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I scanned the picture below out of one of my library books.
So you wonder where the name "Indianbean" comes from? Good question! No, thats not my name, I might be crazy but not that crazy! So when it says stuff like "Indianbean's favorite links" or something I'm not really nuts, I just don't know what else to say. Well.. it is a nick-name of an interesting tree, the Southern Catalpa (pronounced "Catawba") tree. And well I am an eighth of an Indian, Athabaskan Indian from Alaska. Ok.. well an eighth isn't much and I don't look much like an Indian, but some of my relatives do! Hmmm.. prolly still wondering why the name "Indianbean" eh? Ok I couldn't think of anything else! Do you know how hard it is to get an easy-to-remember domain name?! It isn't easy! I'm afraid all the short domain names are all taken, you know like "dog" "cat" "house" "tree" etc. One day when I was reading one of my library books on trees I saw "Indianbean" and thought "thats going to be my new domain name someday"! Well thats my feeble and drawn out attempt at explaining the domain name!