New Company Directive... Don't worry, y''s short. Usual disclaimers, I own the words, but not the characters Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert.
I wrote this at work one day. Y'all know I don't know these people. tee hee hee...

*author's note: KNB is Alex Kurtzman, Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger, they do the special makeup effects and have worked with RenPics for a while, probably since Darkman.*

New Company Directive; or What If Sam Raimi Came In and Took Over? by Magenta (
copyright 2000 Kimyoo Films

From: Sam
To: Rob
Hey, Rob! How's the babe? How's Julius? Har, har, har...

Listen, I want to come in and take over producing Xena for a while. Frankly, dude, I don't like what you're doing and my name's on this project as well.

See ya in a week.

From: Rob
To: Sam

From: Sam
To: Rob've really messed things up, Rob. So much for impartiality. Just to let you know a few of the changes I'm making, I'm reinstating the subtext and I've asked Liz Friedman and Josh Becker to come back. Plus, I've asked Steve Sears to start working on that Sappho script again and to give me a detailed treatment, so expect that to go into production.

Was it your bright idea to have one of the KNB guys produce? C'mon, Rob...step off the crack.

From: Rob
To: Sam
Aww, geez...c'mon, dude. It's my baby, not yours.

From: Sam
To: Rob
You're dysfunctional, Rob. What have you done to Gabrielle?! She was one of the few reasons I tuned in to watch...and what's this memo that's tacked to the board: "If reporters come around sniffing after Renee, tie her up and give them Lucy. Be careful when you tie the knot because Ren's getting good at escaping. Those responsible for letting Renee do that FHM magazine shoot have been fired."

Tsk, tsk, Rob. Not cool.

From: Rob
To: Sam
You didn't remove that memo, did you? Aww, cripes...why not change the company name to Renee-ssance Pictures?

From: Sam
To: Rob
You killed are such an idiot. Expect her to come back, too.

Jesus, Rob! Rosie O'Donnell has been asking for Renee to come on her show for the past three years and you've not let her!! Better tune in because Ren's gonna be on Rosie soon.

And what's this crap you've got airing now...Cleopatra 2525? Jack of All Trades? That's it, you're not allowed to make TV shows anymore. You're just gonna have to go sit in your room and think about what you've done.

I go direct a couple of movies and this is what happens when I'm away...

From: Rob
To: Sam
Aww, c'mon!! That's not fair!! None of YOUR shows stayed on as long as Xena and Hercules.

From: Sam
To: Rob
Grow up, Rob. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Hercules sucked and you're putting Xena down the garbage disposal. Renee and Lucy know their characters better than anyone else, so I'm having them sit in on the brainstorming and progress sessions. I'm slowly trying to reverse the damage you've done, but I think it's almost impossible...



From: Sam
To: Rob
Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well... Have you checked out the trade mags lately? Xena: Warrior Princess kicked butt at the Emmy nomintions. Joe, of course, was nominated, even KNB, Josh Becker, Steve for the Sappho script, Danielle Cormack for guest star, Renee for Best Actress (did you notice they didn't nominate Lucy?) and director (too bad she's up against Josh), and we got a best drama nomination.

Gee, and that was all since I took over.

From: Rob
To: Sam

Rob From: Sam
To: Rob
What a night...too bad you refused to go to the awards ceremony, your lower lip jutting out and arms crossed. Renee kicked butt, getting both the director and actress statues. Danielle won. Steve won for the Sappho ep and the biggest surprise of the night, IMO, is that we won best drama... KNB lost to the guys who do Buffy the Vampire Slayer's makeup. Joe lost, oddly enough, to Mark Snow, even though all he did was recycle music from the X-Files movie.

It's a great way to end the run, especially after all that crap you did to sink the show.

P.S.: No, you can't make that Amazon High TV series again, so stop asking me about it.


copyright 2000 Kimyoo Films
Please send any correspondence for Magenta to and place "Magenta" and the name of the piece you're referring to into the subject line.

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