellow gods and continued,

“You all know me well and you all know that I am wiser than trying to conquer Greece.”

The assembly of Gods seemed to digest Athena’s believeable plea. Xena couldn’t believe her eyes. They were all buying her story and starting to look accusingly at Ares. Zeus raised a hand for quiet and asked,

“You have addressed the second charge. However, we would like to hear your response to the first. Did you threaten Ares’ chosen with a malicious intent?”

Athena emitted a small laugh at the charge.

“I would never hurt the chosen of another god. I know the rules that are set down for the Olympian Gods and abide by them always.”

With a kind smile that conflicted harshly with the evilness in her eyes, Athena stepped back to her chair and sat down as the Gods discussed her plea between themselves. Once again, Zeus raised a hand and the chatter ceased as he began to talk,

“Xena of Amphipolis. You have led a varied life. At one point you served Ares but now you oppose him. We wish to question you.”

Xena nodded.

“Did you or did you not engage in a conversation on which you ridiculed Athena’s title?”

Xena sighed. Trust them to pick that. Standing she answered,

“I was talking with my mother and my best friend when I said that I believed that Athena’s title of honorable war was fraujulent.”

Zeus looked surprised at the strength of the mortal standing infront of him.

“Xena, what do you have to back up that claim?”

“Only years of experience. As you mentioned, I was Ares warrior before I had the sense to listen to my conscience. For years I lived war, I lived for the bloodshed and the carnage. I caused it. Nothing about war is honorable. No matter what the intent or reason behind it, killing is never honorable. I therefore wholeheartedly believe that Athena is unworthy of a title that does not exist.”

Many gods gasped. But there was something about this mortal that made them want to believe her. She was with Ares, their much hated brother but she was honest to the extreme and didn’t seem phased by their presence. Zeus continued his questioning.

“Aside from her act of anger in the healer tent, has Athena ever harmed you?”

Xena saw Athena stiffen as she continued.



“A week ago. My friend and I were captured by her army and taken hostage. Gabrielle…escaped but I remained in the camp.”

“You were hurt then?”


Angrily, Zeus turned to Athena,

“Athena, what do you have to say to these charges.”

“I would like to call a witness if I could Father.”

“Who Athena?”

“Gabrielle, Xena’s best friend.”

Despite herself, Xena gasped. Ares looked into her distraught eyes and placed his hand over hers where it lay on the armrest of her chair. Looking up into his eyes, she calmed down a little at the soothing and supportive look that lay there. Ares pulled his hand away as Zeus waved his hand and a stunned looking Gabrielle appeared next to Athena. As her eyes gazed around her surroundings and the ominous looking assembly of Gods, Gabrielle turned very pale but recovered slightly after seeing Xena on the other side of the room. Trust her to be calm and confident in a situation like this. Gabrielle thought to herself. She watched, wide eyed as Zeus stood,

“Gabrielle, Bard of Potedia and inheritant Queen of the Amazons. You have been called here to give evidence in the trial of Athena. I need not remind you that your answers must be truthful. Will you pose as a witness?”

Still somewhat breathless at the situation, Gabrielle managed to utter,


Xena sighed. Athena knew exactly what she was doing and if she played her cards right, would use Gabrielle against her. Again looking over at Ares, she could see his face was a mask of revulsion for his kniving sister. If this was how Athena twisted the truth, he had a good reason to hate her so much.


Cyrene stared in shock at the spot where Gabrielle had been the moment before. After the sudden disappearance of her daughter and the two Gods, the healer’s tent had erupted in a sea of rumours, suspicions and gossip. Cyrene and Gabrielle had been discussing Xena’s safety when, mid sentence, Gabrielle disappeared just as her daughter had done a moment before. Feverently praying that they were both alright, Cyrene half-heartedly, set back to her task of bandaging the wounds of the injured.


Athena stood and addressed the assembly.

“It seems that Xena and Gabrielle were travelling through an area closely guarded by my soldiers. Once they found out who she was, they made no hesitation in capturing her. After all, her life is ransomed all over the country and there is a certain prestige regarding those who have captured the warrior princess.”

