Welcome to Something for Everyone! This is my first website so I'm new to all this. On this site when it is finished will be Animorphs, Angel, Buffy, Dawson's Creek, Charmed, Friends plus bits on Roswell High and Pokémon. Features in this site will be lyrics - I will be posting lyrics to any song you want me to find them for, Fanfiction - you can e-mail me your fanfics on any of the categorys above or something that you think realates to one of those and I will put it up, and things like episode guides, quotes, bios and pics.

If you wanna get in touch over ICQ my number is 68003816

This is my pet. He is called Oz.

If you want to e-mail me with fanfiction (doesn't have to be in HTML as long as it is under 10 pages long), Names for my pets, Ask for lyrics, or any questions or comments e-mail me by clicking on Oz.

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