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In Memory
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By Heather

Disclaimer: Okay, all BtVS caracters belong to Joss Whedon, the GOD of Buffy.

Willow Marie Rosenberg inched her way next to the wooden wall, looking for the metal door she knew was there. That would keep her safe, until she could come up with a plan to get that stupid demon off her trail.

Talk about the blind date from hell. And it wasn't even supposed to be a date!!! He had come to her, needing help to study!!! Besides, why go for a guy like David, when she had Oz??

Her non-date with David had been decent enough, nothing that made her tingle mind you, but…nice. They had been studying Algebra and word problems until he shifted into some ewwy looking blueish demon that tried to suck the life out of her. Literally. Its eyes had been hypnotic. Willow remembered feeling so out of control--like she was screaming, but her mouth had duct tape over it.

Just the thought gave her…as Buffy would say… the wiggens. Buffy! If Buffy was here, there would be no problem. With her its simply kick, punch, kick, kick, kill.

It was a good thing that they went to the Bronze. Crowded, lots of people….Though not the ideal place to study, the Bronze had more secluded corners than one might imagine. But when they took a break from the mind thing…that's when it got icky. They had gone for a walk.The only thing that prevented her from being about 105 years old right now was the fact that some girl had come down the alley and screamed like it was the end of the world…again. This startled David long enough for her to escape. But he wasn't giving up, she could tell.

But thankfully, due to her multiple night-exersions with the Scooby gang, she could locate every door in the place…including the storage room, where she was headed now. There were some good points to being a Slayerette. It wasn't the kinda gig that gave you a dental plan, so generally, you had to live with the knoledge that you're fighting the forces of darkness.

Her nails scraped across metal, and she felt a doorknob. Jingling the door, she noticed it was locked. She took out a hairpin from her ponytail, and stuck it in the lock. After a few minutes, a click told her that she had unlocked it. Just in time, she could hear footsteps nearing. She rushed in, and quietly and quickly closed the door behind her. Getting the feeling she wasn't alone, she flipped the light switch to show…

"Spike?!?!?!!!" Willow exclaimed fearfully. Whipping out the cross and tiny vial of holy water that were always in her purse, she watched him, sitting on the floor, shield his eyes.

"Put the bloody cross down, Red. I ain't gonna bite you…like I could." He said, motioning to the blood around him. Just then she noticed the chunk of wood that resembled a chair leg protruding from his lower stomach.

"What happened?" She asked, some of the fear leaving her voice.

"I was getting Dru's dinner…a young girl-about your age, when the bitch kneed me and kicked me in the chest."

"A Slayer??" Willow asked, disbelieveing.

"No. A girl who took bloody karate. I swear, you Americans are teaching the females way too much. They should be vulnerable, not kung-foo….whatever. Anyways, I fell back, and landed on this damn upturned chair leg."

Suddenly, an distinct knocking could be heard on the door behind Willow.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." David's voice said. Willow would have cursed, but she gave that up after her teacher caught her in 8th grade.

Looking around the room, she spied a large table behind Spike. She was caught between two deaths. She sighed, and muttered under her breath.

"Spike, move." She said in a determined voice.

"What? No!Can't you see I'm likda…inpailed here?"

"Spike, move or I will pour this holy water on you…right there." She said, letting a drop hit him on the chest.

"OW!! That bloddy hurt!!! Alright, alright, I'm going." He grumbled. Willow smiled.

With the door nearly being pounded down, Willow quickly moved the table in front of it.

She then moved to sit down next to Spike, threatining him with the open vial of holy water and the cross. The stake she let just peak out of her purse…a silent promise of his death if he tried anything. She had never been this brave before, well at least not by her standards. But she was courageous only because she knew that she could easily impale him with his own stake at any moment.

Spike liked Red, though he'd only admit it to his own thoughts. She was stronger than she looked, and he knew that she was a survivor. She had a fighter's heart stuck in an innocent girl's body. Sure, the Slayer had given him a few ass-kickings, but Red here might have been able to do some damage herself. Not that he wanted her to try.

This went on for about an hour, Willow sitting nervously, glancing from the door to Spike, Spike gradually loosing blood, becoming weaker and weaker until…

"Alright, I've had enough of this. Could you kindly remove the stake? Its bloody torture!" Willow looked at him as if he had just suggested opening the Hellmouth for the fun of it.

"Um…I…NO!!! ARE YOU INSANE??? I mean, HELLO! Your ouchie equals my surviving the night!!!" She whispered violently.

"Red, Look at me!! I'm barely too weak to talk, let alone feed! Besides, your little Slayer toys ensure your survival!" As much as she hated to help him, she could tell by the weakness in his voice that he wasn't lying. She knew that an Incubus would be frightened by a Vampire-William the Bloody, of all vampires! She inched closer, and he moved so she could access his back. The blood poured out of the wound, and as she touched the wood near the skin, she could feel the cool radiating off of him. She figured she had better get this over with. So with one swift pull, it was out. She watched as the wound disappeared.

