COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMERS: I do not own the characters Xena and Gabrielle, Renaissance Pictures / Studios USA do. I'm just having a little fun, no need to go all legal on me.

The story is copyright 2000 Kassandra. As such, this story may not be reposted or archived in part or in whole anywhere without the written, prior consent of the author.

FURTHER DISCLAIMERS: This is an alt fiction about Xena and Gabrielle's first time together as lovers. While not particularly graphic, these two women are in love with each other. If that bothers you or is illegal in the state or country where you live, here's a dinar...go buy a clue.

Thank you's: Xavier...for been the reason why I came back to this scroll. Magenta on a pink dress:For helping me with the editing and all the other stuff....just watch out for Trees! Dave, dude..i love ya. To my muse for inspiriting me to finish something that was done five years ago and making it readable.

This story is spoiler free. =)

It Was Just a Dream...
By Kassandra

Xena and Gabrielle, once more facing each other under the midnight sky. Xena was nervous; Gabrielle was silent and afraid. Xena felt an explosion of emotions inside her heart. Gabrielle was trembling with desire. It's gotten to the point where only the power of a kiss would set free all of their emotions. The deep and secret feelings, dreams, the love that both women have for each other, but have kept silent for so long.

Finally, the long awaited kiss. It was deep and sweet, that time stopped it self and let eternity begin. With the kiss, their hearts Started beating with the same rhythm. Gabrielle took control of the situation as she started to slide off the shoulder straps. Xena's hand traveled all over her beautiful lover's body, but for Gabrielle Xena's touch wasn't enough, she wanted more. Their imagination didn't have limits and everything around them looked like it wasn't real.

Gabrielle's heavy breathing was the only thing that kept Xena connected with reality. The bard's beautiful blue eyes were Xena's guides. They told her how much she wanted her, how much the bard loved her and how happy she was. Both bodies moved so gracefully and beautifully, calm and in harmony. All you could hear was the incredible sounds of love. "Please XenaŠmake me yours." The innocent bard pleaded to the woman she loved for so long.

After many candle marks, for no reason, there was only silence. Both women embraced each other strongly and released a sound of satisfaction that moved the earth. With a simple kiss, they sealed their love that for so many moons they have only dreamed about. Xena lay next to her lover's body, snuggling as close as she could. Closing her eyes to be able to just feel the warmth of the bard's body, that warmth that she had desired for so long. Xena felt Gabrielle looking at her and slowly opened her eyes. "What do you want now, my beautiful love?"

"You, only you my Warrior" Gabrielle answered to Xena's query. With the union of the bard's soft and luscious lips and holding her hand, Xena fell to a long and restful sleep.

The morning came and Xena awoke with a jerk. She found herself across the camp, far away from Gabrielle. She had her clothes on and there were no signs anywhere of what had happened the night before. "It was just a dream! Son of a Bacchae!" Xena thought to her self. She almost started to cry, to see her self, once again, beaten by the power of her subconscious.

Trying not to awaken the sleeping bard, Xena stood up and sat next to Gabrielle. "If I could only kiss you and tell you how much I love you," Xena thought to herself, but her self-control wasn't strong enough.

She launched a frontal attack, assaulting the bard's soft lips. Gabrielle didn't move. "Good, I didn't wake her up," Xena whispered to herself. She sighed, taking one more glance at her companion, then proceeded to get Argo ready.

Gabrielle could not believe what just happened. She wrapped herself in her bedroll, biting the edge of it so she would not cry. She wanted Xena's kisses for so long, but she never dared to say or do anything to show the tall, dark headed woman her feelings. Gabrielle was afraid of Xena's reaction. She wiped the tears away, smiled then got up and ran as fast as she could towards the warrior.

Xena, gathering their stuff and throwing it in Argo's saddlebags, was paying no attention to her surroundings. All of the sudden, she felt tackled by Gabrielle's gentle arms that hugged her from behind. "What in Hades is going on Gabrielle??" asked Xena, surprised by the bard's unusual good morning.

The Bard turned around to face her mate's beautiful baby blue eyes. "Nothing, nothing bad! I just wanted that for so long!!"

Xena's eyes opened wide when she realized that Gabrielle felt the kiss. "Ooooooh.....mmmmmm......I...I...I.....aaaaaa....I..I..I!!!" Xena could not speak.

"Shhhhh! Don't say a word." Gabrielle got closer to her warrior and kissed her so deeply and so sweetly that if Xena was speechless before she was now mute. Both woman felt so good, so happy, so in peace, and so in love with each other that the kisses they exchanged were a pleasure greater than anything they had experienced in their lives. Xena lifted Gabrielle in her arms and laid her down next to dwindling embers of fire. Xena then lay down beside her. Without saying a word both warrior and bard discovered each other's body for the first time. They made love for several candle marks, finding every time more exciting than the previous.

"Xena? How long have you felt this for me?" Gabrielle asked.

"Well, Gabrielle, let's say that it's been for a very long time," Xena replied with a smile.

"Me too!" The bard answer giggling. Out of no where, there was silence between them.

"Why you didn't say anything?" Both women asked at the same time, making Gabrielle giggle even more.

"I'm happy that you find it amusing while I've suffered for you for so long," Xena said, a little hurt by the bard's reaction.

"ŠFor all the good things, you must wait, my warrior. It wasn't our time, till now, "Gabrielle smiled, pulling Xena closer for a soothing kiss.

Some hours later, the night sky was starting to show its beautiful diamonds of starfire glittering in the orange dusk-lit sky. "It looks like we are going to spend the night here.....Again!" Gabrielle said with a grin as she looked towards the horizon.

"I know. Do you mind?" Xena replied.

"Mmmmm! Nope I don't mind at all!! At least we now have something to do besides falling asleep."

"Or listening to your stories," Xena replied with a certain tone of annoyance in her voice.

"Hey!!! That hurt my Bard feelings, Xena!"

The warrior laughed at Gabrielle's retort. "Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?" An evil grin escaped the warrior's lips and she began to trace the bard's body with only her fingertips. She slowly teased and awakened sensations that Gabrielle had only dreamt of. Not even with the men she loved did she feel this way. She knew that now her search was over, that she had found the piece of the puzzle that was missing: the other half of her soul, her home. And all of it was in a beautiful and unique warrior princes