With a mocking glance at Xena’s hate filled face, she continued.

“They were taken into my camp as would any other hostage and were chained as per normal procedure. Neither were harmed whilst in my camp.”

Xena’s eyebrows shot up and she had to force herself to take several deep breaths to recover her composure. She noticed that Aphrodite too looked somewhat shocked at the allegations of her sister. Xena wondered what part she played in all of this.

“However, Ares blatantly disregarded the rights of my army and freed Gabrielle. Xena isn’t the victim in all of this father, I am.”

Turning his head on the side, Zeus questioned,

“You didn’t hurt Xena whilst she was in your care?”

“No father.”

Turning to Gabrielle she smiled sweetly and asked the somewhat overwhelmed bard,

“Gabrielle, when Xena escaped and met you with the amazons, was she hurt?”

Nervously, Gabrielle began,

“When I saw her she was exhausted…”

Before Gabrielle could continue, Athena cut in like a typical interrogator,

“But she wasn’t hurt?”

“Well, no…”

Cutting Gabrielle off she once again appealed to the assembly,

“I think if anyone knows of Xena’s condition it would be her best friend. Father, I did not harm Xena whilst she was in my care, but Ares did deny my army’s right to have Gabrielle as their prisoner by taking her from under their noses.”

Zeus frowned,

“Ares. What do you have to say to this allegation?”

“I had every right to remove Gabrielle from her capture by Athena’s army.”

“And why is that?”

“Because my chosen requested it.”

Some of the Gods gasped and stared at Xena. A handsome, cocky God who Xena decided, had to be Apollo, stood.

Gabrielle from Athena’s army, and did so, but left your chosen there and now are kicking up a fuss about it.”

Sitting down with an air of triumph, Apollo gazed over at Athena and they shared, what seemed to Xena to be a conferring glance. Apollo obviously disliked Ares as well. Fuming, Ares defended himself,

“I couldn’t save Xena because she wouldn’t let me. When I released Gabrielle, I was obeying the wish of my chosen but Xena wouldn’t let me take her. I heeded the laws of the Gods in leaving her there.”

Zeus sighed and settled the matter.

“It would seem that Ares was within his rights to do what he did but we are avoiding the issue here. To the first charge, Athena says she was within rights to approach Xena after she had, admittedly, accused her of being a fraud. To the second charge, Athena claims that she did not harm Xena whilst she was imprisoned by her army and Xena’s friend, Gabrielle, had affirmed this. The assembly will now recess whilst we consider our..”


All heads turned to Xena and Ares who had simultaneously stood and prevented the conclusion of the trial. Athena was sitting smugly next to a stunned and deflated looking Gabrielle. After sharing a glance with Xena, Ares began angrily,

“Whilst imprisoned by Athena, Xena was harmed.”

The assembly gasped, Zeus stood angrily,

“Are you accusing Athena of lying Ares?”

Xena stood forward,


The Gods stared at the confident mortal woman standing before them. Aphrodite smiled and winked at Xena. Zeus, however, was not impressed at the disruption,

“Then my child, you are also condemning your friend.”

“No. Gabrielle told the truth, she was not made aware of my injuries.”

“And why was that?”

“I don’t like to be petted and fussed over.”

Gabrielle let out a frustrated sigh. Athena started to lost confidence and look a little worried. Standing quickly she addressed Zeus,

“Father, she has interrupted the trial and spoken out of place, I ask that you suspend her from further interference in this case.”

With a cocky grin at Xena, she sat down. Xena however, didn’t phase easily.

“As the mortal in question I believe I have the right to speak for myself in order to ensure justice be done. I haven’t been allowed that opportunity as yet.”

Athena opened her mouth as if to protest but was silenced by Zeus’ raised hand. Whilst he wasn’t impressed with the interruption of the trial, he had to admire Xena for her courage.

“You are right my dear. State your case and then we will adjourn and take our vote.”

Ares resumed his seat as Xena began to talk.

“When we were captured, I was taken into a separate tent to Gabrielle. Subsequently, she saw nothing that was done to me. Ares came to talk to me that night and I asked him to free Gabrielle, which he did. The next day I managed to escape by myself and reach the safety of the amazons before I was recaptured.”

