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Keepers 2

Keepers 2

This page is a take-off of another Keepers page, so this will be Keepers 2! In this page you can own things that the actors have or are associated with. For instance, you can own things from Colins 2 remaining hairs, or the Worlds Worst Step to something as wacky as Tony's dress sence.
Let me know what you want to be the keeper of by e-mailing me and I'll post it up! There are no restrictions (as long as it's nothing R rated), so people can share items if they want, each being a keeper of the same thing. Knock yourself out! Before there used to be a catch, it used to be that only three people could keep at once. Boy am I a liar! E-mail me if you want to be a Keeper!

Keeper What they Keep!
Melakward Ryan's Australian accent
-- Josie and Chips real name (Wendy and Charles)
-- Ryans Laugh
Cass The cup on Drew's desk
-- The jug of water on the tables
-- The Moniter
-- Tony's fluffy donkey
Skittlez Colin's smile (Like a big 'ol puppy dog!)
-- Tony's amazing dancing ability (Can feel the sarcasm in the room?)
-- Ryan's Carol Channing impression ('I know what you're thinking, did I fire 7 shots, or 6? Well in all this confusion I've just forgotten myself. So you have to ask yourself one question...Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?' Man, Ryan's impressions are flawless...)
-- Wayne's golden voice (That man can sing!)
Katy** Tony's plaid pants
-- curl on Tony's forehead
-- Niall Ashdown's Drew love song
Jamie "Chili Dog" Three-Headed Broadway Star
-- Colin's thumbs-up
-- Gangster version of The Millionaire Show
-- Drew's desk
-- Colin and Ryan's comedic timing
-- Ryan's microphone (for Sound Effects)
-- Colin's Craig T. Nelson impression
-- Wayne and Drew's "do-si-do"
-- Colin acting drunk
-- "The First Time We Kissed" Three-Headed Broadway Star
Courtney Gangster version of The Millionaire Show
Brainstorms The name Gary
-- The name Phil
-- The Neon Love Chicken
-- Twiglets
-- Colin's Fore-head Beard
-- Colin fainting and Falling
-- The guys reading credits like a boyband giving advice to their fans
-- Ryan falling in love with Ugly Things (during Party Quirks)
-- Wayne's showing that girls underwear during a godzilla scene
Al Rizzuto When ryan was playing sound FX and he was supposed to whistle but he couldn't, so colin just had his fingers to his mouth with this pathetic whistle coming out, it was a classic!
Catherine The broken neon light
-- One of Greg's old pair of glasses
-- Brad getting bleeped...If you know what I mean!!! *cough*snatch*cough*
Shannon M. Colins Head Buffer!
Melanie Ryan's flame shoes
-- Ryan's leopard shoes
Maleen Brad Sherwood's Voice
-- Ryan's Ties and shoes
-- Drew's Thick glasses
-- Wayne's charming smile
-- Greg's Sarcasm
-- Chip's Voice
-- The remains of Clive's hair
-- Colin's Hoedowns
Sara Ryan's singing in the TRUCKER doo-wop song (His voice is so funny and it's hilarious to watch)
Deena Ryan and Colin kissing for the Drew Carey spit take
-- Ryans shoes
Stud_Muffinette Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs
-- Slappy
-- Captain Dog In Heat
-- Brad's Shirts
-- Brad's Watch
-- Cosby & Hitler T-Shirt
-- Colin's NewsFlash Mic
-- Colin's Ching Collection
-- Tacky Shirt Man
-- Ryan's Giggle
-- Ryan's Shoes
-- Greg's Snort Laugh
-- Greg's Buddy Holly Glasses
-- Wayne's Break Dancing
-- Slept With An Ugly Woman Irish Drinking Song
-- Got Mugged Irish Drinking Song
Star Jeff's smile
-- Jeff's purdy blue eyes
-- Jeff's cheesy smile (after he kissed Colin)
-- Jeff's crowd control (seeing a trend?)
-- Jeff's chicken
-- The book of Chickemiah
-- Greg's cute teddy bear impression
-- The $100 bills
-- The Labotomy Irish Drinking song
-- The Taxodermy Doo-Wop
-- Chip thinking you put clothes in the dishwasher
Halloweenartist Ryan's John Wayne Impression
-- Colins Rap Songs
Phil Colin's catepillar mating dance
-- The gavel Colin broke saying "This court is a Mochrie"
-- Tony's Jacket made of bits of Lionel Blair
-- Colin's imitation of a dinosaur
-- Greg's imitation of Colin's imitation of a dinosaur
ABL18 Drews Glasses
Cari The World's Tallest Short Man
-- Captian Hair
-- Colin's Chicken Dance
-- The Lightning Rod of Hate
Jody Stephen Fry's Vicar, Dick
Abby G (a.k.a) marry_me_ryan_stiles Ryan's microphone(for Sound Effects)
-- Ryan's ties and shoes
-- Ryan's laugh
Gretabeth2002 Ryan's Shoes
-- The Stools (you know)
-- The Stars and stripes hat
-- the CAT
Carol The letter 'h'
-- Those few unsigtly hairs on Colin's forehead
Bex Colin's Thumbs up

Email me if you want to be a Keeper!