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My Fan Fiction

Want to know what fictions I've written? They're all listed here. And the list is slowly getting bigger.

Oh, yeah. If you'd ever like to do a sequel or even a prequel to ANY of my fanfics, go ahead, do what you wish. Just be kind enough to let me read them. It's not often I inspire someone.

The good news is that I actualy have some new material up. It surprised me, too. But, instead of finishing some of my works-in-progress.... I kinda created a couple of new ones. Don't get out the pitchforks and torches yet! They're finished! Can you believe that? I've started writing for a whole new series: InuYasha. I have a couple of little fluff pieces, I guess you could say, up and ready to be read, and I've also started work on a couple of other stories of the same series that should be a little longer. Wish me luck in finishing them. ;)


Afterthoughts (Due South) - R
Afterthoughts II (Due South) - R
Chicago Countenance (Due South/Pretender) - PG
At First Glance (Due South) - PG
Friendly Advice (Due South) - PG
Leafs Vs. Hawks (Due South) - PG
One Rainy Night (The X-Files) - NC-17
A Quick Quest to the Future (Jonny Quest:TRA) - G
Seasons of Love (music fic)(The X-Files) - G
Undercover (The X-Files) - PG
Hot Shower (Pretender) - R
Hot Mountie (Due South) - R
His & Hers (InuYasha) - PG
Lagging Behind (InuYasha) - G
At Second Glance (Due South) - PG
Urges (Superman) - NC-17

In Progress

Just Another Morning (Due South) - R
Early Morning Snack (Due South) - R
All That is Needed (Pretender) - PG
Hidden Past (Batman) - PG
Underwhere? (Jonny Quest:TRA) - R
The New Chapter (Batman) - NC-17