With an unsure glance at Gabrielle, she continued.

“Whilst I was held prisoner, I was chained, beaten and whipped. Several times, and upon my capture, soldiers made explicit mention to their lady. It was somewhat obvious that my capture was not only planned by but also ordered by Athena.”

Zeus looked both intrigued and annoyed,

“My child, you realise that you have no evidence to back you up and it is your word against Athena’s.”

Athena smirked but her face fell when Xena shook her head.

“Ares offered to heal me but I have never been one to take help from anyone, especially not Gods.”

Sighing, she continued,

“The evidence of my beating still remains.”

It was obvious to all that Xena did not want to show her injuries. Athena had thought she would get away with this because Xena’s conscience wouldn’t allow her to reveal her injuries to Gabrielle. If you think I’m going to let you get away with this, you’ve got another thing coming Athena. Xena thought to herself as she started to remove her armor. She was interrupted by a gentle voice.

“Xena, allow me.”

Looking into Ares concerned face she felt a surge of confidence. Athena would be punished, he’d make sure of that. Nodding, Xena let Ares remove her armor and leathers with a wave of his hand. They appeared, folded, on her chair. Xena could feel her shift sticking to her back and heard Ares draw in a breath behind her. Since Athena had thrown her against that pole, the wounds from the whipping had been bleeding and she now feared that the blood had started to dry, sticking her shift to her skin. Xena turned her back to the assembly who all gasped at the amount of blood that caused her thin shift to stick sickly to her back. Lifting her shift over her head, Xena dropped it to the ground and crossed her arms over her chest. Now standing only in her underpants, Xena’s wounds were visible to all. Her back was coated in blood and, despite her set jaw and strong stance, all present realised that it was impossible for her not to be in a fair amount of pain. Xena turned around to allow the assembly to see the bruises that still littered her abdomen. Xena looked over at Gabrielle to see her eyes flooded with tears but turned away before her friend could try to offer a pitying glance. Although somewhat pale, Aphrodite managed to stand and focus her family’s attention. In a determined but gentle voice she said,

“Ares came to me for help when Xena was captured. We looked in on her and I saw her chained up and injured like this.”

Turning towards her father, Aphrodite continued,

“Daddy, Athena did this to her, there’s no doubt about it.”

Turning away from the pitying and horrified glances of the Gods to Ares, Xena said softly,

“Can I have my clothes back now?”

Ares smiled slightly and, with a thought, Xena was dressed in a clean shift and her leathers. When sitting down, she noticed that Ares had not replaced her armor and it laid on the floor at her feet. Smiling, she thought to herself, He didn’t want to put too much weight on my back. He must care. Forcing herself to shake the thoughts from her head, she looked over at the Gods who were talking feverently amongst themselves. Eventually, Zeus stood and spoke.

“Athena. After hearing your plea and those of your victim. We the assembly of Olympus, find you guilty on both charges.”

Xena and Ares both breathed a sigh of relief.

“Not only did you maliciously harm the chosen of Ares, but you blatantly lied to all of us. For this you must be punished.”

Athena had lost her cocky air and went somewhat white.

“I have no doubt that we could find another to replace you in your position as Goddess of Wisdom but you have not openly abused that position as yet. However, you have shown that you are indeed not worthy of the title of Goddess of Honorable War. Thus we denounce you of this title and forward all the responsibilities of war to Ares.”

Athena looked shocked and Ares looked pleased, surprisingly, not cocky, but pleased that Athena had eventually been found out.

“Athena, we have not forgotten your betrayal to your family. You will be watched carefully from now on.”

Turning to Xena he added, smiling,

“We apologize for what you have suffered my dear. If you would allow it, Apollo would gladly heal your wounds.”

Seeing Apollo’s disgusted glare, Xena decided that he too needed to learn a lesson. She had no doubt that Apollo had been working with Athena. They both had it in for Ares but after this she doubted if they’d be so obvious in the future. Smiling lightly she said,

“I would appreciate it if he did.”