Spike was clenching his fists so tight that his already pale skin turned white. He could feel her thumb pressed against his back, and it burned with the waremth of heat, and something more.

She quickly resided onto the table, stake poised and ready. She saw no danger in sitting near the door, seeing as she no longer heard banging on the door, only murmuring voices. Then all of a sudden, another bang hit the door, but this one was of pain.

This made her suspicious, and when she was suspicious, she got ready to (try) to hurt something. Unfortunatly, she could tell Spike wouldn't be as much help as she had hoped. Silently she reprimanded herself. *Rosenberg, what did you expect? You trusted a VAMPIRE!* Willow looked over at him. He looked kinda sweet, helpless in a way, just sitting there, eyes closed, mouth slightly open. She shook her head. Now was sooooo not the time to be having fuzzy bunny feelings for Spike. If anything, she sould be having ferocious-killer-bunny-with-rabies feelings for him. But much to her dismay her emotions weren't cooperating with logic.

Suddenly someone burst through the door. Willow was flung from her perch, and only missed the cement floor by inches, landing in Spike's limp arms. She turned her head to see that it wasn't David-she could see his feet behind the door. This was a vampire.

Reacting by reflex, she reached onto the floor to grab her cross. Holding it up, she blocked Spike from its view. The vampire hissed, but with a swift kick knocked it from her hand with his foot. Spike was sitting silently, maybe because he had no strength to talk. Willow jumped up, stake in hand. She hit the vampire once, but he caught her arm and hit her back multiple times. He flung her back, and a solid thud could be heard as her head came in contact with the floor.

She grabbed the vial of holy water, but the cork wouldn't come out, again, so the vampire knocked it from her hand, like the cross. The glass splintered and shattered, and with a swift reach, she wetted her fingers with the spilled substance. She flicked it in his face, and watched the vampire hiss at the pain. This was her chance. She jumped up, and impaled him with the stake. And though he howled in pain, he did not explode to dust.

To Willow's dismay, the stake was about 2 inches off. The vampire swept his leg under her knees, causing her to fall to the floor again, though this time followed her. Holding her hands above her head, and immobilizing her legs with his own, he moved towards her neck. Willow closed her eyes in terror, and panicked when she felt the fangs brush her neck and puncture her pale skin. Just when she felt feathery, so light she thought she would drift away, a light coating of ash and dust coated her face, and the pressure on her extremities was gone…as was the vampire.

Between half-closed eyes she saw Spike, standing tall, with blood on his lips. Her last conscious thought was *Who did he feed on?*

Spike leaned against the closed door. He was glad he had had enough strength to crawl over to the unconscious David, and drain him dry. He had then staked the vampire with his own stake. If anyone was gonna feed off of Red, it would be him.He looked down at the pale girl on the floor, hallowed in ashes. Two puncture marks broke the skin, tiny drops of blood dripped onto the floor.

He knelt down onto the floor, and leaning against the wall, took Willow in his arms. He looked at her, her eyes closed, her mouth straining to breathe. She was so unlike Dru. Druscilla was weak, but a different kind of weak than that sissy Angel had been. Dru was mentally and sometimes physically weak. Angel had been just…too human. And Angelus…what an asshole. The only good thing that damn slayer had ever done was burst him into a thousand pieces. Ducks was his princess again. And he meant to keep it this way.

He turned his attentions back to Willow. She was beautiful. Maybe more beautiful than Dru. He cradled her head and shoulders and leaning farther down, licked the blood from her neck. He felt it tingle on his tongue, and it was pure warmth going down his throat. He wanted more, so badly, and yet he couldn't bear to drain this girl of her life. He simply cradled her, and rocked her. He pushed back the hair that framed her face. She looked so peaceful, so serene. He knew that she needed to be taken to a hospital, but he just wanted to stay here with her.

No longer being able to help himself, he leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. He then kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her eyes, but avoided her throat. Then he kissed her lips again, and could've sworn that she kissed back.

Knowing that sunrise was a matter of hours, he lifted her slight form, and carried her the seven blocks to the hospital. Spike told the hospital officials that she had fallen on a barbecue fork and pierced herself about 15 minutes before he found her. They put her on a gurney, and seconds before she was pulled away, he caressed her cheek, and with mixed emotions whispered goodbye.

With many fluttered attempts, Willow opened her eyes. She gently shook her head.

"Don't say good-bye." She whispered. "Good-bye means an ending, and we haven't even had a beginning." Then she closed her eyes, the attempts to speak had left her exhausted.

He leaned down and once again kissed her lips. This time a smile played across Spike's mouth.

"Well then, Willow Rosenberg, Hello."

The End