All About ME!!!

This is for all you crazy people out there who want to know about me. (Why you would want to know that is beyond me, but...I'm here to please.) This is just a page for pics and general info about me and my friends.

If you have any questions for me that do not invade my privacy, e-mail me and I will put them up here for ya!

Basically, my life isn't that exciting. I live in a Hicksville, Ohio, you know, the kinda place where your barber is you doctor and there's even a post office! Wow! Anyway, I'm a senoir at the local high school, and as soon as I graduate, I'm heading to L.A. to make it big. Yep, my aspiration is to become an actress.

My favorite hobbies include writing(duh), acting, singing and art. I enjoy surfing the net, hanging with my friends and participating in many pagents. Here
Are a few pictures from a local pagent.

My Friends

My Friends are what keep me going. I'm not the most normal person around and neither are my buddies...just the way I like it!

Ryan-My best guy friend. Most people don't understand. Hell, I don't understand him completely. But, he's a great friend. He's really crazy and he cracks me up! He's also the smartest person I know, though he hates it when I say that:)

Erika and Nena-They go together because you can't seperate the three of us, they are my best girl friends! They are both awesome singers, talented actresses and incredibly understanding and sweet people. I love them to death! Not to mention the fact they are both beautiful! And, I'll forgive Erika for dating Tim, even though he's a shithead;)j/k

Amberdawn-My sister and my other best girl friend. She knows me better than anyone else. She's older than me by four years, but we still get along great. Right now she's away at college, and I really miss her. Someday, she's going to be a famous writer...I believe it!

Wendy-My sisters girlfriend...she's an awesome artist, very creative and entertaining. She lives in Ghetto Cinnci!

Sara-She is the best...check out the link to her page down at the bottom of this one. She's artistic and dramatic. I'm jealous. That's her in the pic at the top of this page. Check out my crazy interview with Sara and Ryan, Interview with a Vamp and a Tramp

Tiffani-She's just plain weird! She's new to school this year but we get along great. Crazy minds think alike!

Annie and Jeff-They make the cutest couple! I love them to death! They're both sweet and smart!

Tiffany-We've been friends since 7th grade, when she moved here. There's no way to describe her;)

A.J.-Another great guy friend. I can tell A.J. anything and he doesn't freak...what more can a girl ask for in a best friend?

Other pals

Lauren-She's my court composer. She plays the piano, which I love. She's sweet, loyal and a closet lesbian j/k. Love ya!

Misty-The greatest singer I know. She has raw talent. She and Nena are going to make it big, someday.

If I left anyone out, it's cause it's two in the a.m. and I'm brain dead...I'll add those I forgot later...

My Friend's Web Site

Yeah, I know there's only one...that's cause my friends are all lazy...maybe someday there'll be more.

Sara's Home Page