Scowling, Apollo stood and walked over to Xena. Placing his hands roughly on her shoulders, he closed his eyes as if in deep concentration. Xena felt the skin on her back pulling tightly and the intense itching sensation attributed to a healing wound. After several moments, Apollo opened his eyes and, after glaring at Xena, walked back to his seat.

“I declare this court adjourned. Ares you will take the mortals back to where they came from.”

With a last approving glance at Xena, Zeus disappeared followed by most of the other Gods. Gabrielle ran over to Xena and hugged her tightly. Prying the relieved bard away, Xena said,

“It’s alright Gabrielle. I’m fine.”

She stopped as Athena walked over menacingly and threatened,

“You haven’t seen the last of me Xena. I won’t forget this.”

Smiling regally, Xena added,

“Neither will I Athena.”

Fuming, the enraged Goddess disappeared with a spark of lightning. Xena turned to see Aphrodite standing in front of her and clapping her petite hands together in excitement.

“I knew you could do it! Good on you warrior babe.”

Giggling, she hugged Xena and turned to face Ares. Winking she said,

“Later babes.”

And disappeared in a shower of red rose petals. Smiling at Xena, Ares said seriously,

“We need to talk.”

Nodding, Xena turned to Gabrielle,

“Can you tell Mum that I’m fine? I’ll be there soon okay.”

Gabrielle nodded cautiously and eyed Ares distrustfully. Waving his hand, Gabrielle disappeared. Placing his hand on Xena’s shoulder they disappeared and reappeared seconds later on a clifftop. The evening breeze was warm but fresh. Looking out into the distance, Xena could see miles of towns, forests and farms. It was like looking at a living map. Drawing in a breath she said softly,

“It’s beautiful.”

Ares smiled. So are you. He thought to himself. He couldn’t live like this any longer. Every time he thought of her, regret at his past actions surfaced but regardless, he couldn’t think of anything else. Every time her saw her she avoided him. For the first time in his immortal existence, he felt something other than bitterness and hatred. A small spark at first but it was rapidly growing into an insuppressable fire. Looking over at Xena, the breeze, gently blowing her raven hair away from her stately face, he sighed and began,


She turned around to face him, mingled dread and anticipation I her eyes. Emotional outbursts weren’t his strongpoint but bracing himself he continued.

“You’ve always meant something to me. At first, I mistook the feeling for pride and accomplishment at finding a warrior worthy of ruling with me but then you pulled away from my flock and started to make a real life for yourself. As time went by I started to realise that you are more special as the woman you are now than the destroyer you were then. I was obsessed with the destroyer…”

Pausing he looked up into her crystal blue eyes and softly added,

“but I fell in love with the woman.”

Xena’s eyes widened and her heart began to beat faster. Fighting back the urge to give into the warm sensations that were flooding her body, she managed to control her thoughts. Of all the things in the world, this was what she wanted most. To be with the one person that made her feel special, feminine. The only one that knew really knew her. Looking up into Ares’ deep brown eyes, she turned away. What she wanted most, she couldn't have. Feeling a stray tear run down her cheek, Xena quickly brushed it away and took a deep breath. Still turned away from Ares, she said softly, in a shaky voice.

“I can’t Ares.”

Ares felt his heart fall. If he had have been mortal, he would have jumped of the cliff and put and end to the most terrible agony he had ever experienced. He only faintly heard her voice as she continued,

“After all I’ve been through, what I’ve fought for years…”

She felt her voice choke in her throat,

“You’re the God of War and that’s never going to change. I can’t love that, Ares.”

Turning back to him, she looked into his eyes and saw the sorrow, the absolute horror of his gaze. Feeling more unwanted tears slide down her cheeks, she had to pull away when his hand reached out to comfort her.

“Take me back to Gabrielle.”

She saw his expression lose all gentleness and turn cold. With a forlorn wave of his hand, she disappeared and Ares let out an agonized scream and slumped to the ground.


Reappearing in the healer’s tent, Xena hardly felt Gabrielle’s consoling hand against her arm or the relieved voice of her mother. She set to amputating limbs and treating serious injuries like a zombie. She felt numb. Not the love of a mother nor the agonized screams of a soldier could get a reaction, she felt as if she had just given up her life by refusing her heart. Washing her hands, she followed her mother and Gabrielle out into the sunshine. Soldiers had packed up most of the camp and platoons were moving out slowly. Some villagers had ventured up to the camp to thank the soldiers or greet their family. As if in slow motion, Xena saw a young woman run towards a soldier who was heading out in a departing platoon. The woman wrapped her arms around him and fell to the ground sobbing. The soldier tried to ignore her but it seemed the harder he tried, the more disturbed he became. The young woman was reduced to a sobbing heap on the ground, screaming at the soldier, begging him to come back to her. Feeling a sudden interest in the couple, Xena asked her mother,

“Who is she?”

Cyrene sighed and looked on sadly,

“Nayome. She’s a village girl. That’s her fiance, Marius. Marius’ brother was in that army and signed him up a year ago. He didn’t want to join, but the army has a policy of death to deserters so he had no choice. She cried for days. They’re desperately in love but there was no way they could be together so he told her he didn’t love her when he left.”

Xena felt the familiarity of the situation tug at her heart. Mounting a nearby horse she rode halfway down the hill and yelled out to the platoon commander,


He turned sharply and the soldiers stopped marching.

“I don’t believe I relenquished command of this platoon?”

“Not yet Xena.”

“Good, then this young soldier is no longer needed in this army and is free to go about life as he pleases. Thankyou General.”

Watching the elated couple cry and hug each other with shared ‘I love you’ as the platoon marched on without him, Xena realized what she had to do and rode off down the hill in the direction of the road.

Riding hard, Xena let the tears fall freely down her face. Dismounting infront of the temple she ran inside and through the inner sanctum door. Desperately hoping that he would come, she calmed herself and called,


In front of her appeared a forlorn looking God doing his darndest not to portray feeling on his face or in his voice.

“Yes Xena.”

His hard voice made Xena ache inside. Had she lost her chance? Thrown away what he had offered to her? Swallowing, Xena looked up into his eyes and made no attempt to conceal her tears.

“I’m sick of listening to my head Ares. I’m sick of ignoring what I know I want and I’m sick of worrying about what people will think. As of now, I’ll follow my heart and that’s only leading me to one place. With you.”

Not quite believing his ears, Ares looked into her tear filled eyes. Eyes full of love, compassion and begging forgiveness. Smiling, he stepped forwards and took her into his arms and passionately kissed her.

Xena was in Elysia. His strong arms encircled her waist as she held his head and they kissed feverently. Pulling away, he looked into her eyes and bent down to gently kiss her tear-stained cheeks and eyes. Smiling gently, and with all the conviction he could muster he said,

“I love you Xena.”

Forcing back another wave of tears, Xena replied,

“And I love you Ares.”

Looking at Xena, Ares knew what he wanted. Letting go of her body, he knelt before her. Xena’s heart melted at the actions of the pride-filled God. As he looked into her eyes, he produced a beautiful iris. Xena held her breath.

“Please don’t throw this one away Xena.”

He said as he pressed the bloom into her trembling hand.

“I want to spend the rest of my immortal life with you Xena. Be my wife, my goddess and the keeper of my heart. Will you marry me?”

Looking into the hope and love filled eyes of the other half of her soul, Xena couldn’t refuse. Breathlessly, she said,

“How could I not?”

Smiling, relieved, Ares stood and held his princess in his arms. Her soft body relaxed in his grip, something he hadn’t felt her do in a long time. Kissing the top of her head, he felt her pull gently away.

“Ares, how are we going to tell Gab about this?”

“The same way I tell my father that the God of War has fallen in love I suppose.”

Xena smiled.

“I’m sorry Ares.”

Ares shook his head,

“No Xena. I should be thanking you. You made me realize what it’s like to be refused and what it’s like to be in love. I don’t think war’s ever going to be the same again.”

Xena smiled.

“Well you know what they say. Make love not war.”

With a seductive grin on his face, Ares replied,

“How about both?”

The End